Funwest Doll "Trixie" head review - by 4891d

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Doll Oracle
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Funwest Doll "Trixie" head review - by 4891d

Post by 4891d »

I participated in a contest organized by Funwestdoll ( viewtopic.php?t=153993) and I was lucky enough to be among the winners: I got to choose one of their heads.

I chose Trixie, which is the doll I had written a story about for this contest.
I think Trixie's head is very touching. She has character, it's not a 'standard' head. So she can play a real story character.

Trixie20220713 022.JPG
Trixie20220713 022.JPG (2.26 MiB) Viewed 1039 times

I really liked the presentation pictures on the Funswestdoll website, so I chose the default promo configuration

When ordering I had a problem with my address (which the site did not recognize as an address). A little email and the problem was immediately solved. The Funwest doll team was very reactive.
After 2 weeks, I received a factory picture and after approval, it was sent for delivery which took about 1 week. The box and contents arrived in perfect condition.

Box contents:

"Trixie" doll head, a standard M16 connector (hollow type), a quick change M16 connector and a blonde wig. The head was well packaged, with a clear plastic protection for the face.

General Description:

TPE is very soft and non-shiny, its surface is smooth. The face is pleasant to caress. Eyebrows are well painted. The lashes are pleasant to look at and they are well glued.
As I already had a silicone head, I was surprised that the skull, the temples, chin and jaws are so soft. On the other hand, this flexibility brings more realism and sensuality to the cheeks and lips.
The TPE has almost no smell, even out of the box. It also has almost no taste when you kiss the doll.

At first I thought the lips were closed (because of the makeup) but after reading the review of another contest winner (head "Elise") I went to look closer, and indeed the mouth opens.

I quote: "Oral capacity. From about 2 inches deep in the mouth, there is a ring of very soft white buttons, reaching far into the oral cavity. (Not tested yet but I think it would make a great sucking machine :mrgreen: )"
Obviously this made me want to try it: I confirm, Trixie is very sensual.

The blonde wig is a nice color of ripe wheat. But my camera has trouble rendering its nuances and tends to represent it too yellow.
This is my first time handling a wig and I still have some progress to make. The quality seems to me rather good. It doesn't shed hair (I brushed it once, carefully).

The complexion is a light tan (a little more tanned and with a slightly redder tint than the promotional photos).
The blue eyes are beautiful but a little too intense which takes away from the realism (after reading Elise's review, I think the green eyes are more realistic, they also have a little smaller iris). Adding small shades of gray to the iris would give a more realistic look, I think. (By the way, on the website when you click on the choice of the eyes the picture is not displayed in big size: it would be a useful feature to add).
The lips are a bit more orange than on the promotional pictures and the gloss is a bit too shiny; but I think that on the TPE the makeup will fade with time so the rendering will gain in nuance.

I am very happy to have received Trixie.
She has a lot of personality. She is soft and pleasant to touch. She is sensual. She will be a nice companion and an interesting character for my stories.
Thanks to Funwest Dolls for this beautiful gift.

I place here some pictures taken with a regular compact camera, without any retouching or modifications. There is no sophisticated lighting (only two ordinary desk lamps). So you can see the head as it is.

Trixie20220713 040.JPG
Trixie20220713 040.JPG (2.52 MiB) Viewed 1039 times
Trixie20220713 062.JPG
Trixie20220713 062.JPG (2.63 MiB) Viewed 1039 times
Trixie20220713 085.JPG
Trixie20220713 085.JPG (2.01 MiB) Viewed 1039 times
Trixie20220713 090.JPG
Trixie20220713 090.JPG (2.19 MiB) Viewed 1039 times
Links to 4891d's dolls-stories. : viewtopic.php?t=156068
Saaskiya, my beautiful gift (Zelex GE04) : viewtopic.php?t=154462
Trixie came to me (Funwest Dolls Trixie) : viewtopic.php?t=155900
Eurydice, a nice surprise (Elsa Babe RHC019)
