And Then I became a dollowner

Established since 2002, Sanhui Model Making Co.,Ltd has been endeavoring in the creation and the making of life-like female dolls in various sizes and materials. Our products range from anime models to life-sized and altered-proportion platinum silicone love dolls. The dolls are anatomically correct with fully functional orifices to the intimate touch and feel of a real lady with curvy figure from Yoga coaching.
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And Then I became a dollowner

Post by nonconformist »

Hello Fellow TDF'ers

So the day finally arrived I got her yesterday :multi:

SOOOOO many different impressions!! 8O

1st woaw she is small!! I know i ordered a 145cm but I guess I really didn't have no clue about proportions at all I will propably get used to it soon but damn I need a good hiding space for when I get visitors! 8O

2nd impression holy crap she is heavy!! I ordered specificly a 145cm because I knew weight will be a concern but holy moly my back is acking today I never had so much exercise in one day just getting her around the flat I can't imagine how this would have ever worked for me if I ordered a taller doll idk how you guys with bigger dolls manage this but phew that requires some work out.

3rd impression yeah so standing option and the thight joints are not recommended for "fun" the sheer amount exercise it got just from positioning her limbs was very exhausting to the point I had to take breaks to catch my breath..... I can see how this is a good option for photography but not for "fun" I read so many different recommendations here but let me be clear NO thight joints for "fun"

So now for the good stuff sanhui did a excellent job here package was in mint condition and so was the content I was amazed with the sturdy build quality after reading in here for 5years I was fearing that I bought a porcelain doll but that is nowhere near the case she is a sturdy little thing I feel like the squishy one compared to her :D

the lines/curves are amazing too look at very very enticing :P I ordered soft butt vag and breast's but kinda feel I should have ordered it with soft thighs and belly too very firm even the soft butt has a certain firmness but the breasts are amazing and so is the uhm... inside feel :razz:

So for starters I took her to the showers not sure I EVER will do that again holy shit! that is a dangerous ordeal and back busting so I need to figure out a easier solution to this 8O

Love her look with the wigs on but hate all the hairs she leaves so for now she goes for the modern punk bald look :D

In regards to cleaning the insides I need to figure some easy solution because hauling her ass off to the showers will kill me slippery floor and lifting heavy weights in the shower is dangerous stuff....

Again I must say sanhui did a really good job the quality is really amazing textured skin feels and looks very real 8O

so this is how my first day as a doll owner went I hope you guys have some great inputs for me :D

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Re: And Then I became a dollowner

Post by Canvas »

I'm happy to read about your new arrival.
The first few days can really be something. And the honeymoon can carry on and on
They definitely are heavy at first, but they become more manageable...or maybe you just get stronger with carrying them...point is carrying them around gets easier. Some people use rolling chairs when moving around a lot. Leveraging and lifting with your body not your back goes a long way too.

It was interesting hearing your take on the soft features, I got my sanhui through a private sale last year and have wondered if the soft silicone got any softer. Or if mine ever had the features ordered to begin with... They are a bit firm, but Sanhui still has a lot of great features.

The joints can move with good range of motion... but some can be real difficult to move. Mine has one really stiff thigh. My best advice is to move the limbs such as the legs at the thigh not the calf or the ankle. Or move the arm at the upper arm not the wrist or lower arm. Leverage helps, but two much can cause a limb to get what happened slightly to one of her legs unfortunately. Also push through when moving a stiff limb...if that makes sense...don't put a ton of pressure hoping it will budge.

Cleaning after sex...for me the biggest game changer was figuring this out. (there are a few other methods too, you'll find one that works for you eventually)
You can try getting a 5 gallon bucket, and a toilet seat from your local hardware store. If you put the lid on top the bucket you have a make shift toilet that you can move anywhere.
I set mine aside the bed when we're done and it's a quick lift off the bed and onto "the can", clean her out in 10 minutes or so and then set her to dry with an air pump.
It might seem kind of goofy/crude but it is way better than lugging the doll into the bathroom, or finding some way to stand and pose the doll and what ever your using to clean them with...which used to take me about an hour and strain my back as well

Cleaning the body: having some sort of shower chair and using spray bottles makes it a lot easier.
...also I have had a nasty fall with one of my girls in the shower (poor thing hit the water spout face first - standing up).
The shower chair helps avoid accidents and saves you the strain of having to position them..or reposition because they seem to slip really easily sometimes in the tub
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Re: And Then I became a dollowner

Post by Studio »

Congratulations on her arrival, things will get easier with experience.

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Re: And Then I became a dollowner

Post by Fitz62 »

Easiest way to clean her I find after owning 6 dolls is to set her on the toilet and use a douche, you can order from Amazon to clean her. Put hand soap and warm water in the douche and repeat multiple douches. Use plain water to remove soap and finish up with water mixed with alcohol.

Wipe up around her vagina, legs and rear with toilet paper and use toilet paper to dry out the entrance to the vagina.

I then use diatomaceous earth drying sticks. These are designed for drying out sex toys and are available at Toy, at a number of the vender websites, and at Amazon. I usually use one first to get most of the moisture and then a second one to finish up. They are fragile and will break easily, so be careful using them. An hour tops seems to work fine. I think I purchased a large box of them with about 10 to a box but don't remember where.

I tried the air pumps etc. and didn't find them effective or that they took too long.

Finally, I buy some of the small silicone bags used for moisture control in shipping of electronics. The ones I used are from Amazon. I place 3 to 4 of these in the vagina and have never had any issues.

Also, you do not have to immediately clean after sex. As long as you get it cleaned by the next day, no worries I have found.

Another option for cleaning if you do not orgasm inside put pull out and are only worried about small amounts of organic material. Purchase a long set of Hemostats, the locking clamps that surgeons use. Get the 8" one and clamp a cotton ball to the end coat with alcohol and you can use this to clean the entire vagina passage. The alcohol will evaporate if you leave the legs spread. May or may not need the drying stick.

There are some of the ways I have discovered for cleaning fixed vagina dolls since my first one back in 2003

Enema Bulb for Men or Women – Douche Cleaner – 310 ml Capacity (Purple)

INTERTECK PACKAGING 5 Gram Silica Gel Packets - Rechargeable Desiccant Packets and Dehumidifiers (Non-Indicating, Tyvek 300 Pack)INTERTECK PACKAGING 5 Gram Silica Gel Packets - Rechargeable Desiccant Packets and Dehumidifiers (Non-Indicating, Tyvek 300 Pack)

Ultimate Hemostat Set, 6 Piece Ideal for Hobby Tools, Electronics, Fishing and Taxidermy (8", 6.25" and 5")
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Re: And Then I became a dollowner

Post by Slamjut »

Congratulations, I just got the 158 a couple of weeks ago. Yes the weight is a surprise at first, even when I got my 100cm a year ago and then the 130cm (both TPE). But as mentioned, your body gets stronger after a while and you also learn a routine on how to pick them up with more confidence. After a year with the 2 TPE dolls, I had no problem with the 158 at 68 lbs, I think I could handle 75lb. It's all in your legs. Plus the durability of silicone makes it even easier. Something to keep in mind though is when you're "using her", stick with one pose and pose her before you "get ready". Changing her position during the act is a mood killer.

For cleaning, that was my least favourite part. I used to carry them upstairs into the bathtub but I found another method that works perfect for me. I drilled a hole in a ceiling joist and screwed in a hook/nut, got a chain and I suspend her while cleaning. OMG it's so much easier because you don't have to turn her over when washing her, and waiting for her to dry etc, and douching is quicker. I do have to wrap a towel around her waist because it's set up in a walk in closet. I also have an incontinence pad below her to catch the water that misses the bucket.

But if hanging isn't feasible, people have said they just douche their doll in their bed, just use the incontinence pad which keeps the bed dry.

I do have a drying stick but I'm not confident that it really works. I also used tampons. But I swear by the aquarium pump. i know it takes long but you just set it up and let it run overnight. She's dry as a bone when it's done.


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Re: And Then I became a dollowner

Post by Hitchhiker42 »

Yup, cleaning used to be such a mess. And I hated hauling her around after an exhausting... umm... "session"? :wink:

All I have done for the last few years is use a damp microfiber cloth that I roll up and gently stuff inside her. I rinse out the cloth and reinsert it 2 or three times. You don't want to use too big of a cloth out of fear of stressing the insides. The size will depend on the size of the doll's cavity. I have a small Norwex sample of their "body" cloth. The actual "body" cloth is a little big. About the size of a small wash cloth. I will try to insert a tampon dipped in 3% hydrogen peroxide every month or so, just to be careful. But my dolls rarely go a week without action, so mold doesn't really have time to form.

Drying is the most important part. One of these days I will get an aquarium pump, but for now, all I do is keep her lying in bed with her legs spread only enough to open the vagina. Then I let her be for a few hours to air dry. But if I'm in a hurry, I will use a dry cloth to do so. But I don't like sticking in a dry cloth. It doesn't go in easy and I worry about micro tears. Sometimes I will just stick my finger in to wipe out any water left. But if the dolls cavity is very deep, this can be hard to do. A drying stick works too. Though I might have poked a hole in one of my dolls with one. Or I pushed in a TPE ball in her vagina. I couldn't feel the stick hitting the back of the tunnel and I kept pushing until I realized the stick had to be in far enough. I've been weary of using the stick again.

I love cleaning this way because it is quick and effortless. No more spilling water every where. And I don't have to lift them at all. I smell check them often. Okay... I like to go down on them often, and I don't smell anything while I'm down there. And 99% of the time I finish inside them while bareback.
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Re: And Then I became a dollowner

Post by nonconformist »

Thx for all the great feedbacks so here is a little update :D

After walking around sore and stiff as hell the first few days my body is now slowly adjusting to me using it 10 years of no exercise takes it toll :D

I find my hormonesystem went into overdrive I walk around half cocked all the time now just like being 18 again and I am in the start forties 8O

The cleaning hose thingy I got with her is not very effecient first of the hose is made of soft plastic it seems instead of rubber one should think that for that price you would get suffiecent cleaning kit but will go and by that enemabulb that was recommended to me.

I know clean her with soapwater and small alcohol solution standing up legs spread wide over a bucket seems easier then hauling her ass into the shower :D also I dont wanna slip naked in the shower with her and kill my self I can't imagine my eulogy would be very flattering if I was found like that :D

Sadly my flat is too small to use wheelchair or showerchair so will go for the mistyfier and alcowipe cleaningstyle.

So far I bought some tampoons I use to get her dry on the inside and I have not jizzed inside her because I fear it would make the cleaning impossible but idk hope some of you guys know if its worth it or not in terms of cleaning time??

How do you guys use the wigs?? I found them frustrating on the account that they leave hair everywhere and are nearly impossible to brush so I keep her bald for now :D

Yesterday whil doing the deed I got hit with this idk uncanny valley feeling it killed my mood any of you ever tried that? I got over it though but also had slight paranoia all day fearing the doll would come to live horrorstyle like some chucky movie or something strange feeling and unnerving but brushed it off as my anxiety in overdrive because of too much caffeine 8O

how do you guys go about powdering? and wut is the best approach I thought about buying a big makk-up brush to help instead of rubbing her in using my hands I also find I get rubber burns of my body if she is not sufficently powdered :D

And regards to how she performs in bed I can tell that the inside feels 100% like the real thing not felt this kind of realism before other then on a real lady (own several flesh lights) i went with the soft vag soft butt and soft breast the butt needs to be softer I think it still feels too hard but the breasts are awesome and for anyone considering buying a sanhui aoi go all soft on it it will feel more realistic and same with textured skin :D

Sheers mates and sorry for insane long post :D

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Re: And Then I became a dollowner

Post by Tyr »

Consider using a femidom and clean up becomes way easier.

“We’ve always been vulnerable. Every day you go out the house, you’re vulnerable. You’re inches from diving under a bus or somebody hitting you over the head for your money. Nothing is safe. Everybody seems to be obsessed with safety. Well, nothing is safe, okay? Nothing! Make the most of it while you’re safe now. You won’t be tomorrow, maybe.”
The Late, Great, Ian Fraser Kilminster.

My 'e' key is getting sticky, so now and thn words may look a bit odd.

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Re: And Then I became a dollowner

Post by Slamjut »

That pink hose is useless if it's the same one I got with my doll. Just get a decent quality douching bulb, I drilled a small hole in the end to jet water directly in the end of the tunnel. Also I'm not sure if using alcohol is a good idea but antibacterial dish soap and water is all you need.

With wigs you have to start brushing from the end of the hair and slowly work your way up to the top of the scalp. If you start up top down, you can badly tangle it. And when you're done using it, give it another brush and then put it into the netting or a plastic bag cap first. You can't really do anything with the hair all over the place. I use a lint roller which isn't perfect but it make it a bit easier.

Tampons work but as I mentioned, the aquarium pump works the best for me.

As far as doing the deed, she's not a living and breathing woman so you just have to get used to that and try to use your imagination.

I use the makeup brush for powder. You can also try patting it on with a white sock, that way you avoid getting too much oil on her skin.

Yeah I regret not getting the soft butt. I didn't want the soft belly because the "spare tires" when she sits up looks a little nasty. The soft vag is amazing, I haven't tried it yet as I made the mistake of staining her butt on the first night. I've been applying acne cream with benzoyl peroxide every day for the past 2 weeks and it's almost gone.

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Re: And Then I became a dollowner

Post by Doll Master »

We need pics.

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Re: And Then I became a dollowner

Post by rabuco »

Hi, sounds you have quite an intense first week with your new doll, I do remember how exciting the first weeks are, great :)!
On powdering, I use a dust cloth (one of those microfiber things) and find that it works well working the powder in on larger surfaces, but I think a makeup brush would be handy, was thinking about that as well.
And the wigs, yeah, unfortunately, at least the ones that are rather on the cheap side, which I use as well (more variety for your money!), start to look a bit less nice soonish after the first uses, but I would also definitely recommend very regular brushing to avoid too much tying up, and using the nets they come with. If you have the room, you could think about getting proper wig stands, but that was always out of the question for me.
Have fun!

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Re: And Then I became a dollowner

Post by nonconformist »

Sorry i can't post any pics of her as I understand it she is on the no photo's allowed list but its the sanhui 145 aio with face 8 also have no clothes for her yet so it would only be nudity pics :razz:

Yup so its been one insane week and idk atm I struggle with slight paranoia feeling all the time like someone is in my flat idk why that is 8O so far the whole paranoia has put a dampening effect on my dollymoon sadly :(

I forgot to mention earlier in my recommendations about her go for the more tanned skin options the standard white I got is very very pale and after powdering even more so so I highly recommend you go for a little darker shade unless you ofc like the illuminating white :D

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