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160cm Aimee fabric anime doll - Review - Jul 15, 2016

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160cm Aimee fabric anime doll - Review - Jul 15, 2016

Post by MrPink »

The original thread for posting may be found here: http://dollforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=198&t=74149

Hello everyone.
I haven't been around the forum for a while now, too busy with life's problems.
Anyway, a long, long time ago (7 months ago), as some of you may remember (doubt it) I received my 160 cm fabric doll, did a pre-review here, and promised a proper review later on because I've seen a lot of people making stellar reviews as soon as they get the doll, and then change their mind and tell all the little defects they found after spending some time with her. So I decided to wait, spend some time with her and make a review as objective as possible.
So, here it is, my thoughts on my purchase and my doll. For all other matters, like shipping, customs, package, manufacturing time and all those things, you can check the pre-review in the link above, this is just about the doll.


For reasons I won't bore you with, I couldn't store her where I originally wanted, in a large wardrobe.
I live with family, have friends constantly visiting, and my bedroom is also my study, so I can't leave her on the bed for all the world to see. People get in my room all the time, usually to borrow a book (got quite an extensive library).
Luckily, I found and bought a smaller wardrobe, an old thing, from a time when people valued their privacy and didn't want others to nose around their stuff, so it comes with a lock and key. As I said, it's a small one, too small to lay her on her back, too short to have her standing, so I had to improvise. Now, she's not the only thing I keep there, (got to justify the locked wardrobe). So there's lot of boxes in there with her, and out of these I fashioned a "chair" of sorts, and keep her there, sitting.


I was afraid that always keeping her in a seated position would be terrible for her joints, but she held up well. Better than well, actually. I've had her for 7 months now and I haven't noticed any problems with her joints, she's as good as new. Indeed, she's actually quite sturdy. I'm quite energetic, if you know what I mean :wink: , but she can take everything I do and more.
So, if you're interested in this doll, I can testify to its sturdiness and resistance.

Problems and Accidents:

I had only one accident with my doll, and It's my fault that it happened.
I had been warned before by the good people of this forum about the peril of black clothes, so I should have expected it, though this accident was quite surprising.
As I said, I was warned, so I always wash everything I put on her, especially black clothes, to see if they lose color and if there is any danger of staining. This particular dress I washed two times, and it let color go only the first one, so I figured I was safe.
I was wrong. The dress stained, thankfully only a little bit, where I was holding her (I suppose the sweat on my hands did what the second washing couldn't) and I left some stains on her.
They were quite noticeable when I took the dress off and I panicked, but a quick effort with soap and sponge solved most of the problem. I say most, because, not being able to take her "skin" off to wash it (it's stitched on the body), I couldn't clean it as well as I wanted, and a little color was left. I dried her up and washed her again the day after and, to my surprise, it did the trick. Some staining, barely noticeable, was still left, but was not there when I took her out of her "room" the day after.
Don't know where the color went, it sure wasn't absorbed by the white clotes I put on her when I put her away.

I suppose that may be a problem if you're a person that sweats a lot. She's not easy to clean or wash, since, as I said, you can't take her "skin" off without undoing the stitches and then stitching it on again, so hugging her while covered in sweat is risky, since after a couple times she'll probably start to smell bad (I wouldn't know, I'm very careful on hot days if I'm sweating a lot). From that point of view, she's alright to cuddle and hug in winter, but risky in summer.


I've had a lot of trouble with finding the right insert for her. The one she came with was awful, probably full of phthalates by the smell, I threw it away.
I had some inserts, but they were all too big or too small for the doll. I bought some japanese onaholes that seemed the right dimensions, but again they were too small for her, and the one that was the right size was way too tight and made really badly, it fell to pieces after one use.
In the end, I was lucky. I knew fleshlights were too big for her, so I tried with a Lady Lager, which is shorter and smaller than other fleshlights, and it was perfect.
I don't know if the cavity size is standard for all dolls, or if I was just lucky, but it's the exact same dimensions (17/19cm) as the Lady Lager case, it fits like a glove, it doesn't stand out, it seems like they were made for each other, the case insures that it doesn't move or fall out during use and, most importantly, makes irrelevant the position of her legs, close or open wide, with the case it's all the same. Also, it's extremely easy to clean, so that's what I've been using since.

General Impressions:

I like her. The only thing that bothers me a little are the breasts, they're supposedly made of silicone, but are quite hard and rubbery to the touch. You can't squeeze them like the butt, which is stuffed (and feels amazing) unless you grip like a madman, and that's quite annoying. They're alright to caress, though, and pretty good looking.
I don't understand why they don't just stuff them like the ass, it would feel ten times better. Breasts and butts aside, I am a legs man, and I love her legs. They're soft, smooth, feel amazing to grope or caress and look gorgeus in stockings or pantyhose.

She's great to cuddle with or sleep with, although I didn't do much of the latter (I can sleep with her only occasionally, when I have the house all to myself for days).
As for sex, she is quite flexible, and can take many positions. As a matter of fact, I made it a "hobby" of mine to try as many positions with her as I can, to see if she can take them.
Unlike with TPE or Silicone dolls, there's no fear of tearing the material apart by trying a particular position. I tried them all and I can tell you, she's sturdy as hell. Also, she doesn't weigh as much as a TPE or silicone does, so you don't have to do weightlifting every time you move her (She weighs around 9 Kg) and you can change positions "during the act" with very little effort.

One thing that has started to bother me sometimes lately is the lack of an oral orifice. Of course, I knew that she hadn't one when I bought her, and it was alright with me, it's just how I feel sometimes, not a fault of the doll.
I think I'll probably buy a TPE doll, one of the smaller ones, that doesn't weigh too much. I know I harp a lot about the weight, and I'd like to clarify that I'm not weak. Actually, I'm quite tall and muscular, but the fact that I could lift a heavy doll doesn't mean that I'd want to. If taller TPE dolls weighed less, I'd have bought them (not silicone, too damn expensive).


Overall, I'm satisfied with my purchase. I am happy, don't regret it one bit. I like her a lot.
If you have any questions, ask away, I'll answer them as soon as I have the time, whenever I can.

Here's some photos of Miyabi in her (and mine) favourite outfit for you. Sorry for the bad quality, I took them with my phone.
MiyabiBunny 00 .png
MiyabiBunny 00 .png (795.71 KiB) Viewed 4562 times
MiyabiBunny 01.png
MiyabiBunny 01.png (916.58 KiB) Viewed 4562 times
MiyabiBunny 02.png
MiyabiBunny 02.png (882.83 KiB) Viewed 4562 times
MiyabiBunny 03.png
MiyabiBunny 03.png (1.05 MiB) Viewed 4562 times
MiyabiBunny 04.png
MiyabiBunny 04.png (1.45 MiB) Viewed 4562 times
