My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Established since 2002, Sanhui Model Making Co.,Ltd has been endeavoring in the creation and the making of life-like female dolls in various sizes and materials. Our products range from anime models to life-sized and altered-proportion platinum silicone love dolls. The dolls are anatomically correct with fully functional orifices to the intimate touch and feel of a real lady with curvy figure from Yoga coaching.
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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by DollDaddy27 »

Chronotron wrote:Over a hundred views and no comments. hmmmm?
HAHA! I have thought this very same thing. It happens. I actually placed a Christmas and New Years card on my thread expecting it to work like facebook....... I GOT ONE REPLY! Dont let it discourage you. A lot of these people on here are just looking at the photos and going to the next thread.

Anywho... Congrats on your new companion. She is gorgeous. Have fun getting new clothes and accessories for her. It can be a challenge, but a fun one. Looking forward to seeing more from both of you.


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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by DollDaddy27 »

WOW... I didn't really read all this until now. I would definately make them replace the doll. It is a product they made and you just received. No company of any kind should be allowed to sell an inferior product and just forget about the customer. Don't give up. You have support here on the thread and the vendor should be assisting you in getting a new one immediately.

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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by Chronotron »

Thank you all for the posts and words of caring. I also thank those that have reached out to me as well and no I have not forgotten you. It's just that I am rather agitated and have not been too happy and continuously trying to rack my brain on this. However, as of right now due to some posts I have decided to keep her and fight for now. On that note here is my recent email to Sanhui. (Recently I posted on the forum about this issue. There is a lot of people saying this issue can worsen, and also that this issue especially being brand new is the manufacturer's fault. You are sending me a fix, that some say may not work long term. On top of it another bigger air bubble has come into her lower back, that actually occurred when I was awaiting your reply on the legs fix. In this time she has not been moved besides that one photo shoot and was not moved at all when the air bubbles were found. There are posts on the forum about air bubbles and ruptures!. Also, a lot of people are saying this body should be replaced by you!. That it was the manufacturer's fault and that I should not have to be paying someone to fix it right out of the dam box!. Now I have been trying to be nice about this, but as I have realized in this life nice usually gets fucked over!. If something does not give here, and I have to spend money to fix her and the fix does not hold. Best be assured I will fill that forum up of pictures of this supposedly new doll as she is degrading. I will also state in the posts that Sanhui does not stand by their product!. I assure you that being this was a gift, the gifters are not too happy and said if you had not used PayPal to cover your ass and if they were able to just use credit they would be going after you right now!. I would seriously think about all of this!)

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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by Apugo »

I think we have a right to expect our girls will be made and handled with the same care and respect that we will show them. Nothing less is acceptable.

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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by Dr - Johns »


Sanhui should replace the doll!!! Period!!!

Have you paid with PayPal?

I considered to buy one and asked Sanhui a few legitimate questions in regards to this 168 cm doll . . . To this day I haven't received an answer. We all are watching to see how they respond to this matter.

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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by Boobman »

My Vanellope had a blister/bubble on her upper back just below where the neck begins off to the right of center a bit of her top shoulder. She is TPE. The seller told me to use a syringe to let the area deflate. Before i did this i took pictures & did some investigation of the area first. I could 100% tell there was a void beneath the bubble that was 1 1/4 or so in diameter. Sent video & pics to seller with my finger going into the void more than a inch. They BS'ed me saying blah blah blah. In the end i had the upper hand as this my replacement for the one that was lost i was fully refunded before this doll arrived. I got all the void air out now she has a crater instead of a bubble. Since the seller milked the delivery via ship to the US, then UPS to me (instead of air to the US) where UPS mis- delivered my doll to the Amazon warehouse here the shipper who did not insure the doll UPS would only be out 100.00 they had no incentive to go pick it up saying it would be to difficult to find. BS After more than a month they mis-delivered they said they found it were going to deliver it then no delivery & no call i called them & UPS said they now lost the doll in their own hub. My hunch is that if what they said was all true one of their employees stole the doll. Anyway the seller shipped a second doll to me i got her in 6 days from day the seller sent another via Fed Ex air, which i think may have led to the blister the doll was rushed out of the factory it was missed or occurred after. The head has a chunk of skull making material floating around in the head too. In the end though i got this doll for free as the seller refused to replace or to send a prepaid shipping label so i could send her back. UPS is still on my SHIT LIST to say the least.
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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by cyclist »

I am working to save up over $2K for a Sanhui as I think they are the best. But if Chronotron gets stuck with a blistered or cratered doll, my money will go to Oriental rose or my other choices. :shakefist: I can easily see myself in Chrontrons position.

For some of us, these dolls are not casual purchases with pocket change.
These are not toys for some of us as they are purchased as a form of serious therapy or companionship.

What you see are only the defects that were able to surface immediately. What other shortcuts were taken that you do not see? This is more than one small defect and deserves replacement.

Chronotron, I urge you to fight for a properly manufactured Sanhui doll.
Sometimes the reason we get walked all over is because they know we will not fight back. So give it your best fight.
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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by Chronotron »

Yes boobman that air bubble is identicle to the one on the leg under the knee. While the others are alittle odd shaped.

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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by Chronotron »

Cyclist I agree totally with you!

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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by astroman440 »

The obvious solution here is for Sanhui to sell dolls like this at a discount on their site instead of shipping them out. I personally don't think defects like this are THAT big of a deal, especially since it can be filled with silicone, but I would expect to be reimbursed at LEAST $350-450. Problem is some people want a perfect doll and they shouldn't send dolls out like this just hoping for the best. If Sanhui can't sell a doll due to a QC issue I'm guessing that's a very substantial loss for them. All those material costs can't be recouped. But they could be if the doll was sold at discount price.

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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by Chronotron »

astroman440, Then what you are saying is this is a form of deceit. If the doll was like this they should not have sent it out in the first place. If something is not done right in the first place then dam do it right!. But once again that is just a dream world these days. It seems many people in many industries do not care about what they are selling just as long as they sell it to make their money, in which I call the new GOD. A God that many worships across the world and fear at the same time.Cyclist post sums it up pretty well, this is not some casual product bought with pocket change. Being also this is my first doll I did a lot of research and realized over a long time span I would have to do some surgurcial maintance maybe some day. But not right out of the box, and being their is not just one flaw but three, that is severly overboard!!!. For over 2k one should expect to get what they see in the picture, not something full of flaws that I have to position a certain way or put pants on to cover her flaws when taking pictures. The idea of a doll for me is something realistic and to be treated as such. I did not choose to pick a doll that looks like she has cancer or some rare disease. To me at this point being if I have to fix this doll on my own, or pay someone is invalid being right out of the box. Compensation should be either $1,000 or a new body with no defects!. They need to get it right and not think that people just will bow down and be like ok I will fix it out of my own pocket and accept any more degration that occurs not even being a year old. They have contacted me and said they will stand by their product and to withhold my opinions, but I have yet to see it at this time. As I told them i will speak my opinions and withhold my judgment as of right now.

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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by Wight »

Maybe your case would work out if the gifter of your doll - the person who paid the purchase - makes reclamation to the MFR. There might be just some cultural difference going on; saving face, corporate policy et cetera.
Ginevra's thread!

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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by Chronotron »

Sanhui has restored my faith in humanity. (They obviously do stand behind their product!):)!.

Thanks for presenting video~ Unlike what has been claimed for bubbles on TPE ones, silicone dolls can be fixed~

But for the air pockets at your gift lady, Mechanics suggest repairs back in factory but it pays over too much involvements from you to ship the doll back to China~ Sanhui management suggests two options for you:

Option 1: Your paying $320 (shipping costs) to get a new body. You can opt for 168 body or any other body.
Note: The air pockets do not affect use but may have been caused by the drastic drop in temperature during the making. Silicone may well be of best blend between 10–35 degree Celsius. The delay to place her into thermostat room overnight may have led to the air pockets.

Option 2: We will refund you at $320 as what you suggested to send for repairs with your agreement upon taking the doll as slightly-flawed one unto records of Sanhui database.

We personally recommend your taking first option coz perfect gift is what you deserve ~

For either option, we will send immediately glue adhesives for fixing the poke under special handling delivery.

Looking forward to your message and we’ll be right at your service!

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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by JJSilicone »

Very awesome for them to do that for you, Chronotron! Sanhui is a great company that truly stands behind their products. So glad there was a silver lining! What option are you planning to choose?

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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by Up2myneck »

Hi Chronotron, I'm glad this situation is heading in a more favourable direction for you!
I like Sanhui dolls quite a bit, so I was quite shocked to see your doll like this.

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