Winter has arrived (Rong 151)

Starpery mission is that"Let robot service to people, and protect people!". We are the manufacturer of TPE doll and silicone doll, based on Huizhou city, China. We are devoting ourself to improve doll apery ability of appearance and movement so that she or he can help more the unable, or the loneliness, or other fans. Wish our doll can bring the funny, service and protection to all human being in future. Website:
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Winter has arrived (Rong 151)

Post by Nackers »

Hello all, I was amazed at how good the 151cm "Rong" looked so I just had to order one. And after about 7 weeks (more on times at the end) she's arrived and I've dubbed her Winter that seemed appropriate for this pale beauty. The delivery actually surprised me because the courier tracking went from in NSW, and I thought it hadn't even passed through customs to "out for delivery" in QLD overnight. I was expecting her sometime late next week so that was a pleasant surprise for the weekend.

The courier unloaded this massive box and I hauled it upstairs on my hand trolley. Checking it over the box was in good condition. No obvious bangs or tears which was a good sign.
No damage on the box
No damage on the box
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Opening it up I was a little surprised that there isn't more protection on the top of the doll. There is a ton of padding underneath but not on top. But I think I lucked out and it was shipped the right way up.
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Removing the couple thin sheets of padding revealed...
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And two heads are better than one.
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Re: Winter has arrived (Rong 151)

Post by justintime »

Silicone or TPE?
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Re: Winter has arrived (Rong 151)

Post by Nackers »

The heads are safely packed with a plastic face shield on them to stop the makeup (and the face in general) from getting banged around in transit. Very handy, and I'll be keeping those, and the mesh carry bags for storage.
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At this point I hauled the doll out and placed it on my bed to take a closer look. At 26(ish) kg it's much lighter than the 166cm WM Doll I have (33kg) and it's noticeable just picking her up and moving around. Not that 33kg is super heavy, but that extra 7kg makes a difference. That hands and feet were wrapped in soft foam sheeting for extra protection.

So looking at the feet. The standing bolts are there. They're a little deeper than I expected. I thought the head of the bolt would be protruding from the TPE. Learn something new I guess. There are no blemishes, or cracks on the feet and the toes are wired so they don't flop around. Which is very nice :)
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There are some creases in the ankles where the feet were bent during transit. I'm assuming they'll smooth out over time. Fingers crossed.
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Speaking of fingers. They're the articulated ones and the look good...
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But goddamn they still need work. I'm sorry so to say that literally the first time I bent one of the finger joints it poked through the skin :(
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Argh! Sorry Winter.
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I love the idea of articulated fingers rather than wired. But it's obvious they need more work. The joint on the final (distal) phallange is very tight, and the "bone" is quite small so bending it is very difficult. As I found out to my dismay. Not faulting Starpery as they're a pretty early iteration of the design. I just hope they can come up with a better design otherwise there are going to be a lot of torn fingers out there.

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Re: Winter has arrived (Rong 151)

Post by Colonel Angus »

How hard is the material of the hands, fingers in particular?

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Re: Winter has arrived (Rong 151)

Post by Quater »

Congrats! Do you have the possibility to weigh her? I'm considering the 151 cm with Hedy head, and it would be nice to know if the advertised weight of 26 kg without head is correct.

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Re: Winter has arrived (Rong 151)

Post by justintime »

Articulated "bone" are fragile for sure. One should take care and when bending,
make sure you are bending at joints and do it slowly.

FME from my experience.
TPE and articulated fingers may not be a good match., again FME you need firm mass for these type of fingers.
Which TPE doe not have in the lease bit.

Looking good , I will enjoy your photos and many congats :thumbs_up:
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Re: Winter has arrived (Rong 151)

Post by Nackers »

Moving up the effort that goes into painting the details on the body is obvious. I love the veined effect, it adds tremendously to the realism. Even if it is likely to wash off pretty quickly. Speaking of which, I haven't washed her yet. There is a slight chemical smell to her. It's not overpowering, but it's definitely noticeable. Definitely worth washing straight away. Hopefully all the details aren't immediately lost.
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The breasts are gel filled and I went back and forth a few times before finally deciding to go with that option. They are definitely soft, softer than my WM166C doll's breasts. But I don't have a Starpery with hollow, or solid breasts to compare the feel. They definitely feel nice though, with a firm, but soft springiness.
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There is a bit of grit around the hole in the neck where the head attaches. That seems to be pretty common to dolls from what I can tell. It's not at all visible once the head is attached though.
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And finally, we get to the heads. I chose to get implanted, artificial hair in the "Rong" head and it looks nice. I'll have to wait and see how long it lasts when brushed, washed and generally abused by clumsy hands. In addition I got a "Hedy" head with obviously no hair. There is a long dark haired wig that I'll try on her, though I think she might look better as a redhead in which case she'll be "Autumn".
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The body is TPE and feel very nice, quite soft and human like. The heads are silicone and have surprised me just how firm they are. There is practically no softness to them. They look absolutely gorgeous but I'm not sure about the firmness. It makes me wonder how firm a full silicone body is.

Apologies for the quality of the shots, I'll blame that on crappy artificial light, me rushing and just using the camera on my phone. I'll try to take some more shots over the next few days during the daytime. If anyone wants more detail or particular poses let me know.

Oh, and before I wrap this up I mentioned it took about 7 weeks from order to delivery. This is not Starpery's fault. I ordered literally the day before the May day public holidays in China. Which is a lesson for buyers. Check out when the public holidays are because you can lose literally a week to them. I also cost myself about a week going back and forth to confirm the options were as requested (I'm over-cautious I guess). And I have to say both the vendor (Vivian from and Starpery themselves were very patient and helpful in that regard.

I'll also add that Starpery weren't happy with the initial colour match between head and body and checked with me to see what I thought. I basically trusted their call and let them redo it which added another day or two. That's something I'm actually quite pleased about. I'd much prefer the manufacturer takes the time to check with the customer and produce a doll that we're both happy with. Personally, I'd much rather have the communication and a couple extra days wait and get a better final result then have it rushed out the door and wind up unhappy.

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Re: Winter has arrived (Rong 151)

Post by Nackers »

To answer the questions;

TPE body, silicone heads. The fingers are very soft. Just like most TPE I've experienced. Maybe there is way to integrate a firmer blend just for the hands? I dunno. And yeah, I think maybe having looser joints, at least for the fingers would be helpful. I didn't mention that the joints in the whole body are quite tight (I chose that option for posing).

I can't weigh her tonight as the battery in my digital scales is flat. I'll try to weigh her tomorrow once I get a new battery. I'll post some shots with the Hedy head on the body as well. I think it's a pretty good match too.

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Re: Winter has arrived (Rong 151)

Post by Arthur1960 »

Hi, congrats on your new gal, re the foot bolts, they will need to be adjusted so they stand just proud of the feet otherwise the tpe there will get damaged. To do this you just need the appropriate allen key. Shame about the finger, clearly the tpe on the fingers of any doll will be at its thinnest there so caution will be needed. The grime around the neck bolt should wipe off with a little baby oil.

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Re: Winter has arrived (Rong 151)

Post by Capt_Rye »

I'm glad to see your new girl arrived with no cracking or major flaws in the tpe. That has been and still is my concern for my recent order.

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Re: Winter has arrived (Rong 151)

Post by skybird100000 »

26 kg is ok ish for 151 cm. Weight matters a lot indeed.

The articulated fingers are a pain generally speaking aka to have or to have not.
I had a doll with and have doll without. My 4wood (full silicon) had em and they lasted pretty long, 1 poke in the end. My other doll in TPE (I always forget the brand) has floppy fingers and they are ok but not when you like taking pictures. In general I dont like floppy fingers. But paying for something you know that wont probably not last long time is annoying.

About the implanted hair: you dare :wink: . I dont know how silicone changed last years but my silicon doll head used to be like a magnet for hair and the wig lost hair rather often. Lucky I have like 15 wigs.

Anyway grats with your doll :)

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Re: Winter has arrived (Rong 151)

Post by deliladoll »

Congratulations Nackers with your great purchase.
I am nearly as happy as you are, because i get to see some cool Hedy-pictures soon.
Have lots of fun with these two outstanding ladies.
Authorized fan of Starpery's Hedy ever since February 2021.
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Re: Winter has arrived (Rong 151)

Post by CF »

Sorry about her hand. Lovely girl and thank you for the thorough unboxing. I know how difficult it is to be patient and do that when meeting a new doll!
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Re: Winter has arrived (Rong 151)

Post by Apollo »

Winter Looks wonderful so far, I cant wait to see more of her. Sorry to hear about the finger poke but at least she is in great condition otherwise, Rong is an amazing doll. Easy to move and really pretty. The wired toes are a bit different but a nice touch. Happy Honeymoon!!

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Re: Winter has arrived (Rong 151)

Post by sadmatter »

skybird100000 wrote:
About the implanted hair: you dare :wink: . I dont know how silicone changed last years but my silicon doll head used to be like a magnet for hair and the wig lost hair rather often. Lucky I have like 15 wigs.
Yes, horrible hair magnets! I can't get wigs to stay on very well either.

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