What advice do you all have on re-sculpting a face

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Re: What advice do you all have on re-sculpting a face

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Yay! Don't mess with muesky :haha4:

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Re: What advice do you all have on re-sculpting a face

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Re: What advice do you all have on re-sculpting a face

Post by Siliconeman »

muesky6969 wrote:
Still have to punch in pubic and chest hair.
Impressing work!

May I ask what hair you will be using for pubic hair. Real pubic hair is flat or oval in cross-section and therefore forms curls.



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Re: What advice do you all have on re-sculpting a face

Post by muesky6969 »

Siliconeman wrote:
muesky6969 wrote:
Still have to punch in pubic and chest hair.
Impressing work!

May I ask what hair you will be using for pubic hair. Real pubic hair is flat or oval in cross-section and therefore forms curls.



I will probably be using straight hair, and it is a high quality synthetic that honestly you cannot tell from real hair. I thought about getting a bit curlier hair for the pubic area and chest but honestly that doesn't really do much for me. Like me, my dolls all have straight hair, all over..
Xiel's hair body and facial hair is actually a mix of synthetic and my own hair. As I am fully gray it was cheaper to just use my hair then to buy a synthetic. Highest form of narsissium, right??? LOL!
When I add pubic hair to my female doll, I think I am going to order a high quality merkin and video how to install one. Gods I am so tired of punching hair.. I decided both of my male dolls are going to get full lace wigs that I will permanently install. I hate dealing with wigs and there is no way on this Earth I am going to punch in one, let alone two full heads of hair... I am ordering Xiel's wig tonight, and it will take a couple of weeks to construct and then there is shipping. I will make a video on how to install a permanent wig, as well.

On a totally different note, I started repairing the bottoms of Xiel's feet. With his big heavy ass, I have unfortunately allowed the bottom of his feet to get pretty trashed. One foot was so bad I am actually having to rebuild the heel.. The balls have been pretty easy to repair just add a bit of paste and then use a heated spoon to smooth everything over. I am actually changing all his standing bolts to hex heads and bought metal washer to put behind the bolt head. I think I may also at some point make a plastic protectors that just cover the bottoms of his feet, that will fit under the bolts to keep it secure. That is on the to-do list...

Today I also got busy and cut his ankle open and tightened the bolt that was so loose he couldn't hold his weight. It is the one that keeps the foot from moving from right to left. Really got tired of him falling on me and taking us both to the floor. I am too old for that crap, I might break or hip or something. :roll: Fortunately the worse part was pulling the TPE and gauze away from the nut and bolt. It wasn't super loose just enough his ankle would twist whenever it had weight on it. I might have put locktight on the nut, but because of the area there was no way to get in there without making a big mess or cutting both sides of his ankle. If it loosens again, I will go back in there and do that... Today is not that day.

This week I will finish up on Xiel's feet, then replace the magnetic mounts for Agares' horns with the stronger neo-magnets I bought. If I can get the motivation I may make his some different kind of horns, to change out. I really like the ones he has but I saw a curly set that look cool that I can easily make.

At some point in the next few weeks I will start on Cleo's aging process. I won't show her face, because it is so grossly young, until I pull off it off the skull. After giving it a long think, I believe I know how to mark her face on what needs to be carved out and what stays. Since I will be turning the face inside out to do the carving, that makes it really challenging. Thank the gods I am also a seamstress with crap tons of different kind of pins. I can use the pins to mark what needs to go before peeling her face off. Honestly I think if I just hollow out her cheeks, to get rid of the baby fat, with make-up and a little work like I did on Xiel, I can get her to a respectable 20-25 years old. once I get her face aged up, I will add the pointed ears. I still have not figured out how I am going to install her wing mounts, into her back... Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated... I am kind of coming up blank, side from cutting her back open to the spine mounting a bar with the wing mounts attached. The issue is I need to be able to plug up her mounts for when she gets a bath, and when I don't want her to have her wings on, which will be most of the time other then for showing and photographing. It doesn't help that I cannot find out her origins. Aaagghhh!!! I am determined so it will happen some how... :wink:
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Re: What advice do you all have on re-sculpting a face

Post by seagull »

Re. Cleo, good decision :)
Post subject: Re: NOTICE regarding pictures of young looking dolls
TDF does not allow photos of childlike faces

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Re: What advice do you all have on re-sculpting a face

Post by muesky6969 »

seagull wrote:Re. Cleo, good decision :)
Post subject: Re: NOTICE regarding pictures of young looking dolls
TDF does not allow photos of childlike faces
Yeah, I already had a long discussion with one of the moderators on that. At first he didn't believe me that I was going to age her up, kind of a ass about it, but then I guess he realized I am a woman, and seemed to be much more understanding. I let them know I would send them pictures of her face once I have aged her up, to make sure they know I am legit about this and she looks of legal age.

Even though they said it would be okay, for me to post pictures of her face turned inside out, I am not going to do that to you all. The plan is this will only take 5-7 days. First day mark where to carve and the depth of the carve. Next day peel her face off. Third day I will carve her face out. Day 5 to 7 touch up which mean putting the face back on her skull, then peeling it off to touch it up, then reattaching her face to the skull.

I am imagining it will be a gruesome as it sounds but I think I have a good understanding of how to get this done.. The outcome I think will be worth it.. At least she isn't in a landfill or a pedo's home...
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Re: What advice do you all have on re-sculpting a face

Post by muesky6969 »

Okay folks! I know I haven't posted here in a while, but am gearing up for a new project and need some advice. I have two male doll heads, a WM #183 and WM #78 (which is the same as Agares'). The plan is to modify them and sell em. They are both the dark tan color. I will post pictures. Both are going to get elf ears and horns, that is a given. The #183 head is going to get cheek implants to balance out that huge ass jawline of his. Initially I considered scraping out some of the tpe in the jawline to slim it down but I would have to remove the face entirely and I am not feeling it.

So here is what I am needing to get feed back on.
#183 head - Hair color (Wig), eyebrows and possibly goatee, which I am going to punch in. I am really want to go golden blonde/bleach blonde with him. I think with the dark skin and elf ears and maybe make gold colored horns, with green eyes. That maybe a done deal.. JS This is a big ole noggin so I am considering doing some kind of tribal or celtic tattoo in gold on the side of his face, which would go with the horns.
It is nicknamed Atlas because Fathead isn't really nice. LOL!!

#78 head - Hair color (Wig), eyebrows and possibly goatee, which I am going to punch in, as well. Here are two ideas I have so far but am open for suggestions. White hair, eyebrows (no goatee), with silver or gold horns. Red hair, eyebrows (may or may not have goatee) with black horns (maybe with red tips). Since I am pushing more for faye with this head I am not going to widen his jawline, but I could. That is actually one of the easier of the modifications. No facial tattoos but maybe some gauged earrings??

Does this sound like something anyone would want to purchase?

The ears and horn mounts are going to take a couple of weeks to get done. So I have a bit of time to order the hair and wigs, to make a decision. It is going to take a week for the magnets for the horns to get here, but I am going to start on the ears this weekend.
This is WM #78
This is WM #78
head IMG_1002 (2).jpg (463.38 KiB) Viewed 441 times
This is WM #183 in dark tan
This is WM #183 in dark tan
Altlas.jpg (13.05 KiB) Viewed 441 times
This is WM #183 in dark tan
This is WM #183 in dark tan
Atlas3.jpg (15.35 KiB) Viewed 441 times
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Re: What advice do you all have on re-sculpting a face

Post by muesky6969 »

Okay, so when I replaced Agares' magnets for his horn mounts, I noticed one of his ears had a small stress tear. Well I got ambitious and decided to resculpt his ears. Seagull mentioned how thick the helix was and I agreed with him, it was a bit too thick, for my taste, as well. Plus I wanted to see how thin I could make the ear structure and it still be able to retain it's shape.
Good news I was able to cut the thickness down by a little less then half that it was originally, and the ear is still able to stand. Iti s a bit wiggly when testing it but I am totally okay with that, for the benefit of refinement.

I have learned so much about what can and cannot be done with TPE by doing Agares' ears. When I add pointed ears to Cleo and the two heads I have I will just carve the graft and it will not need to be nearly as thick as his.

Here is what I found to be the easiest to do. Use the ear structure already there, and build it up. What I did with Agares is cut the helix open from the outside curve to the first ridge in the inner ear. I will add pictures of what I am talking about when I start working on the extra heads. Right now I am not focusing on making them anatomically functional, you know the shape they would truly need to be if they were real elf ears, but working more to durability and being able to stand on their own without using any supports.

For the extra heads and Cleo I am not even going to waste my time on trying to mold them. It would just be easier to carve them out of a block of TPE. Fortunately when they send the second free head for Agares they sent me about 3/4 block of TPE that is the dark tan color, although it is a bit lighter then the heads, it will still work. Actually I think I can just cut out wedges and then sculpt the ears once the wedge has been grafted.

In my research of elf ears I saw some really cool designs. There was a set of sea elf ears and they had this really cool pinion effect, that would super easy to do. Honestly I think I can get to the point to be able to add elf ears pretty easily.

So Love Dolls said it would cost about $225 to order 10lbs of TPE in the dark tan color, and of course it is going to take over a month to get it, so I have scraped that idea. I already have about 5lbs, and I only paid $55 for that. So I am just going to order 5-6 more masturbators and use them. Also decided I am going to move to hot processing the TPE. After Christmas I am going to buy a turkey fryer, to melt the TPE down. That means I will have to move to metal molds but since the only thing I want to do right now is make a couple of tails, it is an expensive investment, but in the future that may change. But a gallon of 3M 94 primer is $175 - 205. I can get a nice electric turkey fry for under a $100. This way I am not dealing with a much toxic chemicals, other then using the primer to attach the tail, and I can use the fryer over and over again. With the primer, once it is gone then I have to buy more.

I am also looking into finding a plastic manufacturer close to me to look into having a plastic hollow chest cavity made. There are a couple not far from me that does custom designs. So I guess I am going to start pushing towards getting that done. Since the next doll I order is going to be about 125lbs +, I need to get this figured out sooner then later. I figured If I can get his weight down by at least 25lbs, I can move that around. Still eyeing Xiel and Agares' guts. They might just get a plastic ball or something stuffed into them. LOL! Pretty much just need something that will hold its shape, handle the pressure of the TPE surrounding it and my fat butt, since I find myself laying half on them most of the time at night.

So I am thinking if I can have hollow thigh and calve muscles made that would take another 5-10 off. Considering the possibility of the butt as well but I am not sure how exactly to mount them. Still giving that one a think..

Any suggestions would be appreciated, especially finding something already made.
The helix is much thinner. Unfortunately I think that is about as thin at I can go and the ears still be able to hold their form.
The helix is much thinner. Unfortunately I think that is about as thin at I can go and the ears still be able to hold their form.
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Left 1.jpg
Left 1.jpg (11.52 KiB) Viewed 433 times
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Re: What advice do you all have on re-sculpting a face

Post by seagull »

Holy moley! That is just beautiful :angel:

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Re: What advice do you all have on re-sculpting a face

Post by muesky6969 »

seagull wrote:Holy moley! That is just beautiful :angel:
Thanks! I like these much better.

I started working on one of the extra heads I have. Just taking the extra jaw material and hollowing out the cheeks, I think I have a better idea on how to address getting the baby fat out of Cleo's face. I may need to make a couple of tools to use for heat carving out the material but they will be pretty easy to make and I already have everything. My retention rodent syndrome comes in handy once again.. LOL... :cry:
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Re: What advice do you all have on re-sculpting a face

Post by muesky6969 »

Today has been fairly productive. I have removed all the extra material in Atlas' jawline and built up his cheekbones a bit, but am probably going to have to add more material to make them a bit more pronounced.

So here is the issue, after I removed a lot of the jaw material, the face did not stretch back like I was hoping it would so I ended up having to take out material at the back of his head to tighten the face so it will fit the skull.. Right now I have pins holding it together until the paste sets.

As you can see I also started grafting the ears. The process I am trying, I think will make adding elf ears super easy. I just cut two triangle pieces of TPE about the size of the point I want. Then on the doll I cut the outer ridge of the ear from the side up to the curve back. This is what will stabilize the graft and anchor it to the existing ear structure. Once the paste dries I will then attached the helix that I cut to the graft. After that I just need to sculpt is and they should be good to go. These pointed ears are not going to be nearly elaborate as Agares but considering I am the only one who is making truly grafted ears, they will look pretty awesome.

It's going to be another week before the hair and magnets will get here, so once I am done with his facial and ear modifications, I will start on the second head WM#78, that is the same as model as Agares. Since no one had any suggestions I decided to go with white hair with a bit of red, or maybe the other way around. I have to buy the same amount of both colors so I will decide once I get his ears grafted.

If everything keeps going smoothly I should have both the heads done before Christmas and start on Cleo. With my experience working on Atlas I think I have a pretty good handle on the process now, so it doesn't seem so daunting.
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Face recon.jpg
Face recon.jpg (11.59 KiB) Viewed 392 times
Face recon L.jpg
Face recon L.jpg (11.89 KiB) Viewed 392 times
Face recon R.jpg
Face recon R.jpg (10.54 KiB) Viewed 392 times
Ear R.jpg
Ear R.jpg (13.58 KiB) Viewed 392 times
Ear L.jpg
Ear L.jpg (9.75 KiB) Viewed 392 times
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Re: What advice do you all have on re-sculpting a face

Post by seagull »

Those lips look very kissable, and I'm straight-ish :)

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Re: What advice do you all have on re-sculpting a face

Post by muesky6969 »

seagull wrote:Those lips look very kissable, and I'm straight-ish :)
Well the hope is to be able to emphasis those just a little bit more. Still waiting on the hair I ordered, for the eyebrows and goatee. I ordered a short multi-colored blonde wig for him as well. Had considered getting a longer wig but couldn't find one I like that would look good on him. I also ordered a set of blue eyes for him. He will look pretty good when I am finished.

Since it is going to be about a week for the hair to come in, I am going to start on the second head, this weekend. So barring any unforeseen issues I am on track to having both of these heads done by Christmas. Then I am going to start on Cleo and Agares tail. I am so excited to get her done as well. Agares, well everything I do for him is a labor of love, so it is all good. :D

If everything goes as planned I maybe ordering another doll soon. Just depends if they can get the custom color I want and the 6kgs of extra tpe for modifications. Both of those are deal breakers for getting another doll. That will give me 4 dolls, so I guess I need to slow my roll on this.
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Re: What advice do you all have on re-sculpting a face

Post by seagull »

so I guess I need to slow my roll on this
muesky, slowin her roll? This I gotta see, you're already several races in front of most of us :)

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Re: What advice do you all have on re-sculpting a face

Post by muesky6969 »

seagull wrote:so I guess I need to slow my roll on this
muesky, slowin her roll? This I gotta see, you're already several races in front of most of us :)
Just clearing a path for everyone else.. LOL!!!
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