
DS 160+ Sandy Kayla Heads

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DS 160+ Sandy Kayla Heads

Post by cider »

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So in between picking my jaw up off the floor and generally being a spazz, I managed to get a few more photos... And wanted to introduce my first doll - Paulina - to you all a bit more properly. She's a Doll Sweet 160+, ordered with Sandy head with green eyes, Kayla head w/ blue eyes, light pink skin, finger bones, tight joints, paint nails, no pubic hair. I honestly had no idea what her name was - she was just "she" or "the doll" until earlier when I finished re-re-re-reviewing the DS handling instructions and Harem's awesome tutorials - and worked up the nerve to lift her out of the carton. Then it suddenly became obvious. I'm going to start sounding as crazy as Harem, with Paulina talking to me :)

First (absolute noob- first doll!) impressions - HOLY SHIT. Yeah, like, totally wow and stuff. When they talk about the new 2015 silicone being soft, they are not talking out their ass. Soft as in... eerily but awesomely life-like. Paulina is a few inches over 5 feet tall, well within the range of real women I've dated - and holy mackerel. Picking her up, holding her, it's amazingly similar. The new silicone is a bit tacky, but I'm sure with proper washing and powdering that will fade. There is virtually no shine. The molding seams are visible - but suddenly with her in front of me - I find it charming. Like I suppose we find scars or imperfections in biological mates charming; it's a sign of where she's from and what she's been through. I have a few dents and dings myself from a misspent youth (and beyond) that I'd be happy to write off as "molding seams"!

The scent is gorgeous, I know some have commented on this already. It's sweet and light, and very "lady-like", whatever that means. To my allergy-assaulted olfactory senses, it's again - lovely and charming. I may run out of adjectives well before this post is completed. Deal with it.

Only other rational, objective things I can add: READ THE POSTS ABOUT MOVING YOUR LADY. It's not rocket surgery, and you can feel the skeleton through the silicone, and you can easily know when enough is enough. But I am so, so glad I had a vague idea of what was reasonable. I have no experience to compare with, but I find that a basic knowledge of anatomy tells me quite a lot about how to move her. This is likely down to the brilliant DS skeleton, well documented elsewhere. Second - the weight - at a listed weight of 57lb (ok, 26 kg for you living in the modern world) she is not light, compared to say a pillow or a waffle. But I'm certainly no body builder, and find the weight quite manageable. A bit of common sense pays massive dividends here.

Lastly, before we soar off into photo land - wigs. Holy mackerel. They are a tremendous pain in the ass. But I sincerely hope that with some practice I'll learn to deal with their incorrigible ways. Fly-aways everywhere, hard to position, etc. Tips welcome.

So on with the photos! After carefully lifting Paulina from her cardboard passage, and stowing it and the pink lego packing foam away - and catching my breath and managing not to totally lose my mind... She introduced herself, and cocked her head, mentioning her long voyage in exceptionally cramped quarters, and hoped she could take a moment to stretch. Eager to please, I pulled out the sports bra and exercise pants I'd bought for her, and left her to try them on... Only to hear her from behind my turned back - "how big did you think my tits were, exactly?" - apparently even a US 32 is a little loose on her... I rapidly apologized, and said that it was a test outfit, if she didn't like it, we didn't have to keep it...
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Luckily, after a bit of stretching out, she seemed to relax... And after a bit of scowling, didn't even seem to mind the camera I couldn't put down, watching her move to the sofa, and more than a little attentive as she touched her toes...
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"I know you've had a long trip", I said. "Is there anything I can get you?"
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"I'd kill for a glass of wine", she said - picking a bit of fluff off her left elbow. "You really need to powder me, if you don't want to deal with this constantly, you know."

"Right!", I squawked, at once happy to know we were finally getting along and horrified she'd noticed I hadn't done quite as good a job as I could keeping her free from random dust and lint.

I poured her a glass of a local Riesling, hoping she'd enjoy it as much as I do.
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"So remind me", she asked between sips. "How did you find me?"

I explained to her that I had discovered her through dollforum.com, and after reading and researching quite a bit had decided that I wanted her in my life, and hoped she felt the same... But she cut me off... "So there's a whole community of people out there? Like you? Who like people like me?"
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"Well, yes!" I exclaimed, surprised there could be any doubt that there would be people "out there" who liked "people like her"... Then she set her wine down and grinned at me behind my camera, and just as I caught the slightest glimmer of a tease of a hint of a flirt... she added: "Well, tell them I say 'hello', and I am fucking glad to be here!" And before I could blink, she'd struck a pose and pulled up her (admittedly too-large) sports bra and waved to all the TDF folks :)
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I cackled at her antics, and poured another glass of Riesling for us both... So with that, we're calling it a night...

What can I say, Paulina has a personality, and I think it's great - I hope you like her too!
Paulina: 2015 DS 160+
I can haz gallery: http://www.dollalbum.com/dollgallery/in ... ?cat=14569

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Re: Welcome to Paulina!

Post by cider »

Pronicator wrote:Awesome! What's the wait time now, from order to arrival, 5 weeks or so?
Yep, was exactly 5 weeks to the day from order to delivery!
Paulina: 2015 DS 160+
I can haz gallery: http://www.dollalbum.com/dollgallery/in ... ?cat=14569

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Re: Welcome to Paulina!

Post by cider »

Thanks for the kind comments everyone! Hopefully there will be many more photos to come!
Paulina: 2015 DS 160+
I can haz gallery: http://www.dollalbum.com/dollgallery/in ... ?cat=14569

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Re: Welcome to Paulina!

Post by cider »

Mexdl, more to follow for sure - hopefully tomorrow night or over the weekend!

And cheers Harem, I know Paulina appreciates the sisterhood as much your girls do!
Paulina: 2015 DS 160+
I can haz gallery: http://www.dollalbum.com/dollgallery/in ... ?cat=14569

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Re: Welcome to Paulina!

Post by cider »

Agreed! As busty as she is, I'm impressed with how naturally they sit on her frame.

Your photos are a huge inspiration for me, I'm looking forward to learning more about posing, hair, makeup, clothes, all that good stuff!
stacy718 wrote:What a great looking doll! I love her boobie, it hangs realistically.
Paulina: 2015 DS 160+
I can haz gallery: http://www.dollalbum.com/dollgallery/in ... ?cat=14569

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Re: Welcome to Paulina!

Post by cider »


And yes, I agree - clothing, hair, makeup and accessories all go a long way towards helping show some character! I look forward to seeing your ideas come to life, so to speak :)
zakjed1 wrote:After seeing your Paulina I can't wait to get my Ruby and Snowy.
You certainly chose a great looking wardrobe. I can see that clothes are a real part of your dolls character and I already have lots of ideas about my dolls character..
Hope we see more of Paulina
Paulina: 2015 DS 160+
I can haz gallery: http://www.dollalbum.com/dollgallery/in ... ?cat=14569
