Baby Oil + Condom

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Baby Oil + Condom

Post by TheBrewer »

Hi there!

Well, first I have to say this is my first post here.

A bit of explanations...
Today I had sex with my doll for the first time (arrived on monday this week).

It's a TPE with fixed vagina, and as I was afraid of the resulting mess, I decided to use a condom. For lube I used one water-based I had from months ago for my Fleshlight.

Thing is, cleaning her up resulted to be an extremelly difficult task. I tried using the irrigator, but wouldn't go all the way in, so I pressed to inject water, and when it went out it went inside the anus too...

So with some paper towels, using my fingers, I eventually managed to dry both holes (at least it didn't feel wet when I tested with my finger as far as I could go).

Now, to the question
I was thinking this: If baby oil is supposed to be "good" for TPE.... and if mold grows because water wasn't dried, which means cleaning with water had to be done... which could also be the result of cumming inside...

Could I use baby oil as lube, with a condom, and avoid this "extreme-cleaning"? I would of course clean it a bit with some towel to remove excess oil, but would NOT use water at all.

Should this be a problem or can I still have mold or something else?


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Re: Baby Oil + Condom

Post by Hungry Bear »

Hydrogen peroxide spray inside, then 2 tampons one after the other. Sit her up so she drains downhill, and wait about ten or fifteen minutes, and remove, gently. Might take two times if ya didn't pull out, or used a lot of lube. At bath time I use an enema with warm water and a little antibacterial had soap, berry scented, then just warm water. An air mattress inflator can be used to dry after. Then mineral oil non scented is my preference to keep her soft inside. I also use a drop or two of cherry flavored water based lube for a nice fresh yoni.

Many ways to skin a cat as they say, but this has worked for me.
It is okay to feed the bear! In fact, it is highly recommended! Just be sure to count your fingers afterword.

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Re: Baby Oil + Condom

Post by zaxdoll »

i'm not so experienced but here is what i do for intimate parts :
- cleaning with 2 fingers and an anti-bacterial soap (as per manufacturers instructions)
- first drying with cleaning paper rolled
- put a cutted empty homeopathic tube to let some air flow and let naturally dry at the end (small enough to fit but not so big to deform tpe)

I used to to do this with my tengas and fleshlight and got no problem over years (heavy clear water rinse till no more soap :P )

I must precise i use water based lube with little paraben (tenga lube) as it has antibacterial effect and is theorically composed to specific use of tpe toys (or so stated as).

The manufacturer of my doll don't recommended use of other than soft soap and water and talcum (thing i've done for years with my previous toys with no side effect).

I think storage is very important also, my fleshlights and tengas where in dry place with no exposure to direct or heavy light or the like.

Hope that helps.

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Re: Baby Oil + Condom

Post by hansdampf21 »

First off: welcome to TDF.

Then to your question, which not exactly has been answered yet.

If you use Baby Oil as a lube, and Baby oil is relatively thin, you have 2 difficulties:

1) The oil is gets soaked in pretty fast (supported by movement and friction ;))
2) The amount of oil you will have to use is similar to the usage of water based lube

- Water based lube evaporates very fast.
- Oil soaks in very fast.

I personally agree that using water based lube and / ore washing her private parts and cavities with water, both have lots of impacts.
Personally i recommend Vaseline, which in fact puts a persistent layer on the TPE surface, which prevents mold and makes cleaning easier.
Due to the fact that Vaseline soaks in slowly, you can wipe it off with a towel afterwards and all is well.
It also successfully prevents any dry friction, which is one of the main causes of tearing.

BUT: i can't tell if Vaseline is compatible with all condoms. I would however recommend Polyurethane (PUR) against Latex.
And don't use wet condoms. The lube contains dimethicone, which is a silicone-like material.

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Re: Baby Oil + Condom

Post by Arthur1960 »

You might want to consider using femidoms, I know they are not everyone's cup of tea but if you persist you can soon get used to them. They basically remove the need to clean your gal out afterwards and mean that, if you have the energy, you can enjoy your gal several times a day just take out the femidom afterwards and give it a clean, stick it on your towel rail to dry and use it again! I have 2 on the go so like a good boy scout I'm always prepared! They will last for ages, just clean off any lubricant first then smear a little Vaseline inside your gals lady parts first, this will help hold the femidom in place, you can then use water based lube inside the femidom. I've been doing this with my main gal for around 18 months now and I'm sure that if I hadn't she would be looking a little worn out down there by now, as things are she's still looking good so I would certainly recommend them!

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Re: Baby Oil + Condom

Post by Dlinnii »

Condom has something like silicone oil, can this harm the doll?

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Re: Baby Oil + Condom

Post by DanMarsh »

There is an oil based lube called “wild fire” that works particularly well with tpe in that it won’t cause damage, but takes time to soak in giving you a decent amount of playtime. Only downside is it’s a little expensive

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