
Durability of new silicone?

Realistic silicone love dolls by Matt McMullen. RealDoll is the oldest and most well known love doll to which all others compare. Includes Boytoys.

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Durability of new silicone?

Post by Graphix »

I noticed on the updated Realdoll site that Matt has reformulated his silicone, and now it is supposed to be 300% more durable.

After reading with dismay the numerous repair problems people have had I wanted to hear from someone with one of the newer dolls. I have postponed my decision to buy for a time and although my preference is for a realdoll, I am considering a superbabe since 6000 is a lot of money for a doll that may start to tear.

Any input from the forum?

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Durability of new silicone?

Post by Monk »

Hello Graphix

You bring up some interesting topics. Most of what I'm writing is personal opinion. So for what it's worth here goes. I'm a visual oriented person. The superbabe just looks too freaky for me. That and the placement of the vagina just looks weird to me. I own a realdoll (last August) and the only tears I have are from mishandling due to inexperience (watch those hands). Matt says that you can build a more tear resistant doll but you sacrifice the skinlike feel of the silicone. I've never touched a superbabe so I don't know how they feel. I'm just giving you some things to consider. I like the anatomic correctness of the realdolls it really helps the interaction I have with her. As far as tearing you can tear up any silicone doll. Just bodyslam 'er a few times or use the piledriver. hehe

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Durability of new silicone?

Post by Bruce »

Graphix, when you read those "horror stories" about realdolls be careful to note the date of manufacture of the doll in question. As far as I know, the new silicone formulation was not fully implemented on a production basis until the fall of 2000. Therefore those dolls made in early 2000 most likely are of the old damage prone mix. My body2/head4 doll is of early 2001 make and has had no tears at all. Mind you, I have been sensible about not throwing her around etc. in spite of daily use. My take for the visually oriented is that the slight risk of possible (easily repaired) damage is worth the price of a doll that not only looks right but feels soft. Increasing durability means a firmer rocket science needed. By the way, that's a 30% increase in tear resistance, not 300...but when you are describing a flexible substance that is a significant number. I'd say if you are reasonably good at taking care of things, then do not worry about the durability issue. On the other hand, if you are accident prone and trash everything you own, well then of course durability becomes #1. Hope this helps!

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Durability of new silicone?

Post by GreggPenn »

How similar to "Cyberskin" is the "Real Doll's" silicone? I've used several "Cyberskin" products over the past couple of years and they break down over time! Too quickly in fact. In general, these products are trash after only a few months.

Tears are my main complaint. I'm guessing that soap and lubes are contributing factors to the drying and ultimate breakdown of what initially appears to be an impressive product. And, it seems too likely that the same problem would occur with silicone dolls. Silicone that is applied to your house lasts 10-20 years but is much firmer. As stated, softer silicone cannot last as long.

Common sense and experience would indicate that it's reasonable to assume that a "Real Doll" will break down. I have trouble trusting that it would remain tear-free after only a year, let alone 5-10 years! Even if you're careful, alot of wear and tear MUST occur dragging a 100lb doll around to clean and store it.

Because perfection, beauty, and details are the primary ideals of the "Real Doll" manufacturer, can this really be considered a safe "investment"? Drying, cracks, and tears destroy the very purpose of the creator and buyer -- to have a visually unflawed doll! Sure you can perform silicone repairs but you can also super-glue a broken dish. After repair, it's never the "same".

Are buyers less than honest about the durability of their dolls or is the silicone THAT much better than experience seems to indicate?

Why not concentrate on reducing the cost -- especially until the perfect medium for creating this sure-to-be-abused work of art has been invented.

If a little lighting can be used to disguise repairs, it can also be used on the original to compensate for less than a 110% effort on detail.

As others in this column have written: "To lose a doll would cause great grief". Isn't selling (buying) a doll that's sure to degrade a guarantee toward sorrow (unless one can afford to replace their doll every couple of years)?

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Durability of new silicone?

Post by Jerry »

Silicone and Cyberskin are two completely different materials with completely different characteristics.

You could put the silicone into a bath of hydrochloric acid for a month. The tint might dissolve out... but the silicone would be okay. It has a very stable chemical property... the failures result from mechanical problems.

If you fold silicone over on it's-self it will form a crease after awhile. This crease will become a weak spot. take a piece of paper and tear it... the tear goes in any direction dependent on the grain at that point on the surface.

Now take a piece of paper and fold it... really smooth the fold down. Now open it and tear it along the fold... pretty easy huh?

That's what happens to silicone. If you are careful to not let creases form, and repair any small nicks when they occur... then she will last quite awhile. If you do not pay attention... then the tears and nicks will propagate along the crease.

As far as the difference in feeling goes... yes, the Realdoll is much softer than the Superbabe. In a perspective...

If #1 was Jell-O and #100 was a Rock... then I would say that the scale would be something like this...

#01 Jell-O
#03 Cyberskin
#10 Old Realdoll formula.
#18 New Realdoll formula.
#22 Superbabe formula.
#85 Automobile tires.
#90 Roller Skate Wheels.
#99 Football Helmet.

If you didn't have the dolls side-by side... you couldn't really tell the difference.


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Durability of new silicone?

Post by Bill »


A great explanation of Silicone. Compression is still a problem, and Matt said the best way to prevent it is to use the stand he has developed. Matt no longer recommends the sitting position for storage, because the buttocks become permanently flattened over time. Even with the use of the stand, a bar must be used to keep the legs apart or compression marks will form next to the outer labia. Also, compression marks form under large breasts ( gravity ) and the chin if the head is forward. Repairs can be made, but you can see the repair. I ordered the stand with my body six doll.

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Durability of new silicone?

Post by Graphix »

Thanks everyone for the commentary. It is very educational, helpful and informative.

I think the stands are a great idea. The problem I would have is finding a secure and private location as I would not want any guests to find the doll. Perhaps a lock on a bedroom door would be an answer.

In the ratings Realdoll and Superbabe were almost equal in softness with Realdoll having a slight edge. Does superbabe also have the compressions issues?

Thanks to all for the continuing input!


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Durability of new silicone?

Post by craven »

I bet Mark can answer that one. However, I do know that the SB that is being produced now has alot of reinforcments in the problem areas - kevlar is actually used in these areas. I am sure that both dolls will need some type repair work in the future(that just seems to be the nature of these things). With that is mind it seems that the vast majority of people just do repair work and move on. I also think it is really important to pay close attention to both makers suggestions for storage and care. There is alot of good info on this forum about the question you are brought up. Just scan the past topics and I am sure you will find good information.

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Durability of new silicone?

Post by Phyl_T_Mynd »


Where on your softness scale would you place the indestructo-goop™ used to make the CybOrgasMatrix?

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Durability of new silicone?

Post by Jerry »

# 2.5 perhaps... pretty gooey.

I would still like to see what the outer skin feels like.


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Durability of new silicone?

Post by deusbot »

I like it. The Jerry Jelly Jiggle scale. Kinda like 'sintagrade' only for measuring hardness. [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

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