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Re: ELSA BABE 148 L BODY + HEADS XHB001&RAD004 - via MyRobotDoll

Post by Aglooka »

tubbienine wrote: Wed Oct 05, 2022 3:21 am

Thanks for your message tubbienine , i will try to explain myself the best i can

Let me please start saying that what im gonna state its my own and personal experience and opinion . Whatever i can feel or express had nothing to do ,or can be related with the great work from the different manufacturers as for creating these dolls ,neither the vendor for its outstanding service offered during the purchase and afterwards , or other forum members experiences / reviews of their silicone dolls .

Also ,please bear in mind that i dont know how a 5000-10000 euros elite silicone doll would be regarding her softness/elasticity , as i will never take the risk to check it .

As i had seen lately ,the elite brands , as well as the non elites ,are offering gel option for butt , buttocks , belly , and other body parts for their silicone dolls , so I can only ask myself :

-Its needed because of the non elastic properties of the silicone all around the doll ? So this way , at least few parts of her body would be ?

-Or is just something extra as gel would be on an already jiggly wm/yl tpe doll ass  ?

Imho , is not as an extra ,instead is 'order it if you want some elasticity on certain points of a silicone doll'

This option of gel butt ,buttocks,belly,etc... is mostly being offered with an extra cost , and already read at the forum that some vendors does not even offer a warranty of the doll for being delivered in good conditions if this gel features are ordered  ,leaving us completely naked if something goes wrong ,even if the problem is due a neglected act packaging the doll at the fabric ,or in case it fells apart in no long

For me , the experience with dolls started on April / May 2021 , with 2 tpe ladies,which non of them weight less than 40kg and i got very used to the tpe softness/elasticity and to have much meat all around the doll when squeezing her

So ,you would ask ,Why did you purchased her ? Few reasons come to my mind , but the first is the extremely beautiful heads and that they released the XL tits on their 148 body

When she arrived , and unboxed her , i was greatly surprised by the feeling of her tities , wish my huge breasted ladies have that feeling . But ,i wasnt expecting at all , and couldnt believe ,the elasticity of the material compared to tpe  ,when , for example ,trying to sink my fingers around her body

There are many other users whom have a completely different experience with their silicone dolls , this may be for many different reasons that i cant say , but maybe they simply like it as it is

The reasons can be unlimited. I recently read a user on the forum, on a tpe vs silicone,  state the following :


Tpe dolls are unsusable , because they deteriorate so fast once you sink your fingers on its skin , better to be harder to last long . Go silicone

This user , for example , is on the other extreme of what i want . And good for him , i respect that and love that everybody is looking for different certain qualities on a doll and manufacturers can offer them

But , of course , its inevitable to ask myself : 

-Its because they simply conform how it is ?

- Did they try a tpe ?

- Do they use the doll for sex ? They bought it for companion only ? photography ? And is just based on true first sight love ?

- Maybe they dont want to complain about it and they will only focus on her positive things ?

- Or even political correctness ?

- Why do they constantly speak about vagina softness of their silicone dolls ? It is because if it were to be as hard as the body , it wont be possible at all to have sex ?

- And finally , why ordering , paying extra , a soft belly/ass/tights,etc.. ? When the standard version ,with all it sales/recommendations/positive reviews , already suposse to be enough soft/elastic ?

As for myself ,my dissapointment with silicone go that far , that i absolutely love two silicone dolls out there ( the SM136 and the Starpery BBW ) but ,i will never buy again a silicone doll after such experience , as much as i could love their body shape or get attracted to , as i got to the Elsa

Back to the doll , im not complaining that there is not as much mass on her body as with my other ladies , i know this in advanced and didnt mind at all , is just , that the mass available isnt squishable as the tpe

Regarding softness , her skin , once powdered , i can venture to say that is softer than tpe when caress , you dont have that sandpaper feeling that some tpe dolls have in some areas , but the huge inconvenience , and what i become to realise , is that , the most important thing for me on a sex doll  ( and i have learn the lesson the hard way ) is the elasticity of the material . And that , based on what i tried , is only available in tpe .

I had been months thinking about to sell her , it was 31st August when i get done the template ,but when i got to the room to take her sale photos , a huge pity feeling invade me : No , her tits are great and you love both heads . So, i tried once again to appreciate or get attracted by her changing her clothes , but nothing.

Since then , the 'sell it ,you dont use it at all' feeling had overcome , and here we are , trying to find a new place for her , with somebody whom like silicone dolls and their properties and want a beautiful doll for a reduced price

Cant speak on the long run as for durability ,silicone neither tpe , as i start on this just one year ago

All i can say is that i got a tpe light tan YL ,a white/natural Hidoll and a tan Dolls Castle ,all of them are already older than a year , and except for a loose hip joint on the YL , all of them almost look like the first day , being the Hidoll the one looking best ,as its tpe is firmer/little bit harder than YL or Dolls Castle , that seems very similar . I dont use them more than twice per week and they are always rotating , not like the Elsa , that poor soul is always watching how the others enjoy .

So , there is no reason at all to keep her at home , I dont get that click , emotion , love ,spark , call it whatever , as i do with my other dolls , would rather sell her to somebody whom will give her love and truly appreciate her as she deserves.

All the best
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Re: ELSA BABE 148 L BODY + HEADS XHB001&RAD004 - via MyRobotDoll

Post by tubbienine »

Thanks for the detailed response, Aglooka. All the silicone dolls I have had seemed like a pencil eraser hard, compared to TPE. I did have a Ruby doll which was the first doll to use a very soft gel in the boobs and yes, those boobs were amazing but we buy dolls for the total body experience, not just soft body parts on a hard mannequin. And you are right, if you have to order all these soft parts on a silicone doll, then it is admitting the material itself, is not soft and enjoyable to feel.

I used to think TPE was all the same and after many TPE dolls, my most recent is a new "soft" TPE. My God!!!! This version of TPE is truly like human in feeling. Normally, I have to modify and cut open larger the vagina of a TPE doll because I am thicker than average but this softer TPE is so elastic, it literally expands to any size like a human vagina and the feel is the most realistic vagina I have ever felt of ANY doll. It is a WM140 for the record.

So, yes, TPE is more fragile and you must know it's limitations. If you always keep the doll resting in a neutral arms down, legs together position, you can avoid much of the tearing of the material over time. My TPE dolls have hardly changed their appearance because I know how to take care of them. I also hear of how much easier silicone is to repair but I do not find the repairs durable at all!

Thank you for your honesty in this. I think most doll owners will not speak up and admit the truth that overall, TPE is a more realistic human sex experience than silicone. The only way I will try silicone is when they find a true way to make a doll WITH THE HEAD, 20 kg or less and very soft. This will not be possible with TPE but it can be done with silicone with the correct design, I think. Right now still, the biggest problem with ALL dolls is the weight.

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Re: ELSA BABE 148 L BODY + HEADS XHB001&RAD004 - via MyRobotDoll

Post by Aglooka »

tubbienine wrote: Wed Oct 05, 2022 2:43 pm

I used to think TPE was all the same and after many TPE dolls, my most recent is a new "soft" TPE. My God!!!! This version of TPE is truly like human in feeling. Normally, I have to modify and cut open larger the vagina of a TPE doll because I am thicker than average but this softer TPE is so elastic, it literally expands to any size like a human vagina and the feel is the most realistic vagina I have ever felt of ANY doll. It is a WM140 for the record.

Thanks for taking the time to share your years of wisdom with us , i totally agree with each of your statements . Its always a pleasure to read from the most experienced users

Im really interested on what you are telling of the wm140 , as the wm 150 m is on the line as for my next purchase . Please tell us little bit more about the softer tpe version

By this you mean , that their latest dolls are being develope with a much softer blend of tpe than your old ladies ? Or is that you have exclusively ordered her with the 'soft tpe' option ?

For this feature , i had seen both extremes on the forum , and is what make me keep in doubt .

From a SMDoll or starpery ( cant recall ) with 'soft tpe' option that in less than a year desintegrate itself and the final picture seen was a piece of the torso hanging at the skeleton while all the other pieces of tpe had melted like bubblegum to the floor , to a YL150 o cup with soft tpe , that after almost 5 years ,her owner confirms recently that she still in mint conditions

So im so messed up , because i would love to order the wm150 m ,aside than with gel boobs , with soft tpe option if possible , she so deserve it ... but being her a huge lady it may not be recommended as for ,what could end up being ,not so long term

So any tip you could spare regarding her storage, manteinance , info on her as age , etc... will be very much appreciated
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Re: ELSA BABE 148 L BODY + HEADS XHB001&RAD004 - via MyRobotDoll

Post by ghila87 »

Great explanation Aglooka, hope your doll find a good home.

For the ultra soft TPE on WM dolls I'd try it view that you already have some normal TPE dolls, it seem to be a great upgrade in softness and bouncing. I can't say anything about durability, if I remember correctly the way to go with WM Ultra soft TPE is hollow breast instead of gel, it would be safer for the shipping and the difference should not be exagerate. As you said anyway the WM 150M is quite huge and maybe it would deteriorate fast.

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Re: ELSA BABE 148 L BODY + HEADS XHB001&RAD004 - via MyRobotDoll

Post by tubbienine »

HI Aglooka,

The doll I have is the 140cm D cup. This is a lean body type. The breasts are hollow but not thin skin hollow. The TPE is fragile. For example, if I leave the legs bent at the hip such as she is sitting, a crease in the TPE surface forms within a day. If you leave the legs spread or the arms raised for days, the TPE in that area will start to tear. A large and heavy doll may have tearing just from the weight of all the TPE, especially really large breasts. I would never recommend this type of TPE for what I call 'fat body' or super voluptuous proportion dolls.

It's also important to realize none of these dolls will last forever. A TPE doll will give the most realistic sex and body touch experience and even if it lasts only 5 years, this is still a fraction of what you would spend if you had a real girl. That is true of all dolls no matter how expensive the doll. A real woman could bankrupt you but an expensive doll is still cheap compared to what a real woman can do to you! So I never expect they last forever. I just threw out a doll (an earlier WM140 D) that I bought 7 years ago. I would still have her but I shipped her to a new place when I moved and the hip broke in the mishandling by the shipper. Otherwise, I would still be banging her for more years to come. I got her new and I take care of my dolls but all these dolls have a life expectancy if you have sex with them. If you just use them as mannequins, then I suppose they could last forever. 7 years for a doll I paid maybe $1000 was a deal. Some people are really violent and stupid with their dolls and they need a hard durable doll like maybe an Elsa doll that is more durable but also feels too hard to enjoy. One must think of a doll as an expense. They are not a collectible, for sure!

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Re: ELSA BABE 148 L BODY + HEADS XHB001&RAD004 - via MyRobotDoll

Post by Aglooka »

First , some photos after so long , and then a comment on her after almost 1 year at home

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Re: ELSA BABE 148 L BODY + HEADS XHB001&RAD004 - via MyRobotDoll

Post by Aglooka »

Long history short , i end up loving this doll , even if i had only used her for sex about 3 or 4 times in the last year

'The ugly duckling'

I shouldnt had constantly compared her with my tpe ladies , that was my big mistake . It was an incredible well made decision to dont end up selling her , as she was on the forum market for a ridicolous price for quite a time ,but at the end , due multiple reasons, i take out the sales add , and make her one more of the family

Shes one of a kind , as well as my other tpe dolls , each one has it own features , they all have different skin tones , different kind of breast ( tried them all , solid-hollow-gel-pennetrable ) , nothing alike heads , each with their imperfections , etc.. , at the end , each one is unique ,and the Elsa is of course

Ok , shes silicione and the silicone that Elsa Babe use as standard , is not as softer/elastic as a standard wmdoll tpe , but this may be the only thing that can compete as for tpe/silicone

Tpe will never get, for example , the so detailed head/make up that silicone heads can . Silicone heads are miles away and are the way to go if one want the best end

A good example ( of whom i am completely in love ) are Natalia and Rozanne of Starpery , no tpe head can be like that

The tpe will never be so easy to wash as silicone

I had never worried about staining my Elsa , but i will never leave clothes ,not even for just 1 night in any of my tpe ladies ,as im scare to death that they will easily stain,and later on is harder to get it out than the silicone , that most probably will fade away on its own

As i said , i have not used her for sex more than 3 or 4 times in the last year , but lately i am loving to caress her tits/face and hug her close while i do any other of my dolls

Maybe im starting to discover that i like the dolls not just for their sexual function or at least , just for the very purpose of penetrating them .

Since i own them , i had been hugely surprised on how much possibilities are available to end up cumming without the need of getting inside them. For my next doll i will be needing articulated fingers , which means handjobs possibilities !?

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Re: ELSA BABE 148 L BODY + HEADS XHB001&RAD004 - via MyRobotDoll

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Re: ELSA BABE 148 L BODY + HEADS XHB001&RAD004 - via MyRobotDoll

Post by ghila87 »

glad to hear you've found yourself happy with her. for the wm dolls you should consider ultra soft tpe and hollow breast but consider that damages will surely occur

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Re: ELSA BABE 148 L BODY + HEADS XHB001&RAD004 - via MyRobotDoll

Post by Aglooka »

Thanks ghila87 , i would had regret it much if sold her , as at the end , i have to admit that she is as for well ended / beautiful body /stiff articulations ,probably the best doll i have , and most probably she will be around more than fine when my tpe ladies start degradating

As for the ultra soft tpe , the thing is that i wouldnt risk to order a huge lady i most like ( +40 or 50kg doll ) due damages in shipping. Is such a lottery , had seen the same doll , an YL158 , arrived beyond repair , while others arrive perfect

After trying the Irokebijin tpe , all others for me had been left behind , its like a viscolatex pillow , it makes the standard YL/DC/Hidoll tpe feel like a tyre .
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New sets of her oncoming !!

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