WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by AddictedToSexDolls »

Piper Dolls are amazing nothing wrong with 130 cm Piper Dolls.

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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by Dolllove1991 »

I'm glad you guys take it seriously, the last thing the doll community needs is to be seen as pedophiles.

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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by gogmib »

This is such a tired old subject - which - gives me an observation that maybe.... Others are seeing.

You take a perfectly good doll, go ahead and make it look old with age and associated characteristics and then.....


Seriously..... Is there a "nervousness" that if you do not make the boobs bigger than the greater Dallas/Ft. Worth area, you are now officially NOT a pedophile? Seriously??

The most attractive OLDER woman I have ever met have small delicate breasts.... Just an observation....

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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by kojima »

At first, I wasn't going to weigh-in on this topic, given how charged it is and my general aversion to conflict, but I'm seeing some suggestions floating around and ideas that I'm not quite sure I entirely agree with.

I agree 100% that it is entirely up to TDF management to make a determination on a doll's "apparent" age. If the image looks too young, I believe it should be addressed, for the sake of the community and the sake of the appearance we want to present to the public. Unfortunately, that puts the burden on people to make the call on a post-by-post basis. That sucks, but the alternative of banning entire models is not something I'd want to do. I'm a bit biased on this as my own doll is a WM 153. It's one of those models that can go either way. I've seen photos of a 153 that looked like a college sophomore. I've seen photos that made her look like she was in her early thirties. But I've also seen photos that clearly made her look mid-to-late teens. There are models out there that are not clear cut and can go both ways. Blanket bannings of XXX cm XXX cup size is not the way to go in my opinion because the image of a doll body can change drastically with face, hair, make-up, context. It's just not fair to owners who own those models but actually make a conscious effort to avoid their girls looking too young.

The other problem is "too young." Allow me a moment to get into an area that might make a few heads tilt. I do not condone, nor promote predators. I don't bring all of this up to defend them or justify their actions. This is just some food for thought. I see a lot of people talking about age of consent on here and using the age: 18. For those who live in the United States, it's pretty well known that the age of consent is 18, right? Well, actually, no. It's not. There is no age of consent at the federal level. Age of consent is directed at the state level. And ages range from 16, to 17, up to 18. In fact, in 31 of the 50 states, the age of consent is 16. In 7 states, the age is 17. And in 12 states, the age is 18. Most people aren't actually aware of the age of consent in their own state and just assume that the age is 18.

The only reason I even bothered to look into all of this? My sister. Long story short, she was dating a guy much older than she was who essentially tried to get her into his cult. My parents were, understandably... concerned. She, however, was 16. My parents thought to nail the guy legally because they thought she was underage. Lo and behold, we found out that in my state, she was legal. We couldn't touch the guy. She eventually came to her senses, but it prompted me to look into it.

Everyone pretty much assumes that the age of consent is 18 because that's how old you have to be to be in porn, right? Turns out, age of consent and age for porn are different things. Who knew? As it relates to TDF, I do believe photography of dolls falls under the purview of pornography (sexually explicit photographs). So the above argument might seem like semantics to some and a moot point to others, but I brought it up to illustrate the idea that even at a legal level, age is a very wishy-washy, subjective thing that is pretty hard to pin down. On top of all the different ages, there are Romeo and Juliet laws, and then some rulings where those laws were overturned. It's complicated, and it's touchy. It gets even more difficult and subjective when you're dealing with an inanimate object that has no "actual" age and only an "apparent" age.

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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by LJ69 »

Thanks midiman for you thoughts and advice. Many sound and valid points.

Even though this is generally a very important and serious topic, on a lighter note, I must say that I love LikeEmThicc comments about sex dwarfs.

I definitely would recommend downloading some of the Soft Cell songs, especially Sex Dwarf and their Non-Stop Exotic Caberet album.

I have actually played Sex Dwarf really loud during a few of my photo sessions (with my full-sized ADULT dolls of course) and the sleaziness and silliness of the song (and many of their other songs) greatly adds to the 'naughtiness' of the whole doll playtime/photography sessions.

Remember that they whole purpose of these dolls is to indulge yourselves and HAVE FUN, so as long as your doll is of proper adult age - grab your digital camera, bottle of water, and box of tissues..........and party like it's 1999!

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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by Lilith Un Rama »

Having a Doll MILF solves all problems.

Just my advice. Take it or leave it!

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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by Dollicious2 »

Pedophilia is a huge problem in this world and I am all for there being a crackdown on all the human trafficking and pedophile rings out there.

As a doll owner I will always be sure my girls have the adult appearance and subject matter in any photos , videos or language used.

It would be a shame if petite models are to be deemed too young looking just because they have smaller breasts...

Thank goodness I go for the taller lady's with larger hips.

Since our president took office there has been nationwide mass arrests of pedophile's and here in Florida there was a huge ring busted that had children literally kept in Cage's like animals in a zoo... Over 60 pedophile's we're thrown in jail just from that single ring with hundreds of victimized children ranging from early teens to infants....
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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by violette_22 »

Sometimes, the best person to talk to about this subject is your mom or the mother or your children. They've been girls before, I really doubt they forgot what it was like to grow breasts and have their hips change from their male peers. They love you, so they can give some good advice if you have someone like that in your life. I've heard of several TDF Moms that support their son's doll hobby/lifestyle. Some even give advice, buy clothes and style hair for their dolls-in-law. I don't think your mom is going to view any of your dolls as 'competition'.

Nothing wrong at all with a small bust. Going by human standards, it's the sculpting of something called the breast bed that will look mature or not on a doll. Also depending on ethnicity, areola color, just like how a boy's scrotum changes in color with maturity. The face is also important, especially when paired with certain bodies. The hip/waist ratio will also be a post-puberty feature in nearly all humans, and it's different between boys and girls. I don't buy any arguments that compare the sculpting of a realistic styled sex doll to humans in professional produced adult media. Sadly, there are a few other post-puberty features that are often air-brushed to be smaller or absent in mainstream pornography like the labia minora to make actual adult actresses look more child-like. The absence of pubic hair is now the standard in pornography and many people adopt this style of grooming. It's just like how having a full beard can make a guy look older and sometimes shaving it completely clean can look younger. IMHO it's hygienic for dolls, but it doesn't help with appearance of maturity. For my own dolls, it's painted on them or completely absent simply because of dust and lint reasons. Wigs can easily be removed and washed, not so much for beards and pubes. These things are all a matter of personal preference of course, so I mention them for those interested in tips to have a photo-sharing friendly doll. Whenever in doubt, ask the mods for help. I'm no expert, I don't think there's a degree being offered in dollology. I just like and collect several anatomically correct dolls and see a wide variety of folks naked regularly. Dolls are cool, I want people to be happy.

That's too bad all that happened in Florida, but let's be glad that people cared enough to help the helpless and set them free. I'm sure there's a lot of work to be done, but this is a good sign.
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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by eeniemeenie »

Oh the treachery of images!

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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by Dollicious2 »

Overall TDF has done a fine job projecting a adult theme forum and long as we continue to do as we have in the past we'll be fine I believe.

This subject is nothing new but it is great to have a reminder every now and then as we take on new members all the time growing in numbers and content.

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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by Dollicious2 »

Funny thing is this bill.which hasn't been passed far as I know is against robots that are not even human and meanwhile Politicians like Bill Clinton hang out with characters like Jerry Epstein the convicted child pedophile rapist...
And Harvey Weinstein who fled the USA because it has been revealed he was with minors in the backs of limo's...

You got pedophile rings that mega wealthy individuals and sports people like Sandusky hiding under charity programs for children running kids like a dating service and they propose legislation for ROBOTS???

Another fine example of this SWAMP in Washington DC we keep hearing about huh ?

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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by Anung Un Rama »


Evidently, not everyone read my previous posts in this I went for a visual aid.

A YLD image to law enforcement agencies is like the above image.

Nothing suspicious with underage dolls at all. 8O



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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by violette_22 »

Ha, glad you went there, Anung. Yep, for some models of dolls, LE is certainly going to zero in on those owners and those interested. Just take a look at news articles and see what's being seized by customs and what some models landed owners/buyers in court, this is happening on an international level. Those particular models of dolls and some companies are HUGE RED FLAGS that will get attention, LE can easily trace anyone's IP address, and target them for investigation. For any member that's been 'censored' by staff, that will also get the attention of LE, especially if there's a pattern of such behavior. Some members here work for LE, some might even track predators for a living and if they see something attention grabbing, they are both legally and ethically obligated to report such activities. I don't work for LE, to be clear and have only ever reported images of very young human children being abused, nothing on TDF. I'm glad it's been a long time since I've needed to do that, and glad TDF is only for dolls. If LE sees anything that's worthy of a court order, that individual is going to get a very unfriendly visit in the form of a bust. That isn't really fair over an object that doesn't think or feel, but not worth it to most. What's worse is how much attention the media gives to these dolls, I'd hate for TDF to have any affiliation with such an ordeal. I hope that never happens!
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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by RGC_0767 »

LikeEmThicc wrote:yo where does the 140 cm doll fall on this? I've seen plenty of college girls bout that small and they were legal.. :?
I changed from brown eyes to black on my gal. She is 140. with Black eyes the appearance seemed younger. I was disappointed. I love dark eyes too.
It amazed me just by changing eyes how much difference it made.

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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by JunkGuy »

SynthetikReality95 wrote:We need to establish a definitive guide and standard on what's considered underage, and agree on it through polling and extensive work between the TDF Staff and the community. There needs to be a very open line of communication here, stop hiding in staff only forums...
ZannyDanger wrote:Guys, i think it's important to remember that these rules are in place in order to make sure that the contents of this forum conform with current regulations and to protect the public image of our community at all costs. With sex dolls appearing more and more in the media lately, it can't be overstated how important it is to make clear that we as a community do not endorse childlike sex dolls in a any way, shape or form.
Anung Un Rama wrote:beyond any reasonable doubt, as the balance of probability arguement for boarderline representations will no longer satisfy the authorities in this day and age.
Agree. But lets remember that government regulators are not going to be staff members. If there's any member who feels a particular doll looks underage and reports it in good faith, it should be treated with utmost sincerity by the staff. Discussions on this matter don't need to be sequestored and it sure as hell shouldn't take two friggin weeks for staff to mull over a decision. To protect the forum, the process needs to be faster if borderline. I'm ok with a single staff member deciding a doll is underage and removing a post, but a single staff member should not have power to decide a doll is not underage on their own. Such a decision needs to go to committee and the post needs to be quarantined until committee makes a ruling. It can't just sit out there for the rest of the world to see becuase staff member B doesn't wish to overrule staff member A's unilateral decision. That's risk we don't need. (And yes, this scenario actually played out here this month, January 2018, and may have been the impetus to this whole discussion.)

Anung Un Rama wrote:Representation includes...
I would also suggest a sixth item to your list: porportion to other dolls in same picture. You sit a 65cm doll next to a 165cm doll, the smaller one is going to look much more like a child than on its own.

violette_22 wrote:the only advice I have is to go through each TDF approved manufacturer and one by one grade each head and body individually with something like Green light, Yellow light and Red light where the Green is good to go, the Yellow must need caution in presentation and the Red is much too difficult to represent 18+ publicly on the forum.
I don't think this is practical. First of all, thats alot of dolls (and/or faces), and not every doll posted here is from a TDF approved manufacturer anyway. Secondly, clothing, makeup, presentation, digital editing, or any other feature of the composition may impact human perception (take my above recommendation as example.) I think the current reporting process is the way to go, it just needs to be buttoned up: quicker and more transparent to the community. With almost all dicussion on this matter moderated out and all decisions taking place in the "back room", it looks more questionable than it needs to be. Let's face it: it happens. Let's not be afraid to publicly point out when it happens so others know we, as a community and not as moderators only, are helping to police it.

I do appreciate the first post of this thread and a few others along the way starting to add some science into the discussion. I don't think there's ever going to be a formula or metrics to definatively determine "underage", but it helps define the guidelines.
