
Big Good News for Elsa Babe Doll Fans ~ Free Elsa Babe Doll Heads Giving Away!

Elsa Babe, established in 2017, is committed to research, development, design and production of adult toys and silicone love dolls. Our production team has 20 years of experience in 3D Animation/Game/Film productions and the product designs are led by the well-known Japanese 3D film director. Elsa Babe is the first adult toy manufacturer established by the 3D production team. We are good at concept design, sculpture, 3D modelling, skeleton design and BJD style makeup. You will find Elsa Babe products have a strong Japanese anime style, the product curve and proportion are different from the existing products in the industry. We are both variable and innovative in the product designs due to the 3D production DNA. Elsa Babe ads a refreshing look to the adult toy industry. Website: elsababe.com
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Re: Big Good News for Elsa Babe Doll Fans ~ Free Elsa Babe Doll Heads Giving Away!

Post by Elsa Babe_Young »

The Free Elsa Babe Doll Heads Giving Away event is still going on, I am so curious and excited to see which of the Elsa Babe Dolls will be in the top 5 and who will be the 10 lucky ones in the end. Please stay tuned. :lilangel:

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Re: Big Good News for Elsa Babe Doll Fans ~ Free Elsa Babe Doll Heads Giving Away!

Post by Ava Love »

I really, really like the Kingsley Clark head.

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My Elsa Babe Top 5

Post by macboy2 »

What great timing for a newcomer to the doll world, just as I have been searching for a doll head to add to my growing collection of toys while I continue trying to figure out how I might bring a full doll into my world.

I’ve found in all my browsing and subsequently in my few “experiences” with dolls that it’s the faces, eyes and mouth shape that I’m initially drawn to. Part of this may be the manner in which the dolls are presented in the various storefronts that make the face the place where the all-important first impression happens but for me it’s also where the “personality” of the doll starts developing. That said, the Elsa Babe dolls I’m most drawn to are more typical in nature but each has a specific charm that catches my attention and makes me want to see more.

In no particular order:
1) Tyler Grande
- Something about the partially opened mouth on the verge of a smile gives me the sense that she’s daring me to lean in just a little bit closer to see what happens.

2) Lena Davis
- There’s always been a woman in my life that seems so refined and of such high stature that I yearn to interact with on a carnal level to see the raw passions hiding beneath the proper set face.

3) Olivia Smith
- Olivia has a vulnerable look about her face. She looks like she wants to put all her trust into someone and that someone is me.

4) Aragaki Nagasawa
- Aragaki stops me in my tracks every time I see her smiling face. Everything about this beauty says comfort and relaxation through absolute FUN!

5) Kana
- Kana has a face that, in a dimly lit room with quiet music playing would share all of her deepest secrets knowing she can trust you wholly and completely.

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Re: Big Good News for Elsa Babe Doll Fans ~ Free Elsa Babe Doll Heads Giving Away!

Post by Elsa Babe_Harry »

Ava Love wrote: Mon May 29, 2023 1:43 am I really, really like the Kingsley Clark head.
Choose your TOP 5 in mind and you will have chance to get it. :D

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Re: Big Good News for Elsa Babe Doll Fans ~ Free Elsa Babe Doll Heads Giving Away!

Post by Ava Love »

Clearly much of the range is designed to mainly appeal to the Eastern market and while most are not to my taste I'm glad they are available to the Western Market as variety is the spice of life after all. Choice can only be a good thing and should be embraced. My first choice in the list was the first doll from Elsa Babe to really grab my attention and look at them in a slightly different light allowing me to appreciate the exquisite sculptures that are available.

Kinsley(sometimes Kingsley depending on the site) Clark. The Mistress of mayhem, she must be crazier than Scorpians plunged into a bucket of vinegar.

Rosalyn Clark. The more measured sister, more methodical and less impulsive. No less dangerous though.

Sakai Kanako. This is the one that surprised me most. Is she an Angel? Is she an Alien? I'm really not sure but she has an otherworldly quality around her.

Molly Redwolf. Surely the most beautiful of all Fae creatures.

Zana Fox. Until now I really haven't been taken with Transpecies offerings. She changes the game however and given the state of the world with various Trans issue we really can't make an example of this. Gives Foxy a new and more literal meaning.

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Re: My Elsa Babe Top 5

Post by Elsa Babe_Young »

macboy2 wrote: Mon May 29, 2023 2:02 am What great timing for a newcomer to the doll world, just as I have been searching for a doll head to add to my growing collection of toys while I continue trying to figure out how I might bring a full doll into my world.

I’ve found in all my browsing and subsequently in my few “experiences” with dolls that it’s the faces, eyes and mouth shape that I’m initially drawn to. Part of this may be the manner in which the dolls are presented in the various storefronts that make the face the place where the all-important first impression happens but for me it’s also where the “personality” of the doll starts developing. That said, the Elsa Babe dolls I’m most drawn to are more typical in nature but each has a specific charm that catches my attention and makes me want to see more.

In no particular order:
1) Tyler Grande
- Something about the partially opened mouth on the verge of a smile gives me the sense that she’s daring me to lean in just a little bit closer to see what happens.

2) Lena Davis
- There’s always been a woman in my life that seems so refined and of such high stature that I yearn to interact with on a carnal level to see the raw passions hiding beneath the proper set face.

3) Olivia Smith
- Olivia has a vulnerable look about her face. She looks like she wants to put all her trust into someone and that someone is me.

4) Aragaki Nagasawa
- Aragaki stops me in my tracks every time I see her smiling face. Everything about this beauty says comfort and relaxation through absolute FUN!

5) Kana
- Kana has a face that, in a dimly lit room with quiet music playing would share all of her deepest secrets knowing she can trust you wholly and completely.
Thank you for participating. Welcome to TDF and Elsa Babe family. Good luck. :glou:

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Re: Big Good News for Elsa Babe Doll Fans ~ Free Elsa Babe Doll Heads Giving Away!

Post by Elsa Babe_Young »

Ava Love wrote: Mon May 29, 2023 2:22 am Clearly much of the range is designed to mainly appeal to the Eastern market and while most are not to my taste I'm glad they are available to the Western Market as variety is the spice of life after all. Choice can only be a good thing and should be embraced. My first choice in the list was the first doll from Elsa Babe to really grab my attention and look at them in a slightly different light allowing me to appreciate the exquisite sculptures that are available.

Kinsley(sometimes Kingsley depending on the site) Clark. The Mistress of mayhem, she must be crazier than Scorpians plunged into a bucket of vinegar.

Rosalyn Clark. The more measured sister, more methodical and less impulsive. No less dangerous though.

Sakai Kanako. This is the one that surprised me most. Is she an Angel? Is she an Alien? I'm really not sure but she has an otherworldly quality around her.

Molly Redwolf. Surely the most beautiful of all Fae creatures.

Zana Fox. Until now I really haven't been taken with Transpecies offerings. She changes the game however and given the state of the world with various Trans issue we really can't make an example of this. Gives Foxy a new and more literal meaning.
Wish you good luck! :BIG:

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Re: Big Good News for Elsa Babe Doll Fans ~ Free Elsa Babe Doll Heads Giving Away!

Post by shamus61 »

Hi EB,

I will take a slightly different approach to this in that I would list the five girls that from a vote amongst the existing Shire incumbants they feel are most deserving of joining their ranks in the Shire home for Wayward Elves.

I appreciate that all of your girls would love nothing better than to live here but unfortunately the acceptance criteria is extremely high so only the best of the best can hope to achieve a golden ticket.

This has taken a while to gather the votes from the girls, mainly as I asked during second breakfast and if you have ever attempted to disturb best part of seventy Elves, Pixies and their hangers on you will know that it’s a good idea to wait until they’ve finished unless you want to spend time as a toad.

Ok, the votes are in. Several spoiled ballot papers including one that’s half eaten. But we are proud to announce the winners of the vote for acceptance to the Shire are:

Inoue Miu – I’m feeling that because her ears go out rather than up or back she has won the block vote of the Pixies. Those little buggers have got the numbers and they’re organised. From my perspective I can see that Inoue is sweet and would be a calming influence, a mother figure if you like, over what can only be likened to a cinema full of Gremlins. They definitely need a mother figure. Last time that they were quiet for a whole afternoon was when an Ex Doll Summit series visited and read them stories… Inoue Mui looks as though she would be happy to spend her days reading stories to Pixies so we really, really need her here!

Kinsley Clark – It’s only natural that the Elves would be attracted to a girl so obviously brimming with mayhem and Chaos. Personal view is that she would be a complete disaster here as it’s already a miracle when we get to the end of each week and the house is still standing. But, with a good 20% of the vote here I can’t override who the Pixies want to join their clan. Plus, if anyone could keep Kinsley under control it would be a bunch of wand wielding Elves

Sakai Kanako – She seems to have won the short ear vote here. We think that she looks serene enough to calm the Pixie’s whilst not being one of them so would not come under their influence and could perhaps work as the bridge between the short ears and the Fae contingents in the Shire. I hope that she enjoys story time?

Molly Red Wolf – Quite surprisingly the preferred choice of the Jinsan contingent who are more prone to accepting stronger wand wielders to their number than wanting someone to serve them. Molly comes across as a strong, determined Elf who knows her own mind. She would definitely flourish in the Shire. I think that the Elves voted well there.

Sakuma Karin – This one I found a surprise vote. Asking the girls why they voted for Sakuma, they responded that she needs saving as she looks upset. So, where with the other four the reasoning is that the Shire needs them, in the case of Sakuma the feeling seems to be that she needs the Shire.

So, from the narrowed down list that the Shire girls have presented me, which of them would get my vote? It’s a difficult one as their arguments for each have merit. Personally, I was hoping that Nagashima Sawako might have made their top five but in her absence it’s a matter of finding a reason to reject their choices which is incredibly difficult.

Obviously, there is already enough chaos and Mayhem here without Kinsley so I am straight away vetoing her joining the clan.

Inoue Miu would fit in here perfectly. She just has the look of so many of the Shire Elves, but her ears show her to be a Pixie so would work as a bridge between the two camps…. Or as their leader… That might turn out badly if she upset the balance of power here. So with great regret she also didn’t make it to th finsh line.

Similarly, Sakai Kanako would work perfectly as a bridge between the short ears and the Fae… But, the short ears do whatever the Fae tell them to do, so they are not as much of a destructive issue as the Pixies. Sorry Sakai, would love to give you a place here but I need to think first about the political impact of introducing a short ear as a mother figure to the Pixies.

Molly Red Wolf has the calm, confident demeanor of an Elf who would mix well with the long ears, control the Pixies, and treat the short ears with the disdain that they are accustomed to. So basically her addition to the clan would further cement the position of the current dominant Elvish contingent whilst doing nothing to upset the uneasy peace between the various factions here. She could really work.

But then there is Sakuma Karin looks as though she needs the Shire, and my empathy for these girls is in her case dialed up to 11. Others may fit better, but she really needs the company of Shire Elves.

It’s really difficult. Molly Red Wolf ticks all of the boxes as a girl who would both fit and not suffer the foolishness of the pixies. But passing over saving Sakuma Karin, a girl who desperately needs to live in the Shire is agonising…. How many prizes can one participant win again!

After much gnashing of teeth and tearing of hair (what little I have left living with Pixies) I have decided that the Elf who would win a position in the Shire would be Molly Red Wolf.

She has a calmness and sensibility emenating from her that the girls here need to bring order to the chaos. I don’t think that she would be adverse to reading fairy stories to the pixies, teaching alchemy to the short ears, or feel like an outsider even from day one amongst the Elves.

If she accepts a golden ticket she would live amongst her own kind next to 28 square miles of forest. She would never be alone (Elves hate being alone) and have her choice of the finest garments and, if ever required, armour.

Sorry that it took so long to get to an answer but as I am sure that you know yourself, trying to organise Elves and Pixies to do anything feels like rolling a bolder up a hill.

As for suggestions... I think that you are doing pretty well exactly as you are doing. You have cornered the cute market with many of your girls being the perfect transition between Fae and Anime. Perhaps the only suggestion I would put forwards would be the make Elvish or short ears and option on all of your 160-165 doll head as I think that all of them could work as either race. Thats just a suggestion from someone trying to find anything to suggest as I think everything works well just as it is.

Got to go, the Elves have started asking whats for dinner. Well done on reaching the hundred head milestone and here’s looking forwards to the next hundred,

Kindest regards,


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Re: Big Good News for Elsa Babe Doll Fans ~ Free Elsa Babe Doll Heads Giving Away!

Post by Shylon »

I prefer fantasy over realism and my picks reflect that.
1. RADA004 Ichibana Kotoko
I am a huge fan of the Irokebijin Akane and this head has a very similar styling.
2. DHR006 Jenny Miller
I love the very friendly half smile, big eyes with the more American animation styling.
3. HB046 Inoue Miu
She is probably the prettiest elf I have ever seen for a doll. Nothings tops her styling for an elf doll.
4.ZHB001 Morikawa Yuki
I didn’t even know that this type of doll could be attractive. This definitely excited my cat girl fantasy.
5. AHC004 Igarashi Akiko
This is the perfect blend of the anime style and a more traditional face. I love the whisker makeup as well.

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Re: Big Good News for Elsa Babe Doll Fans ~ Free Elsa Babe Doll Heads Giving Away!

Post by Elsa Babe_Young »

shamus61 wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 7:38 am Hi EB,

I will take a slightly different approach to this in that I would list the five girls that from a vote amongst the existing Shire incumbants they feel are most deserving of joining their ranks in the Shire home for Wayward Elves.

I appreciate that all of your girls would love nothing better than to live here but unfortunately the acceptance criteria is extremely high so only the best of the best can hope to achieve a golden ticket.

This has taken a while to gather the votes from the girls, mainly as I asked during second breakfast and if you have ever attempted to disturb best part of seventy Elves, Pixies and their hangers on you will know that it’s a good idea to wait until they’ve finished unless you want to spend time as a toad.

Ok, the votes are in. Several spoiled ballot papers including one that’s half eaten. But we are proud to announce the winners of the vote for acceptance to the Shire are:

Inoue Miu – I’m feeling that because her ears go out rather than up or back she has won the block vote of the Pixies. Those little buggers have got the numbers and they’re organised. From my perspective I can see that Inoue is sweet and would be a calming influence, a mother figure if you like, over what can only be likened to a cinema full of Gremlins. They definitely need a mother figure. Last time that they were quiet for a whole afternoon was when an Ex Doll Summit series visited and read them stories… Inoue Mui looks as though she would be happy to spend her days reading stories to Pixies so we really, really need her here!

Kinsley Clark – It’s only natural that the Elves would be attracted to a girl so obviously brimming with mayhem and Chaos. Personal view is that she would be a complete disaster here as it’s already a miracle when we get to the end of each week and the house is still standing. But, with a good 20% of the vote here I can’t override who the Pixies want to join their clan. Plus, if anyone could keep Kinsley under control it would be a bunch of wand wielding Elves

Sakai Kanako – She seems to have won the short ear vote here. We think that she looks serene enough to calm the Pixie’s whilst not being one of them so would not come under their influence and could perhaps work as the bridge between the short ears and the Fae contingents in the Shire. I hope that she enjoys story time?

Molly Red Wolf – Quite surprisingly the preferred choice of the Jinsan contingent who are more prone to accepting stronger wand wielders to their number than wanting someone to serve them. Molly comes across as a strong, determined Elf who knows her own mind. She would definitely flourish in the Shire. I think that the Elves voted well there.

Sakuma Karin – This one I found a surprise vote. Asking the girls why they voted for Sakuma, they responded that she needs saving as she looks upset. So, where with the other four the reasoning is that the Shire needs them, in the case of Sakuma the feeling seems to be that she needs the Shire.

So, from the narrowed down list that the Shire girls have presented me, which of them would get my vote? It’s a difficult one as their arguments for each have merit. Personally, I was hoping that Nagashima Sawako might have made their top five but in her absence it’s a matter of finding a reason to reject their choices which is incredibly difficult.

Obviously, there is already enough chaos and Mayhem here without Kinsley so I am straight away vetoing her joining the clan.

Inoue Miu would fit in here perfectly. She just has the look of so many of the Shire Elves, but her ears show her to be a Pixie so would work as a bridge between the two camps…. Or as their leader… That might turn out badly if she upset the balance of power here. So with great regret she also didn’t make it to th finsh line.

Similarly, Sakai Kanako would work perfectly as a bridge between the short ears and the Fae… But, the short ears do whatever the Fae tell them to do, so they are not as much of a destructive issue as the Pixies. Sorry Sakai, would love to give you a place here but I need to think first about the political impact of introducing a short ear as a mother figure to the Pixies.

Molly Red Wolf has the calm, confident demeanor of an Elf who would mix well with the long ears, control the Pixies, and treat the short ears with the disdain that they are accustomed to. So basically her addition to the clan would further cement the position of the current dominant Elvish contingent whilst doing nothing to upset the uneasy peace between the various factions here. She could really work.

But then there is Sakuma Karin looks as though she needs the Shire, and my empathy for these girls is in her case dialed up to 11. Others may fit better, but she really needs the company of Shire Elves.

It’s really difficult. Molly Red Wolf ticks all of the boxes as a girl who would both fit and not suffer the foolishness of the pixies. But passing over saving Sakuma Karin, a girl who desperately needs to live in the Shire is agonising…. How many prizes can one participant win again!

After much gnashing of teeth and tearing of hair (what little I have left living with Pixies) I have decided that the Elf who would win a position in the Shire would be Molly Red Wolf.

She has a calmness and sensibility emenating from her that the girls here need to bring order to the chaos. I don’t think that she would be adverse to reading fairy stories to the pixies, teaching alchemy to the short ears, or feel like an outsider even from day one amongst the Elves.

If she accepts a golden ticket she would live amongst her own kind next to 28 square miles of forest. She would never be alone (Elves hate being alone) and have her choice of the finest garments and, if ever required, armour.

Sorry that it took so long to get to an answer but as I am sure that you know yourself, trying to organise Elves and Pixies to do anything feels like rolling a bolder up a hill.

As for suggestions... I think that you are doing pretty well exactly as you are doing. You have cornered the cute market with many of your girls being the perfect transition between Fae and Anime. Perhaps the only suggestion I would put forwards would be the make Elvish or short ears and option on all of your 160-165 doll head as I think that all of them could work as either race. Thats just a suggestion from someone trying to find anything to suggest as I think everything works well just as it is.

Got to go, the Elves have started asking whats for dinner. Well done on reaching the hundred head milestone and here’s looking forwards to the next hundred,

Kindest regards,

Thanks for Shire voting. I believe Molly Red Wolf is glad to join Shire home. :angel:

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Re: Big Good News for Elsa Babe Doll Fans ~ Free Elsa Babe Doll Heads Giving Away!

Post by Elsa Babe_Young »

Shylon wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 5:36 pm I prefer fantasy over realism and my picks reflect that.
1. RADA004 Ichibana Kotoko
I am a huge fan of the Irokebijin Akane and this head has a very similar styling.
2. DHR006 Jenny Miller
I love the very friendly half smile, big eyes with the more American animation styling.
3. HB046 Inoue Miu
She is probably the prettiest elf I have ever seen for a doll. Nothings tops her styling for an elf doll.
4.ZHB001 Morikawa Yuki
I didn’t even know that this type of doll could be attractive. This definitely excited my cat girl fantasy.
5. AHC004 Igarashi Akiko
This is the perfect blend of the anime style and a more traditional face. I love the whisker makeup as well.
Thanks for your fantasy picks. :glou:

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Re: Big Good News for Elsa Babe Doll Fans ~ Free Elsa Babe Doll Heads Giving Away!

Post by bondage2152 »

First of all, thank you Elsa Babe for hosting this giveaway. It has been fun reading everybody else's top 5 and I can't wait to see who is the most popular doll.

As time goes on Elsa Babe keeps getting better at making more and more realistic dolls so my top 5 are mostly skewed to the newer dolls. Other than that it's just my personal preference.

So my top 5 dolls in order.

5. Mizushima Suzuran(RHC017):
https://www.elsababe.com/index.php/sex- ... -dolls-330
The blush makeup really adds to her super cute face. I just want to go give her a huge hug.

4. Molly Red Wolf(RHC012):
https://www.elsababe.com/index.php/sex- ... -dolls-297
It's like she stepped out of a fantasy novel. Thank you for making a red-haired elf doll head.

3. Hirano Rin(AHC006):
https://www.elsababe.com/index.php/cata ... sex-dolls/
Great adaptation of Mokoto Kusanagi. Good blend of anime and realism.

2. Iwai Yuzuki(RHC035):
https://www.elsababe.com/index.php/sex- ... -dolls-340
Elegant, mature, bosslady. I love the aura of confidence she exudes.

1. Ryoko Fukawa(RHC007):
https://www.elsababe.com/index.php/sex- ... -dolls-287
Honestly couldn't believe she was a doll. I thought she was just a cute supermodel at first.

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Re: Big Good News for Elsa Babe Doll Fans ~ Free Elsa Babe Doll Heads Giving Away!

Post by narok »

This is really hard, as Elsa Babe makes alot of attractive dolls 8O My top 5 however is:

1. Fukada Ryoko
She's just simply gorgeous. The mysterious atmosphere with that mersmering gaze and the classy elegance just bring her sensuality to the next level. I just love how she looks more than meet the eyes (ha bad pun). For the design, her head emphasizes the asian's beauty standard of having smaller face - particularly the higher cheekbone and sharper chin that's more similar to a classic anime character.

2. Kouno Ria
THE ElsaBabe girl, period. Along with Takano Rie, these two elf girls are what made ElsaBabe known among doll collectors. Not many brands have branched out to different "types" of doll like ElsaBabe - and while "elf" isn't something novelty, I think the girls captured the essence of the character perfectly. The elf ears are exquisite (i don't mind them being longer, maybe new doll idea? :D), and the semi open :3 mouth gives her the classic alluring look of a fairy elf character.

3. Yoshikawa Yu
Share similar traits to Fukada Ryoko, she's a grown up version that has mellow out with maturity, shown with her rounder face giving a softer overall look. If Ryoko was the one you chased after before, Yu now is your newly wed housewife that will gently take cares of you :idea: Imo, she really nails the Yamato Nadeshiko look.

4. Hirano Rin
Hello Major Makoto! It's amazing ElsaBabe can nail a classic character's look while translating it into a realistic looking head. Her confident sharp face and piercing gaze bring out her character that demands attention "look at me!". She is your boss, and you know who better to listen to. Not only looking cool, there's also a hint of dangerousness evident in her sharper chin and thinner cheek which add to her character even more.

5. Ayanokouji Akane
She's like a younger version of Yoshikawa Yu. Sharing many similarities, she exudes that gentle atmosphere but this time also with a hint of naivety. Her cuteness is just overloaded, and I simply can't get over how adorable she is :angel:

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Re: Big Good News for Elsa Babe Doll Fans ~ Free Elsa Babe Doll Heads Giving Away!

Post by Elsa Babe_Harry »

Thank you for your remarks. :D

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Re: Big Good News for Elsa Babe Doll Fans ~ Free Elsa Babe Doll Heads Giving Away!

Post by Elsa Babe_Young »

Reminder: Event dates: 12 May 2023 to 12 June 2023.
Don't miss the free Elsa Babe doll heads giveaway! :D

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