
Meet Eryka Marianne VonSuki, 165cm Dagmar, Happy Dolls

Beautiful dolls have been on the market since 2011. They have a wide selection of TPE, silicone and fabric love dolls. They also allow their customers to order custom-made dolls in 3d technology. All the dolls that they sell are 100% original dolls made out of eco-friendly materials that are safe for humans. All dolls are inspected before shipment to the customers. The client is engaged in the development process to tailor the end product to his needs, by exchanging photos and further communication for every customizable detail. Beautiful dolls have the best prices for original dolls on the market. Just contact us, and find out for yourself!. Website: www.beautiful-dolls.com.
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Re: Meet Eryka Marianne VonSuki, 165cm Dagmar, Happy Dolls

Post by privatetai »

"Also im super jealous that you have a King size bed. Hotaru and i share a Twin bed with my fucking cat who is a real asshole and takes up 1/3 of the space all by himself." Lol my cat Tiger does exactly the same thing. Lately he's taken to sleeping right between or on top of Cammy's thighs when we're in bed so I can't get any action!
Meet my girls:

Naudia: WM168-G cup BBW:

Stephanie: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Kitty:

Hope: Starpery BBW Big Amy:

Jewel: BBW Textile Doll:

Cammy: Dagmar doll from Beautiful Dolls:

Sarah: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Mia doll:

Oceania: Valentina Girls Palomina BBW doll:

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Re: Meet Eryka Marianne VonSuki, 165cm Dagmar, Happy Dolls

Post by Diaval »

privatetai wrote:"Now for the mediocre. Despite getting so close this time, trying to get the lubrication and everything in place attempting entry was certainly much more difficult than I anticipated and I ended up losing the moment."

Same with warming up her privates, the lube sorta has to be the kind of thing you set in place prior to starting your fun time- like, before you dress/undress her and get turned on, otherwise yeah, you can totally lose it when it's time to make love to her.
What I do is before anything else, I soak the insert in real hot water till it gets to that temperature. Then I take it out of the water, dry it, wrap a plastic baggy or lunch wrap around it and put it in place.
It will hold the warmth for quite awhile.
Then I lube it up, and then I plug up the "entrance" with a wadded up papertowel so she'd not drip all over the place when I'm cuddling her, dressing her, etc.
Then all you'd have to do when the "time is upon you" is pull out that tampon, chuck it aside, and get to business.
The turning on thing was something that happened completely out of the blue. I just didn't expect it so I was totally unprepared for it. I just happened to have the lube and a condom nearby. But you are right that is exactly what happened. None of the other outfits did it even though I thought they were sexy outfits too. In fact if it is NOT sexy, she isn't wearing it...plain and simple. I thought the one night when I put her in the bunny outfit that was going to be it. I STILL consider that one of her sexiest outfits. But I happen to be a lover of off-shoulder tops and I absolutely loved those new stockings I discovered. Then putting her body in that position...I think that was it, my mind just finally broke through that 'barrier'. And I could feel it come on full force when setting her up in the doggy position. It was a VERY good reaction, mainly because this doll is so curvy. But I do admit that teal off shoulder top quickly became one of my favorites. It also had me doing a double take on her chest area. I have to tell you the Nylon / Spandex material blend is awesome! Not only for touch but for looks. Both tops that I have made from this material, just beautifully hugs around the breasts and curves under them right to the underbust / waist area instead of just hanging down.

So I proceeded to get her ready and by the time I was ready, I wasn't really at 'full power' anymore and attempting to go further was futile. I lost it.

Anyway, now I know that she CAN get me aroused just by dressing her. I guess perhaps I am becoming more comfortable with her.

So thanks for the advice. Now I know if I am going to do anything remotely as sexy as this outfit to prepare ahead of time. BTW, you mentioned tampon to 'plug the hole'. Could you also use them to dry out the inside of the insert after cleaning? I had a ball of a time afterwards. Even though I didn't get far, naturally I wanted to wash out the insert. I found drying it to be somewhat of a chore.
Byakuya Kuciki wrote:I know what you mean about the joints loosening up for no reason. I was the one who accidentally hurt my girls arm in bed.
And you don't recall how you did it, right. I think you mentioned possibly rolling over it? With me, I don't get it as I had her arms CLOSE to her body and I was lying down RIGHT UP against her on my back and my arm was under her back. Both arms are pulled into her body and angled inward. Rolling over would have been impossible on that side. I do admit that arm gets more action because it is on my side. Of course lying beside her, I had rubbed her arm and held her hand. I think the elbow probably got loose from my first cowgirl attempt. But now I have noticed the shoulder is also loose.
I later fixed it by slightly over extending the elbow joint, idk but it went away.
Really? That is interesting. But I would be leery about over extending anything. Knowing me, I would end up breaking her arm completely. Right now it still holds a postion...I am just praying it doesn't get worse.
However, recently and for no reason at all her left hip joint has really gotten loose and im kind of concerned.
That is really bad. I could live with the arms loose a little bit, just as long as I can pose her hands on her hips and hold them up, but a leg joint? No way. I couldn't deal with that. I have to have her ability to stand. Even if a knee joint got a bit loose, I could still lock the knee in place and she could stand, but if a hip joint goes, I will not be happy.
Your girl is looking fine af. :D
Thank you! I am inclined to wholeheartedly agree. I didn't think a fabric doll could look this good. In fact initially seeing her naked body and comparing it to a TPE or silicone doll, there is no comparisons to the level of detail in the latter. So I knew I had to rely on clothing to make her look as sexy as possible. Luckily I am a big fan of women's fashion and I have learned a thing or two about dressing women over the years. I pretty much have picked out all of my wife's nicer outfits. It was something I developed an eye for. But I was like that from my 20's on. I picked out clothes for my sister, and even for my mother. But when it came to beautiful women, I just would find ways and outfits to make them even more beautiful and of course sexy. I knew I would have had to pull out all the stops her with Eryka. The end results were fantastic if I do say so myself. Even after the first outfit I put on her (the Khaki bodysuit above), I could feel a strong attraction building up inside. Also what took me by surprise is her face and hair.

I normally am drawn to dark hair, brown eyed women and I wanted my doll with brown eyes. But like I said in my review above, she was sent to me with VERY pretty greenish-blue eyes. And then I tried the Platinum Blonde wig on her and immediately could feel a strong attraction to her. From that dancers outfit I just was trying more things out as to what I would find attractive and sexy on her. The burgundy flowing sleeves blouse was very beautiful teamed up with the white skirt. But I thought the sexiest one to date would be the Playboy bunny outfit. But alas, it was the off shoulder top and fishnets that did for me the most!

Sadly my wife refuses to wear halter and off shoulder outfits as she just doesn't like them. Yet, those are my two favorite type of outfits. The 'cold shoulder' style top is also gaining popularity with me too.

Just today I came across something unexpected again. This red long sleeve crop top:

https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01HP ... UTF8&psc=1

Don't ask me why....it bares little of the upper body, just the abdomen, but for some reason it just looks so damn sexy! Especially the red one. I know I am going to have to run some transfer tests on that top when I get it. I HOPE it is going to be good. It is made by the same company that made that nice form fitting halter bustier and yeah, it is made from the same material. An added benefit of this top is that it can protect nearly the entire upper body. Also looking at the model, she has a skater skirt on...kind of like the white skirt I have. I think my lady is going to cause another reaction!
Also im super jealous that you have a King size bed. Hotaru and i share a Twin bed with my fucking cat who is a real asshole and takes up 1/3 of the space all by himself.
Sorry, I didn't mean to rub salt that in that wound there, but I would have been hoping you had at least a full size bed. The king sized bed was my parent's and it is actually two twin mattresses together since they both had different sleeping requirements. As you might know, two twin mattresses together is a king size. But both of my parents are gone now, so inherited the bed :). So yeah there is plenty of romping room on a bed that size.

Yeah cats do that...they make themselves big! Not so simple solution is to kick the cat out of the room and close the door! I had cats too, but they both died, a black one and an orange tabby. The black one was persistent one and the reason why I said, 'not so simple' was because if we put this cat out of the room and closed the door, it would eat the door. Yes, you read right, it started to nibble on the bottom of the door trying to get in. That wasn't the only thing that cat would eat. He ate Christmas trees too...both real and artificial ones. He would get sick from doing the latter. He wasn't a very bright feline.
privatetai wrote:"Also im super jealous that you have a King size bed. Hotaru and i share a Twin bed with my fucking cat who is a real asshole and takes up 1/3 of the space all by himself." Lol my cat Tiger does exactly the same thing. Lately he's taken to sleeping right between or on top of Cammy's thighs when we're in bed so I can't get any action!
I see your predicament. You might wake up in the mood one morning and find you are getting it on with the wrong pussy. ROTFLMAO!!


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Re: Meet Eryka Marianne VonSuki, 165cm Dagmar, Happy Dolls

Post by privatetai »

"I see your predicament. You might wake up in the mood one morning and find you are getting it on with the wrong pussy. ROTFLMAO!!"

Scary thoughts cause that particular pussy's got loads of very sharp claws and teeth! lol

To clean and dry, turn the thing inside out- be gentle when you attempt that but it's totally doable like most insert sleeves. Hold it in both hands, get your forefingers in the "entry" and use your thumbs to "press" in the back/base end till you can turn the whole thing inside out. Then wash and then, what I do is wipe it dry with a towel and then leave it to air dry still inside out- only flipping it back the right way once it's all dried.
Meet my girls:

Naudia: WM168-G cup BBW:

Stephanie: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Kitty:

Hope: Starpery BBW Big Amy:

Jewel: BBW Textile Doll:

Cammy: Dagmar doll from Beautiful Dolls:

Sarah: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Mia doll:

Oceania: Valentina Girls Palomina BBW doll:

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Re: Meet Eryka Marianne VonSuki, 165cm Dagmar, Happy Dolls

Post by JackieTreehorn »

Wow, she's really stunning! Congrats! Every time I see one of these dolls I'm amazed they're not one of the most populous on the forum. The low weight, reasonable price, surprisingly realistic face, and ridiculously sexy body makes for an impressive doll indeed.

It's great that you appreciate the importance of clothing for dolls. Now, maybe I'm biased since I admit that even with real girls I think a scantily clad woman is hotter than a naked one, but for dolls I feel this is doubly (or more!) important. I think it makes them "come to life" somehow. I don't know how important sleeping with your doll is to you, personally it's the main reason I got a doll, but I would highly recommend getting her some pajamas. These are the ones Audrey has: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01CY ... UTF8&psc=1 but maybe that's not what you'd prefer. It's actually kind of fascinating how we probably have very different tastes in preferred doll clothing, so take that recommendation with a grain of salt, but I think they're the greatest as their super soft- just like her! For the record she's not a Happy Doll, but a fellow fabric distant cousin; she's a Teddy Babe. Plus I like that they're long sleeved so as to protect her from sweat and skin oils. Somehow they make her even more cuddly as impossible as that sounds.

Don't worry if the sex isn't happening right away. Think of it like you have to get to know her first or that she's not quite ready yet. I had to go through something like that, as when new a Teddy Babe is kinda stiff, especially in the legs and hips, and I didn't want to hurt her. Plus for whatever foolish reason I told myself I wasn't getting her for sex, and didn't even have the proper "accessories" for such an endeavor. She was WAY sexier in person than I expected though. I remember some of those first nights laying in bed cuddled around each other trying to sleep and remembering that old Viagra commercial where it said to call a doctor if it lasted more than four hours and wondering if I was gonna be ok, haha.
Diaval wrote:By the way, it is worth mentioning that I LOVE standing positions, so if there are more that you know of that work with her, please let me know!
Now, I'm not sure how useful experience with a Teddy Babe compares to Eryka. A Dagmar is a little heavier, but I don't think it would matter too much- the different skeletal structure is probably the biggest thing, so I don't know if this will help or not, but I'll throw it out there and you can see if you think it might work. Most of the time things begin with her laying face up on the bed and me standing, just because it's a very convenient way to get things started. Now, before I would have said I definitely do not really like standing, but sometimes if it's before bed I really like it when the bed is cold and didn't want to get it all hot and sweaty so we did some experimenting. Being as she's a Teddy Babe, even the sex gets pretty cuddly and she didn't like just laying there on the bed. She's always got clothes all strewn around my bedroom, and an idea just kinda happened on the spot (although I'm sure you could come up with a better way than this impromptu solution with proper planning). I grabbed a pair of her panties and put one of her wrists through a leg hole, twisted it 8 or 10 times, and then put her other wrist around it and then put her arms around me. If her arms were around my neck sometimes she's slip out (I suppose I could have twisted it tighter or found a more appropriate way to secure her... but this just happened in the middle of things, so it wasn't planned out... even though now we do it all the time, lol). It seems to work best if her arms were either around my shoulders, or if I slipped my arms, one at a time, through her arms- if that makes any sense. Then she's holding me around the torso. It seemed to go even better if I did a 180, with me not facing away from the bed so that her legs were resting on the bed, and...ok... plus it's kinda hot to see her super sexy ass in the mirror, lol. I ended up actually really liking that setup. It's great to hold her close, I can touch her butt, and while it's probably not sustainable for long, it's possible to even let go of her and she'll hold onto me tightly on her own.

Like I said though, MAYBE that won't work with a Dagmar??? I don't know. I don't have one so I can't say. It sounds as if their shoulders are a little more fragile, but it's maybe still doable. I don't know if that particular position would stress them or not. You can maybe play around a little and see how she moves.

The other thing I've learned that maybe will help is that, when laying down, instead of getting her into a traditional cowgirl type position it's way easier if she just lays parallel on top of me. Plus it's very cuddly and intimate. With a TPE or silicone doll it's maybe more practical for a more traditional cowgirl type position where her torso is perpendicular to you, but the fabric dolls are so light they don't want to support themselves very easily. Audrey kinda can if I fool around with her enough, but I've found it's not worth the effort and I like having her closer anyway.
privatetai wrote:Lol least you take the time to take them back off. For me it usually results in the "just pull the panties to one side" and do it while they're still dressed- in some ways that's hotter for me because my gf very rarely go for that.
Haha, yeah... that's usually what happens around here too. Nine times out of ten she just leaves her pajama shirt on as well- largely because I don't want to get her sweaty (I also try to keep some kind of shirt on- and for sleeping we both wear some kind of pajamas). Also if she's still wearing panties it can help if there's any bit if a lube incident, which happens from time to time. Actually, it's borderline miraculous just how clean she her plush stays with just a few precautions; I really wouldn't want to be constantly trying to clean lube off of her or if she smelled like a locker room. Also...yeah, it's kinda hot when she leaves her sexy underwear on, lol.

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Re: Meet Eryka Marianne VonSuki, 165cm Dagmar, Happy Dolls

Post by Byakuya Kuciki »

Honestly the biggest struggle with the Dagmar dolls and Cowgirl is their knees and ankles. Their knees dont bend down enough, also the ankles dont rotate out so it makes a kneeling position almost impossible. Usually when she rides me we do it ontop of a long chest that I have, its long enough to support my entire body, and thin enough that she can straddle it and me while keeping her legs in a relaxed position. Getting a sex couch is I think definitely a must for us in the future. In this method I have her lean forward at a 45 degree angle over me, Her hands on either side of my neck (on the table underneath us) I then hold her up by grabbing her breasts. The other method is to do it on the bed but have her legs stretched out, in front of her and not underneath, so that her feet are near your armpits. Again, have her lean forward a bit, enough so you can touch her breasts. The tension in her hip joints will keep her from falling forward.
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Re: Meet Eryka Marianne VonSuki, 165cm Dagmar, Happy Dolls

Post by Diaval »

More pix below!!!
privatetai wrote:"I see your predicament. You might wake up in the mood one morning and find you are getting it on with the wrong pussy. ROTFLMAO!!"

Scary thoughts cause that particular pussy's got loads of very sharp claws and teeth! lol
Indeed! But I am sure a quick pat of the hands will tell you to keep away from the extra fuzzy pussy. LOL!
To clean and dry, turn the thing inside out- be gentle when you attempt that but it's totally doable like most insert sleeves. Hold it in both hands, get your forefingers in the "entry" and use your thumbs to "press" in the back/base end till you can turn the whole thing inside out. Then wash and then, what I do is wipe it dry with a towel and then leave it to air dry still inside out- only flipping it back the right way once it's all dried.
I tried this today and while it is a thorough and effective way to clean the insert, when I flipped it back, I noticed a bit of a bubble on the side. Holding it up to the light, I could see down the vagina a light spot on that side. So more than likely, the bubble is a thin area that is now a bit stretched out. So I am not sure if I am going to continue to clean it this way. I am worried about poking through it the next time I try it.

I had to laugh when it was turned inside out as it looked like a big penis! LOL.

And to answer the question on your mind, no, it wasn't another successful day. I was too tired last night after taking care of some last minute things for Christmas and also dressing Eryka up in TWO outfits and taking pictures of her. So I was bushed. But I tried in the morning and even though I 'pre-lubed' the insert, it was still the same thing as earlier in the week. I am just not there yet.

JackieTreehorn wrote:Wow, she's really stunning! Congrats! Every time I see one of these dolls I'm amazed they're not one of the most populous on the forum. The low weight, reasonable price, surprisingly realistic face, and ridiculously sexy body makes for an impressive doll indeed.
Thank you. Yes, much of her beauty does lie in how I dress her. When I was unpacking her I thought she was nice looking, but no where near the detail level of a TPE or Silicone doll has. But something happened when I started to dress her and put a wig on her. She became far more attractive. But I felt something hit big time after I put the Platinum Blonde wig on her. For some reason that wig made her face 5 times prettier. I agree that the different take on these fabric dolls to have a really high end bodysuit as the skin is a notch more realistic than what I have seen in other dolls. So that is what had me initially attracted to Happy Dolls. The next thing was the realistic silicone head. Most fabric dolls have plastic heads and the Happy Doll anime head is no exception. It is plastic underneath a fabric layer. With the silicone head, at least the face as the feel of skin and I have to say that Happy Doll did a beautiful job at matching the skin tone of the silicone with the skin tone of the fabric skin. The Happy Doll Dagmar was the one that stood out for reason being that it was the tallest doll and also the shapeliest. The curves going from the waist to hip, especially on the back side of the body are amazing.
It's great that you appreciate the importance of clothing for dolls. Now, maybe I'm biased since I admit that even with real girls I think a scantily clad woman is hotter than a naked one, but for dolls I feel this is doubly (or more!) important. I think it makes them "come to life" somehow.
Oh yes, I knew clothing was important right from the get go. As it is, I wanted the doll not only for it's intended purpose, but also as photography model. I am VERY much into dressing up the doll from a fashion point of view and I like to see what clothing combinations I can create that will maker her look even more beautiful than she already is. When I find something that is exciting and alluring, I try to up the ante. As it is, I LOVE brunettes with brown eyes, but Happy Doll made a mistake and my doll came with greenish-blue eyes. Also another thing I didn't expect was that the Platinum Blonde wig is my favorite. It just makes her facial features come out more. BUT I did buy her a really short off black bob style that does make her look more elegant. But clothing is important as you want to accent what it is that you like about the doll's body. For me, I love shoulders and the neckline, so you will see (if you keep following this thread), that Eryka is almost always going to have shoulders exposed or something really tight over them. Also I am a nut for opera gloves, they look sexy and they feel sexy. Further they offer protection for the doll's arms. But like with layering, the gloves change the look of an outfit. If the gloves are the same length up to the top hem on a strapless dress, they can give the look of an off shoulder dress. On a halter top, the same effect makes the halter top look like a cold shoulder one. It is just another way to create a different look.

Another thing that I got was an infinity dress. This is one in which you can make your own look for. Here is a picture of Eryka in such a dress:
IMG_20171222_232304_hdr.jpg (569.66 KiB) Viewed 3917 times
and this is the back:
IMG_20171222_223228_hdr.jpg (445.14 KiB) Viewed 3917 times
I have to say that she even looks amazing from the back!

Sorry about the low resolution pictures. I will post some better ones later on. But the point I was making is if you look at the first picture. The dress is a basic tube dress with two long sashes on each side of the bodice. Now from the tube dress "base", you use the sashes to make different looks for the wearer. In this case what I did was make a straight and a criss cross halter in one. The design leaves a good area over the bust to be exposed, so she has a little tiny bit of cleavage showing. The design also gives a 'cut out' look in the chest / neckline area. The back is criss crossed as well. The arms have near matching green fingerless gloves on. Then she has the short bob style wig on. All this together makes her look very elegant, beautiful and sexy. You probably have seen from the pictures above that I have created some nice beautiful ensembles for Eryka.
I don't know how important sleeping with your doll is to you, personally it's the main reason I got a doll, but I would highly recommend getting her some pajamas.
HIGHLY important. Whenever I am at the location I keep her and stay the night I sleep with her. I don't put her in pajamas as they are simply not hot. An example of what I sleep with her in would be the Playboy bunny outfit above. So I basically just took the bunny ears and bowtie off and slept with her in that outfit. Also going further up, the dancer / cheerleader outfit with the tan bodysuit? I slept with her in that sans the skirt.
These are the ones Audrey has: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01CY ... UTF8&psc=1 but maybe that's not what you'd prefer.
Uhhhhh, no...That would seriously turn me off big time. My goal is to make Eryka 'hotter' looking. That outfit would have the reverse effect on me.

Last night I had her in this:
IMG_20171223_013202_hdr.jpg (543.19 KiB) Viewed 3917 times
IMG_20171223_013332_hdr.jpg (500.8 KiB) Viewed 3917 times
Much hotter and sexier than PJ's
It's actually kind of fascinating how we probably have very different tastes in preferred doll clothing, so take that recommendation with a grain of salt, but I think they're the greatest as their super soft- just like her! For the record she's not a Happy Doll, but a fellow fabric distant cousin; she's a Teddy Babe. Plus I like that they're long sleeved so as to protect her from sweat and skin oils. Somehow they make her even more cuddly as impossible as that sounds.
Yes, I know of the Teddy Babes as they were the first fabric dolls I came across. In fact it was a response you made to someone else looking for a doll that had me say, "Teddy Babe? A fabric doll?" So it was your response that made me look into fabric dolls to begin with. Sadly though, the Teddy Babes didn't grab me. But through them and a bit more research, I found out about Textile Doll. THAT was better, but not yet 100% there. Finally I found out about Happy Doll and that was more what I was looking for. Since weight was not an issue with these since they were all lightweight, I went for the tallest one they had, which was the Dagmar doll. Not only was this doll the tallest, it was the shapeliest too. The figure on the doll was EXACTLY what I wanted. So I ordered her with a C-cup, however, I found out later she is actually a D-Cup.

I DO hear you in regards to how the pajamas feel. But I know I could get her a night gown that would have the same silky smooth feel. Something a little more on the sexy side:

https://www.amazon.com/Amoretu-Womens-F ... tgown+sexy

As for protection, I would put a bodysuit under that.

Or in the VERY least a nice two piece with a Kimono robe:

https://www.amazon.com/SheSmile-Lingeri ... Bsexy&th=1

I do admit that I want something sexy and more protective of the top area for the summer when things warm up. Also my only concern about her shoulders being bare while we sleep is if my head rests on it, worse, my face. You know what happens if your mouth opens when you sleep, right? So I don't want to wake up to find I drooled all over her shoulder. Not a good thought. So I am getting her something with full cover for the top, but is still hot...Something very tight, hugging the body.

Don't worry if the sex isn't happening right away. Think of it like you have to get to know her first or that she's not quite ready yet. I had to go through something like that, as when new a Teddy Babe is kinda stiff, especially in the legs and hips, and I didn't want to hurt her. Plus for whatever foolish reason I told myself I wasn't getting her for sex, and didn't even have the proper "accessories" for such an endeavor. She was WAY sexier in person than I expected though. I remember some of those first nights laying in bed cuddled around each other trying to sleep and remembering that old Viagra commercial where it said to call a doctor if it lasted more than four hours and wondering if I was gonna be ok, haha.
Yeah, I have some kind of psychological block going on. When I am with her, nothing much happens, or if it does, it doesn't go far. Where as if I look at pictures of her (usually when I am not near her)...no problem. In terms of your last line...that is exactly what happened one more...it was the second time I looked at her pictures. I think it is getting better as I am moving forward, just not quite there yet.
Diaval wrote:By the way, it is worth mentioning that I LOVE standing positions, so if there are more that you know of that work with her, please let me know!
Now, I'm not sure how useful experience with a Teddy Babe compares to Eryka. A Dagmar is a little heavier, but I don't think it would matter too much- the different skeletal structure is probably the biggest thing, so I don't know if this will help or not, but I'll throw it out there and you can see if you think it might work. Most of the time things begin with her laying face up on the bed and me standing, just because it's a very convenient way to get things started. Now, before I would have said I definitely do not really like standing, but sometimes if it's before bed I really like it when the bed is cold and didn't want to get it all hot and sweaty so we did some experimenting. Being as she's a Teddy Babe, even the sex gets pretty cuddly and she didn't like just laying there on the bed. She's always got clothes all strewn around my bedroom, and an idea just kinda happened on the spot (although I'm sure you could come up with a better way than this impromptu solution with proper planning). I grabbed a pair of her panties and put one of her wrists through a leg hole, twisted it 8 or 10 times, and then put her other wrist around it and then put her arms around me. If her arms were around my neck sometimes she's slip out (I suppose I could have twisted it tighter or found a more appropriate way to secure her... but this just happened in the middle of things, so it wasn't planned out... even though now we do it all the time, lol). It seems to work best if her arms were either around my shoulders, or if I slipped my arms, one at a time, through her arms- if that makes any sense. Then she's holding me around the torso. It seemed to go even better if I did a 180, with me not facing away from the bed so that her legs were resting on the bed, and...ok... plus it's kinda hot to see her super sexy ass in the mirror, lol. I ended up actually really liking that setup. It's great to hold her close, I can touch her butt, and while it's probably not sustainable for long, it's possible to even let go of her and she'll hold onto me tightly on her own.
The first one I tried was Missionary as that is what I do with my wife most. But the way the body is built, the insert opening is further down, the angle was not right. So then I tried putting her on top with her lower legs folded under her thighs, but not all the way folded. I left room to sneak my legs through so her thighs were actually on my thighs and her lower legs under my thighs. I had her leaning over me with her arms outstretched and hands around my neck. I tell you this was a VERY hot looking position just looking up her arms at her hair hanging down. VERY attractive. But as you were mentioning about the skeleton. I don't think the Dagmar doll has as strong a skeleton as your Teddy Babe does. For the first time (and only time) I did this position, I noticed that her left elbow joint loosened up and I believe that was due to too much of her weight leaning forward on me. The next time (and last time) was doggy style. I had her standing leaned over on the bed, feet on the floor, legs spread slightly apart. Thus far this was the HOTTEST looking position I had her in as I could look down at her butt and that beautiful curve from the butt to her small waist and then going up her back. So far I got the most reaction out of this position AND I line up perfectly. It is just getting in the door that is the hard part. With lube, my finger slides in easy, but it is not so easy down below.
Like I said though, MAYBE that won't work with a Dagmar??? I don't know.
It probably won't. From what I gathered, the elbow joints on these dolls are fairly sensitive. As it is, my doll is only two weeks old and already both the left elbow and left shoulder joint have loosened up. Not badly as the arm still holds a position, but it is noticeably looser than the right arm.
I don't have one so I can't say. It sounds as if their shoulders are a little more fragile, but it's maybe still doable. I don't know if that particular position would stress them or not. You can maybe play around a little and see how she moves.
I was given some ideas. I might revisit the cowgirl position, but with her squatting rather than the legs folded under her. That would have her body more upright and there would be little to no stress on the arms. Lying face up on the bed with her legs spread and butt on the edge of the bed with me standing is another position in which there is no stress on the arms at all as they are not even used. And there is doggy style. Here I bend the elbow joints and rest her forearms on the bed. She stands legs slightly apart at the edge of the bed. This position looks the most attractive to me and I been working with it now.
The other thing I've learned that maybe will help is that, when laying down, instead of getting her into a traditional cowgirl type position it's way easier if she just lays parallel on top of me.
I would love that myself, but I am not long enough for that. Heck that doesn't even work with my wife!
Plus it's very cuddly and intimate.
I hear you, but sadly that one will not work.
With a TPE or silicone doll it's maybe more practical for a more traditional cowgirl type position where her torso is perpendicular to you, but the fabric dolls are so light they don't want to support themselves very easily. Audrey kinda can if I fool around with her enough, but I've found it's not worth the effort and I like having her closer anyway.
Yeah, the angle just isn't that good for a laying down position. In fact the more perpendicular you are to the body the better the insertion ability. I would have to see how traditional face to face works standing, but I would have to stand her on something to line her up better.
privatetai wrote:Lol least you take the time to take them back off. For me it usually results in the "just pull the panties to one side" and do it while they're still dressed- in some ways that's hotter for me because my gf very rarely go for that.
Haha, yeah... that's usually what happens around here too. Nine times out of ten she just leaves her pajama shirt on as well- largely because I don't want to get her sweaty (I also try to keep some kind of shirt on- and for sleeping we both wear some kind of pajamas). Also if she's still wearing panties it can help if there's any bit if a lube incident, which happens from time to time. Actually, it's borderline miraculous just how clean she her plush stays with just a few precautions; I really wouldn't want to be constantly trying to clean lube off of her or if she smelled like a locker room. Also...yeah, it's kinda hot when she leaves her sexy underwear on, lol.
I worry about using too much lube too as the area around the insert is not protected as I usually buy crotchless pantyhose and bodysuits. I don't know if that stuff can stain or not. Also right now it is winter and I don't sweat much in the winter, but I know when the summer comes, I would be more concerned. Right now I do try to cover as much of her body as I can with something. Legs are easy because I can get turned on by legs in pantyhose. I like the look and feel. The torso is easy to cover up as well. The back is harder as most of the sexy outfits I have are open in the back, but I do have some pieces where the back is closed. But unless I use a long sleeve shirt or bodysuit with sleeves, the hardest part to cover are the shoulders as I like exposed shoulders to begin with.
Byakuya Kuciki wrote:Honestly the biggest struggle with the Dagmar dolls and Cowgirl is their knees and ankles. Their knees dont bend down enough, also the ankles dont rotate out so it makes a kneeling position almost impossible.
As I said above, I left enough space between her upper and lower legs that I could sneak my legs through. So her legs are not really folded flat under her thighs but rather hooked around my thighs. This does have her lean on a forward angle and it was just natural to have her arms come up to and hold my neck.
Usually when she rides me we do it ontop of a long chest that I have, its long enough to support my entire body, and thin enough that she can straddle it and me while keeping her legs in a relaxed position. Getting a sex couch is I think definitely a must for us in the future. In this method I have her lean forward at a 45 degree angle over me, Her hands on either side of my neck (on the table underneath us) I then hold her up by grabbing her breasts. The other method is to do it on the bed but have her legs stretched out, in front of her and not underneath, so that her feet are near your armpits. Again, have her lean forward a bit, enough so you can touch her breasts. The tension in her hip joints will keep her from falling forward.
I revised the cowgirl approach and I thought of having her more in a squatting position. So this is similar to what you just said, but instead of having the legs straight out to your armpits, the thighs would come up and then the lower legs come down with the feet on the bed. So instead of kneeling, she is squatting. This will keep her body straight up and there would be little to no strain on the arms. Of course I have yet to try this position.

To All:

Keep your eyes out on this thread, as I will be posting pictures of Eryka in her Christmas outfit!


I made a discovery earlier in the week that the measurements listed for my Dagmar doll are a bit different from what is listed on-line. While not significant, it is still worth noting:

Sizes on site:

Bust (C) 85cm, 33.5"
Waist 64cm, 25.6"
Hips 98cm, 38.6"

Actually Measured:

Bust (D) 87cm 34.75"
Waist 64cm 25.6"
Hips 100cm,39.37"

Added measurements:

Upper Arm circumference: 22.86cm (9.0 in) (1/2 way down upper arm, at 1/3rd way down, it is 25cm or 9.8"). Sacas brand opera gloves fit perfectly with NO sagging and NO wrinkles).

So yeah, outside of her waist measurement, which is spot on, her hips and bust is a bit larger. So this puts her hips really on the top edge of medium size 10 (USA), in fact only a 1/2" shy of a large. So I have to be careful with anything that is fitted with no stretch in the hips as that is VERY borderline. The top half of her body is still a small or Size 6 (USA).

I found out early on that due to the heavy slope from waist to hips, that it will be hard to find certain fitted one piece dresses for her. Mermaid type dresses are out unless they are VERY stretchy. Stretchy "Bodycon" type dresses could work. Other types of dresses that will work are Swing dresses, Skater dresses, Empire waist A-line dresses. All of these styles of dresses do not depend on the hip measurement and a size small (USA) usually will work fine. The skirt will follow the hips and flare out a bit more then on a slimmer hipped doll. Of course, going separates is best, buying a matching skirt to a desired top. The beauty of going with separates is that it encourages mixing and matching to make new outfits. I HIGHLY recommend going this route when wanting to put together dress ensembles. So far though I have not been able to find nice fitted dress tops on Amazon even though there are plenty of dress skirts available. Perhaps I am not searching right, but if I come up with something, I will naturally post it here.

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Re: Meet Eryka Marianne VonSuki, 165cm Dagmar, Happy Dolls

Post by Diaval »

Hello all and Merry Christmas!

As promised, I have a couple photos of the beautiful Christmas outfit I have put together for my lovely Eryka:
ErykaChristmasOutfitTeaser1b1.JPG (1.71 MiB) Viewed 3893 times
Ohhhhh You thought I was going to show you the full outfit right away? Newwwwooo! (No) I am going to tease you! Here Eryka is looking at some of the ornaments in the small Christmas tree I put up in the house. From the picture you can tell that Eryka's outfit is in the traditional Christmas colors of red, green and white. And yes, she does have on green fingerless opera gloves. You can also see she has on a short red skirt as a hint of her thigh is also showing.

Do you want to see more?

Here you go...
IMG_20171223_143317_hdr.jpg (506.34 KiB) Viewed 3893 times
Ahhhhh, yes another teaser! Here you see she is showing her natural dark hair and a good portion of the upper chest area of her body. She is wearing a choker necklace with a charm figure of Santa Claus. She is looking mighty fine indeed!
ErykaChristmasOutfitTeaser1b3.JPG (1.25 MiB) Viewed 3893 times
Oh my! My dear lady is admitting she's been naughty!! On top of that, she teases again showing a lot more of her thigh in her new Christmas outfit! In the above photo she dons her very sexy Platinum Blonde wig, plops herself down in an ornate rocking chair in the living room next to the Christmas tree, she pulls up her skirt showing off the nice white fishnet stockings she has on. (I can't say enough how she has such a nice pair of legs with VERY nicely shaped thighs!). Then from behind the tree pedestal pulls out that sign and places it on her lap looking very sexy indeed! As I took her picture, my eyes couldn't help to shift up to her chest area, as the top she was wearing was VERY taught in that area.

I must say her outfit is...WOW! And I like both the naughty and nice versions of it too.

Sorry for the Christmas tease, but since it is still early Christmas morning, I figured everyone is going to enjoy the initial part of the day with their families. So, I will post pictures of her full outfit later on. As for now I am going to enjoy my 'Christmas Present'. Eryka is just looking WAY too good in her Christmas Outfit and I find I can't keep my hands off her! I guess it is time to 'unwrap' my gift!

Enjoy and Merry Christmas!

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Re: Meet Eryka Marianne VonSuki, 165cm Dagmar, Happy Dolls

Post by privatetai »

Thanks for describing the pics, really really appreciate that. Merry Xmas to you too!
Meet my girls:

Naudia: WM168-G cup BBW:

Stephanie: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Kitty:

Hope: Starpery BBW Big Amy:

Jewel: BBW Textile Doll:

Cammy: Dagmar doll from Beautiful Dolls:

Sarah: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Mia doll:

Oceania: Valentina Girls Palomina BBW doll:

Byakuya Kuciki
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Re: Meet Eryka Marianne VonSuki, 165cm Dagmar, Happy Dolls

Post by Byakuya Kuciki »

Very cute pictures, and great descriptions. I have been thinking about writing up descriptions of pictures I post as well, as there seems to a growing number of blind folks joining us here on the forums. Merry Christmas from me and Hotaru. Pics coming soon of Hotarus Christmas outfit. :D
Bankai! Chire, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi

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Re: Meet Eryka Marianne VonSuki, 165cm Dagmar, Happy Dolls

Post by Diaval »

privatetai wrote:Thanks for describing the pics, really really appreciate that. Merry Xmas to you too!

You're Welcome and I forgot to mention the sign she is holding says, "I've Been Naughty" in bold almost hand painted looking letters. Below that in parenthesis and in a much smaller regular type face it says, "(Does this mean I get a lump of coal?"

It is a cute sign and her cute face just has such a look of innocence on it, I just got a kick out of it.
Byakuya Kuciki wrote:Very cute pictures, and great descriptions. I have been thinking about writing up descriptions of pictures I post as well, as there seems to a growing number of blind folks joining us here on the forums. Merry Christmas from me and Hotaru. Pics coming soon of Hotarus Christmas outfit. :D
Yes, Privatetai has been a close follower of my posts, and I of his since both of our Dagmar's have the silicone head. I many times forget he cannot see my pictures and I do forget some details like mentioning the sign above. He cannot see what it says, but now I wrote it down. But I am going to continue with detailed explanations for the same reason as I wasn't aware there were many here on TDF that are blind.

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Re: Meet Eryka Marianne VonSuki, 165cm Dagmar, Happy Dolls

Post by Diaval »

Review update:

Hello All,

Well, I am back from Christmas dinner with the family and as promised here are a couple pictures of Eryka in her full outfit. Since it is late, I am only going to post a couple pictures for now, but will add more as the week goes on.

Eryka's Christmas outfit:
ErykaChristmasOutfit1b1.JPG (2.12 MiB) Viewed 3872 times
After I finished dressing Eryka in her Christmas outfit, I brought her into the living room to check out the Christmas tree. So this is a shot of her looking at a Christmas ornament on the tree. She is wearing a white mock neck stretchy top with a pair of green mid arm length fingerless opera gloves. These area new brand of glove I am using by the name of Sacas. They fit her thin arms better than the white JustinCostume brand I initially bought. She is wearing a red pleated skater skirt from the same company that made the white one. Her undergarment is a white halter style bodysuit with fishnet like coverings for the leg part. This just gives her legs some texture and detail while protecting them. The entire outfit has full body protection with the exception of the shoulders. They are the only thing baring her skin. On her neck she is wearing a Choker Necklace with a pendant charm of Santa Claus. Her belt is a faceted glass brooch of sorts and a green band that I made into a double bow tie in back of her as the next picture shows:
ErykaChristmasOutfitBack1b1.JPG (1.56 MiB) Viewed 3872 times
The next shot shows her sitting in the rocking chair with both her dark hair and light hair wigs:
ErykaChristmasOutfitNauty1b1.JPG (1.91 MiB) Viewed 3872 times
ErykaChristmasOutfitNauty1w1.JPG (2 MiB) Viewed 3872 times
Like said earlier, she puts on her Platinum Blonde wig and then pulls a sign out from behind the Christmas tree and places it on her lap as shown. The sign reads, "I've Been Naughty" in what looks like brushed on red letters. Under that in a normal type face in green it says, "(Does this mean I get a lump of coal?)"

She definitely looks more sexy and 'devious' with her Platinum Blonde wig on and I don't know what she admits to being naughty about, but it is that look on her face that just mellows me out completely. So she certainly will not get a lump of coal from me.

Here is a picture of her without the sign, showing off her dazzling belt and crossed feet!
ErykaChristmasOutfitNosign1w1.JPG (2.03 MiB) Viewed 3872 times
This is a side view of her body:
ErykaChristmasOutfitSide1b1.JPG (2.03 MiB) Viewed 3872 times
Here is a full shot of her after I finished dressing her in the bedroom:
ErykaChristmasOutfitFull1b1.JPG (1.04 MiB) Viewed 3872 times
I have to say that that I had a ton of fun putting this outfit together for Eryka and I did most of it last minute and initially wasn't sure if I should do it, but I am glad I did as the outfit turned out to be far better than the way I planned on paper. It has a unique balance of being both elegant and sexy at the same time. Not as formal as a ball gown, but a little fancier than simple casual wear. It is a very attractive outfit. I have also come to a conclusion on the wigs I have for her:

1) Short off-black bob style chin length: Sophisticated and Elegant. Showcases her face more than the other wigs I have. Brings out the beauty in her face.
2) Short Platinum Blonde neck length bob wigh: Sexy, edgy, and a bit more untamed looking than the dark wig. I find this wig the most attractive on her as it goes with her eyes very well.

I do have more pictures to come for this outfit as well as the first variant of it. I also have a second Christmas outfit of which you partially seen already above (the green infinity dress). I will post these tomorrow. That is all for tonight!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

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Re: Meet Eryka Marianne VonSuki, More Xmas pictures, arm det

Post by Diaval »

Hello all and Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a great holiday season!

I have a small update for you all in regards to Eryka. But first some new photos. This is her in a very smooth and very form fitting red 'dancer's' crop top:
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As you can see from the pictures, I just changed out the top half of her Christmas outfit. Seeing her all in red like this is amazing. I chose red mainly because of the top itself...the red one just looked the best. As it turns out, it nearly matches the red skater skirt. The top is VERY form fitting and it really showcases the bust area. I was hoping for this since the white halter bra / crop top was from the same company and I loved the way that top looked and felt. This top is no different and has the same silky smooth feel as it is made from the same material. I have to say that Eryka looks VERY sexy and hot in this outfit. I didn't know that I would be affected as much by an outfit that fully covers the neckline and shoulders, but I have to say that in this case, it is a big 'yes'. The last picture shows her choker necklace which is a green velvet band with a Christmas Tree pendant.

Experimenting with an 'arm' upgrade for those interested in getting more upper arm detail on a fabric doll:

As you may know by now, on a real woman I like some kind of shape to their arms. Straight 'tube like' arms just don't do it for me. Running my hands down a woman's upper arm, I like to feel detail and curvature in what lies beneath the skin. So this does suggest that I prefer a woman with somewhat of an athletic build. Not overly muscular mind you, but a woman with a build like this is right up my alley:

https://image.shutterstock.com/z/stock- ... 958582.jpg

Overall, I am VERY happy with the build and shape of the Dagmar body, including the legs, but the arms just seem overly thin to me. And even though a woman with thin arms is OK too, but I just want to feel more detail on the upper arm. So this led me to do some experimenting with some shoulder pads that I got her. Because her shoulders and arms were fully covered, with this red top, I put them on the sides of the shoulders rather than the tops under the top (where they would normally go). The pressure of the stretch material of the shirt held them in place. In this manner, the pads made her shoulders more rounded and gave her upper arms more shape. Grasping her by the shoulders made them feel more athletic and thicker. The pictures above do show Eryka with the pads on. The width (front to back thickness) of her shoulders increased by 3/4" and the span of her shoulders went from 14.75 inches to 16". The difference is noticeable. I like the look and feel and I am going to reshape the pads to make them look more realistic. Here is a picture of her in the red top without the pads in place:
IMG_20180102_231532_hdr.jpg (464.15 KiB) Viewed 3782 times
Compare that to the picture above. Her shoulder span is slightly wider and you can see there is more of a side detail to her upper arms. Since doing this with the pads, there is another detail I would like to add to the upper arms and that is the detail created by the triceps muscles on the back of the arm. I figured I would need another pad cut smaller into a 'U' shape to go around the back of the upper arms. This would thicken the back of the upper arms a bit and add even more detail. The pad would naturally come to an abrupt edge on each side of the front of the arm and thus would create another edge that would frame out what would be the biceps. At least that is my theory. I know some might think why go through all this? Well for most guys, it is the breasts that are everything on a woman, for others, it is the butt. With me it is the shoulders and arms. I usually grasp the arms by the shoulders or upper arms and on a real woman during intimacy and I notice these details and yes, they are a turn on for me. These arm modifications could be made more or less permanent and I figured that attaching the foam to the inside of a 3/4 sleeve or full long sleeve top that would be used as a 'base layer'. The only questions that remain is if there are any ill effects of having the foam resting up against the 'skin' of the doll, mainly if there is anything in the foam that might stain the doll. The other question is in the case of washing the garment where the pads are attached to. More then likely it would have to be washed by hand.

Review continued:

As a continuation of the review since I am coming up on the one month 'anniversary' of getting Eryka. So far THREE of the arm joints have loosened up. The right arm joint that was making all the creaking noise has a bit of a loose spot in the middle of travel now. The ends (all the way down and all the way up) are still tight and the right shoulder joint is still very tight as it was from day one. The legs I do not move much in comparison to the arms and all the joints in the legs are still good. The arm joints that loosened up are STILL poseable but the movement is noticeably easier. However, if an object that weighed more than a pound would be placed in the left hand and the arm fully outstretched, it will sag. I have attempted to contact Joy at Beautiful Dolls about this and asked if this is a normal 'breaking in' scenario, but so far, my message wasn't replied to. I am going to try to reach her again tomorrow and see what response I get. If the arms stay as they are and don't get worse, I am OK. But I do have my concerns as to what they will be like a year from now.

The skin on the doll does seem to be very resilient to snags. Unlike some of the clothing I have been putting on the doll, on very dry days, my hands get very dry and they do snag the clothing. I do worry about snagging the skin of the doll, but I have noticed that it is made of a much tighter weave and it seems to resist snagging. As of now, her skin is still in excellent shape and even though I have been trying some darker clothing such a red on her body, I only do so from notably good manufactured clothing and I still do some basic tests. I am still not daring enough to try anything darker than a regular blue. But as it is, color bleeding aside, my recommendation to anyone with a fabric doll is to take measures to have a 'base layer' of some kind of protective clothing that comes in direct contact with the skin. If such a layer is in place, then it would be fine to go with darker clothing. In the very least, the damage would be localized to the base layer and not the doll. This is probably a good preventative procedure for those with Silicone and TPE dolls too.

The sex department:

I guess my mental block is stronger than I thought. I have had MANY close calls and even managed to get my way into the insert, but still unable to completely follow through. As with what others stated, getting 'kicked out' is an issue. It seems to be the standing doggy style position is easiest, but being that I am tall, I have to have Eryka's legs closed more than open. Closing the legs puts more pressure on the insert and makes it harder to enter. The other night I tried an experiment and I had the insert with me while I was looking at pictures on the computer of what I would normally do for arousal. So this way I was going to put the insert to the test. As a result, I found the insert was FAR easier to enter when it wasn't in the doll. I was surprised in that the insert by itself does feel pretty darn good. But I can feel that it was pretty tight too. The tightness didn't seem very natural and I didn't last very long either. So this had me thinking about changing the insert on the doll to something not as tight feeling. I am also hoping that having this test done and behind me, it might help getting me closer to going fully this way with the insert in the doll. So I am open to suggestions from those that have changed the insert on their fabric dolls and what would be the recommendation. Using the Dagmar doll insert as a reference, I am looking for something slightly 'softer' (a bit looser) feeling all around. I believe that would allow for some 'expansion' room after entry.

For now, what I am going to do is flip Eryka around on the bed (face up on her back) and that way I can spread her legs further apart to help 'loosen up' the insert a bit.

More clothing on the way!

I have put another clothing order in fellas and I swear, Eryka is going to make me broke just on clothing alone! Well, this order wasn't as big as the last one. I mainly put another order in because I did return some items from the last order that either didn't fit right on her or there was some other issue with it. I mainly ordered more protective clothing, such as pantyhose, a white bodystocking and a white long sleeve, mock neck, tight fitting shirt for a base layer (mainly for the use of dark clothing layering).

Other unique items I ordered are as follows:

https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B073P ... UTF8&psc=1

This is a gray long sleeve off shoulder shirt with a choker collar. I am a NUT for anything off shoulder or a halter style. As it is, I have a funny feeling this shirt can be worn both ways. Flipped around, having the back to the front would make this top a nice halter / cold shoulder style. So I am hoping this can be done with it. I will report my results when I get it. I like ANY top or outfit that has multiple styles or uses and that brings me to the next item:

https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00EF ... UTF8&psc=1

This is a Von Vonni transformer dress. As you might recall, I have a green dress in which there are two sashes that allow you to configure the style of dress any way you want. I wanted another one like this, but a bit of a nicer and more elegant style. Von Vonni makes bridesmaids dresses and the transformer dress is a main staple in his line of clothing. Normally a dress like this costs $30, but I got a good deal on it. I find this a MUST have for any doll owner. Just look at what you can all do with it in this video:


Next up... I am getting this very attractive Kimono robe:

https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00RS ... UTF8&psc=1

I love the color AND style on this. I just LOOKS incredibly silky smooth and soft! Unlike regular robes or Kimonos, this one has the shoulders cut out adding to the sexiness of the robe. Also being a robe, that neckline could nicely be set to plunge straight through the cleavage on my doll. Heh Heh! My only main concern is the color. That color screams 'I bleed' and I think I am going to have to do quite an array of tests on it. I would have gotten it in a lighter color, but sadly, the midnight blue was the only color available on it. So far I have not found another robe with the shoulder cutout detail either.

Finally, I came across this item:

https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B076M ... UTF8&psc=1

I found this as a very attractive 'office look' or 'evening attire' dress / jacket. It's general look is that of a bolero style jacket over a sleeveless spaghetti strap halter dress that ties at the top. However, if you look at the back of the dress, you will quickly see that is not the case. It is a 'fake' two piece outfit. So yeah, you cannot remove the jacket. If this was actually two pieces, I am sure the price would have been doubled or even tripled. By my main reason for getting this outfit is the fact that I wanted to have a short and tight bodycon style dress for Eryka. This has been proving to be a problem with the Dagmar doll being two different sizes (small on top and medium in the hips). However since this outfit ties in two places, at the neck (to adjust the bust) and the jacket (to adjust the waist), I am able to get around the problem . So I just ordered the outfit as per her hip dimension...I can adjust the rest. What I am hoping is that I could untie the waist 'jacket' and then 'peel' it back off her shoulders thus creating a backless halter look. Worn that way, I think this could be a VERY hot looking outfit.

That is all for now! I will keep everyone updated when these items arrive.


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Re: Meet Eryka Marianne VonSuki, 165cm Dagmar, Happy Dolls

Post by privatetai »

"So I am open to suggestions from those that have changed the insert on their fabric dolls and what would be the recommendation. Using the Dagmar doll insert as a reference, I am looking for something slightly 'softer' feeling all around. I believe that would allow for 'expansion' room after entry."

You could mod the insert like I did, just turn it inside out and careful trim the inside layer away. Or, I believe the Lilith Uterus insert is the all around agreed upon, best insert. Can find that on amazon.
Meet my girls:

Naudia: WM168-G cup BBW:

Stephanie: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Kitty:

Hope: Starpery BBW Big Amy:

Jewel: BBW Textile Doll:

Cammy: Dagmar doll from Beautiful Dolls:

Sarah: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Mia doll:

Oceania: Valentina Girls Palomina BBW doll:

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Re: Meet Eryka Marianne VonSuki, 165cm Dagmar, Happy Dolls

Post by privatetai »

I want to thank you again for providing links to clothes and giving descriptions. As you can imagine, clothe shopping is my weak point, so having some references to go by is awesome. Though I'll probably hate you later when I'm broke. lol
Meet my girls:

Naudia: WM168-G cup BBW:

Stephanie: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Kitty:

Hope: Starpery BBW Big Amy:

Jewel: BBW Textile Doll:

Cammy: Dagmar doll from Beautiful Dolls:

Sarah: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Mia doll:

Oceania: Valentina Girls Palomina BBW doll:

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Re: Meet Eryka Marianne VonSuki, 165cm Dagmar, Happy Dolls

Post by Diaval »

privatetai wrote:"So I am open to suggestions from those that have changed the insert on their fabric dolls and what would be the recommendation. Using the Dagmar doll insert as a reference, I am looking for something slightly 'softer' feeling all around. I believe that would allow for 'expansion' room after entry."

You could mod the insert like I did, just turn it inside out and careful trim the inside layer away. Or, I believe the Lilith Uterus insert is the all around agreed upon, best insert. Can find that on amazon.
Actually when you described the mod and how it created more of a cameltoe appearance, I decided against that. Remember, I am also using my doll for fashion / photographic purposes. But I have gained a greater understanding of how the doll moves in comparison to a real woman and as such I am quickly realizing that there are a limited number of positions I could do with the doll v.s. a real woman. For the most part it seems like the greatest entry depth would be obtained with the doll's body in a perpendicular position to the body. So a squatting cowgirl both forward and back should work good for a laying down position. Also legs forward in same position forward should be good too. For a standing position, standing doggy with her laying on a bed or table (legs down in front of said leaning item). Laying on her back with legs spread or past your shoulders whilst you are standing is also good. Spooning, lying down you in back of her should also work. I have been looking more into perpendicular positions like this as it would seem that these are the best ways to go for the greatest depth entry. For those more endowed, they might be able to try other positions. For me, as long as I could envision the dream of at least a couple standing positions, I am fine. Overall, I think there is more than enough positions here to keep me busy without having to alter the doll. But I do see your point if you are a lover of a particular position such as missionary, or in my case...I just love a good standing face to face intimacy. (Which is not easy to do with a real woman), then the modification would certainly be advantageous. But as I said, because I am using Eryka for fashion purposes, I couldn't make such an alteration.

So at it stands. I think I would be better off trying out a 'softer' or 'looser' insert. As of now, Eryka is VERY tight and I know (via my recent insert only test), I wouldn't last very long.

I will look into that insert you mentioned as I am on Amazon already.

I took a quick look at that insert on Amazon and it looks to be a bit smaller than the original one, about a half inch all around. So someone recommended this for the Dagmar doll? I guess it could work if I put a towel around the insert and then put that into a plastic bag before inserting into the doll. That might work.

Goodness knows, I didn't know I would enjoy buying women's clothing THIS much. I found something really nice too:

https://www.amazon.com/Conceited-Premiu ... th=1&psc=1

These are a variety of leotard bodysuits in about 5 or 6 different variants and about just as many colors each. They are stretch / form fitting and come in two sizes, 0-8 and 8-12. The dagmar body would fall into the first category. They have a halter-mock neck leotard, two styles of lace leotard, there is a cold shoulder leotard, there is a mesh front leotard (plunging neckline), a standard tank top style leotard, a long sleeve scoop neck leotard and one of my favorites a lace tie cut out mock neck long sleeve leotard with very high cut legs. This latter one is also the only one that is a g-string. All of these have crotch fasteners which means it is very simple to unbutton them for 'access' provided that you also have crotchless pantyhose or stockings on your little lady. I think this a a VERY nice find. The variety of textures is nice too, from smooth, to mesh, to ribbed. The latter g-string outfit comes in the ribbed form. Ahhhhh, heaven! I already have a ribbed leotard for my little lady. But the neck cutout and the soooooo fine high leg cut outs on this one are sooo nice! These leotards are great because you can use them for layering purposes too.
privatetai wrote:I want to thank you again for providing links to clothes and giving descriptions. As you can imagine, clothe shopping is my weak point, so having some references to go by is awesome. Though I'll probably hate you later when I'm broke. lol
You're welcome. Glad to be of help....Please don't hate me! LOL! Trust me though...I am going through the same thing. We will both go broke together! But I understand your situation would be more dire since you have THREE lovely ladies to take care of. I only have the one.

I would say that out of most of my recommendations...I HIGHLY recommend the stuff by Balera. That red top I have for her is soooooo amazingly smooth and your fingers will glide across it like glass. When Eryka has that top on, holding and hugging her can be as long as 20 minutes. Yeah, it just feels that good. So far Balera is the only company I ordered more than one item from. It was the halter / bra that started it. When I saw how nicely it felt and it looked...especially across her bosom area. The red top is the same way. I can't wait until the ivory lace top comes! The only thing that is a shame is that the Balera leotard / bodysuits will not fit the Dagmar body frame. Also being a dance clothing item, there is no crotch access on those...but the pictures of them look beautiful as they look so smooth and taught on the body. On those models, there is almost no wrinkling at all. But it is nice that I just found those Conceited Premium leotards as they fall more or less in a one size fits most category.

I have to say that I am really happy that I went this direction with the fabric dolls and found the Happy Dolls Dagmar. The price point vs weight vs size is at a great point. The best thing is that regular clothing fits the doll...and she's pretty too! I am at the point where I no longer desire a different head as I am happy with Eryka the way she is. Sure I might get her a new wig every now and then. In fact I have a new one coming because I want another wig to swap out with the Platinum Blonde one. I want to keep that one for photography and also 'making out' purposes as I find her the most attractive in that wig. The short dark hair one is her elegant wig and again, that is mostly for photographic purposes. So wanted another wig for mainly sleeping with.

.....I'm spoiling her...aren't I?

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