Read this if you want to sell your invention

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Dyson Soong
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Re: Read this if you want to sell your invention

Post by Dyson Soong »

GreatPair wrote:Very informative and greatly appreciated.
I have many ideas in my head about different things.
Always thought(from tv ect) that patents were your next step
after making your prototype for proof.
Knowing how much they cost, I haven't taken the steps
towards making anything(plus the abusive wife calls everything
I do/want a waste) so I give up.
I need to get away from her and dream big. Sorry for the rant.
Great thread subscribing and hoping to learn more.
Thank you very much. ... -violence/

Feel free to PM me if you want to talk about it.

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Re: Read this if you want to sell your invention

Post by BuilderOfCastles »

Dyson Soong wrote:I am no legal scholar. Please everyone keep talking.

Nothing wrong with me saying I want to make toys and maybe dolls one day, right?

If you don't want your ideas stolen, maybe don't post the details online. I'm no lawyer, but this seems like common sense.
No, this is not correct... yes, it may be "common sense" but that is only based on movie logic.

Your ideas will be stolen, unless you never let the idea out of your head.
And still, it may be stolen.

The Wright Brothers only beat a French person by a week.
(and they both were outpaced by a NZ guy who no one ever heard of)

- - - - - - -

So, your ideas will be stolen.
However, ideas are a dime a dozen in 10 bushel lots.

Meaning, its nothing.
The real work is bringing it to market and then marketing it.

A patent has only one use in this path, to convince investors that you are serious.

Until you are a multi-million dollar company, you have no way to stop someone from copying your idea. And even further, you can't stop a Chinese firm from copying your idea as they do not follow our patent law.

In the end, your idea is worthless and stolen. Consider it so from the beginning will help you be a successful entrepreneur.

- - - - - - -

Thus what you want to do is only show good people your product during prototyping, and then work as hard as you can to bring the product to market.

The idea is nothing. The final product being sold and getting cash flow is everything.

And really, there is enough market. Is RealDoll out of business because cheap Chinese knock-offs exist?
Does SinoDoll take away business from RealDoll? Or do they both make the market bigger?
RealDoll is twice as much, and many on this forum say that SinoDoll is far better... but people still pay for RealDoll.

The only thing you need a patent for is for other people to file one and harass you to stop doing what you are doing.
(these people are usually lawyers and are just out to make a buck)
For them, all you need is published prior work.
You can even file a quick and dirty patent (even if its rejected, you can still put Pat. Pend. on your product.)

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Re: Read this if you want to sell your invention

Post by Dyson Soong »

Not following your incomplete logic on why it is wrong to not post your innovations online. Yes, ideas will be stolen this is innevitible. Not understanding the benefit in posting them for all the world to see. By keeping my cards close to my vest I will at least have a head start if no one has seen them until I go to market. All the best poker players show their hands, right?

Everyone is saying patents are worthless so why the need for evedince I had it first? Why not just take notes and pictures with some kind of proof of time?

Not trying to reinvent the doll/toys at least until I (hopefully) establish a foothold in the market. Just trying to make quality items made of superior materials and incredible sculpting. I like competition and welcome it. Steel sharpens steel and my shit is sharp. Get ready because I'm cumming.

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Re: Read this if you want to sell your invention

Post by Dyson Soong »

I'm also fairly certain your "birth of flight" analogy does not apply here. You trying to say the wright brothers stole the idea from a New Zelander? Did they send a spy, take trip to New Zealand themselves, or hack his email?

"Movie logic" (which movie?) what a jerk thing to post at me. I graduated from college with honors. Where did you learn your history, a cooking book? Mutiple people can be attempting the same technological breakthrough simultaneously, and it makes perfect sense that they would be. ... _of_giants

Are any of our ideas truly our own?

And yes! If you do care about your "original" idea never let it out of your head. Trust no one. Don't let some turd with more resources than you beat you to the punch.

This guy is literally telling you your ideas are worthless "a dime a dozen", but wanting you to post them for him to see. He is basically telling you he plans to steal your ideas saying "it's going to happen" like he is the grim reaper of aspiration.

How is "Marketing and bringing it to market" the only important step? If this were true we would all be drinking Crystal Pepsi. Turd polish dosent fix everything. There is a lot to this more than the idea & more than the marketing.

On the other hand thanks to the internet these days even
children can sell their homemeade items in online marketplaces and get the cash flow going.

"Consider your ideas worthless" Sure sounds like someone trying to help...

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Re: Read this if you want to sell your invention

Post by BuilderOfCastles »

Dyson Soong wrote:I'm also fairly certain your "birth of flight" analogy does not apply here. You trying to say the wright brothers stole the idea from a New Zelander? Did they send a spy, take trip to New Zealand themselves, or hack his email?

"Movie logic" (which movie?) what a jerk thing to post at me. I graduated from college with honors. Where did you learn your history, a cooking book? Mutiple people can be attempting the same technological breakthrough simultaneously, and it makes perfect sense that they would be. ... _of_giants

Are any of our ideas truly our own?

And yes! If you do care about your "original" idea never let it out of your head. Trust no one. Don't let some turd with more resources than you beat you to the punch.

This guy is literally telling you your ideas are worthless "a dime a dozen", but wanting you to post them for him to see. He is basically telling you he plans to steal your ideas saying "it's going to happen" like he is the grim reaper of aspiration.

How is "Marketing and bringing it to market" the only important step? If this were true we would all be drinking Crystal Pepsi. Turd polish dosent fix everything. There is a lot to this more than the idea & more than the marketing.

On the other hand thanks to the internet these days even
children can sell their homemeade items in online marketplaces and get the cash flow going.

"Consider your ideas worthless" Sure sounds like someone trying to help...
The same idea often occurs to many people at the same time.
Its the way this universe is set up. Inventor type people listening to the muses, and many hear the same thing at the same time.

This means, that even if you never share the idea, the idea may be being worked on by others.

- - - - - -

I am saying that an idea is indeed worthless. Only the person who thought it up really cares for it.
Most companies will not buy an idea.
The companies that will want full disclosure before the offer you anything, and if its good, they will give you a few hundred.

Most corporations won't even buy a patent.
They would rather spend $100,000 busting your patent then spend $10,000 to buy it from you.

Ideas are a dime a dozen, in ten bushel lots

This is a quote from Don Lancaster, one of the most prolific inventors of early electronics.
Who has written many books and magazine articles on inventing.
Don ran a competition, anyone with a success story from a patent filing would get a copy of all of his books (and some more stuff)
No one ever won.

- - - - - - -

To make money off an idea, you have to turn it into a viable product, then market it and sell it.

If you read Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad / Poor Dad) you will see that in creating a business the product is actually the smallest part of the company structure.

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So, when you get an idea, realize that it is the start of a long road.

Also understand that the only use for a patent is to show potential investors that you are serious. (because they believe the lie about patenting to protect your idea)

And lastly, the reason why you would post your idea on a forum like this is to time stamp it so that you can clearly prove that you had the idea at a certain time. And proving that is the most important thing in a trial where a patent holder is suing you to stop your production. It is not easy to prove that. People in the past have gotten notary public stampings, sent a letter to themselves that they never open, and many other ways that have pitfalls.

But, then again, it may be more important to keep your "cards close to your chest"

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Re: Read this if you want to sell your invention

Post by Bunnyboybob »

Want to know how to give your old psycho cyber skin doll a second Life?
People ask me if I'm all right?
I plainly tell them, "I'm half left, actually."

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