
Amazing Experience - Sexxdolls.com

Reviews on SEXXDOLLS CO. Sales and Services
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Posts: 12
Joined: Tue Oct 08, 2019 2:53 pm

Amazing Experience - Sexxdolls.com

Post by Ozarka800 »

This is my 1st time buying a doll and after a very long time of going back and forth in my mind as to what doll I wanted and where I would buy from I found TDF. Then after weeks of reading posts and seeing the approved vendor list I came across Sexxdolls.co, and I must say "WOW"!!! I can't compare them to other vendors again as this is my 1st purchase, but their selection of dolls and manufacturers is crazy good! So good in fact it took me several more days to narrow down which would be my 1st!

Their sales with awesome price points didn't make it any easier either (which was a very good thing). I knew I didn't want to get a cheap, or fake counterfeit doll so using the approved vendor list was imperative in my opinion, so I reached out to their customer service. Elizabeth responded back in a very timely manner (24 hours, which considering the time difference to the US, totally understandable). She answered any questions I had and made me feel at ease for my 1st purchase! I asked her if TDF members received any perks or discounts which she politely replied, yes but with the caveat of when they are running site wide sales that perk is available to every customer but when sales end TDF members will still get that price! Basically the sales never end for us as members, that's insanely awesome because again their discount price points are crazy low and practically unbeatable (they also do price matching with other approved vendors as well!). I'm in awe of this site personally (again 1st time buyer, but still I'm impressed). The layout of their site is very user friendly in my opinion which is another huge plus!

Needless to say I ended up making my purchase with Sexxdolls.co for all the above reasons. She hasn't shipped yet but I'm expecting my confirmation/tracking number to be sent in the next day or two, and then the week or so wait for transit. Once I receive my doll I will post a complete conclusion to my review of this vendor, but honestly so far so good! Again with Elizabeth's knowledge and reassurance I'm not at all skeptical and totally at ease during the wait (I am getting antsy for her arrival, but that's on me not Sexxdolls.co LoL!)
