Question about standing foot option

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Question about standing foot option

Post by Subsik »

Hey everyone, first post here but I've been browsing for a couple months. I ended up pulling the trigger and put a doll on layaway and should be finalizing the order next month. However, out of all the options I've chosen the only one that still bothers me is the standing foot option.
I understand that the option allows the doll to be dressed easier and its good for photography, I also like feet though and the studs look like they would get in the way if you wanted to do anything with the feet during play time.
My problem is that eventually the joints in the skeleton get loose and the standing option becomes useless. So would it even be worth it to get the standing foot option if I'm not going too crazy with photography? The pros of the standing foot option made me initially choose that option but if I end up with a loose jointed doll then I just get to stare at the useless studs all the time in the feet.

So in short I would like to know how long it typically takes for a wm doll to lose its joint stiffness and if anyone that likes feet regrets having standing foot option.
For reference the doll I ordered is the WM 141 F (70 lbs). I know the weight of the doll can increase the amount of time before the joints loosen.

Thanks for any replies, this will really help in easing my final decision and then I can just get back to being excited about her eventual arrival.

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Re: Question about standing foot option

Post by Arthur1960 »

Well a lot of it really comes down to what you want to do with your doll. If all she is going to do is lounge about on your bed waiting for your attention then you may find the standing option a bit redundant, as you say, each foot has 3 protruding bolts which isn't ideal if you like feet! I currently have 5 gals and my first 3 have non standing feet but as my harem has grown I've wanted to become more adventurous with my photography and that's where the standing feet help a lot. Whilst it's possible to stand a gal with non standing feet providing you take certain precautions, this can still only be briefly as the tpe on the feet will eventually get damaged. With standing feet I can leave my gal in a position while I snap away safe in the knowledge that she's ok, my WM145 is particularly good at holding a standing pose, you might find that you want to do this too when you get your gal. The other aspect of standing feet is storage, once you start to build up a harem (believe me this is an addictive way of life!) and so having a gal that can stand is a huge bonus, 2 of my gals are always left standing and I have done a slight mod to the feet to assist with this. As to the question as to when do the legs become loose and therefore harder to stand, this is a tricky one to answer as it can be so different from doll to doll. Clearly repositioning the legs frequently will loosen those joints, saying that, my YL148 (non standing feet) is now about 18 months old and has seen a lot of limb movement and her legs are no longer tight but she is still capable of holding a standing pose, as she did yesterday, for a brief series of pics. As I'm keen to maintain the standing ability of my 2 gals with standing feet I don't have them sit much at all so their leg joints are still nice and tight, it's really all down to want you want to do but having been a bit anti standing feet I'm now more the other way purely for the convenience of them being able to stand for long periods, it enhances the sense of having a presence in the room but then again if you just want a bed partner?

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Re: Question about standing foot option

Post by The Romantic »

For me there is no good reason to NOT have the standing foot option. From cleaning, storage, moving, and dressing to photography, presence and standing sex positions, it just makes too much sense. And the bolt heads don't have to be protruding. I keep mine screwed in to flush or just below. You can even unscrew and remove for "playtime" if desired. Worth noting that it isn't just the screws, the entire foot plate is more heavy duty in construction. Many owners adorn their dolls with piercings of the ears, nose, belly, lip, eyebrow, vag, so I consider them just another body art adornment.
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Re: Question about standing foot option

Post by Subsik »

I didn't realize the bolts could be removed so that they don't stick out, that makes it a bit better. I think both of your responses helped with my decision, I'll stick with the standing foot option. If Arthur is correct I will probably get more dolls eventually too.

Thanks now I'm much more at ease.

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