
Meet Twinkle(WM85), Chia(WM98), and Canary(WM62).

Beautiful dolls have been on the market since 2011. They have a wide selection of TPE, silicone and fabric love dolls. They also allow their customers to order custom-made dolls in 3d technology. All the dolls that they sell are 100% original dolls made out of eco-friendly materials that are safe for humans. All dolls are inspected before shipment to the customers. The client is engaged in the development process to tailor the end product to his needs, by exchanging photos and further communication for every customizable detail. Beautiful dolls have the best prices for original dolls on the market. Just contact us, and find out for yourself!. Website: www.beautiful-dolls.com.
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Re: Meet Twinkle(WM85), Chia(WM98), and Canary(WM62).

Post by RJAce1014 »

Hi Luminous,

Great question so let me speak my thoughts and opinions.

All of us whoever you are in this world, whatever you are, hope not to spoil too much content, dies. We all die at one point and that is either unexpected or accepted. Whatever happens to my belongings is for the living to take care off since I'm dead, I don't have any physical form to nourished my collections but of course, there are collectors out there that has mini-museums of their collections. If you don't have friends or family members in contact, no one will treasure that memory including what you collected. I don't how your family tradition is but I'm Asian 100% and we abide to a tradition that someone has left their memory in our behalf, on which case my collections. (Unless I possess one of the dolls heheheheh lmao jk)
So a family or probably close friends to my family will be able to preserve my memories and since I'm known as an artist, most of my dolls will be treated as one.


I don't know how long have you been a collector or depending on the length, when I was younger, I collect bottlecaps and Yu-gi-oh cards and I still have them today undusted because they're placed in a safest book for cards...

If you've been entering the world of collectors or been there but don't know that there are types of collectors. Passive Collector, Active Collector, Collecteror. Let me explain to you each so you get the understanding.

Passive Collector
These are the collectors that go beyond their limits. They are actively collecting but don't know what to do with the amount of things they collected nor have any knowledge where to put them. They also disregard the limitation of space available for them so most of their collections go on dust or has been contaminated with bateria. Usually collectors on Passive is unhygenic due to the fact they usually find it hard to move around the pile of their collections. We usually call them "Hoarders"

Active Collector
These are collectors with discipline, know their limits, know the capacity, and prioritized the safety of their collections. They are very hygenic and kept the place clean for their collection to stay clean at all times and place them on a place secured and safe for them to last longer. This collector are active in taking good care of collections and keep them looking new all the time.

These are collectors who collect stuffs for a short period of time and disposed them by either selling them, throwing them away, or giving them as a gift. The samples of this behaviours are often present to photographers who collect massive amount of objects specific for Photography until the popularity of the photos dies with it, they either throw away their collection to give room for more. They don't care the worth of the items because they re-earn more cash doing the photographs for the said collections. Usually there are some who preserve it longer since the longer the item is, the rarer they get and more expensive they sell.

Now, which type of collector am I you ask. Well I do a weekly cleaning of my room despite of my busy schedule. I do photographs of my dolls so if they're dusted, it will be shown on my photos. I monthly powder my lifesize dolls while I weekly comb all their hair including my BJD with spray of bottle water and usually take me an hour to do all of their combing. I found it fun since I treat them like my daughters. I pretty much have more space on my house and know my limits although if I want to expand my collection, I need a bigger house or if I can build an annexed to my room.

So since all matches, I'm the Active Collector type. If you collect something and later on sell them, you're a collecteror. If you collect things and don't want to get rid of them but also don't know what to do or care for them, you're a passive collector with a mental illness called "Hoarder."

I hope you got my pointers.

My family and friends are okay with my doll collections so that's a plus. As long as I'm not collecting drugs, gun collections, etc. they're okay with it so this indicate to me that they know how much I love my hobby and how much I treasure them. I make money with my dolls, is there so much to say how much they're important to me?

As for life size doll collection, I'm planning to do an Asian race doll collection.

Here are the dolls in my check list chart::
The one with green checks are the dolls I already acquired while the red marks are the dolls I'm planning to get.

After that, I'll just focus more on BJDs, etc. until my capacity or limit is reach but it will take me years to get all the Asian dolls and since more dolls coming, it would a difficult task but since this dolls on my chart are based of my favorite Asian actresses, models, personality, which are famous in specific country and my Asia top 1 would still be Japan's Inoue Mao.


As you can see the similarities of this Asian Actresses to the dolls I'm going to collect. Because of that and I'm a big fan of them is adding another reason to collect them.

Hope you enjoy my response. C:

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Re: Meet Twinkle(WM85), Chia(WM98), and Canary(WM62).

Post by Luminous »

I appreciate your detailed response RJAce1014,

Wow, I didn't know there were different types of collectors! I'm ashamed to say that I may have only been a 'passive collector', I don't think I've got what it takes to qualify as an 'active collector'. Though I have given away a lot of my stuff, does that make me a 'collecteror'?

Haha, I used to also collect Yu-gi-oh cards when I was younger. Unfortunately, I no longer own even a single card because I gave my entire collection away to a close friend of mine, and some other cards to this kid who really wanted all 3 blue-eyes so he could summon his blue-eyes ultimate dragon lol. Did you see some of the newest types of cards? XYZ cards? Pendulum summons? Now you could just spam the field by special summoning everything in one turn! Damn it, they ruined the game! It was so much better back in the day! :shakefist:

Anyways, getting back to the original question. The two key words that stood out to me were: memories and family.

You're right in that our collections serve as the physical representation of cues to conjure up various memories and experiences we've had, as well as serve as something to pass on the next generation; something to be remembered by.

It's also great that you have family and friends that are in support of your collections, I'm sure this makes collecting a lot more easy for you, and at the pace you're going at, I'm confident that you'll leave an impressive mini-museum behind for your family, ha!

You're an artist, so I'm assuming that this doll hobby represents only an aspect of your grander art. There is so much more to this than just the collecting, you're following your passion, and are working on the things that are really important to you. I get it man, you have nothing but my support. :thumbs_up:

(and a little bit of envy lol)

P.S. Happy New Year!!! :mrgreen:
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Re: Meet Twinkle(WM85), Chia(WM98), and Canary(WM62).

Post by Virgin_Doll »

've Just found this topic RJAce1014 8O 8O 8O

You really live the dream :mrgreen:

I am also a collector, but of a kind that you have not mentioned, I think
I am a collector of everything that has to do with WW2, especially uniforms, equipment and weapons of all nations and all military units.
In my possession I have a 82 mannequins which 10 are female to look at this collection, but actually I would probably (roughly estimated) need more than 300 mannequins to look at everything.
Anything that is not on the mannequins is neatly stored in cabinets and boxes
Until five years ago, I was as you describe as beautiful, Active Collector.
But I stopped by my disease, and the death of my best friend / collector, with purchases and I proceeded to what I have gathered to preserve until the day I am forced to sell a part or die before.
collection DSC_0006.JPG
collection DSC_0006.JPG (422.52 KiB) Viewed 1589 times
Now I have found a new hobby which has given me joy back into life after the death of my two closest friends and my illness, LOVE DOLLS :D
With Lucy and Lissie my SH165+ http://dollforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=261&t=76385
With Maja and Sarah my DH168 https://www.dollforum.com/forum/viewtop ... 59&t=89453
With mini Dolls
Image LUCY Image LISSIE Image MAJA Image SARAH

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Re: Meet Twinkle(WM85), Chia(WM98), and Canary(WM62).

Post by RJAce1014 »

hollows+fentiman wrote:Wow, you've got yourself quite a harem of beautiful ladies there RJAce! You won't have much room left if you keep going like your miniatures! I must admit the dolls you've chosen were on my hit list too but I'm not sure I could cope with more than one at the moment as she's exhausting me already!
Great review/post, keep the photos coming if you have the strength! By the way, it was my birthday on Saturday so we probably have similar tastes!
Too late Hollows. From the last time I posted this, I only have 4 dolls total. It hasn't even been a year yet from the last time I posted this and I got 8 dolls total plus 1 coming soon. Look at me now, I have 12 dolls (Minus 2 dolls not allowed in TDF.) I recently got another one from DS and another one coming making it 14 in total. I guess you predicted it right, I won't have much room if I kept going and I actually did. Now I'm loosing my mind. I don't know when to stop lol. These ladies, I admire their beauty, I really am. I can't stop myself from getting more. I'm insane.... I guess xD

Well, haha I just love dolls. I don't know when will I even hate them. I admire women beauty created upon these dolls.

Doll on!!


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Re: Meet Twinkle(WM85), Chia(WM98), and Canary(WM62).

Post by hollows+fentiman »

Doll on indeed my friend! Maybe the next step is to move to a bigger apartment, although how will you move all those lovely ladies? You're mad my friend but then all the best people are!

It must be hard going off to work or even getting there with all of them lining up to kiss you goodbye!

Cheers, Hollows.
Ashaki Sanura's Family Adventures (WM168 Nava) viewtopic.php?f=11&t=77571

Tanice & Jacey WM168A (Lovedolls Grace Williams & #64 heads)
Vivette 153 Vivid Doll
Rosheen WM 156B
Tarni Kimber Doll
Rusty Firedoll 166
Chiyoko 6YE 170
Reema Piperdoll 162
ETesse PIB Spinner 2.0 silicone
Yi nu de & Yong DS100
Many Phicen, Jiaou, LD, Barbie and Ken Dolls!

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Re: Meet Twinkle(WM85), Chia(WM98), and Canary(WM62).

Post by RJAce1014 »

hollows+fentiman wrote:Doll on indeed my friend! Maybe the next step is to move to a bigger apartment, although how will you move all those lovely ladies? You're mad my friend but then all the best people are!

It must be hard going off to work or even getting there with all of them lining up to kiss you goodbye!

Cheers, Hollows.
Haha I remember you saying I won't have room when I only got 3 dolls before... Now, I have 12 dolls in possession and 2 dolls coming in and still have room for more 10 - 20 more lmao xD

How you say? Well here on states we have uHaul to rent. It's a big truck that you can rent when you're moving from a house to different house or even house that takes time to move. For example, if I ever live in LA because I live on the desert valley, it would take 3-4 hours back and forth to move each item.

Don't worry, I don't plan to move farther. Wherever the place I live in now, I'll live there till the end or probably get a house closer.

I have friends and neighbors that I know. Moving to different place is starting a new and it's hard sometimes to get along with people.

Hehe especially if they learn you collect dolls lol



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