
150 with lily head and major issue

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150 with lily head and major issue

Post by mitsumeihakubi »

150 body with lily head and major issue.
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Doll features subcutaneous heating,auto sucking vagina,ultra light.gel ass and breasts

Body feel and look
The proportions and complexion are very well done, the hands and feet are the most realistic I've seen on a doll personally.
Real hand 1
Real hand 1
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Real hand 2
Real hand 2
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The skin is very soft and flexible until you get to the stomach, under breast area and ass then you can feel the hard foam for the ultra light feature. the auto sucking device takes up a good amount of space and you can also feel the box on the dolls right side.

Skin and paint.
The skin has a nice feel to it and is quite soft the paint on the other hand has a heavy sealer coat and is quite shiney this coat also seems to be peeling off the hands and stomach leaving a fine powder.
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Hand peel
Hand peel
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Heating feature.
A warning before I talk about the heat.
The adapter comes with a under sized cable that will heat up to a crazy temp and almost melt then stop working so replace that before plugging it in.

The subcutaneous heating works but does not give off much warmth.
I let it sit for around 2 and a half hours and its alittle warmer then the room.

Ultra light is as stated the doll can be lifted with one arm and is 20 kg this is the best part of the doll.

Auto sucking vagina.
This is the major issue that made the doll useless for me.
The sucking vagina has several issues.
1. The size of the inner sucking cup is so small I was not able to penetrate the doll with 2 fingers let alone anything else.
2 the sucking tube is directly connected to the inside of the vaginal cavity and will leak any fluid inside there down the side of the doll.
3 the inner sucking cup takes up all the internal space in the doll so there's no anal cavity this is not mentioned when ordering.

I cut the sucking tube out of the doll since it was useless anyway to to take pictures.
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The Company/Customer service.
The customer service is not good and has put the issue with the doll on me and refused to acknowledge the issue after sending them videos and measurements.....
I after around 50 emails they offered to replace the doll for 1300 dollars which is almost the price of a normal body......I have fully given up on xtdoll as a brand after this.

Look and feel of doll 8 out of 10
Features 5 out of 10
Company 2 out of 10 a 2 because they at least reply to emails.
Satisfaction 0 out of 10.

Feel free to ask any questions.
