
Sexxdolls Co. Review First from time buyer.

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Sexxdolls Co. Review First from time buyer.

Post by Rider77 »

I can be quite long winded. The second part of this review, though containing details of my experience with Sexxdolls, is more just an accounting of my personal/internal experience in ordering my first sex doll.

Short version:

Received wrong doll 16 days after placing order, no tracking number or factory pics from vendor. I did get tracking, but it was after the wrong shipment arrived. Had to pay for return shipping of wrong doll. Offered free head for trouble - but pretty much every vendor is offering free second heads 50% of the time, some seemingly all of the time. Sexxdolls is currently offering to all of their customers what I am receiving as "compensation" for the mistake. No proactive communication other than order confirmation (automated), 24-48 hours to reply to emails, other than the day I received the wrong order, that day Elizabeth responded within hours (I was kinda flooding their inbox though). I currently have a reasonably high expectation of receiving the correct doll on the 29th of this month via communication with the manufacturer. Sexxdolls it a totally legit vendor just not very attentive & they should make a few operational changes to decrease the possibility of errors. They've said this is the first time it's happened & I have no reason to doubt this. Almost certainly the mistake occurred at the manufacturer level (labels got mixed up in the shipping department or something along those lines).

I won't be addressing the manufacturer in this review as I don't believe it is pertinent to my experience with Sexxdolls Co.


Just a bit of back story. I first became quite interested in the concept love dolls probably as early as age 15 when I heard Anton LaVey was spending his twilight years developing sex dolls (founder of the US Church of Satan, I was a goth kid). Skip ahead a few years and I'm in my first apartment with an internet connection (late 90's) I spent many hours researching the love doll options on the market but at the time it was just fantasy, I was a very poor kid & lived with like 4 other people.

Fast forward almost 20 years, I have a job that I love and make a very comfortable living. I'm twice divorced and in the middle of a break up, my soon to be ex brings up sex dolls kind of out of the blue & I think about them for the first time in many years, I decided right in the middle of that conversation that as soon as she moved out I would be ordering a sex doll. She was gone about 2 weeks later and my search began.

The relationship I had just exited had been on the rocks for awhile so the sex was non-existent for the final few months, the result of this was that I wanted my doll NOW. After searching around a bit just typing "sex dolls" into the google search bar I was pretty overwhelmed. The variety of vendors, brands, prices & specific options was staggering compared to the last time I had looked at these types of products. After probably just a few hours of looking around I came across sexxdolls.com, their site had the most polished and easy to navigate user interface of the 5-6 sites I had been too thus far and at the top of the page was a link to The Doll Forum. Glad I clicked that shit!

So now I had an army, 1000's of other humans banded together to defend themselves against the all too common mechanical stupidity of industry. BIG THANKS to any vendor that has links to this forum. There are a great many intelligent, kind & generous people populating this little corner of the internet and its usefulness easily transcends issues pertaining to love doll ownership.

So I had this wonderful new tool at my disposal but it did not temper my impatience. I only spent enough time here in that first day to confirm that Sexxdolls was legit and that the doll I was rapidly settling on was well reviewed. Having confirmed those it wasn't long before I was typing my credit card number into a box on the order confirmation page, that was on the 19 of October.

I waited until the 4th of November to contact sexxdolls again. The order page that I used on their sight had the production time listed at 8-10 business days, that amount of time had passed and armed with a lot of new information I had gathered spending most of my non-working waking hours on TDF since ordering, I sent a simple message:


So the 8-10 day production time window had come and gone & I am wondering where we're at? Do I need to request factory pictures or do you generally send them by default? I've probably been spending a bit too much time on TDF of late & most (Manufacturer name removed by author) customers seem to get production updates within a week so I'm beginning to become a bit nervous. Please provide a status update today if possible.


About an hour later my doorbell rang & it was the FedEx guy with a giant box on his shoulder. WTF!?! I was overwhelmed with excitement, I thought I must be full of adrenaline, the box was light as hell. I got it inside and set up a massage table, checked my pulse, grabbed a pocket knife, noticed the yellow customs tape (it had been opened and re-sealed, head packaging seemed undisturbed), felt anxious, started gently cutting the tape away. Once tape and plastic were cleared away I opened the box, pulled out the head and bagged up wig/accessories, pulled back the blanket; huh, that sculpt seems a bit less detailed than in the store pics, to be expected I suppose, begins to unwrap, weird, she's a lot smaller that I expected, notices tits, Ok, what in the actual fuck! THIS IS NOT WHAT I ORDERED!!!

Full panic now, jumbled thoughts and emotions, mostly anger. I dig through the the bags I had removed from the box to confirm if it was even the correct manufacturer. It was but it was the smallest of their models, almost a full head shorter than the doll I ordered. Had I been scammed? Surely not, I've read so much about all involved parties, how could this have happened??? I sat down at the computer to type the typing of an angry 40ish white man, I was gonna get same goddamned answers by golly!

I opened up gmail & and had received a new email from support@sexxdolls:

Your order is on the way!
Your order is on the way to you! Are you smiling? You're totally smiling. Track your shipment to see the delivery status!

Fucking hell, I wasn't smiling.

Now I'm not sure if sending the tracking information the day the doll is slated to arrive is a tactical decision intended to blow the mind of the customer or the result of lackluster customer service but if this is intentional it seems like a horrible idea. It was a coincidence that it came on my day off had it not & just showed up out of the blue while I was a work who knows what kind of review I'd be writing now. It seems like a vendor of these products that is connected with their client base would know that some planning might need to go into the receiving of such an object. Being blindsided by a 40 kg coffin is NOT ideal.

So I sent my angry emails to sexxdolls and then re-packed up the doll that was sent to me by mistake. It was pretty childlike and I was extremely disturbed that it had gone through and been inspected by US customs on the way to my door. I'm probably just on the sane side of the paranoia border but I can't help but wonder If I'm on any lists now. Ultimately receiving the wrong doll and having it be of a small & petite proportion was pretty much a nightmare come true.

After several hours Elizabeth from Sexxdoll responded letting me know she had gotten my emails and would be contacting the manufacturer asap to determine what went wrong and attempt to render a solution. Fair enough, that's all I can ask at this point.

A few days pass & I inquire about the progress of resolving my issue, 6th of November. On the 8th of November they respond telling me that a new doll is being made immediately, it would include a free head of my choice for my trouble and that I should send the mistakenly sent doll to the provided address. I wanted it out of my place so I took it to UPS and spent $80 shipping it to a domestic address. I sent them the tracking number same day.

I was feeling a bit better about everything even though I was extremely disappointed that things hadn't gone smoother. Sent in my specification for the extra head & continued somewhat discontentedly waiting. They assured me that this time they'd send tracking info ahead of time.

On the 16th I was back on their website looking at some specifications on the doll that was hopefully being created for me when I noticed a banner for their black friday promotion. Wouldn't ya know it, free extra head with any purchase from the manufacturer I had went with. Bit of a gut punch.

I sent an email to Sexxdolls detailing my complaints and how I felt about their methods overall, I requested to be compensated for the money I spent shipping the mistakenly sent doll. A few day later they responded, asking that I give them a chance & informing me that the manufacturer re-creating and re-sending me a new doll was costing them a lot of money.

They never did end up sending tracking info, I got it form the manufacturer a few days ago though and she's headed this way, I'm cautiously optimistic.

Now I'm just hoping that after all the anxiety of procuring this doll I can vibe with it.

Wish me luck.
