
My Robot Doll's Alice - The Goddess of among all Vendors

Reviews on My Robot Doll Sales and Services
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My Robot Doll's Alice - The Goddess of among all Vendors

Post by eyescreamsunday »

I recently placed my second order with My Robot Doll, and what can I say other than:
  • Consistent + Caring Support
    • Incredible and helpful feedback
    • Honest and very informative
    • Delightfully pleasant communication with attention to detail
    • Diligent and thorough messenger between customer manufacturer
My second second experience with MRD was absolutely stellar once again! From start to finish, Alice from MRD has helped me ensure my specific custom orders were addressed with the manufacturer, Elsa Babe, and has even taken liberty of ensuring that I get what I sought for and deflecting missed order issues on my behalf to ensure quality and expectations are met! I have never felt lost, clueless, or uncertain with how this vendor handles my order. In fact, when I tried to use other vendors, I couldn't even get an experience close to this! I vowed that as long as what I seek is available on MRD, I dare not switch to another vendor, that's just how good the service is.

From the way you are greeted, talked to, having your concerns met, and even pre-emptively covering the important information up front to set expectations about the order and shipping, everything is golden. I will continue to recommend this vendor as a safe and incredible vendor to shop with, especially for newbies who are seeking to get into dolls and want to avoid being scammed and also want clear communication to have all of their questions and needs met.

I love the experience and feedback I received from Alice. I had many questions and customization concerns, and I was met with expertise on things specifically relating to the doll product, such as the material of the doll, color, sizing of things, and comparison with other dolls, etc. This is definitely a must have for a doll shopper, an experience rep who can tell you how things are supposed to be, or how they are like in general based on other sales experience or personal experience. :angel:

I was able to share reference photos of my doll order with Alice and she ensured that Elsa Babe strictly adhered to my wants and needs, as well as paid close attention to these details.

Overall, 5/5 service, thank you My Robot Doll and Alice!
My Elsa Babe 125cm - (Lucky) - viewtopic.php?t=173476
My Elsa Babe 148cm - (Junko) - viewtopic.php?t=182414
My Irokebijin 90cm - (Pepsi) - https://dollforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=180701
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