How to mix without bubbles?

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How to mix without bubbles?

Post by Wildstar87 »

I have done a few small repairs on my doll, and some that aren't really visible unless you take the wig off. I recently removed the pubic hair net, since it wasn't looking that great anymore. I have been trying to patch the area with the pigmented silicone repair kit, but am having a difficult time mixing the catalyst without a bunch of small bubbles. I have been trying to mix slowly with the sticks in the kit, but am still having no luck. I am also trying to figure out a good way of smoothing the silicone on the area, without developing bubbles. I have been using a latex sheet, but the bubbles are hard to move out. And it gets a bit lumpy in areas.

Any tips or tricks you can give me would be most helpful. [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_frown.gif[/img]

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How to mix without bubbles?

Post by Tiger »

The best way to mix with a minimum of bubbles is to use a solid, smooth, cylindrical object as your stirrer. A straw has the right shape and size, but being hollow, it will introduce bubbles.

The non-business end of an inexpensive Bic pen should work well. You know, those smooth, round, white barrelled "round stic' pens.

Flat surfaces and circular motions are a recipe for bubbles. Flat sticks like tongue depressors and even hexagonal pen barrels will incorporate bubbles.

Your stirring should be agonizingly slow so that as you move your stirrer, the material has time to rejoin behind the stirrer like the way the Red Sea closed in on the Egyptians - only much slower with no crashing.

If you are mixing small amounts, a round toothpic works well. Avoid flat toothpics.

Take your time, the silicone sets slowly.

Hope this helps.


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How to mix without bubbles?

Post by fourmaki »

Age old tip. Drizzle the material a long way even from a table top to the floor. the long strand will brake most of the bubbles. I have seen guys pouring silicone from a ladder to a bucket. place the receiving container at a angle so to not let the material fold over on it self. Almost works as well as a vacume chamber. Also you may put the material in a very shalow container and let the bubbles come to the top on there own. I would rather deal with getting rid of bubbles than have a bad mix.


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How to mix without bubbles?

Post by Thomas »

For small amounts take a big syringe and fill it about a quarter with the mixed silicone. Than close the syringe with something and pull out the piston over the remaining way so a vacuum will be created inside the syringe. Keep it this way until the silicone stops bubbling. You might have to repeat that once or twice. After that the silicone should be free of air bubbles.


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