
A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Riviera

The EXDOLL company manufactures high quality, high-end and lifelike silicone dolls. They have been focused on bringing the best silicone sex doll to market since 2009. Every single doll, from the Utopia collection to the RealClone collection, manufactured by EXDOLL, are the fruits of their ingenuity, creativity, and commitment. As EXDOLL has customers in over 100 countries, they remain dedicated to achieving their original purpose of "making the customer's dreams come true". It is their honor to bring you the perfect doll. Either you want a love doll or a collectible art, they will never hesitate to make it happen for you. English Website:https://www.exdollofficial.com/

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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by Everhard »

Image Photo by haremlover


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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by Samurai »

These are realy awesome shots of Chloé (not so sure about the old guy trying to steal her away though) :whistle:

Excellent work haremlover realy man i am very impressed. :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:


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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by haremlover »

;-) Thanks for appreciative comments. I thought the pics of me carrying her through the village would amuse.

It's mortifying not to have been able to show the photos of the kids having fallen in love with this toy person and she giving such joy.

Uniquely DS fitted with a blank rather than functioning female parts, the doll is a true toy, a true toy real person so real and charming that people of all ages fall in love with her as a toy person, and nothing to do with sex or perceived kinkiness.

However, I did take Chloé to the Pam Pam today http://www.jungleboffin.com/mp3/pampam/halloween/
suggesting her as a frightening prop, and my friend said she was too real - so she failed her audition - but asked where I'd bought her. . .

I've just answered a PM from a member asking about taking a doll out and about.

It can be a confidence building activity and people want to smile at her. Today driving through town a couple at a cafe on a corner saw her in the car and smiled. So she waved back . . .
And I'm in my 50s with greying hair, wear a wedding ring and have lived a life and have a reputation of being capable. This means that when I do something as a joke, people know that I'm serious! I did a lecture the other day and wanted to demonstrate the concept of breaking time - so got one young lad to throw an egg at another for him to catch. "Are they hard boiled?" "No," I replied "I play with real stuff". (And the lad catching the egg dropped it! The next egg was then thrown deliberately through a window of broken time.) So I get away with such things because of attitude - no fear. In the animal kingdom, if you show fear bullies pick it up and you're dead. People love to beat weak people to demonstrate how superior they are. It's horribly animal. If you're frightened of a dog, he'll chase you. But if you say to the dog sternly "bed", the dog knows you're boss and obeys. So I carry Chloé around as if it's perfectly normal and occasionally I'll get her to look at someone or wave - perhaps a bit like a ventriloquist's dummy. When one takes her out it becomes a bit of a performance - a form of theatrical art.

And with the blank in rather than a vagina, she's a dummy, posable mannequin, toy person who you bring to life as an art form and can do so without embarrassment.
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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by Sheeana »

blou2blou2 wrote:Image




God, you have so much beautiful photos that i can't put all my favorites here at the same time.
You took pictures of your doll with people around, in public places, you even took your doll at the grocery, you are the only one to do that. It is unique photography. So natural, this is life at present moment. Its pieces of time life that can't be reproduced, beautiful real memories, no programmation, no photoshop, no fake lights, etc... Just true moments. Congrats, you are doing a one of a kind job, you represent a nice side of the doll communauty.
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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by haremlover »

There were some favourite shots in Juan Les Pins the other day I missed:

The next day Chloé was all set to go to the Pam Pam http://www.antibes.co.uk/pampam
but she failed her audition there.

So even Chloé can fail, but she always simply tries again.

She wanted another outing to make up for her disappointment
so she got into her chariot and we started down the road
but facing backwards didn't know where she was going.

She got very excited when she saw the sea
and admired the view when she got there

and thought how nice it would be to be on a boat one day

Then her fan club started turning up

We went along to the place where she'd fancied breakfast in the summer
but they'd closed for the season

So we took a stroll along the path around the promontory and saw where the sunbathing recliners had been
and then her fan club started turning up again

Eventually we reached the end and admired the view

and her fan club appeared again

But she recognised a Table D'Orientation and demanded to see

but had to wait for her fan club to take more photos

She likes to know what's where

but was frustrated that the elements had damaged the picture

And then her fan club wanted more photos

She heard a plane go past and saw it in the sky

and asked me what it was

Then she found other people looking at her

and began thinking she could earn a fortune as a model

and it seemed to be fashionable to have one's photo taken with Chloé. The French Riviera is always the place where the film stars come for their photos to be taken

so practiced some poses

undeterred by her fan club

enjoying the sunshine and the view

and taking the modelling idea most seriously

Then I found her pointing
. . . her fan club demanding photos

Then she started looking at the sky

and I had to explain to her about the helicopters that went from Nice to Cannes

whilst her fan club continued taking their photos

This was really quite exhausting for a doll so she decided it was time to go home

but on the way back the sun had gone down over the hill so she decided to stop at the beach restaurant http://www.antibes.co.uk/rocher for a coffee

She was served in quick time
and sat regally in style as if she owned the place
and then she started getting ideas

She sat down at a table

and started seducing the locals

who had yet something more in mind


for a job behind the bar



and they said they'd be delighted to take her on.

Actually, I know why they were so keen! They dropped her dress and she served topless . . . This slightly alarmed her but reassuringly they told here that being the French Riviera this would be fine . . .

One of the waiters took her photograph - but this forum isn't the French Riviera so it probably won't get published here . . . .

Chloé's escapade was rewarded by a beer
which she greeted with enthusiasm and then whilst the chairs and tables were stacked away
she enjoyed the view

of the lights of Nice across the water

Best wishes

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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by Rachel »

I feel like we should start a fundraiser to get Chloe a proper wheelchair. It'd be safer for both of you. That said, lovely as always to see you out and about. A wonderful bit of advocacy, and many of us appreciate it greatly.

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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by AlexKnight »

Great looking pictures of Chloe. You definitely have a lot more nerve than I do, as I wouldn't even think of bringing my doll out in public like this.

It's great to see the general acceptance though. Just curious, have you received any negativity while doing these shoots?
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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by haremlover »

AlexKnight wrote:Great looking pictures of Chloe. You definitely have a lot more nerve than I do, as I wouldn't even think of bringing my doll out in public like this.

It's great to see the general acceptance though. Just curious, have you received any negativity while doing these shoots?
Whilst going along the path to the viewpoint with Chloé in the wheelbarrow I wasn't mortified to hear a loud voice with an accent from down-under saying "That's the weirdest sight I've ever seen!"


One can't complain that it wasn't fair comment! :-) LOL

Everyone else bar one was _so_ amused. It's great to be able to give such amusement to people. I think there's possibly genuine interest from ladies who are possibly quite keen for their men to be more satisfied without them having to do it themselves. One inspected Chloé's mouth and asked me if I could put my "sex" in there . . .

But there was a bloke sitting with another couple at a table at Le Rocher who clearly had a problem and a problem of his rather than mine . . . Whilst Chloé and I were enjoying the beer he said to me out of the blue "You are not my friend" - so I thought he was joking and being sarcastic that I was sitting by myself and not being sociable. So I turned Chloé's chair around to face the other table as did I and he seemed about to explode into violence. I'd really misunderstood him. But Chloé and I must have met 200 people that afternoon and for an odd reaction rate of half a percent is really a minority!

Women asked if I was married to her and I explained I was married to my wife in England, CHloé being merely my protection in France when away from my wife, and a statement to my wife that I'm a good husband. OK - I have fantasies about not being a good husband - but Chloé takes care of those!

Men often want to kiss her . . . and those that don't I'm sure are secretly jealous. There seems to be a high awareness of dolls in France. "Where did you buy her?" "Was she expensive?" "3000-5000eu?" and "can you have sex with her?" are the common questions and "I suppose she's a girl who never says no!?" and even simply with her in the car she attracts attention.

Negativity - near zero.

It helps to have a doll who's very lifelike, can be carried easily, is adult size and demeanor, can stand on her own two feet and behave as human and a face on the point of coming to life without a sexualised expression.

However, le Patron of the Le Rocher is a good friend who has known me for years, so the day before I had warned him that I'd come the next day with a big joke. Today I went down there for lunch with the sun, the sea and a couple of dozen little birds and afterwards we sat down together and he laughed at the pics.

So certainly in this region of the world we have a very doll-friendly place - international, open-minded in which eccentricity is allowed - but more than that - kids find Chloé so wonderful - a really amazing toy person in the purely innocent enjoyment of a big toy. And so many people pick up on this - perhaps encouraged by my own demeanor as being a big kid at heart having a great laugh in the pretence of an unreality.

If anyone wants to play in such a doll friendly part of the world, then we have a spare apartment which is unused most of the time where doll-friends can be welcome to stay.

I'm trying to dare a friend who's just bought a dress shop to buy a doll or two as mannequins with the idea of being able to make them available quietly as well as the dresses.

Best wishes

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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by brigittes hubbie »

Hi Harem,
Chloé could earn a fortune asking a few euros for every pic taken of her. I can wholeheartedly support your statement that you usually get a positive reaction on your doll.
When I drove to the Meet and stopped at the post of UK customs at the eurotunnel I left the car -Brigitte sat on the side of the window where the customs clerks sat - presented my passport, pointed at Brigitte and said: Well, she doesn´t need a passport, that she´s a doll and that I´m traveling to a meet with her. The female clerk who had been looking with obvious interest just nodded and said that she had thought so. She was obviously amused but was pretty fine with it. Her colleague was more cuious and asked me to touch her - I put a finger on the tip of her nose- then to turn her head which I did. Then his colleague intervened and simply asked if I´m traveling to a sort of convention. When I drove on the euroshuttle train a male clerk politely asked me while scanning my ticket if she´s a love doll, explaining that his female colleague wanted to know but was too shy to ask. I just smiled and said yes, mentioning that she´s a great mannequin to take pics as well and a great companion. When I drove off the train in Folkestone one of the female staff members smiled big time, probably the curious but shy one.

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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by haremlover »

The next day I went out to lunch with some friends in Cannes and when I got back Chloé had got herself dressed for the beach. I told her it was a little late but she pleaded with me for an outing

So to save time travelling by wheelbarrow, she got into the car and I put a lilo in the back and we got down to the Garoupe just in time for her to catch a bit of sun

She loved the light and thought it was heaven

Of course her fan club started gathering so she waved to them

but having been aroused from a relaxing afternoon
she wasn't going to just lie there.

So she slid her lilo down to the water's edge
and floated happily
starting to swim the lilo with her hands in the water
and occasionally waving to her fan club

She loved the freedom of being able to float on the water
which was surprisingly warm for this time of year
and she kept her fan club fascinated

whilst she enjoyed the last rays of the sun

The air was starting to get a bit chilly so she decided
she'd like a coffee at the restaurant
and it was more convenient to arrive by water
than overland, floating along the beach of the bay.

Arriving there, giggles and laughter could be heard and cameras started to appear

so she waved to her admirers
whilst more photos were snapped

She sat at a table upon getting out whilst I went to gather up her shoes and get the car nearby to pick her up later.

When I returned, she was surrounded by three ladies who'd been asking her questions and examining her closely
and another who inspected her teeth
asking her if she could be wicked with men.

By this stage she'd been served her coffee and the ladies had decided she was cold, giving her a towel to wrap up with

I went to put her lilo in the car and when I came back, another lady was taking a photo of her and was so happy to have met Chloé

Time for home . . .

Best wishes

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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by brigittes hubbie »

Now that was a great trip, and even more pics of her being made!
She´s gorgeous!
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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by AnonViking »

If I attempted that where I live, I'd be arrested and put into a home for crazies.

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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by revell »

She just enjoyed a nice day with her BF ;)
That's a wonderful Sunday ? take a sunbath and enjoy a cup of afternoon tea :))

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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by james1969 »

Rachel wrote:I feel like we should start a fundraiser to get Chloe a proper wheelchair. It'd be safer for both of you. That said, lovely as always to see you out and about. A wonderful bit of advocacy, and many of us appreciate it greatly.
In that case, i think i need a fundraiser to get me to the french riveria :D Hello.Chloe!

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Re: A Day in the Life of a Doll - Chloé on the French Rivier

Post by james1969 »

james1969 wrote:
Rachel wrote:I feel like we should start a fundraiser to get Chloe a proper wheelchair. It'd be safer for both of you. That said, lovely as always to see you out and about. A wonderful bit of advocacy, and many of us appreciate it greatly.
In that case, i think i need a fundraiser to get me to the french riveria :D Hello...Chloe!
And i can think of one guy from way down under that appreciates your doll :wink:

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