
males dolls???

ORDOLL have been a manufacturer since 2005. Our factory covers over 20000 square meters with professional sculptors and designers, 20 technicians and 230 employees. We specialized in developing, designing, producing and selling fibreglass mannequins for display clothes and cyberskin mannequin for display under wear and breasts. We recently ventured into love dolls. Our first model is OR156 which is 156cm (inclusive of head) with the first Sara head. Designers are working hard to introduce more heads in the coming months. Website: www.ordoll.com
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males dolls???

Post by latindoll »

Is any chance you guys start selling males dolls ???? is many womans out there that will love to see a new market with taht kind of products

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Re: males dolls???

Post by timetraveler1 »

latin doll i don't know if you are male or female( it doesn't matter, i was just curious if you were a male wanting a doll or a female ) , but heres what i think about what you asked the doll company.

Although i personally care nothing about male dolls , their indeed is probably a market for them although smaller market then women dolls , look around at the current times of gay people in the world and coming out etc. and this isn't even mentioning that these same male dolls that can be purchased by gay people , also could be bought by "SOME" women customers , so as a doll company you have two potentional customer bases for future male doll purchases . just think about this as an idea for companies, as with a male doll , different heads can also be sold , different size attachable penises , i talked before about another doll company that actually made a insertable penis (inserted into a vagina opening to create a female/male doll) .
Their is many possiblities, i will though caughtion any doll maker , just as with women dolls , do not make the dolls to small , or child like etc. as it can get people and the company in trouble, as some companies have seen from backlash of dolls that are adult but look to child like .
So having said that , make the male dolls at least 18 years plus looking and adult size , and you have a good possibility of making more money on another marhet of clients, the gay clients and also women clients who want a male doll !
THAT'S my 2 cents worth of advice on the subject of male dolls, you can take my advice on it or not. but there is a market out their of women and men for it in buying a male doll. even if you start out with one nice looking male doll and build on that as the customer base grows ! just make sure you create a nice one , ask for what would people think would look nice in a male doll, thin, slightly muscular etc. post simlur pics , etc.

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Re: males dolls???

Post by puma uma »

http://dollforum.com/forum/viewtopic.ph ... f9684d7f1f

I know they recently made a Male TPE doll.

Also, RealDoll males male dolls as well.
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Re: males dolls???

Post by latindoll »

thanks you guys for your coments ,,,,i'm a female and for womens is sometimes really frustrating that the amount of males dolls out there is so small, literally we don't have to much to choose from,,my question to ordoll was cause i've seem two new models of TPE dolls but still there missing the masculine look that a female player looks in a male companion ,,,,the most part got this kind of fragile look ,,more delicate than masculine,,and i'm aware that for some persons is more atractive these way but think to taht they should go to the other side where some womens will like to have more a real man ,,(if i may)with out been to heavy or extreme muscular ,,just maybe another type of little rude or mature male ,,,,,
Guess we are gonna have to wait a little longer

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Re: males dolls???

Post by timetraveler1 »

ordoll , i didn't know your company even made a male doll, but then again until someone mentioned it, i hadn't really thought about it as i personally am not interested in male dolls ( unless you can make a terminator Schwarzenegger doll in complete black motorcycle suit , that can be used for display only lol ! ) :wink:
having seen this doll you posted , the only thing i noticed mostly is, to me the face still looks feminine smooth looking even with the whiskers look . maybe a more squarish chiseled face look , might be better . but that's my opinion , maybe some women wouldn't think the face looks to feminine , i don't know .
I do think it's great that you are making male dolls to as i mentioned their is a hidden market for them , which will probably be more in the future of customers .

I did know that other companies made male dolls , but this is the first tpe company i have seen do it!

P,S, one more thing , as always it's in the best interest of the company and doll buyer that dolls be kept as light as possible because of ease of use etc. as long as the doll structure dependability isn't compromised !

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Re: males dolls???

Post by Leeyah_1209 »

I do have to commend Ordoll for making probably the best looking male doll, imho. He still could use a stronger jaw line and a more proportionate muscular body. I initially couldn't figure out what could be improved (because something definitely looked off), but I was just looking at my own partner and he has a really strong jaw line, a V shape upper body from working out, and great thighs and calves. The doll is on its way however!
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Re: males dolls???

Post by timetraveler1 »

Then maybe what i was thinking about the face looking to feminine wasn't all that far off . as someone else thinks the same thing . the arms and maybe calves could look a little more muscular to .

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Re: males dolls???

Post by latindoll »

Exactly what my point was ,,,with do all respect for the manufacturer ,,but even thats one of the best projects in a male doll ,,,the problem is not everybody and thats my personal opinion(maybe could be wrong) ,,and again with do all respect,,but this for example even with the face hair ,,still looks like a teenager of 15 or 16 years old ,,,and to delicate ,,,it will be like a kid hanging around the house ,,maybe just a few changes to the body ,,just small changes ,,and something more masculine of appereance will do the work,,,,thanks ordoll for the response ,,,,your company so far is the best around and yours products are amazing ,,,will be hanging around waiting to see what you guys come up in the future :) :) :) :) :)

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Re: males dolls???

Post by timetraveler1 »

I have to agree with latindoll, i to thought the same thing about the doll looking like an 18 year old kid and having a smooth face and not much muscles in the arms area, the doll needs a more masculin face for sure , otherwise it just looks like they took a female dolls head and put whiskers on it as a quick fix , but it doesn't look right .
Ordoll has done great on listening to guys on female dolls , lets hope they do as well on the what a guy doll should look like for others who want a male doll.

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