TPE/SILICONE contact test

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Re: TPE/SILICONE contact test

Post by roninfiertze »

This is most likely a problem with early TPE. I tested my 2014 WM with my 2016 Sanhui touching the sides of their feet years ago, and it only took an hour for the WM to start getting melty and look like it was wet where they were in contact.

But of course my WM's TPE completely degraded in less than 3 years and basically fell apart, and as it seems others have modern WM dolls lasting longer than 2-3 years obviously much has changed.
Katie - WM 145cm head #1 - 2014
Cheyenne - Sanhui 156cm head #2 - 2016
"Anthro Project" - HappyDoll 100cm TDF banned - 2017
Alexandria - DH168 132cm TDF banned - 2017
Emily - DH168 132cm TDF banned - 2018
Casandra - DH168 145cm Marie - 2020
Anastasia - CD 138cm TDF banned - 2021
Unnamed - CD 130cm TDF banned - 2021
Ordered - Zelex 142cm TDF banned - 2021

1.) GameDoll Sino G3 160cm
2.) Sino 158cm B #30
3.) Starpery 171cm

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Re: TPE/SILICONE contact test

Post by Nackers »

I've seen some toys (not dolls just toys) that degraded because they came into contact with one another. I know in some cases one (or both) toys were called silicone but apparently cheaper manufacturers call basically everything silicone. There's a good article on it here: (they have a bunch of further links too).

I actually wonder if this phenomena could be used to do some simple repairs on damaged dolls. If you knew you had a toy that reliably melted your doll you could use it melt and re-seal tears or sculpt it.

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Re: TPE/SILICONE contact test

Post by seagull »

muesky6969 uses shredded TPE sex toys for repairs and some serious mods :)

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Re: TPE/SILICONE contact test

Post by cycleingking »

Adding to the "experience" list. I have recently purchased a WM 174G, I have her hanging next to my SM 157G silicone doll. I am normally very careful and give a foot of space between. Well One time did not and the nipples of the dolls touched, likely for a couple of days. The WM doll now has a slightly hollowed out indentation slightly above the nipple. This was clearly caused by the silicone dolls nipple pressed in that area.

Another unfortunate event occurred with a IT head that I have and the butt of my other SM silicone doll was pressed up against the face for some time. Lets just say, the IT head is ruined unless you like a distorted face feature in a girl. Lessons learned for me to be way more careful! I will upload pics later for documentation for others!

In my experience, short contact time is not immediately troubling, prolonged contact can be severe. I regularly use silicone heads on tpe bodies without issue, even mounted overnight. I think this has to do with the heads I have being harder silicone and the contact area is really minimal when you think about it. Plus, even if damage DID happen, would not be visible or a big deal to me.
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Re: TPE/SILICONE contact test

Post by nox2doll »

Some time ago I was taking some sort of tehnical discussion with a chines doll manufacturer/seller and she sed that ".. all factoryes have their own recipe for TPE/silicon mixture".

So, it seems that TPE dolls are TPE/silicon mix..

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Re: TPE/SILICONE contact test

Post by Wheezer »

Uh ... no not really. Silicone is one thing, TPE is another. There is no "TPE/Silicone" mix. :)
Now each factory will have their own blend of base components to make their specific TPE or silicone for their doll.
But there is no doll whose body is composed of a mixture of TPE and silicone. :)

If you are in a "technical" discussion with someone who is a seller or purports to be a manufacturer and says their TPE doll is made of silicone, of that their silicone doll is made with a medical grade TPE then flee quickly.
It is giant red flag that they are blowing smoke at you and are really just selling stuff they got somewhere else.

If you DO buy from a seller like that, then at least do it with your eyes open and aware there may be some issues.

... W ...
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Re: TPE/SILICONE contact test

Post by seagull »

had to read that a couple of times, it makes sense if:
All manufacturers have their own recipes for TPE mixtures, as do they for silicon products.

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Re: TPE/SILICONE contact test

Post by nox2doll »

I don't know what is true or false. That was a worker in the factory making dolls. Also, she was saying tpe-silicon mixture, not tpe mixture or silicon mixture..

She explained that pure TPE is simply too soft. and so on, and so on :)

I understund that you are shocked about that mixture argument. There is a wiki article that explain things differently and thats why the disscussion was made at the time. It is of course possible that the "girl" didn't understood technical/chemical things right but.. as a doll maker (that I know), she should know. The doll I got was right, a common semi-soft china doll. The reason why I spend so mutch time and efford with her was the business reasons. Of cource I know that the sellers talk and talk and.. not necessarily "all true" things :)

One more time I will edit this and adding the doll in question (snapshot with old phone).
ekanukke.jpg (216.54 KiB) Viewed 273 times
Same doll as a model photo. Usually I take about hundred photos from one pose (different angle of views). Unfortunetly I have only few test photos left from this doll.
ekanukkemalli.jpg (117.5 KiB) Viewed 273 times

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Re: TPE/SILICONE contact test

Post by Kaori Kusanagi »

TPE is cast using high temperatures.

Silicone of the types used for things like this is cast using catalyzing curing techniques, usually at room temperatures.

I can't imagine a way you could mix the two together during casting.

You could, in theory, cast TPE parts, cool them to room temperature, remove them from those molds, then place them inside a mold with space for silicone around them, then pour the catalyzed silicone and let it cure.

Or cast the TPE with hollow spaces in them for silicone to then be cast into after cooling the TPE to room temperature.

As long as the TPE has no sulfur-bearing compounds or other inhibiting compounds, then the silicone should cure. If it's platsil (one of the most common), it wont' cure whereever sulfur-bearing stuff touches it.

The mineral oil that is used in the TPE vs silicone oil that is used in silicone for softening may not be compatible and may cause problems with each other after casting, if they don't during silicone cure time.

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Re: TPE/SILICONE contact test

Post by Wheezer »

I'm not going to call this "TPE-Silicone" doll composition mix as bullshit, but I do consider that it has a strong smell of bovine effluent. :)
But I guess ANYTHING is possible out in the world, however but it really does not make sense.

Generally TPE is processed by heat, the doll is cast from a liquid and when heated can be melted again. Silicone is a catalyzed reaction. Once cured it can not be melted like TPE and is functionally inert.
There any many TPE compositions that range from soft to firm, as with silicone. So either one alone can be adjusted for firmness.
You COULD grind up silicone and mix that with TPE, but you would run the risk of the two reacting to give a goop doll, not a sex doll.

The most telling thing is that this I have not see this mentioned before on TDF. With thousands of users representing ownership of multiple thousand dolls and representatives of manufactures and sellers, this has never been described as a composition for a sex doll. Ever. Except in this one case. This may be theoretically possible, like deep fried ice cubes, but not realistic practically.

My personal opinion is that whoever discussed this with you may have been confused, not aware of the chemistry, or just saw them adding "stuff" to the raw TPE and assumed it was silicone.

But all of this really does not matter. If you like her and she makes you happy, then that is really what is important.
If she is actually a "TPE-Silicone" mix doll them she is a one in a million unicorn doll and deserves even more respect and love.

... W ...
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Re: TPE/SILICONE contact test

Post by Joe Bin »

:multi: Thank you Star88 for starting this thread with all the experiments. From what I had previously been reading, I was afraid to even touch one doll after handling the other. At least not without washing my hands vigorously.
This thread has convinced me that I don't have to be so paranoid about it. :multi:

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Re: TPE/SILICONE contact test

Post by nox2doll »

Relax now everyone here. I just sed what some chines girl told to me about the dolls.

W :D
Do you really think that I purhaced my doll because of tpe-silicon plendings? They are just fucking dolls.. literally!
It is made from some material yes but who cares is it silicon, rubber, tpe or even horse ass. Important is that the doll looks and feels good, yes? YES! :)

The dolls are wonderful and more precious to some than others. Yes, and mutch more than just toys (sorry about that).

My intres was finding a good reliable seller and products for good price for reselling, Allright?
The girl (seller) and doll she made for me was ok but the prices for reselling stays too hight, so thats it.

I just had to google about this possible mixture. It take less than minute and I found Si-TPE.
Some-one may know better what is that or "hybrid silicon thermoplastic elastomer"

Some site about product from that ... s-product/

I am not a chemist but.. no bullshit from the seller girl. It seems that it is possible, or even everyday procedure..

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