
The most realistic and softest breast - torso/mold?

Torso Only Dolls without limbs, and other partials, could be any simulated body part targeted at fetishes or simply to use as a masturbation toy.
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The most realistic and softest breast - torso/mold?

Post by melistr »

Hello guys,

I am looking for a torso/mold ofthe most realistic and softest breast as possible made from SILICONE, not TPE or another material like this.
Does anybody know about some torso/mold like this or own it and can tell his experiences?

Thank you so much guys :)
I appreciate any help.


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Re: The most realistic and softest breast - torso/mold?

Post by alienware377 »

Sorry but you can't truly get softness with silicone. The problem with silicone is when you add too much of the softening agent it just turns to lube like liquid. TPE maintains its form though, no matter how much softening agent you add. Therefore, even if you make a thin skin of silicone and fill it with silicone gel, you'll still get a very firm, rubber like breasts. If you want really realistic, soft breasts, I'd honestly suggest the "TiddyToy" from
I love their toy so much that I own like 5 of them. If you want it extra soft and wobbly and don't mind if it's a little less durable and a little more oily, you can request the "extra wobbly" version In the order or via contacting them. By default they ship the original version which is a lot more durable but still wobbly and soft. I personally highly prefer the extra wobbly version myself, but one of my extra wobbly versions has a tear at the bottom of the breast cuz i threw it around too much.

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Re: The most realistic and softest breast - torso/mold?

Post by manobon »

Well there's, but they only make them in sizes G cup and up - and I think any new orders will be on 'backorder' for some time (but you can contact them to see what's going on - and search for crownpeaks in the forum for recent reviews and such) - platinum silicone, and clearly the most realistic breasts since those TPE busty ai-chan ones. Just wish they made them in smaller/more common sizes!

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Re: The most realistic and softest breast - torso/mold?

Post by cycleingking »

Wow!! I had no idea something like this was even available. Well without trying to do too much by adding a weird vagina in the middle. These are both excellent but do really wish there were more options. Darker areolas for one would have me reaching for my card.
Passionate about ROS, LHP and Silicone

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