WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by midiman »

LJ69 wrote:...Could there be an option to maybe have slightly more leniency but have a ruling that any younger doll must be made WITHOUT a workable vagina and anus? Would this help those who have legitimate reasons to purchase these younger dolls ie to replace a deceased son/daughter?
If there are no orifices with which the doll can be used for sexual purposes (mouth, anal, vagina, penis) then it would not fall within the category of sex doll. However, TDF is primarily a love doll website so anyone who sees child like dolls here will assume them to be for sexual purposes. Even without orifices, there is always the possibility of hand jobs. Kid's dolls are not allowed at TDF for the same reason and some have been modified by owners for sexual purposes.

TDF is and adult forum here to provide a place for discussions on love dolls and related issues. If individuals want to start their own non-love doll families with child-like dolls, then they should do so on a site that is main stream oriented and not a sexually oriented website. That way there can be no mistaking their purpose.

On the issue of height, I think it is important to acknowledge scale modeling. Some people who suffer from physical disabilities need smaller dolls owing to their physical limitations. So height should not be an issue if the body is mature and the face is mature.
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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by kruiser »

I'm getting real sick and tired of all these bullshit laws that these so called ' professionals ' put on doll owners now. I mean just how fucked up is it to be branded a pedo for having a doll , it's ridiculous and it's an obvious conspiracy to try to once again demean men into conforming to society. I mean I knew it was going to happen, I said it was before but it still sucks. People are getting scared now that a lot of men are turning to dolls instead of women and the big wigs are using the <removed, Rule 3b> to go along with this pedo crap to get laws passed so we can't have our dolls. It's the same straw argument that violent video games causes people to act violent themselves which is complete bull.

<removed, off-topic>
Last edited by Nescio50 on Sat Jan 20, 2018 1:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Off-topic, This topic states what our policies are and not what the BBC or any other organisation do

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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by Forb »

It sounds like this is an important changing point for this forum. I'm still not sure what is different from the rules that have been in place for as long as I've been here. Aaand as far as I knew the rules, these kinds of discussions were banned in the first place.... Now I see some users out with pitchforks and I'm not sure who they're coming after, really... weird. I might take a hiatus
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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by Tybalt »

I have a funny picture to share on this topic however it seems that the tone of this topic is very serious.

Does anyone want me to still post it? Or i pm it and you post it?

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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by ZannyDanger »

Guys, i think it's important to remember that these rules are in place in order to make sure that the contents of this forum conform with current regulations and to protect the public image of our community at all costs. With sex dolls appearing more and more in the media lately, it can't be overstated how important it is to make clear that we as a community do not endorse childlike sex dolls in a any way, shape or form.

What you do in the comfort of your own home is your own business, but when it comes to a website like TDF, i think it's in everyone's best interest here to realise that the eyes of the general public are constantly watching, ready to slander us at the first opportunity. This isn't a personal attack on your personal point of views, merely a decision by the forum's management in order to adapt to changing times and ensuring that our community remains beyond reproach on all accounts.

Besides, i really don't think this should change much about the way things have been around here... let's be real for a sec. If your doll looked of age yesterday, then she still does today. I really don't think a panic is warranted at this point. This just sounds to me like management are adopting more accurate tools in order to be able to reach a decision in borderline cases based on scientific methods so that the decision process relies more on facts and less on individual perception. This is good!

Come on guys, this really isn't new:
TDF_Management wrote: Please note that small dolls that would appear as an adult if up-scaled to adult height are permitted. Just like any other product they would be considered scale models made smaller for the purpose of travel, storage, and physical limitations of the buyer, etc.
TDF_Management wrote: It is unlikely that size itself will play a large factor unless the features on the body are without question childlike. We have scale models for cars, buildings, military soldiers and vehicles, and people. If the doll body is small but the features are proportional that if increased to average adult height they would be representative of adult then the body should pass. There is also a science in addressing physical development of the body.

And to quote Anung:
Anung Un Rama wrote:To keep this extremely simple. :thumbs_up:

If as a doll owner and member you wish to show or upload an image of your doll, irrespective of manufacturer or model, always ensure the doll is represented as an adult, beyond any reasonable doubt, as the balance of probability arguement for boarderline representations will no longer satisfy the authorities in this day and age.

Representation includes:

the appropriate context of the image (fullbody and head, rahter than just face),
the styling of the doll (the dolls make up and wig styling appearence),
the clothing attire of the doll (Adult styled clothing rather than schoolgirl and sailor moon type outfits),
the angle of the dolls image (profile, rear, quater profile, above, below etc),
in addition to the considerations of the aforementioned proportions.

Well there you go, if you have any doubts then you have tools of your own as well to ensure continued compliance to TDF rules :thumbs_up:



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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by Stewie studmuffin »

I understand and agree with the forum's stance on avoiding any association with controversial dolls. However, my beef is with a lot of the wording in the proposed Congressional legislation.
I noticed a lot of the same tired arguments in the proposal of the "Creeper bill" that we see from all of the anti doll articles that have been popping up. None of which are based on any facts or legitimate research. :evidence:
While I personally have zero interest in "questionable" dolls, I can easily see the proposed legislation turning into a slippery slope for ALL dolls. I don't think the concern is unfounded as government is famous for going beyond the original intent of laws. And that is what I have a problem with.
I may be expecting too much, but it would be nice if they would do something useful for a change (such as going after and prosecuting actual pedophiles) and just leave dolls out of it altogether. :roll:
No matter how pretty she is, there is a guy out there somewhere who is tired of her shit!

Girlfriends are for guys who haven't found the right doll yet.

I feel much better now that I've given up hope.

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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by Endless War »

There are arguments on both sides concerning the banning of child-like dolls. Some suggest they have cathartic value and may help satiate certain deviant sexual desires. Most of the current research, however, does not support this theory. Current studies suggest acting out these pathological deviant fantasies actually propagates the desire and is likely to illicit criminal behavior. Moreover, given the far reaching communication and anonymity that the internet provides, “the transition of pathological deviance from isolation to community life has been facilitated by the Internet and deserves sociological attention even when no laws have been violated” (Durkin, Forsyth, & Quinn, 2006). That validates the notion that communities such as ours should be heavily scrutinized. For the time being, our community could be considered “sexually deviant” by standard definitions, while not necessarily pathologically deviant. There was a time when homosexuality was also considered sexually deviant, but that trend is changing or has changed (at least in the U.S.).

Those who own or desire ownership of child-like sex dolls, however, could classified as a “non-contact” offenders (Holt, Blevins, & Burkert 2010). As previously stated, there has been no evidence to support the cathartic value of owning such dolls, and thus, there is currently no justification for owning or displaying one besides the intent to promote pedophilia/hebephilia.

So hopefully this type of research is the driving force behind the law makers’ decisions and not less magnanimous motivations. I my humble opinion there is not and never will be a need for a child like sex doll. And I, frankly, do not ever want to see children displayed or associated with anything sexual.

I find it frustratingly difficult to take pictures of my 130cm piper doll because there are many instances where she could be interpreted as young. This is probably my only drawback with this doll because they are otherwise absolutely sublime. Based on this, I elected to avoid photographing her without a larger context that vividly illuminates her as an adult.

All things considered, the most auspicious choice for the admins of this forum is to ban even the debatable appearance of young looking dolls. Given the attention this site receives and will receive, it’s important there are clear and distinct lines of demarcation drawn between this community and a community of pathological sexually deviant individuals. In addition, like it or not, we adults have a duty to protect vulnerable populations such as children. Many do not accept this responsibility, but anything we can do to separate ourselves from child predators and avoid the propagation of stereotypes is a good thing. If certain regulations are necessary, so be it. You can be certain the feds are watching every post, picture, or reference made to children on this site.

Durkin, K., Forsyth, C. J., & Quinn, J. F. (2006). Pathological internet communities: A new direction for sexual deviance research in a post modern era. Sociological Spectrum, 26(6), 595-606.

Holt, T. J., Blevins, K. R., & Burkert, N. (2010). Considering the pedophile subculture online. Sexual Abuse, 22(1), 3-24.
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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by Mr Franz »

Don't like it much, but do understand TDF is between a rock and a hard place. Talking a mature rock of course and a fully formed, consenting adult hard place in compliance with all local, city, state and federal regulatory guidelines, laws, statutes and ordinances both domestic and international. :whistle:

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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by LoneRanger »

It always comes down to subjective opinion....If someone wants to see child-like dolls then no amount of reasoning nor science will change their minds.....

So if you run into a f*ckwad of a customs agent or a mod with a predisposition to always finding a fault then you are screwed.....

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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by ACLU1st »

Manufacturers should just start putting a "this item represents a female/male/transexual/elf/alien above the age of 18" certificate with each sexually functional naked doll sculpture... They do it with porn videos "all performers are 18 or over".

Pretty sure that Highschool Seniors in Japan are 18 so Adults do in fact wear the sailor suit into their twenties actually...they dont have early accelerated education as in the USA resulting in 17 year olds in their first semester of college for the last couple of generations in the USA.

Also unlike the USA which is run amok with hormones and GMOs in their food chain causing exaggerated sexual development other Nations ban these things so half of all Japanese females are A cup compared to American female being 25% A cup/25% B cup/25% C cup/25% D cup.

It should be noted that the UK hysteria was orchestrated by caucasian feminists fueled by the tabloid muckracking press and snowballed from child dolls to childlike dolls to child sized (even with EE boob representation) to child weight with half of the seizures actually resembiling Japanese females age 18 to 25 just shrunk down to 3 or 4 feet in height.

A doll in her likeness would have been likely confiscated too: :haha4:

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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by LJ69 »

A very interesting discussion topic. We need to do whatever we can do to show that TDF members are just normal people and not sexual deviants and we must protect children from exploitation.

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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by hollows+fentiman »

I agree LJ! I know you like the ‘fuller’ figure but I myself prefer a smaller breast and always have done! Both my wives had them!

Anyway, what I don’t like here is the way some members are aiming their comments at certain countries! This is a universal problem and we need to stick together on this. United we stand, divided we fall, as the saying goes! Some of the comments are not based on any true facts.

Having said we shouldn’t be picking on countries, I do think the Asian manufacturers don’t think there is anything wrong with reproducing what the local market seems to want. What they should be understanding is that this does not reflect the global opinion. Some brands have very few heads that could be considered more than 20 years old and when they are put with a shorter doll for weight issues, it is no wonder that a smaller breasted doll gets unwanted attention.

Now, if the head was older looking maybe that wouldn’t be an issue here on TDF! However, many of the heads are separately wrapped in the box and don’t get opened by some customs, who only look at the body!

My Ashaki is 168cm but she is skinny so getting well fitting clothes for her means that I often have to look at around 12 year old stuff! That doesn’t make her 12 years old looking by any means but we all know the practicality of getting adult clothes that fit some of these ladies!

I think I am in agreement with management here that their vote on what is and what is not acceptable should be final. There should be no poll vote! If it came to any court case, lawyers would look at staff decisions and not members ones, even if it was an overwhelming vote one way or another!

Cheers, Hollows.
Ashaki Sanura's Family Adventures (WM168 Nava) viewtopic.php?f=11&t=77571

Tanice & Jacey WM168A (Lovedolls Grace Williams & #64 heads)
Vivette 153 Vivid Doll
Rosheen WM 156B
Tarni Kimber Doll
Rusty Firedoll 166
Chiyoko 6YE 170
Reema Piperdoll 162
ETesse PIB Spinner 2.0 silicone
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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by bob7892 »

First off I am going to start by saying , I am 100 percent behind TDF , I do not blame them for protecting themselves , us and our dolls :thumbs_up:
Personally I would not buy a doll under 150 cm , although like H+F I do like smaller breasted women .
And I am not against Smaller dolls for people who through no fault of their own , cannot handle the larger dolls .
More R+D in doll production , and weight saving should also alleviate this .

The main problem as I see it , is the difference between Westernised cultures and Eastern cultures , Mainly the legal age for sex .
As this varies from country to country , until we have universal Laws across the world , we will always have problems with this .
It also raises the question , Do Westernised governments have the right to impose their morals and standards across the globe :?:
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My Girls and their stories ... 13&t=87890

My first doll Latasha is on a secret mission to find the perfect body !!!!!

Kireina's song

Some one said , Guys have girlfriends , because they have not found their perfect doll :D :D :D :D
Well I have :D :D :D :D Her name Is Kireina AND she's a 6ye :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I am me , and just me , and always will be me , and I don't deserve to be put in a box :evil: nobody does .bob7892

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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by LJ69 »

I agree that we need to trust and support our TDF management in whatever decisions that make regarding the protection of our community. There may be some 'borderline' cases they we may not agree with but ultimately we do need to fully support whatever decisions are made by TDF staff.

Maybe they could give us a definitive list of the allowed/prohibited dolls - and then all dolls that have been approved by TDF staff must place a 'certificate of approval' inside the shipping box - like another member mentioned, some type of authentication certificate stating that this doll has been approved as representing an adult over the age of 18years etc.

Piper Doll:
xxxCM with xxx cup breasts - banned
xxxCM with xxx cup breasts - OK
xxxCM with xxx cup breasts - OK
xxxCM with xxx cup breasts - OK

xxxCM with xxx cup breasts - banned
xxxCM with xxx cup breasts - OK
xxxCM with xxx cup breasts - OK
xxxCM with xxx cup breasts - OK

xxxCM with xxx cup breasts - banned
xxxCM with xxx cup breasts - OK
xxxCM with xxx cup breasts - OK
xxxCM with xxx cup breasts - OK

At the moment hopefully we are all using common sense when we order our products. I have really wanted a 132cm spinner from PIB but Australian customs are really tough and even though she 100% is an adult, the 132cm height seems to trouble Aust customs. All of my dolls are quite heavy so to have a lovely high quality ALL WOMAN doll at just 132cm and 19kgs would be wonderful but to risk $3500 + shipping (over AUS$5000) is simply too big a risk without a 100% guarantee that my order would get to me.

The quicker we can get some type of Universal list of accepted dolls the better.

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Re: WARNING: To buyers of young looking dolls

Post by LovesBlackWomen »

I won't buy a doll under five feet, because I don't want to be a contortionist when having sex with her.
