Armpit repairs

Ding! POP! Crash! Thud! oops...let's get her all fixed up!
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Armpit repairs

Post by blknight »
Help. I'm kinda freaking out because I only received my silicone SE Doll a couple of weeks ago. While I was changing her clothes today I found her upper arm had rotated in the socket somehow and was twisted 90 degrees while her arm was at her side. I managed to get the arm back into position but she has a tear in her armpit. I've looked over Coeros repair guide and it felt lacking in detail for the armpit repair.

I have Piper silicone adhesive on hand. Sil-poxy, Permatex, and the Shenhuayi adhesives on order, as well as some flesh tone pigment. I'm probably going overboard.

What is the best way to repair this? Clean with alcohol. Just layer some adhesive in the wound and wrap it in cling wrap to keep from bonding the arm to the body? Should I try to hold it closed with adhesive inside?

The Piper silicone takes quite a while to cure.

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Re: Armpit repairs

Post by blknight »

I will document my attempt so that others may learn from my mistakes.

Tools used.
Permatex 81730
Concentrated silicone pigment (light flesh tone)
Acrylic use paint brushes
Cling wrap
Clean rag
Plastic shower curtain
Stir stick

The subject is a silicone 165cm SE Doll with Regina head.
It was found that the upper arm had rotated, putting excessive strain on the silicone of the armpit. The arm has been returned to it's proper position.

After placing the subject on a clean surface the damaged area and area surrounding it was cleaned with acetone and inspected. It appears that the damaged area may close when the arm is tucked into the body.
While the area dried cling wrap was wrapped around the torso to prevent the adhesive from bonding to it.

Using the stir stick a couple of drops of pigment was added to the mix cup as well as the adhesive, adding additional adhesive until the color appeared correct.

Using a small brush the adhesive is applied to the damaged area in thin coats.

The arm was moved back into position while the adhesive cures.

After curing it appears that the cling wrap prevented the adhesive from adhering the arm to the torso, it unfortunately left a scar-like texture. Future research will need be done to find if it is possible to smooth the surface.

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