Dating A Love Doll In Japan | NBC Left Field

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Re: Dating A Love Doll In Japan | NBC Left Field

Post by Pussy69 »

Your father never cried b/c he has pride. Every man is masculine in their own way. I just don’t think a woman would understand how we feel just as we don’t to them. Some ppl are just born outspoken than others we cant just simply label them toxic bc of what we see on the net or just be bias of everything. If you don’t like the “good looking bad boys” bc of their toxic vibes then don’t choose them over the average Joe good men.

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Re: Dating A Love Doll In Japan | NBC Left Field

Post by Kandicaine »

Pussy69 wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 8:47 pm Your father never cried b/c he has pride. Every man is masculine in their own way. I just don’t think a woman would understand how we feel just as we don’t to them. Some ppl are just born outspoken than others we cant just simply label them toxic bc of what we see on the net or just be bias of everything. If you don’t like the “good looking bad boys” bc of their toxic vibes then don’t choose them over the average Joe good men.

Some women wonder why we have dolls. Well the answer ain’t hard to find.
Ya and maybe he wouldn’t be dead if he had told someone. There’s a reason why pride is a sin - and it has nothing to do with God.
Katya - Starpery 167E viewtopic.php?t=158234

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Re: Dating A Love Doll In Japan | NBC Left Field

Post by Deadman 9000 »

Pussy69 wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 6:05 pm I’m not sure how Japan got to the population state its in. My guess would be the stricter law system considering they have to censor porno and any form of cheating can send you to jail. You guys do have a point about homosexuality in Japan, It’s definitely a private matter there. There’s absolutely no noise of the matter compared to Western countries.

Tho this issue halting population could be the modern tech and stress reliving businesses. It’s gotten to a point where they rely on AI dating apps or hire women to keep men company. Dolls are fitting in that scenario perfectly as well.
japan has the demographic problem because of feminism or rather women can work so they no longer NEED men to survive. also japanese women are known to be cheaters AND control the home like a domestic terrorist. all the money come in goes to the woman, the husband get an allowance. divorce is worse there that if you dare try to see your kid, you will be sent to jail. women are a very big part of the sex industry, willingly in most case and it 10% of the female population (estimated). then you got a bad economy, a killer work culture (working yourself to death) and women being cruel to men in marriage and dating and how men so demoralised they become herbivore men: no dating, no sex, only work being a NEET because life is impossible as a regular man. also women there hate japanese men since they are short. so no wonder are getting dolls. and look up the mice utopia experiement. once a population booms, (1960s)and baby boomers, economic boom), it crashes.

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Re: Dating A Love Doll In Japan | NBC Left Field

Post by Deadman 9000 »

Kandicaine wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 11:52 am
Socratus wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:24 am At least we agree on something, a tiny bit, but it's not masculinity or even the 'patriarchy', it's feminism and the push of everything to favor women while denigrating and bashing men unless they bow and become feminine.That is what's killing men.

Men used to be far more understanding of men than you think. This is why we had PRIVATE men's clubs. Boy scouts just for boys, etc, etc. Once upon a time men could talk as men (about anything including women), unfettered by women, be in men's groups and have a comaraderie (now only women can their private groups).

Anywhere he tries to get together as a group in the West he is dealt as a `toxic masculine' (that term you love using) threat and a woman must be in there to keep a watch on him. Men cannot be truly themselves when a woman is there; the atmos will always change to accomodate her.

Men have nowhere to turn to to be men. It's women today that have turned men into attacking eachother to suit women which is even worse now than ever before.

Hence men who just wish to be men have only their jobs to have any pride in, not themselves as men, and when they lose that become alone, desperate, feel useless and eventually top themselves.

Toxic feminism in Society today drove men to this, not masculinity. Masculinity helps men to power through, but that's being take away from him leaving him with nothing.

I'm not surprised you won't see this, many won't cos few truly care about a man's lot today since all the focus is on only women while no one cares about suicidal men.

Anyway I'm done here with this. It's clearly not gonna get anywhere, as usual and I don't have time or inclination to go into any more detail. Let Nature eventually prove the truth.
My dad killed himself, I’m much closer with suicide than most, don’t sit here and try and tell me you know why men kill themselves, that it’s because of feminism, when I’ve witnessed it myself, when I’ve lived it myself. You know nothing of masculinity and simply wish to blame women for your problems. I NEVER once saw my father cry, and he didn’t leave a note when he killed himself. He never told anyone what he felt. Nobody knew. He was just dead one day. THAT is toxic masculinity.

Men have nowhere to turn to to be men. It's women today that have turned men into attacking eachother to suit women which is even worse now than ever before

Most of us on this forum are men and I’m sorry if you think not being a part of the red pill echo chamber isn’t supporting you, but I speak the truth and I support you far more than anyone who reinforces this crap with you or anyone else.

Playing with action man isn’t toxic masculinity and if that’s what you think it is then that’s what you’ve been lied to believe. If that’s what you’ve inferred from what I’ve said then you haven’t read what I’ve written. You know what I would have loved as a kid? An Easy Bake Oven - I didn’t get one because that’s a girls toy. That’s toxic masculinity. I just wanted to be a fat kid and eat cupcakes.

Anywhere he tries to get together as a group in the West he is dealt as a `toxic masculine' (that term you love using) threat and a woman must be in there to keep a watch on him. Men cannot be truly themselves when a woman is there; the atmos will always change to accomodate her.

In what way? Every time I’ve ever gone to the strip club is with women. Unless you just want to have a circle jerk blaming women for all the world’s problems there’s really nothing any different.

I blamed women and feminism for my being single when I was a child - then I grew up.
feminism did fuck things up but what really everything as we see today is the franfurt school and the great march in the institutions of communists/far leftists who have to everytging political so everyone fight each other while they take power by telling "you suffer from X because if muh "patriarchy", or "rascism" or whatever. my dad fled a country where communists had actually gone into universities and poor people to rally them to fight the governements with guns and the guerilla war started. (end phase of their bullshit).

so, having read how communism work via Yuri bezmanov, you got the demoralization phase EVERYTHING is treated as rascist, sexist, misogynist, bigoted, ect. This is cultural/psycological warfare at it's finest hammerred down for at least 60 years in the making. at first it's not overt, it's very small changes in language, definitions, values in movies and tv and stuff. then it goes all the way to today where are told in their faces they are toxic.
i read years of feminist propaganda in the newspaper as a teenager, 17 years ago. nobody told me it was mind poison designed to create self loathing and actual psychological distress. Add in the divorce "commercialisation" of divorce in the 60s inbmovies as being "something that happens" and "there is always a better man" along with the sexual revolution and here we are. all this shit and more come from the frankfurt school create in the 1920s, by the most disgusting people alive who hated whites more than anything the world and wanted to destroy america.

About toxic masculinity, we need it. otherwise people become pansies crying about shit, getting offended and doing riots. why? because nobody gave them a slap in the face. My parents got them, i got them. everyone in my country got them. the only who never got them are the criminals from single moms and actual dead beats dads and mom. if i wasn't a toxic man myself, i would never push myself to live, to go past my pain and do shit instead of being a fat slob. toxic masculinity built civilisations, celebrated strenght and created army that fought invaders, settled lands amd cultivated the earth.
i'm sorry for your dad, but mine is like him too because it goes down with wanting to keep the respect by being stoic. once a men proves himself weak, everone leaves. why? in times of crisis, he will fold. women leave theirs husbands once they know they are not the rock they thought they were MOST OF THE TIME, but there is exceptions. Men leave because if he folds, how can you rely on him when you need him?
i say i'm toxic, but my ancestors were far worse (spaniards), who were in the spanish inquisition and retook their country from the bankers and had a golden age thanks to toxic masculinity.

toxic masculinity do create victims like your dad and a lot of others. like everything in life, you pay a price and there is never a perfect system. the only system where truly everyone loses is with toxic femininity but it can offetted by being a transgender woman. (in my country, the women office is a transgender woman and all the "muh evil men" stuff got worse but also lots steam since now a man was the head of the feminists who was so bad, they stopped doing anything.

i'm old enough to understand that our current system is a matriarchy that is in it's tail end and devours everything it can. once ww3 starts it will all die the only thing that build and safe keep society is a patriarchy with strong masculine men capable of great violence but choosing peace.

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Re: Dating A Love Doll In Japan | NBC Left Field

Post by Kandicaine »

So my father wasn’t a victim of toxic masculinity - just collateral damage for some greater masculine purpose. It is un-fucking believable the shit you people come up with to justify your own self loathing. You’ll sit here and pretty much tell me a man killing himself is better than admitting you’re the problem.

Your problem with feminism basically boils down that women aren’t dependent on men? That’s pathetic. That isn’t a partner - that’s a pet. If you can’t keep a woman around unless she’s chained up in the kitchen that’s your problem.

Communism isn’t why corporations are forcing mass migration to create a cheap exploitable work force driving down the value of your labour and globalism to outsource all of our jobs to countries where they pay fractions of a cent on the dollar. That isn’t communism.

Direct your anger towards imaginary communists and matriarchy instead of the actual people making all of our lives shit. Ignore the shareholders and billionaires while hunting feminist boogeymen hiding under the bed.

You’re brain washed.
Katya - Starpery 167E viewtopic.php?t=158234

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Re: Dating A Love Doll In Japan | NBC Left Field

Post by Stewie studmuffin »

Kandicaine wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:54 pm Even water can be toxic and toxic masculinity isn’t just being a “jerk” or an “asshole”. As I stated above, I never saw my father cry once, he never shared his feelings, he committed suicide. That is one example of toxic masculinity. Men feeling like they can’t - or being unable to share their feelings.

My mother died a month and an half ago. I cried once when it happened and once during a dream a week ago. I am stoic and almost incapable of expressing emotions. That is toxic masculinity. Because that’s what I was exposed to, that’s what society demanded of me and that’s what I became.

You guys don’t seem to understand what toxic masculinity is and seem to believe that it means masculinity is toxic. Even the term itself was literally invented by the men’s movement. It’s now been poisoned by this MGTOW bullshit.

Toxic masculinity and patriarchy pits men against the world, against each other and against themselves.
First of all, sorry about your loss. My father died in 2010 and it was definitely pretty rough. Like your father, he didn't share his feelings either. Not unless he was drinking and then he would say TOO much. But I think his problem was mostly unresolved mental illness. There has never been any good resources available for that and sadly, it isn't much better today.

At any rate, he was definitely stubborn as hell and completely unreasonable in some ways. He was also pretty tough as I have actually seen him pull his own teeth if one began bothering him. I always thought that was pretty hardcore. 8O

But the problem with being a man in the past is that in order to thrive in this hard cruel world, they HAD to be tough or die. It has only been in more recent times in which men have had the luxury of not having to be so cutthroat. But we are still forced to compete in some ways. Not only for our basic survival but for acquiring mates as well. Which is highly dependent upon a man's ability to acquire resources.

I truly wish it wasn't like that but unfortunately it is. Despite the rise of feminism and the "I don't need no man" attitude, women still want a man who can provide for them even if the woman is perfectly capable of providing for herself. It's just ingrained into their wiring over thousands of years and won't be changing anytime soon.

I agree it is indeed tragic that men can't freely express their emotions or show any vulnerability. But it's always been like that and isn't much better now. I can certainly understand how some men may feel that they can't be seen as weak and vulnerable to other men but I don't think men judge them for that as harshly as women do. I know that if I'm around a guy who is down and out emotionally, I would want to help him even if I wouldn't know what to do or say. I think it's safe to say that a lot of other men here would as well. You would think that a man could be vulnerable with a woman as women are supposed to be the "gentler sex." but I have learned that is not the case at all. I have found that it is women rather than men who expect men to be unfeeling emotionless automatons. Back when I was dating I was under the delusion that I could find a woman who could be my best friend and life partner as well as someone with whom I could share my feelings. Of course I had no idea at the time that women looked down on that sort of thing as weak and pathetic. I also learned the hard way not to cry in front of a woman. I made that mistake a few times and the relationship went down hill almost immediately with the shit tests and general disrespect. :(

The video below is a pretty good example of this sort of thing. While it isn't exactly news to me at this point in my life, it just proves that my observations and conclusions were correct. :|
No matter how pretty she is, there is a guy out there somewhere who is tired of her shit!

Girlfriends are for guys who haven't found the right doll yet.

I feel much better now that I've given up hope.

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Re: Dating A Love Doll In Japan | NBC Left Field

Post by Kandicaine »

Stewie studmuffin wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 12:21 am
Kandicaine wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:54 pm Even water can be toxic and toxic masculinity isn’t just being a “jerk” or an “asshole”. As I stated above, I never saw my father cry once, he never shared his feelings, he committed suicide. That is one example of toxic masculinity. Men feeling like they can’t - or being unable to share their feelings.

My mother died a month and an half ago. I cried once when it happened and once during a dream a week ago. I am stoic and almost incapable of expressing emotions. That is toxic masculinity. Because that’s what I was exposed to, that’s what society demanded of me and that’s what I became.

You guys don’t seem to understand what toxic masculinity is and seem to believe that it means masculinity is toxic. Even the term itself was literally invented by the men’s movement. It’s now been poisoned by this MGTOW bullshit.

Toxic masculinity and patriarchy pits men against the world, against each other and against themselves.
First of all, sorry about your loss. My father died in 2010 and it was definitely pretty rough. Like your father, he didn't share his feelings either. Not unless he was drinking and then he would say TOO much. But I think his problem was mostly unresolved mental illness. There has never been any good resources available for that and sadly, it isn't much better today.

At any rate, he was definitely stubborn as hell and completely unreasonable in some ways. He was also pretty tough as I have actually seen him pull his own teeth if one began bothering him. I always thought that was pretty hardcore. 8O

But the problem with being a man in the past is that in order to thrive in this hard cruel world, they HAD to be tough or die. It has only been in more recent times in which men have had the luxury of not having to be so cutthroat. But we are still forced to compete in some ways. Not only for our basic survival but for acquiring mates as well. Which is highly dependent upon a man's ability to acquire resources.

I truly wish it wasn't like that but unfortunately it is. Despite the rise of feminism and the "I don't need no man" attitude, women still want a man who can provide for them even if the woman is perfectly capable of providing for herself. It's just ingrained into their wiring over thousands of years and won't be changing anytime soon.

I agree it is indeed tragic that men can't freely express their emotions or show any vulnerability. But it's always been like that and isn't much better now. I can certainly understand how some men may feel that they can't be seen as weak and vulnerable to other men but I don't think men judge them for that as harshly as women do. I know that if I'm around a guy who is down and out emotionally, I would want to help him even if I wouldn't know what to do or say. I think it's safe to say that a lot of other men here would as well. You would think that a man could be vulnerable with a woman as women are supposed to be the "gentler sex." but I have learned that is not the case at all. I have found that it is women rather than men who expect men to be unfeeling emotionless automatons. Back when I was dating I was under the delusion that I could find a woman who could be my best friend and life partner as well as someone with whom I could share my feelings. Of course I had no idea at the time that women looked down on that sort of thing as weak and pathetic. I also learned the hard way not to cry in front of a woman. I made that mistake a few times and the relationship went down hill almost immediately with the shit tests and general disrespect. :(

The video below is a pretty good example of this sort of thing. While it isn't exactly news to me at this point in my life, it just proves that my observations and conclusions were correct. :|
That’s all a part of patriarchal society though - expecting a man to provide - women perpetuate it too. As you said that’s the way it’s been for thousands of years - and it has - and it has only been recently that men (most) don’t need to be “cut throat”, as you also said. That’s exactly the world we should be striving for, one where the weak can be weak. We aren’t going to get there by continuing to think that men have to be providers - they should be able to be what ever they want to be, whether that’s killers or cross dressers. There are plenty of women who don’t want a provider - who want an equal - as most men do as well. There are plenty of women who will be your best friend - virtually all of mine are.

Dismantling patriarchy doesn’t mean installing matriarchy. It’s about equalizing power imbalances that 99% of people don’t benefit from.

That doesn’t mean they won’t cheat, it doesn’t mean they won’t lie, or steal or anything else. That isn’t feminism, that’s just people in general. People - not just women, are materialistic, self centred, individualists pitted against one another.

This is what the men’s movement was largely about before it got hijacked as an opposition to feminism.
Katya - Starpery 167E viewtopic.php?t=158234

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Re: Dating A Love Doll In Japan | NBC Left Field

Post by Zlamvam »

Yep, Nakajima. I seen this documentary a while back There is one longer one that is called Duplicates I think it was. Seems like a nice fella that Nakajima. Hope he is doing well.

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