COM gel Super Skin for the Next Generation???

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COM gel Super Skin for the Next Generation???

Post by Nada »

... For new members, "COM gel Skin" means "CybOrgasMatrix gel Skin"... Please see our "Cyborgasmatrix" message section or click the link, below...
(You could, generally, call this an "Elastomeric" gel.)

(((ALL of this is simple speculation or "Dreams for a BETTER Doll" for ALL of us.)))

We will be talking about a BRAND NEW doll with something like a "COM gel skin"... And hopefully, she will look like the BEAUTIFUL Andy2K,,, if we are so very, VERY lucky!!! But here,,, we are simply using their COM gel "skin" for a GREAT example of this gel's properties.

(Please see CrazyJose's Torso, breast-stretching movie and then,,, you will KNOW what I am EXCITED about!!!)
... I did a mod of his fine work as a smaller and a bit brighter version, here at (SLD), in the Files section:
(See the "COM Torso and other COM stuff" folder.)

And for a look at what one of our members is doing with a type of this COM gel,,, please see: "Inventors Corner » Experimenting with hot melt gel" or simply click, below...

... Guys and Dolls,,, we have to get away from this "Locked in Silicone" or "Sealed Skin" thinking...

Robotics requirements and all their future enhancements will not allow for this kind of closed-environment "trap".

So simply,,, seal the electronics and don't worry about a "perfect" outer Body Seal...

(A "perfect" Body Seal, just, won't be practical because trapped inner-moisture will build-up, anyway.)

Also, your amperage should be rather low and safe, anyway, for "normal" safety requirements... Also,,, electricity always follows the path of least resistance, anyway... So,,, your pool water would have to be really polluted for these low amps to simply "short" to another "Grounding Point".

Heck, even our primative R&D, for initial doll robotic-designing, will require a work-able and more module, open-body design. And all our "Customers" will be demanding it, very soon, for all those wonderful future "Add Ons". [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

(PS... the Photogenic doll has a simple and very graceful, open-back design, already.)

So,,, we need a "hidden zipper" design for our doll's back... And this zipper's pull-tag could disappear behind a removable Head.

And for the "hidden" part... There needs to be an interlocking "back bone" covering, as perhaps a part of the skin... And its pull-tag or "latch", will hidden by the Head, also...

... To make this LONG Design Story, very short...

An inner structure receives and hold your robotics... (ie: Skeletal Structure.)

Then soft foam body-sections latch onto this inner structure... (All major Muscles with Ligament outlines, Fake Ribs and Backbone outlines with a finishing Endodermal Skin layer and Pelvic diaphram.)

Then,,, attach some hollow, foam-filled COM falsies for both her Breasts and Butt. (Both DURABLE and VERY NICE to the Touch.) [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

((( Her "skin", below, will be keeping the above parts locked or simply held, in place. )))

And then, with the help of some "silk" powder, your robotic lady is helped into her open-back outfit... (ie: "Her full "Catsuit" or Skin..." What else can I say???) [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

Then "zip, slip and POP", with her "hidden zipper", her zipper-hiding, "back-bone" flap and on goes her Head, locking with an internal, hidden button-latch, behind a very soft area, in the back of her Head... (We could get involved with electro-mechanical or magnetic latches for her back-flap, but I'm trying to keep it cheap and simple, here.)

... DONE...
(But then,,, casual examinations or the replacement of parts, within her Torso and/or Head, would be "push the Head Release button for a Head POP,,, un-slip and un-zip!!!" [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

( Obtw in passing and in case, Kyle is Listening...) ( [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] )

Our required, ultra strong and stretchable "skin" will, probably, be very similar to COM gel and about 1/16 to 1/8 in thickness... (ie: Like a latex lady, in a COM gel, perhaps.)

BUT, creating a heated, "Hollow and Open-Back" Mold for this "doll skin" which has to include flaps for a zipper and an inner-grove for its "hider",,, will be the REAL trick.

(Also, very small air-holes might be required, in the inner heated positive, to KICK the completed and dry, gel skin, loose.)

Oops Kyle,,, I almost forgot the big Bottom-line... The Market and Satisfying its Diversity, as cheaply as possible...

(This is a No Brainer and it depends, entirely, on the ease of COM gel's stretching factor.)

BUT let us say, that you could design towards a general girl-size of 5 foot 6 inches with slender, but nice, 34C, 22, 34 measurements...

Now, if COM gel can stretch, gently, enough then with, simply, some larger COM gel "Breast and Butt" falsies and a little extra foam,,, you could have a 35D, 24, 36 Babe, quite easily from the same skin... Or for the BREAST Fans, a 34DD, 22, 36 "Breast and Butt" Queen for us, "Meat and Potatoes" guys!!! [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

OBTW, if COM gel Skin is not, proportionally, thin enough in her Breast and Butt areas,,, then it might share some of those same problems as a latex doll with a loss of Breast or Butt definition, during any extreme expansions... So, simply, glue-in or plan-for a "spanning" piece or two, to hold-in these "clevages". (Also, a third piece might be required in the Stomach or Pelvic region, to hold this "definition", inwards and keep her nice and thin,,, during her movements.)

But,,, ENOUGH of my Noise and Dreams...
(Sorry, I was SO "wordy".)

... Nada...

( The "Sex Parts", vaginal and anal, could be of two totally different styles...)

(1) An Inner-Style would rely upon the outer-skin as the "tunnels" for both of the "Sex Parts" and then some customed inner-pieces would surround, shape and lock the ends of these "tunnels". (This would create a very clean looking outer-skin, but you would be wearing this "expensive" skin during their normal usage.)

(2) An Outer-Style would work on my wish for externally removable and totally expendable "Sex Parts"... (I would, rather, be wearing out some very nice, soft plastic "Sex Parts", then wearing-out my one and only, VERY personal "soft part".) [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

((( My construction and locking ideas have already been started in (LDC) and will be quite a challenge of, perhaps, a hard-silicone shell "carrier_ combined with a very soft-silicone "liner" or sleeve? )))

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COM gel Super Skin for the Next Generation???

Post by fourmaki »

All dissimilar metals are insulated we don't want to make batteries. Metal is oxide already a common process to give a layer of oxidation ( rust ) that has a layer or oxide on it a shield to say, this is normal process, the stainless parts are we call it pickled to not induce battery effect. Aluminum parts are anodized so not to corrode prematurely. Seams don’t induce contamation. long story short the least of our worry’s is the smelly innards. ( please clean then all bets are off) Remember when you fly on a jet there is a bunch of parts that I have made holding that plane together . Kind of weird next time you get in a plane ) This is the least of your worries. We use normal process I have expressed this many times the making of a 5 grand doll is more similar than you think than space shuttle valve body than you think. Most may not understand that but in the end I don’t want a failure on lift off. Really the stuff I made is used on reentry. But more dramatic is the lift off. Not to bring it home but the cushion you are sitting on is the stuff that is in side SuperBabe LITE. Not so dramatic.

Back to topic corrosion and leakage is the least of your concerns. We have addressed it years ago. Just oil her down store her correctly and she will out live you.

Kind of fun Na very much fun

Mark [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_cool.gif[/img]

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COM gel Super Skin for the Next Generation???

Post by Nada »

... Hello Mark... Those were all VERY GOOD and TRUE Words... (And thank you for this very nice information.)

But I think that your info was meant as a respones to my "Moisture Problems with Frame and Lub ideas" message... Hmmmm??? [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

(Obtw,,, here is another small thought about my COM gel "Super Skin" Dream...)

You could pour, almost, any "neutral" fluid into a hollow, COM gel Breast or Butt implant, mount it to her internal frame or to a fairly solid, foam-torso, re-skin her in a SNAP and then simply ENJOY her new-found softness,,, folks!!!.

(But,,, PLEASE,,, stay-away from, using ANY of those Jello gelatin mixes... They get REALLY FUNKY,,, after awhile.) [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_cool.gif[/img]

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COM gel Super Skin for the Next Generation???

Post by Nada »

... The "Never Ending" list of doll improvements,,, HELPED with a thin, COM gel "skin" Beginning...

(I am making this a seperate response, to help show its importance for the future of our ever-changing "Robotic Replicants" or for some more realistic "Love Dolls".)

... Here is one GOOD example of this NEED to modifiy a doll, very easily...

Please see the "Inventors Corner » Erectile tissue solution?" message,,,
or click, below...

All of this may seem VERY obvious, to many of us... But here I go, again... [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

... This "Electro-Active Polymer" sounds like a GREAT idea to TEST...

But, in a "CLOSED plastic" or silicone doll, the question and perhaps, the somewhat painful need to "cut, place and glue in" the associated electronics could be a VERY REAL hassle and a physical obstacle, especially with multiple testings...

BUT, in an "Open Plastic Skin" or something like our COM gel "skin",,, this "obstacle" should be minimal when compared to the, above, "Silicone Surgery"...

You could, quickly and very simply, place this "Electro-Active Polymer" material, BEHIND the COM gel "skin"... (And then the "skin" could act as a low-amperage insulator.)

(Also, what is VERY NICE,,, for ACCEPTANCE with an outside testing labs,,, is that your "Open Plastic Skin" standard would give them a actual "Production Test" sample and not be a "very special" test model.)

ie: The VERSION that they are TESTING will be WHAT the Customer, actually, GETs,,, with no SPECIAL production "surprises".

Also, if the COM gel has enough insulation properties, then it might be enough to keep ANY electric amperage "irritations", no matter how small,,, from bothering the user... (Some users may LOVE these sensations, but for "U.S. Safety Standards", let THEM attach their own SHOCK and JOLT toys... And this can HAPPEN when they short-out and apply their MAXIMUM amperage for a moment... Like: "YEE OUCH!!!") [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_frown.gif[/img]

... To Builders: This "electrical isolation" or insulating property of your COM gel "skin" might be a REAL NEED for FUTURE safety requirements...

(ie: Certain "doping" or impurities being added, within a plastic, can cause DANGEROUS conduction and poisonous properties... Please see silicone chip "doping" for a change of its properties.)

(That is ENOUGH of my NOISE.)

... Nada...

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COM gel Super Skin for the Next Generation???

Post by Nada »

((Repeating some info: "COM gel" means "CybOrgasMatrix gel" which is their company's trademark name for this gel... (And please see our "Cyborgasmatrix" section at "The Doll Forum" for more details and some very interesting stretching-tests.))


(((... Below, a very possible "solution" to the VERY CURRENT Arm and Shoulder motions of silicone-based dolls...)))

...Ikyoto,,, I liked your "Bottom Line" thinking about the skin's flexibility and it NOT being able to do those realistic arm-motions...

When I saw that COM gel Breast test,,, I thought about a very thin, "Latex Lady" type of skin and SAW something "New" and got VERY EXCITED!!!

(And I will bet that very exacting, "Human Skin" details,,, reproduced in this gel,,, will last a VERY LONG time.)

... SO Folks,,, when you SEE an "ANSWER",,, you must make a GRAB for IT... To ignore IT,,, would lead to years onto decades of the VERY SAME old mistakes from, EXACTLY, the same "hidden" (to the general public) problems...

... Nada...
(An interesting idea: Michael (The Creator) has Beauty and Reality, already, within Andy2K... And he is far more flexible and "Far Thinking", then MOST... And he LOVEs his Robotics!!!)

... Hello Michael... Are you in the mood to step on some silicone "toes",,, with an ultra-light, COM gel skin or perhaps, I should say: with COM gel "socks", in this case???

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COM gel Super Skin for the Next Generation???

Post by Nada »

(... Well... Here I am Talking to Myself,,, again...) [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] And that is A-Okay with me, folks... Because,,, I am simply dreaming and speculating, a little bit, here... BUT,,, if I can, just, "Plant the Seed" for a REALLY GOOD change, in our "Doll Futures", then I have done my VERY best.

... Anyway,,, the BIG boys are, now, talking about silicone realities and a need for something much better... (So,,, here I am with some thoughts about a very thin, durable and extremely flexable, COM gel "skin".) (... SILLY ME!!!) [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

But,,, the "magic" of this skin's softness will be allowing the softness, that is LOCKED behind it, through to the user...

For a VERY simple example: Try to compare the FEEL of a very soft foam, through a thick balloon and then through a ultra-thin rubber or a condom... And there IT is,,, folks!!! (ie: "Thinner = Softer"...This should not Brain Surgery,,, for Most...) [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

... Here is a P.S. to Mark of SuperBabe... That Chinese guy that you told me about, over a year ago, let me "IN" on this simple idea... (Remember our talks about your "Shy" or "Eve" Beauty???) [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

(... And Folks,,, this is, just, a little imagination,,, coupled with a wee bit of thought and thinking, outside the "trap" of the current "silicone enevelope"...) [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_cool.gif[/img]

A very small, but perhaps an important idea: Add enough of a skin texture to a thin, COM gel, skin and you will most likely reduce its normal adhesion traits and tackiness...

Plus,,, any added powder will hide in her skin cracks and pores. (Oops... Something that fell through the "Cracks", that actually HELPs you??? EXCELLENT!!!) [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

... Nada...

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COM gel Super Skin for the Next Generation???

Post by Nada »

..."... What??? ... She needs REPAIRs???"...

We would be talking about something like "Superman's Cape",,, if we did NOT discuss this VERY needed subject...

(One more Brain Fart, from your's truly and I will leave you alone,,, until that "ideal" doll skin HAPPENs, that is.) [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

So,,, imagine this "ideal" skin on Mark's new, almost nearly, "Foamie" SuperBabe...

Will a "Hot Melt" (COM) gel plastic suffer from Compression or skin-cracking problems??? (True... With a "Hot melt" plastic, this may take many years, to perhaps decades, for this to actually happen.) But, to me, Builders should be a bit like Analysts, too and ALWAYs be looking forwards...

... BUT,,, what to DO with a break,,, then??? Can COM gel, even, be worked on... (ie: Will any of our "common" glues make a dent in it or simply, do some surface bonding to it???)

Most "hardened" or vulcanized rubbers, like our car tires, do NOT have "total" repair processes... (You can not, partially, re-melt a section and repair them to a truly "Good as New" or "perfect" condition.)

But,,, I could imagine taking a soldering iron, with LOTs of skill and re-melting a small section of a COM gel, with a VERY good "plastic memory" and gently repairing her. (...It is funny about,,, HOW the "imagination works"... Isn't it, Folks???) [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

(...There... All done... Bye, for now...)

... Nada...
((( Now,,, I can hear ALL those (SLD) builders breathing a BIG SIGH of relief,,, from here,,, even...))) [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_cool.gif[/img]

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COM gel Super Skin for the Next Generation???

Post by Nada »

((( Sorry... I had to make a small "adjustment" and a MOVE, to here. )))

... About Foamie Girl SMELLs...

( I am talking to Mark of SuperBabe FAME about his new, light SuperBabe and possible foam details, with or without COM gel.)

Obtw Mark,,, do you heat or bake her foam inner-body to reduce the trapped-gas smell, that the Japanese Foamie owners, complain so much about???

PS... Also,,, the reduction and venting of gas being expelled from a heated foam,,, might also be CRITICAL for the application of a "Hot Melt" or COM gel skin...

So,,, maybe,,, using an almost "painted on" skin, before the COM skin, might help to keep those NASTY, escaping gas-bubbles from bothering that very soft, newly forming COM gel???

((( ... Oh well... Just some small, Random Thoughts... (You know me.) ))) [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

Ta... Ta...

... N ...

("The Devil IS in the Details") [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_cool.gif[/img]

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COM gel Super Skin for the Next Generation???

Post by Nada »

... Safety FIRST, about various HOT plastics or "gels"...

( I know... I know... I said that I would LEAVE you alone about this COM gel "HOT Melt" stuff.) BUT,,, I figure that saving a few folks, a BUNCH of grief was a LOT MORE important!!! (Also,,, this is about the beginnings of a new Lady, so it won't be TOO boring.) [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

... From (FLD)...

From: "nada64105" <>
Date: Sat Jul 13, 2002 6:28 pm
Subject: Re: Fun with clay

--- In foamielovedolls@y..., lilstew01 <no_reply@y...> wrote:
> Thanks for kind words Nada. You bet.

... Stew,,, THANK YOU for the Dreams and FUN...

> I've got some hot melt pvc goo to layer
> into a hot plaster-cheese cloth mold.
> (I've got access to some huge ovens)

... There are some folks on (TDF)
who would LOVE to have access to some HUGE ovens...

But Stew, you know me, I am always worrying about folks.

Here are some SERIOUS cautions about Hot Melt Vinyl...
(ie: PVC (poly vinyl chloride)

And here is another one...

(See "Latex and health care".)
His info about synthetic PVC elastomer products
is near the middle of this page...

(So, BE CAREFUL, out there, dude... Okay ??? )

> Upon cooling, in go some pvc bones and breastplate,
> then two part flex foam.

... If ya wanna,,, drop off some pics...
( I enjoy those blow-by-blow building "fights" ;-)

> The real pain will be the many mold parts.
> Because of Kati's pose,
> it'll take 10 interlocking molds for the outer skin.

... You're sounding like Mark at SuperBabe, already. :-)

> I was going to add some clay to her breasts.
> With a thin skin and balloon of liquid, though,
> they should be giggly as sized.

... Can we say "REALLY SEXY!!!" ,,, too ??? [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

> For her face and head, shore A 60 silicone
> for the mold for better detail.

... Sounds like she will be able to Take It on the Chin
and be a Tough and VERY Ready little lady, too...

> That's last,
> and will undoubtedly take many tries to get right.

... My BEST Hopes go with you... (And don't get HURT.)

> I've got a lifecast of a certain 'pretty woman'
> that I was going to make a mask of for some variety.

... GOLLY Stew...
Don't you know that we make "Plain Janes"
to "Butt Ugly" dolls in the U.S. of A. ???
(Sorry... It just kind of slipped OUT!!! ;-)

But BTW, a pretty one sounds PRETTY FINE,,, to me!!!

> On ebay, there's been full head
> and shoulder castings of Angelina Jolie.

... Talk about a "Kitten with the Lips..." YES!!!
Hell, she doesn't need a Whip, just a word and a LOOK.

> So many fantasies, so little time...
> Stew

AND they all sound SO VERY BEAUTIFUL!!!
(Talk about a War of "Beauty Decisions"... Gee guy???)

Enjoyed talking to you and Later...
(In fact,,, I'm looking forward to "Later", now. ;-)

... Nada ...

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