Hacker trap??

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Hacker trap??

Post by Keegan »

Hi everyone!

First of all, I know NOTHING about computers (my 5 year old had to show me how to turn mine on [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img] ), but I was wondering if a trap could be set for these dickheads who are attacking The Forum?

My question comes from this: lately I've been getting computer-generated telemarketing calls that disconnect as soon as I pick up. Quite annoying. So I called my phone company, and they placed a trap on my phone line so that these calls could be traced and stopped.

Could something like this be applied for The Forum so that we could trace these frightened, narrow-minded, children of brother/sister parents and stop them? Maybe some kind of feedback that erases their hard drive? Or, if that's too harsh, something that puts a really gross picture, like Saddam Hussein at the Proctologist's? on their screen? Not that I'm into revenge or anything . . . [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_tongue.gif[/img]

Could something like this be constructed to protect our site?

Tina? Jackrabbit? Any ideas?


Keegan (Come on Tax return [img]modules/Forums/images/smiles/icon_confused.gif[/img] )

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Hacker trap??

Post by jackrabbit »

Actually, it is possible to tell the difference between a person and a bot. Ish has implemented checks for them on the album server and shuts off access when they are found. This happens pretty fast, before they have a chance to bog anything down.

I'm doing similar stuff on the Darcy site now.

As far as substituting weird ass pictures for the one requested, I been doing that for a couple of months now. When I detect hostile image links or bots, I redirect them to crazy pictures all over the internet. So instead of Darcy, they see something like this.

Please see this thread.

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