
How do you go about buying stuff for your doll?

Realistic silicone love dolls by Matt McMullen. RealDoll is the oldest and most well known love doll to which all others compare. Includes Boytoys.

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How do you go about buying stuff for your doll?

Post by Wildstar87 »

Ok, I have started getting stuff for my doll, like eyelashes to replace the ones that fell off, and fingernails, and have been thinking about pantyhose, etc.. I do not have the fortunate luck that some in the forum do, that they have a female that can shop with them to get this stuff. Yes I am very self concious when I am in a department store, and browsing through the cosmetics section, or other women specific areas..

I mean honestly I feel more comfortable browsing an adult store than doing that, at least you know what everyone in there is looking at, so you don't worry about people looking at you strange.

I know that most people won't really ask what I am buying this stuff for, and maybe don't really care, but I do feel the eyes, or maybe it is just my imagination. I dunno. I can't be the only one who has this issue, how do you get around it? I have been trying more online stuff, but it is just so hard to tell, especially when I don't have a clue about women's stuff in general.

Help! [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_confused.gif[/img]

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How do you go about buying stuff for your doll?

Post by tvkupa »

a couple of suggestions-

pretend you're a drag queen and ham it up

hint that you're shopping for your petite sexy wife, girlfriend, significant other- you'll make points with the clerks

ask the clerk for help. tel;l them what size you're looking for. If they are about the same size, ask them to hold it up against their body to better see how it looks

don't act like you're hiding something, be bold and confident, otherwise you'll look like you're stalking the other women there

practice buying other small stuff, like nail polish, then go back to the same store for other things, build up to big purchases like a dress or panties

go to a convenience/drug store and buy condoms and ask at the checkout, in front of other customers if these are flavored or can stand up to multiple partners in the orgy you're going to tonight- anything will, in comparison, be easy after that one...

a teacher in high school once told me when hiding in the courtyard trying to smoke a joint- "Only rats hoide in the corners" translation to your situation- don't skulk around, it will make you stand out much more than if you're confidently going about your business of clothes shopping.


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How do you go about buying stuff for your doll?

Post by bunster »

I've never had anybody look at me funny, because I just boldly act like I've got every right in the world to shop for my girlfriend (which we all do)! I actually think women who work in the stores have a lot of respect for men who can confidently shop for their women. I do like to browse when no one else is around, so early mornings at Target work well. (They have some awful cute stuff and it's cheaper than online).

Go for it!

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How do you go about buying stuff for your doll?

Post by GordonGriggs »

Do not worry about what people think or say. After you go out a few times and buy clothes for her it gets a lot easier. The first time I bought clothes for Ginger at Walmart I bought girls cotton panties size 14, a bra size 34a also from the girls department, and a LARGE BOTTLE OF ASTROGLIDE! The woman at the cash register gave me a very funny look. It was almost worth the trip just to see her face.

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How do you go about buying stuff for your doll?

Post by fourmaki »

Enjoy the experance. Just the other day I went to the drug store with a list

dozen asorted eye lashes
2 large juggs of vasaline
several make up brushes
4 large baby powder
black thigh high stockings
4 bottles of rubbing alcohol
Pens, paper etc.
100 pounds of kitty litter
And a bottle of cheep wine

I told the lady I was having a party. we both had a chuckle.

Have fun and enjoy it.



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How do you go about buying stuff for your doll?

Post by Jerry »

I wouldn't actually do it... but my imagination went into overdrive... consider the peoples reaction if you...

Put your doll on a wheelchair and rolled her through the isles asking, "How about this one honey?"

Then you get to the register, and as the stuff is going through the scanner turn to your doll and ask, "Do you want to get this or should I put it on my card today?"

I'd love to do that... with a hidden camera crew in tow... I wonder if it would make it to a television show like "Spy TV" or not?

Jerry [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

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How do you go about buying stuff for your doll?

Post by GordonGriggs »

Hey Jerry, that is pretty good. When Ginger got here I thought about taking her to my Doctor and tell him " I do not know what is wrong with her she just stopped breathing". I think her would get a good laugh out of that.

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How do you go about buying stuff for your doll?

Post by Raf »

Buy online. No one cares in cyberspace, since you could be buying for your wife/girlfriend. They wouldn't care if you were going to wear the stuff you buy and parachute into Afghanistan with it as long as they got paid for it...


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How do you go about buying stuff for your doll?

Post by Nada »

... FUN Idea, Jerry!!! How about a WheelChair "Romp" through a LARGE Mall. (You would get a LOT more stores and folks, that way.)

And of course, you have thought of the proper eye-wear... Some medium to light darkness Shades to mask her eyes, a little, would be nice. And adding your Moving Eyes Effect would COMPLETE this GREAT Illusion!!!

Dress her, of course, a little HOT with a plunging "V neckline" front to draw ALL sorts of attention.

( Now, if you could just hide a mini-camera on her, to record some REACTIONs. Then we could call it: "The Candid Doll Camera Show" ) [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

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How do you go about buying stuff for your doll?

Post by Everhard »

Like Raf says; buy online.

But I prefer to use catalogs (the off-line, paper variety) because the pictures are higher quality, the range of clothes on offer is greater, and you can take your time.

How to obtain these catalogs? I can't recall how I got my first one, but nowadays they come through my front door at regular intervals. Likely you can order the catalog from the vendor's web site. (To find these sites I suggest entering `mail order shopping' into a web search facility.)

Buying stuff is simply a matter of filing out an order form, writing a cheque, and sticking it in the post.

Stuff gets delivered (here in England) by a `man-and-a-van' (actually more usually a woman in a van). When I answer the door I look at the package (typically a dark blue polythene heat-sealed wrapper with a box or other pack inside) with an expression of mild surprise. The delivery woman laughs and says "More things!" to which I nod or shake my head.

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How do you go about buying stuff for your doll?

Post by Raf »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote
How to obtain these catalogs? I can't recall how I got my first one, but nowadays they come through my front door at regular intervals.
Usually, all you have to do is order one, and they all get your address... [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

I've had pretty good luck buying online and eBay. One drawback seems to be the variation in "SMALL" and "MEDIUM" sizes... Sometimes small is really, really small, and you get an item that's essentially useless for your doll.

Maybe one of these days, I'll sell off all the unopened stuff on the 4 sale forum or on eBay.


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