My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Established since 2002, Sanhui Model Making Co.,Ltd has been endeavoring in the creation and the making of life-like female dolls in various sizes and materials. Our products range from anime models to life-sized and altered-proportion platinum silicone love dolls. The dolls are anatomically correct with fully functional orifices to the intimate touch and feel of a real lady with curvy figure from Yoga coaching.
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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by Dollicious2 »

Chronotron wrote:Over a hundred views and no comments. hmmmm?
It is my experience most won't bother commenting for whatever reason but that can also be a good thing when your thread gets thousands of views for example when you start a new thread of a certain type doll a lot are interested in for example.
If many of the thousands would comment it would flood the thread.
That said I would think many more would comment here that haven't considering the subject matter and the seriousness of your situation. That would be devestating to any doll owner let alone anyone receiving their first doll ever.

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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by Chronotron »

Yes, Dollicious2 what you say is right. Yes it is rather devastating when I saw the first bubble, let alone the second and third. However, my intentions in posting this was not to give Sanhui a bad name but to get some answers in regards to the issues in which I have. I also posted this to show how beautiful she really is and what a work of art Sanhui creates besides what has happened. Also it seems I sometimes internalize what happens as a direct attack on me. Being that is all I have really ever known in life and lets just say I am surely not a good luck charm lol. So of course something like this would happen to me.

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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by nukeno »

Hi Chronotron,

autolycus and his Luna had a similar problem.
This is the thread I mentioned earlier but wasn't able to remember.
It shows how it looks like when an air bubble bursts. Nasty!

So, only move her as much as necessary right now to avoid open wounds like that.
I guess you'll end up puncturing the bubbles with a hypodermic needle to let the air out,
and inserting just a tiny bit of permatex to glue the separated “skin layers” back together.

But let's wait on what solution Sanhui has to offer.

Best wishes!
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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by Chronotron »

Thank you nukeno. But my god this does look a bit harsh and my god surgery already?:(. Yes I will wait on them but surely I am not to happy. Yes I chose not to move her around anymore that is why no more photos. She is lying on a soft matress wrapped in her blanket for now.. Bursts...ugh..

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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by Chronotron »

So I heard back from Sanhui they said to poke her with a needle where the air pockets are and they will send me some tubes of glue and some new arrival wigs. However I am reluctant to poke her till the glue comes,just in case. they beleive it could be because of the drop of temperature.

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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by thismeanswar »

Chronotron wrote:Hey, this means war, no implants, and actually all three air bubbles are anywhere from two to three inches wide.
Woooooot? 8O 8O

Can you show these in photos or are they not visible on the surface?
Chronotron wrote:So I heard back from Sanhui they said to poke her with a needle where the air pockets are and they will send me some tubes of glue and some new arrival wigs. However I am reluctant to poke her till the glue comes,just in case. they beleive it could be because of the drop of temperature.
Did you got one of these little grey tubes with your doll? Its nothing written on it. Its some kind of silicone and it smells sour like a cheap plumber silicone that contains acid.
If you get that trash, don't use it on the doll. Get a high quality two-compound silicone to fix that.

I don't think filling these bubbles will help forever cause the silicone you use to fill the bubbles may not connect to the other silicone of the doll. Means it may become even more worse if the filling of the bubble is harder then the stuff around!
Especially it it is in stressed areas like the knee!

I think this body should be replaced immediately!

But hey, which vendor wants to replace a 2k body......

maybe you contact the TDF Admins to get some help in this case!

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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by Chronotron »

Hey, thismeanswar I didn't get any grey tubes that i see. Anyways oh yes you can see it on the surface. That is why I tried to hide some when taking pictures. As I also said one developed on her lower back as well. I understand what you are saying but I highly doubt they will replace her. I will try there fix with the utmost care. If it works I will be happy, but if it doesn't I will not be, and I will post pictures as she degrades. As I also said I got this as a gift after I researched a lot of dolls in my gifters price range. I went with Sanhui because they seemed the best bang for the buck and the dolls were beautiful. My main goal was LONG TERM. As of right now only time will tell. On their pamphlet it says ten years, before I got her I even bought everything I needed to care for her after much reading. This is dismal, but i will follow the procedures that they said and hope for the best. Either way it goes, good or bad others will hear. :cry:
two knee
two knee
PC290249.JPG (31.41 KiB) Viewed 1421 times
One knee
One knee
PC290248.JPG (26.67 KiB) Viewed 1421 times
In this picture you can see right below the knee
In this picture you can see right below the knee
PC300255.JPG (64.15 KiB) Viewed 1421 times

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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by samara78 »

I sent you a p.m perhaps i can come and repair it for you.
They should pay the repair if little else. The damage is going to run at least 200 bucks to come down to you. Or 100 bucks for you to bring her up.
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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by gonestill77 »


Sorry for your troubles with your doll lady. I have had to deal with Sanhui in this manner before. My 145 wrist snapped with regular use 2 weeks after I received her. I got mine through a vendor. I started this thread when it happened.


They gave me the run around at first and told me to fix her, I would have to weld her wrist back together. That didn't cut it for me.

My vendor actually made them do the right thing and send me a replacement body. He did so with this thread _


At the time, I wasn't the only person having problems with them. Another guy had a wrist break shortly after mine and his doll was new too.
He ended up getting a new body as well.
Sanhui made it right with a lot of coaxing.
I had to pay shipping though.

Don't get me wrong, I love my Sanhui lady and I'll never get rid of her as she was my first, but Sanhui has quality issues at times and in my opinion, they can be lacking in customer service and support.

I hope you can get this resolved quickly and fairly.....
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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by nukeno »

Chronotron wrote:Either way it goes, good or bad others will hear. :cry:
This is particularly depressing because it's a new and also your first doll.
But you will encounter many more obstacles in a dolls life. Sofos' Emma just had knee surgery for example.
Think of it as having the measles rather as a child than in advanced years.
You'll get through this, and you will benefit from experiences like this in the end one way or another. :)
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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by Chronotron »

Thank you nukeno. However I am thinking and mulling something over as of right now. That would be, whether I should just sell her and be done with all of this and bite the bullet, accepting that I have gone this long without a female companion, so whats another 10 to 20 years till my grave?. Plus I may make back a great percentage to give back to my gifter. After all they were not looking to gift a defective product. I am rather sick of being nice to those that just take it for granted or try to make a buck off of the nice guy!. This is true every where maybe I should just start dropping people like I used to when I was a teen when I was not so nice, rather then the fake smile and trying to be so called civil in a world that truly isnt.

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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by nukeno »

You could sell her, but this way you are loosing money, you will have no doll and probably won't buy another one either and therefore miss out on the whole experience and end up "grumpy" for the rest of your life.
Or you see this through with the support of the community, keep her, fix her, look on the bright side, and live happily ever after. :)

But seriously, I hope Sanhui is doing the right thing here. And by that I mean:
1) replace the body
2) increase quality or step up at least quality control before there are too many disappointed customers and bad reviews.
This would only increase costs slightly, but would prevent expensive body-replacements and more importantly, loosing potential future customers...
In the long run QC always pays off. Less rejects and more happy customers leading to more potential new buyers.

I shouldn't have to point this out, but after all:
seeing and knowing about something like this is very bad for business!
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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by gonestill77 »

nukeno wrote:You could sell her, but this way you are loosing money, you will have no doll and probably won't buy another one either and therefore miss out on the whole experience and end up "grumpy" for the rest of your life.
Or you see this through with the support of the community, keep her, fix her, look on the bright side, and live happily ever after. :)

But seriously, I hope Sanhui is doing the right thing here. And by that I mean:
1) replace the body
2) increase quality or step up at least quality control before there are too many disappointed customers and bad reviews.
This would only increase costs slightly, but would prevent expensive body-replacements and more importantly, loosing potential future customers...
In the long run QC always pays off. Less rejects and more happy customers leading to more potential new buyers.

I shouldn't have to point this out, but after all:
seeing and knowing about something like this is very bad for business!
Well said nukeno.
I know how you feel chronotron, I went through something very similar to you almost 2 years ago with the same company.
I hope you hang in there and you will probably have to keep on Sanhui to do the right thing. It sucks, but do what you gotta do to get what you want and what is due to you.
Dolls are a wonderful thing for many reasons. One being they can make your life better.
I know you weren't looking for a fight, but sometimes you gotta fight for what you really want and in this case, fight for what is right.
A replacement body would be right. Put on enough pressure and you may get what's right.
Why should you just accept their fuck up? You didn't sign on for that. You just wanted a beautiful doll to share some time with. Being that you bought new, there should be no fuck ups out of the box.
You weren't looking to buy a defective doll. Tell them you want what you paid for. A pristine elf doll lady with no defects.

Best of luck......

Eve- 2016 Sanhui 145
Lucinda- 2015 DS 163 plus

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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by Byakuya Kuciki »

Such hotness
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Re: My 168 cm Serene-Ariana and review

Post by Liz_xxx »

Ive got to agree, I think Sanhui should replace the body . You paid good money, it simply isn't good enough.

Would you accept a new car with bumps and scrapes ? No .

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