
2019 New Doll Idea

Passion Dolls is a USA-based seller and manufacturer of realistic love dolls. We offer our clients the highest quality doll at competitive prices. When you buy from us, you are not just buying a doll, but you are buying into a membership that gives you great benefit including but not limited to better discount on future purchase. Our large selection of TPE and silicone dolls along with our own exclusive line of dolls provides our clients with more choices, more options and exclusivity that cannot be found elsewhere. We extensively focus on quality control and all our dolls are inspected and photographed before shipping. In addition, as a USA-based company, we are able to provide more payment options and payment of local currency in some countries. With hundreds of happy customers worldwide, your purchase with us can’t go wrong. For more information about us please check us out at: Website: www.passiondolls.com
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Re: 2019 New Doll Idea

Post by Evilvirus88 »

I'll second the above post. Get into the fantasy stuff. There are a lot of little things you could do. Different shaped ears, other than just slightly point normal elf ears (Only one that I know of), different hands (less fingers, longer fingers, longer nails), different skin texture (scales, like a mermaid or nereid), and I'm sure there are others. I am not too familiar with the doll making process, so my ideas might not actually be viable. Just some thoughts.

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Re: 2019 New Doll Idea

Post by blacksmith »

Human- animal hybrids would be cool.

I can find the area under the curve, but I can't find my car in a parking lot!

I was once told "that's not possible", so I went out and did the impossible.

I fell in love with a doll...

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Re: 2019 New Doll Idea

Post by ildanach »

It has already been suggested, earlier in this topic, but dwarves have their advantages. They can be small but with an adult body. Big boobs, chubby bodies and arms and legs which are a bit shorter. As usual with dwarves. One can give them pointy ears though that isn't necessary of course.
And than there's the dilemma with the hands. Hands that can be easily replaced should be an option. So when the fingers break one can replace the hand. Or at least sonething to make it easier to repair hands ( or feet ) When heads can be removed and changed, with hands and feet that should be made possible as well.
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Re: 2019 New Doll Idea

Post by j0ckey »

Introduce TPE tech skin improvements (texture, smell, care, realism) for existing molds (ex. Amber, Leanne). Profit off upgrades, reusing existing molds with new skin technology for upsale to existing customers and gain new customers looking for TPE realism that seems to be moving into this market. Partner with others that have already improved TPE tech...

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Re: 2019 New Doll Idea

Post by paqman »

I would love to see a real MILF/GILF type doll. Complete with wrinkles in the face and sagging breasts. Ideally an appearance that's over the age of 50 or 60. A Patty Plenty or Rita Daniels type. Literally nobody offers this. I greatly appreciate the muscle and BBW types, but nothing could beat having my own personal GILF doll lol. Thick thighs, wide hips, and a some slight belly fat and I'd be in heaven.

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Re: 2019 New Doll Idea

Post by ildanach »

paqman wrote:I would love to see a real MILF/GILF type doll. Complete with wrinkles in the face and sagging breasts. Ideally an appearance that's over the age of 50 or 60. A Patty Plenty or Rita Daniels type. Literally nobody offers this. I greatly appreciate the muscle and BBW types, but nothing could beat having my own personal GILF doll lol. Thick thighs, wide hips, and a some slight belly fat and I'd be in heaven.
So would I. And I'm sure we can't be the only two thinking like that
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Re: 2019 New Doll Idea

Post by roadside28 »

It's difficult to come up with a doll design when there are so many different companies and doll types currently available. As of right now the main thing that changes when a new doll is designed is typically height, cup size, and ass size. And that's generally it. Sure there are a few things here and there that may change, but that's roughly it. And don't get me wrong these changes are very welcome, it just makes me wonder is there a better way to go about doll design.

I've said this in a few other forums, but I think the next big thing with doll creation is going to be customization, and not just designing one particular mold, and hoping it sells. Rather develop a system that allows a customer to pick specific molds they want of certain areas that are smart designed to fit together in the final mold process. It would be broken down into picking 3 main areas, and then 2 connecting areas. A typically order would be:

Chest Frame size: S,M,L,XL
Breast size: A-(desired size) *note if you select a breast size passed a certain cup size, the frame will be automatically increased to make sure the breasts are able to be structurally supported
Ass size: 3d slider to allow the user to select the size they would want.

Once you have these options selected, you would then be brought to the connection selection page. This is where you select how you want them to connect. For instance connecting the upper half to the lower half. You can select how wide you want to the hips and stomach to be. And again since this would all be tested, based off your selections it would give you connection pieces that would work together with each other. Meaning if you picked a doll with the max size breasts, and the max sized ass. The option for the tiniest waist wouldn't be available as an option on this page, as it wouldn't be a possible connection piece.

Other customizations for the dolls could be things like neck, arms, legs, hands, and feet sizes. Each part would have a number of different options allowing the end user to design and create their ideal doll. Again these would all be things template tested.

As for how it would work on the back end. You would have a bunch of molds that would essentially be able to snap and connect together. Tops would be T, and bottoms would be B. So if you ordered T29, and B32, you would then select the connecting piece, so lets say a potential option with those would be C4 and up, as C0-C3 would be to small as a valid support for those sizes. They would then all snap together, and you would then snap on the arm, neck, leg, and foot options. And boom you'd have your mold. Then they would fill it with your material desire either TP or silicon. And the rest would be history.

this would also allow the the creator to focus on designing specific areas. I can't tell you how am comments you see on new doll threads where multiple people are like, "breasts could be bigger," or "breasts are to big." You can't make everyone happy when designing a new doll, but this system would literally allow people to big there perfect size for every area.

You can still design new dolls with this template option. Let's say you want to design a Jessica Rabbit doll. You design a head, neck, cup size, ass shape. And sell that as a set template for users to buy, but if they want to customize key parts of it, it's 100% possible. Think of it as ordering a specialty pizza, but wanting to either add or remove a topping. You're not locked in to a static design.

That's my personal thought on what doll vendors should potentially be focusing on. Customization is so important. From the size of parts on the doll, down to the colors. If someone wants a purple or blue doll, how is this not possible yet? They make the dolls 1 at a time, in their own personal molds. Why aren't more custom colors at least a thing?

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Re: 2019 New Doll Idea

Post by kklouzal »

No new faces, no new body types, no no no!


These dolls are EXPENSIVE! It's time to bring fourth some real quality. Playtime is over!

Proper hand joints. If you do nothing else, remove those wires and give us proper fingers. The feet could stand some attention too. Floppy, flabby, jiggly toes/feet are just major wtf's?!

Manufacturers have a laundry list of customer gripes and complaints. 10 minutes on these forums will present you with a plethora of ideas to pick and choose from.

If you guys don't know where to start then at least gather up some ideas you feel comfortable with trying to implement and start a POLL. These open ended discussions aren't going to get you anywhere.

Fix. And. Improve.


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Re: 2019 New Doll Idea

Post by GreatPair »

I agree with roadside28 and kklouzal above(previous post).
Fix and improve current things or issues people have talked about for awhile.
Hands would be a big focus improvement area.
Make every doll/mold customizable for breast and ass size at least to start.
You have those 2 areas removable from original mold and add on the specific
size desired. Or make the molds with the largest possible breast and ass on every doll
so you can fill it in and shape tgat area to the purchasers desire.
Example: breast to be like Beshine(big fake), or Anorei Collins(big natural), just fill in the
mold for desired look. Same for ass.

Then a website addition would be great to view/switch heads on a specific
doll to get a better idea of how that head/face will look on that body.
Like a video game where you switch equipment. Do this with the breast and ass
if you make your molds like suggested.

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Re: 2019 New Doll Idea

Post by Just1more »

I bought the XJDOLL from Real racyme on Amazon a few months back, for photoshoots.
After spending some time looking for the most realistic model, I came across 'Erica', and fell in love.
That she looks very much like my wife did at that 'age', was a real surprise.
Showed her to the wife and her jaw dropped.
So, we ordered Erica and when she arrived, I was really excited to get busy with my photography.
After 5-6 shoots, and less than 3 months... Her back broke.
Contacted the manufacturer and Amazon and was told basicly, can't be repaired, no replacement boby, and tough luck.
Looked on Youtube for any repair options. Found a few vids, but nothing dealing with the back.
Found TDF, and a hip repair article that gave me an idea.
I am thinking of replacing the joint with 3 or 4 braided #9 galvanized wires.
Running them inside the tubing and securing both ends to the skeleton.
I believe it would be strong enough to support her upper torso weight and make her even more poseable than she was before.
I am currently waiting on some surgical supplies and hope to post how it goes with pics, here soon.
Which brings me to the real reason for the post.
Why can't the skeletal joints be made with a good quality and gauge braided wire?
Possibly with a form of quick disconnect at both ends to allow for fast and easy replacement if necessary.
Seems like it would add a new dimension to the dolls poseability and less chance of breakage.
I got the idea watching Turd Flinging Monkey's YT vid about fixing his dolls broken fingers as well as the excellent article here at TDF dealing with hip repair.
I know there are engineers and others here at TDF that are WAY smarter than me.
So if there's a 'Hyde' in my idea, or a better way of getting my girl working the camera again, any input would be invaluable.
Thanks all.
So glad I found TDF.

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Re: 2019 New Doll Idea

Post by longermonkey »

The syndoll from the creative mind of sparrow - needs to become reality ;)
The syndoll ;)
The syndoll ;)
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Re: 2019 New Doll Idea

Post by jcpax727 »

Easy. Something not yet done but would sell.
Go with whats in market, but something not yet done at the same time.

A 170+ in a C cup or B but in FULL silicone. Currently only H cups or bigger are on market in silicon over 170.
Yea, there are tons of b cup 174/75s out and people love them, but problem is that they are all TPE.

Optional for the head to be attached permanently, another vendor tried this and has the most realisitic look to date, but sadly they have major manufacturing issues like the feet crumbling in days without even standing up.

Give them mechanical hands instead of wires, and as many “options” that any other manuf is offering, like ultra soft zones and moving shoulders, implanted hair, etc. Easy day one preorder for alot of people.

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Re: 2019 New Doll Idea

Post by yungfit »

pyzano wrote:I'm happy with all the dolls you make as there's something for everyone. The only thing's I want in 2019 is for you to get the hole placement correct. Also I'm tired of the photography on your website as it never shows what the doll looks like in doggy style with the hole cavities exposed so you can fix that too....not in 2019 either but now. Show me the goods as less clothes is more and I want to see what I'm buying.

Proper hole placement

Proper hole placement

Proper hole placement

Proper hole placement

Proper hole placement

Once again if you didnt read this.....

Proper hole placement.

THIS. All of the above!!!!!!! X 10000000 :D

Another thing; A doll that has real looking legs. So often a doll has big glutes but non existent hamstrings that in real life give the back of the legs their natural shape. Especially when looking from side view, 99% of the dolls legs are just straight lines. Looks very unrealistic.

Still not a competition shape fitness doll out there. I'm happy there are fit dolls, but they're either so heavy that the handling is not nice, or they have awkward and unrealistic vagina replacement, or they look "soft" and not competition shape fitness/bodybuilder girls that have very low bodyfat. I'm dreaming of this coming to fruition :multi: maybe some day <3

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Re: 2019 New Doll Idea

Post by yungfit »

Anung Un Rama wrote:We could do her Doug :wink:
Anung :idea:
OH YES!! And in maneuverable size/weight... :)

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Re: 2019 New Doll Idea

Post by tattooed dolls »

Aeon wrote:Here it is... it could be very interesting to manufacture with a lot of exchangeable parts hands feet etc... the TPE and silicone would be on the surface only.
The model would be lighter than a full tpe doll.
Yeeeeesssss! Please do something that looks and functions like a true sex robot, interchangeable pieces would make it customizable and much more durable . Replacement body parts can be a secondary source of income for the company.
Just like cars .
Please consider the idea, you could make the dolls taller , larger breasts at the ready , vibrating and heating options would be possible easily even after purchase .
The weight would be reduced considerably.

It’s a solid idea Aeon .
I’m glad to see others on the same wavelength.
Be kind Rewind .Image

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