Review of Cobra Libre

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Re: Review of Cobra Libre

Post by netwit »

Welcome to the Forum, db9.
Thanks for the review; good info to know. :thumbs_up:

...............I'd hit dat
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Re: Review of Cobra Libre

Post by rjpxxx »

Thank you Midiman for your excellent review of the Cobre Libre. It made me smile from the second sentence. "Horrid" is a word that resonated with me immediately. And then it really made me laugh.

I also bought one and like most people I was very impressed with what it claimed to be able to do. I also think they look good, and the hefty amount of money you hand over makes you think that you are going to get a quality product. It's clear that a lot of people enjoy the Cobre Libre and have nothing but praise for it, and for a while there I thought I was the only person on the planet who had a "difficult" one.

Like you I have woken to crashing sounds as the thing has turned itself on and started making it's way around whatever room I was foolish enough to leave it in, and the only way I can be sure to stop it it to attach the charger. This is supposed to reset it. I'm not convinced.

The instructions seem to be pretty straightforward, but the control panel is a nightmare. You get the thing working by holding your finger on the ON/OFF area. It starts vibrating. You then hold your finger on one side of the two vertical slots and the vibrations get stronger and stronger. Then, just when you think you have it mastered, it turns nasty. It's just as likely to stop as it is to allow you to start changing the intensity as you are supposed to be able to do with the second button. As they claim that they have two motors I supposed that the two vertical buttons each controlled one motor. God only knows because the thing really does have a mind of its own and sort of controls itself.

The claim that you can try the various rhythms and motions and see what suits you best is simply fatuous. I'm lucky just to get it on and keep it on. If I ever got it working at a particularly suitable pattern of intensity I doubt I could ever find it again.

I read, on one of my various forays into forums searching for answers to my questions about this expensive piece of doubtlessly well-intentioned rubbish, that if the control area is wet or has lube on it it will be less responsive. So much for it being water proof and useable in the shower or being of use to anyone who gets lube on their fingers during masturbation. I always seem to be cleaning it, and my hands, in the hope of making it respond. Not a chance. Once it has gone into obstinate mode it will not surrender its secrets until it is reset by using the charger cable to turn it off and then it may well simply not come on again . . . talk about a temperamental sex partner . . . until the middle of the night when it decides to go for a walk around the desk, or shelf, or wherever else you've left it.

When I read the earlier reviews I thought that maybe I should say something as it is a very expensive toy to buy if it doesn't work well for everyone who buys it. And how do you actually get it fixed when it appears that the problems are simply design flaws that make some control panels less responsive than others? Then I read your review and was pleased to know that people on this forum who buy it are at least forewarned to some of its quirks. I think people need to know that it can be a fun toy, as so many people obviously find it to be, but that there are plenty of us who have contributed to the income of its manufacturers who have not had a good time with it.

Of course it's one of those things that you want to try and for which you have great expectations. It's just such a potentially embarrassing, obstinate, uncooperative, unresponsive and disappointing item to pay so much money for in the first place.

I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. They can have mine. It's certainly clean . . . and cum free . . . but then I wouldn't want to let mine out into the world where it could wreak further havoc on other people's simple pleasures. I only hope it can't read because it might not like me calling it "difficult" and could very well decide to turn on me while I sleep. Who really knows what this thing is capable of?

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Re: Review of Cobra Libre

Post by doppler »

I bought a Cobra Libre about a year ago. I had the same problems as mentioned above

- Like others have reported, my unit also magically turned itself on while it was charging overnight. The vibrations were enough to shake it off the table and fall onto my hardwood floor. It was really loud and when the noise woke me up, I thought it was a burst water pipe or something. Luckily I was alone. If I had someone visiting that day it would've been really embarrassing.

- The unit only stimulates the tip of the penis. It felt... okay... but not spectacular.

- The entire smooth touch button interface sucks.

I do not recommend this either.

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