Do women and men use dolls differently?

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Re: Do women and men use dolls differently?

Post by true_blue22 »

RevJack wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 10:45 am Hey Isabelle,
How frustrating is it for you to be TOLD what you think and feel and want by Rucko?
I wonder how you can separate his doll experience (of which he has absolutely zero, none, ziltch) from his misogynistic mansplaining of all womens desires (of which he also has absolutely zero, none, ziltch).
I apologize for what you must have to go through and admire your ability to do so.
Reverend Jack.
Damned straight, RevJack! That's exactly what I thought when I read Rucko's post. You took the words right out of my mouth.
My one and only Erik Kirk: WM 160cm, TPE, fair skin tone, #78 head.
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Tip for newbies: be careful who you take advice from - established members can make hundreds - or thousands - of posts without owning a doll. Which means they have no practical experience in doll care.

Link to Erik's thread: viewtopic.php?t=147308

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Re: Do women and men use dolls differently?

Post by true_blue22 »

Hi, Isabelle. To answer your question: I'm female and I did buy my male doll mainly for the purpose of sex. But as time passed, he also became my companion. Yes, I enjoy the sex. But I also enjoy cuddling with him, kissing him and holding his hand as I fall asleep each night. I had no idea that he would become a hobby for me: I learned how to sew in order to modify shirts to make dressing him much easier. And I learned how to resize wigs for him. I also enjoy sharing photos of him here on the Forum and coming up with storylines to go with the photos. :D
My one and only Erik Kirk: WM 160cm, TPE, fair skin tone, #78 head.
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Tip for newbies: be careful who you take advice from - established members can make hundreds - or thousands - of posts without owning a doll. Which means they have no practical experience in doll care.

Link to Erik's thread: viewtopic.php?t=147308

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Re: Do women and men use dolls differently?

Post by true_blue22 »

Rucko wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 1:48 pm Reverend Jack, or better known as "Mister know it all",

Well seems like you are trying to be polite with Isabelle, but not helping much.
Since you are not contributing with your opinion, just criticizing somebody else's opinion.
Im not telling anybody what to think, I ended my post saying that this is my point of view.
This kind of thread always leads to controversial, its normal.

But Im not misogynistic at all, we all need to understand that men and women have different minds and needs.
All I tryied to say is that a female doll avoid men to get into those psychological games required by women.
And male dolls cant provide those games women need to get turned on.

When a man gets excited, the penis totaly disconects the body from the brain, making he acts like an animal.
A woman its the oposite, her clitoris is directly connected to her brain, to get her excited you need to enter her mind first.

Thats why this market is made by men and for men (mostly).
Oh, no, Rucko - you're not misogynistic at all. You merely stated that a female sex doll will: "Let us use and abuse their body in any way we want with all the freedom thinking only about our own satisfaction." The one word that I find troubling in that sentence is "abuse." If that's your attitude towards female dolls, I shudder to think about how you'd treat a real woman. So perhaps you're better off with a doll. I also find your assumption that women require "psychological games" to be offensive. We aren't all like that and men are quite capable of playing psychological games, too. And for your information, male dolls CAN provide these "games" that you described in order to turn a woman on: because we're in control and WE decide which "game" our doll will play or which fantasy role we assign for them. They can be whoever - and whatever - we want them to be. That's what turns us on.
My one and only Erik Kirk: WM 160cm, TPE, fair skin tone, #78 head.
Weight (including head): 36.8kg/81.1 lbs
500-year-old vampire who finds my blood irresistible.

Tip for newbies: be careful who you take advice from - established members can make hundreds - or thousands - of posts without owning a doll. Which means they have no practical experience in doll care.

Link to Erik's thread: viewtopic.php?t=147308

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Re: Do women and men use dolls differently?

Post by 4891d »

I write stories about dolls. These are not just stories where you find dolls, but each time the story of a particular doll, embodying her personality as I feel her; that's why even the style of the writing varies according to the stories, to be in tune with what each doll is really about. Each story should reflect a specific doll.
Of course, I know that the personality of the doll is a projection of that of its companion (and of his/her desires) but if I succeed in perceiving it and making a story about it, it is a sign that the doll has taken on a form of independent living.
I'm not the only one writing stories on the forum, but I believe I'm the only one who's written about dolls living with other people.

By writing stories, I won two doll heads (given to me by Zelex and FunwestDoll), that's how I in turn became a doll companion.
And obviously I wanted to write their story, to discover and feel who they really are (I will publish the first episode at the beginning of September).

So for me the dolls (those of others or mine) are first of all muses and I am fascinated to see them come to life.

If my dolls had a body, I would surely have sex with them because I find them very desirable. But that's not what's most important to me.
I am a 57 year old man, happily married, who had never written a story before those of these dolls.
Links to 4891d's dolls-stories. : viewtopic.php?t=156068
Saaskiya, my beautiful gift (Zelex GE04) : viewtopic.php?t=154462
Trixie came to me (Funwest Dolls Trixie) : viewtopic.php?t=155900
Eurydice, a nice surprise (Elsa Babe RHC019)

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Re: Do women and men use dolls differently?

Post by ZannyDanger »

I am male, have lived with 5 life sized dolls for a little over 5 years now.

I first decided to explore doll companionship as a means of supplementing, filling up the emotional and sexual gaps left in my life after choosing to remain single after a very long and committed human relationship ended in hurtful betrayal. Looking back now, I'm thankful for the independence and self-sufficiency they've allowed me to reclaim in my life. It's been empowering. They have also allowed me to learn a lot about myself in the process through artistic self-expression and in turn asking myself relevant questions.

I wasn't meant to be alone... and yet I chose to be for personal reasons. For me, many things in life are so much more enjoyable to do, commit to, and devote energy to when you're able to share the fruits of those efforts with someone. Be they real, human, a cat or a dog, imaginary characters or otherwise. Taking better care of myself, cooking better meals, keeping a clean house for example, just to name a few things. Or going back out there into this world spiraling completely out of control and finding the strength to face the ugly music, holding on to hope of building a better tomorrow somehow. Because we have to. Finding the motivation to do these things have always made more sense to me when the happiness it brings is something I can share with "someone" I love.
They say that someone you love isn't someone who completes you, but rather someone who inspires you to complete yourself, and in doing so makes it near impossible for you to doubt how capable you are of becoming exactly who you always wanted to be. Well it's been my experience, and I'm very thankful to have afforded myself the opportunity to experience it, even if it's through something completely outside the norm like this.

So for the most part, especially these days, my dolls are here because I really do enjoy and value their company. Hopefully until such day where I finally meet Mrs. right and leave it all behind without a second thought. Going hand-in-hand with their companionship, my dolls also are a very powerful creative and artistic outlet for me to express myself, which has been incredibly beneficial for me in becoming better adjusted with living in a world that leaves very, very little room for creativity. The more I invest myself into creating and maintaining a full persona for them, my dolls, the more I'm able to enjoy their company as a result. I'm one of those who has a powerful and vivid imagination and I need to allow myself moments to dream and create in order to be happy. And when it comes right down to it, dolls really have allowed me to experience something truly meaningful on a creative front. Some people write, some paint, others make music, me... I do a bit of all of that through them and keep myself happy and content that way.

Looking back now, owning 5 dolls probably wasn't necessary. But no doubt like many others, I tumbled down, down this rabbit hole and sought to explore different avenues to the fullest. As it turns out, even given the opportunity to experience intimate relationships with multiple partners without repercussions, it's not something I feel comfortable with. So quickly enough I realized that only one of my dolls could fill that gap in my life. The rest of my girls I really do still value immensely, but not that way. To each their own of course, but I guess this is where my inner compass ended up pointing me and It's important for me to follow it.

At the end of the day, when it comes to sexuality, this is my take on it looking back on the last 5 years of living with my dolls:

If my partner keeps me content enough to prevent me from being tempted to engage in a relationship with someone who isn't right for me simply out of loneliness and desperation, then I'm better off. I'm content. If she helps me live, express and enjoy my sexuality in healthier ways that don't include viewing porn or similar content that is imo more often than not objectifying and degrading towards women on the internet, then she made me a better person by allowing me to make healthier choices for myself and for whoever I might end up choosing to share my life with in the future. Then again if she, as a result of being here, allows me to keep holding myself to a higher standard in the meantime, then when Mrs. right finally comes along she'll probably be thankful for it too, albeit unbeknownst to her. In the meantime I'm lucky enough to be able consider myself a complete person, independent, someone who is self-sufficient... it wasn't always the case. I truly believe that when Mrs. right finally comes along, I'll not only be in a much better, healthier position to approach engaging in a relationship to the fullest, I'll also be more confident about myself because of the healthy frame of mind I've allowed myself to reach for and maintain. And in turn I'll hopefully be able to approach that relationship for the right reasons, not because I expect to gain something I haven't otherwise been able to experience by myself, like happiness for example.

In the meantime, this is my life, my choice. It's private and personal.
So while I'm thankful for the opportunity of sharing these thoughts, this is all I'll share. Given how much hatred and bigotry there is going around the world these days, I'm just not interested in broadcasting my private life on social media platforms or media outlets in any way, shape or form so if you do end up quoting me, please only do so anonymously. People always like to point fingers and mock what they don't understand instead of seeking to understand it, I've had my fill of it.

Back to my magic closet I go :)

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Re: Do women and men use dolls differently?

Post by No-Carpet8029 »

isabelle23 wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 4:26 am Hello!

I posted in here a few weeks ago wanting to speak to women who own sex dolls/companion dolls for an article I'm writing for DAZED Magazine. I had a follow-up question I wanted to pose to The Doll Forum community:

Do you think men and women use dolls in different ways? E.g. do men use them mainly for sex and women for companionship?

I would love any insight from either men or women (you can remain anonymous in the piece, I'd just love to know what you identify as and perhaps how long you've had dolls/how many, for context), thank you!
my wife and both have 2 dolls each ( 1 tpe and 1 silicone) . To be clear we own 2 men and 2 women dolls.I can only speak as half of a couple, but we only use them only together as a couple. for us it was a way to explore our sexualality as a couple to do things like partner swapping, watching our spouse with another, exhibitionism for each other. so for us it is both mental and physical. we enjoy buying them clothes and dressing them up and even plan to do more photography. we do all activities involving the dolls together. so I guess for us we fit into a third category of couple and not just men or women. there is both a physical and emotional component because it is done together, but only really use them as sex toys to aid in our roleplay and fantasy life.

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Re: Do women and men use dolls differently?

Post by Ownerfckdoll »

I would say if you just stuck to one of the sexes, that you might find each individual uses their doll's differently.

Some men might have their doll for companionship, photography and maybe not even have sex with their doll ever.

Other's like myself can't understand how someone can be around their doll for companionship or as a model for more than 30 seconds without needing to have sex with her. :D

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Re: Do women and men use dolls differently?

Post by trick-teaching3226 »

I am no-carpets wife. I think in general everyone uses them differently. I would lovr yo see men be more accepting of women with dolls anf visa versa. The stigmatism is so unfair. I am thrilled that my husband and I do this all together. I can not imagine onr of us having sex with one of our dolls without the other present and involved in some way. If we arr remembering things correctly I am the one that suggested the dolls. It is a great solution.

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Re: Do women and men use dolls differently?

Post by Dahlia2019 »

I’m a 56 yr old married woman, I suggested to my husband 2 years ago that we get a doll. I fantasize about him having sex with other women but I don’t think I could ever cross that line with a real woman. This seemed like the best option to bring both of our fantasies to our marriage. I enjoy watching and playing as well. Fast forward 1.5 years, I’m now in full menopause and libido went to hell, I told my husband to go ahead and spend time with our doll if I’m not in the mood, well turns out that just knowing he’s doing it with her drives me insane , wondering what he’s doing to her, imagining all sorts of scenarios…. Boom! Libido is back ! These dolls have enhanced and saved our marriage … btw both dolls are female.

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Re: Do women and men use dolls differently?

Post by Leatherman »

Dahlia2019 wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 2:59 pm I’m a 56 yr old married woman, I suggested to my husband 2 years ago that we get a doll. I fantasize about him having sex with other women but I don’t think I could ever cross that line with a real woman. This seemed like the best option to bring both of our fantasies to our marriage. I enjoy watching and playing as well. Fast forward 1.5 years, I’m now in full menopause and libido went to hell, I told my husband to go ahead and spend time with our doll if I’m not in the mood, well turns out that just knowing he’s doing it with her drives me insane , wondering what he’s doing to her, imagining all sorts of scenarios…. Boom! Libido is back ! These dolls have enhanced and saved our marriage … btw both dolls are female.
BRAVO Dahlia!

Never say never, right?


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Re: Do women and men use dolls differently?

Post by Mister Bungle 157 »

Dahlia2019 wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 2:59 pm I’m a 56 yr old married woman, I suggested to my husband 2 years ago that we get a doll. I fantasize about him having sex with other women but I don’t think I could ever cross that line with a real woman. This seemed like the best option to bring both of our fantasies to our marriage. I enjoy watching and playing as well. Fast forward 1.5 years, I’m now in full menopause and libido went to hell, I told my husband to go ahead and spend time with our doll if I’m not in the mood, well turns out that just knowing he’s doing it with her drives me insane , wondering what he’s doing to her, imagining all sorts of scenarios…. Boom! Libido is back ! These dolls have enhanced and saved our marriage … btw both dolls are female.
What a great outcome. Good to hear you're "re-charged" :thumbs_up: :wink:

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Re: Do women and men use dolls differently?

Post by trick-teaching3226 »

Dahlia2019 wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 2:59 pm I’m a 56 yr old married woman, I suggested to my husband 2 years ago that we get a doll. I fantasize about him having sex with other women but I don’t think I could ever cross that line with a real woman. This seemed like the best option to bring both of our fantasies to our marriage. I enjoy watching and playing as well. Fast forward 1.5 years, I’m now in full menopause and libido went to hell, I told my husband to go ahead and spend time with our doll if I’m not in the mood, well turns out that just knowing he’s doing it with her drives me insane , wondering what he’s doing to her, imagining all sorts of scenarios…. Boom! Libido is back ! These dolls have enhanced and saved our marriage … btw both dolls are female.
That is exactly how we got into it. We actually were evn lined up with a couple to swap. Supposed to meet for dinner and see where things went from there. I could not do it. Husband agreed that we did not want to risk what we have. So this was our solution. Now he has a tpe and a silicone and I have a tpe and a silicone on the way. I am a 52 year old woman and still very sexually active. Who knew how much fun this could be. We do always play with them together. That is what works for us. That is awesome that it brought your libido back!!! How fun and sexy.

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Re: Do women and men use dolls differently?

Post by Kandicaine »

I’m a man. I’m more interested in the companionship aspect. Someone to sleep with, cuddle with and also just having a female presence. Don’t get me wrong the dolls really turn me on and the sexual aspect is fucking amazing but it’s mostly a secondary reason.

Beyond that it’s a means of self expression. Shopping for mens clothes has always been depressing, the styles are boring and what few good articles are limited and expensive. Womens clothing is much more fun and varied.

I guess that kind of makes her like a giant Barbie in that sense. I don’t know I never played with dolls and my dad shit a brick when I wanted an easy bake oven 😂

If all I cared about was a hole for my dick I’d just buy a flesh light or at most a torso and I think that probably applies to most people (not all) regardless of sex.
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Re: Do women and men use dolls differently?

Post by trick-teaching3226 »

Rock13 wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 2:36 pm I've spoken privately with some female owners of male dolls on occasion and it seems to me that the main difference in doll sex between men and women is that the males put their naughty bits inside their dolls and the females put their doll's naughty bits inside themselves. Beyond that, I haven't got a clue. :wink:
Hahaha true

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Re: Do women and men use dolls differently?

Post by Dahlia2019 »

trick-teaching3226 wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 4:54 pm
Dahlia2019 wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 2:59 pm I’m a 56 yr old married woman, I suggested to my husband 2 years ago that we get a doll. I fantasize about him having sex with other women but I don’t think I could ever cross that line with a real woman. This seemed like the best option to bring both of our fantasies to our marriage. I enjoy watching and playing as well. Fast forward 1.5 years, I’m now in full menopause and libido went to hell, I told my husband to go ahead and spend time with our doll if I’m not in the mood, well turns out that just knowing he’s doing it with her drives me insane , wondering what he’s doing to her, imagining all sorts of scenarios…. Boom! Libido is back ! These dolls have enhanced and saved our marriage … btw both dolls are female.
That is exactly how we got into it. We actually were evn lined up with a couple to swap. Supposed to meet for dinner and see where things went from there. I could not do it. Husband agreed that we did not want to risk what we have. So this was our solution. Now he has a tpe and a silicone and I have a tpe and a silicone on the way. I am a 52 year old woman and still very sexually active. Who knew how much fun this could be. We do always play with them together. That is what works for us. That is awesome that it brought your libido back!!! How fun and sexy.
That’s awesome for you both as well, I will clarify that my hubby only did it once without me and I was in the next room, I could hear him and it was intense lol. He actually prefers for me to be there as well since it’s both our reactions that is so stimulating. Who knows maybe a woman’s waning libido is actually boredom lol. I think these dolls are beautiful and as a doll artist I appreciate the artwork of them as well.

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