
[Top Sino 159G+S30] Kristana Larsen, best Xmas gift ever!

Sino-doll is a whole new generation of platinum silicone dolls from our company. Best sculpture for new heads and bodies with human proportion and nice details.
Textured skin, movable mechanical eyes, ultra soft vagina,and so on.And many other increasing humanized intelligent features.
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[Top Sino 159G+S30] Kristana Larsen, best Xmas gift ever!

Post by EMH »

Disclaimer : I apologize in advance for this extremely long post and I would be truly sorry if you feel bored and if you give up reading mid-course but I felt it was necessary to explain why and how I acquired this doll, my second one. Consequently, I will have to briefly mention my first doll, which is NOT a Top-Sino/Sino-Doll.
Please accept my sincere apologies and thank you for your comprehension.


So this Top-Sino is actually my second doll.
My first doll is a DS Doll 167 Evo-S with Yolanda head Evo-S make-up. I purchased her back in September 2019 for cuddling and companionship, and eventually taking some pictures, although I must confess I suck in taking pictures.
My DS Doll is named Erika Larsen. She's half-Scandinavian, half-Japanese. My Top-Sino, named Kristana, is her younger sister.
Coincidentally, "Erika" is a girl's name in both Japan and Scandinavian countries. :idea:


Where do I start ? From the beginning ?
Why did I purchase a second doll in the first place ? Well, although Erika very beautiful and I owe her my life (literally, she saved me from anxiety and nervous breakdown during last year's first Covid-19 confinement), I was somewhat unsatisfied with some of her features : her silicone was shockingly VERY firm (like an East-Germany female Olympic athlete) on her belly, thighs and even her butt ! Her breast, advertised as D-cup (closer to C-cup, actually), was smaller than expected. I prefer big boobs ! Although... her breast perfectly fits the palm of my hands, so in a way, I guess it's okay.

Then a few weeks after I order Erika, Sino-Dolls issued the S30 Linyin head.
Damn... WHAT A LOVELY HEAD !!! I instantly fell in love with her !
Had I waited for a few more weeks before ordering Erika, I would have probably ordered a Sino 162 cm body with a S30 head instead. The 162 body was beautifully balanced, yet her breast seemed a little too small for me. I mean, they're just perfect for this body, but I needed something bigger. :oops:

Flash forward to August 2020, when Sino-Dolls released their Top-Sino product line, their first body being the now famous 159 cm G-cup body.
Wait ! G-cup ? Now we're talking !
I wasn't really excited by T1 Miyou's head at first (that changed over time, and now I must admit I'm a big fan of hers). Yet, from that very moment, I knew that if I had to buy a second doll, it would be a Top-Sino 159 G-cup with a S30 head.
Projected use : cuddling, more cuddling, companionship, taking pictures, probably titf*ck, and mayyyyybe, eventuallyyyy, sex if I'm in the mood, although I must confess that will not be her primary function.

I first contacted both Nicole at Sino-Dolls and MyRobotDoll in late September 2020, asking for a few questions regarding this new Top-Sino product line. I would contact them again, numerous times, asking more and more questions.
Nicole and Alice (from MyRobotDoll) were very kind and patiently answered all my inquires. I could never thank them enough !

I hesitated for months about the various options to choose from :
Natural skin ? Tan skin ?
Blue eyes ? Green eyes ? Brown eyes ?
163cm body ? 159 cm body ? One of the newer bodies ?
S30 head ? S30B head ? S30C head ?
Then, to complicate things even further, Top-Sino released a T9 Miyin head, advertised as Top-Sino's version of S30 Linyin head. Should I stick with S30 Linyin or boldly go where no... ahem... boldly go with T9 Miyin ?
During those months of mental turmoil, Alice from MyRobotDoll was kind enough to provide me with a good number of factory photos from their database, so I could make-up my mind.


Finally, on September 14th, 2021, a whole year after I started inquiring about Top-Sino, I proceeded with my order at MyRobotDoll in Belgium (more convenient for me, since I live in France).
Specifications were as follows :
  • Top-Sino 159 G-cup body, because G-cup rules !!! :whistle:
  • Standard Edition with RS make-up,
  • Natural skin color,
  • S30 Linyin head (also with RS make-up),
  • 1st generation movable eyes, color : light green,
  • implanted eyebrows (optional on RS version),
  • fixed built-in vagina,
  • no freckles, no pubic hair, no tatoos, no hymen,
  • custom areola diameter : 35 mm
Needless to say, Alice from MyRobotDoll was very helpful and very professional all along. Even when I requested a late order modification, asking to replace the S30 RS head with a T9 RRS after seing this video ! She decided to wait 24 hours before relaying my request to Sino Dolls, sending me additional photos of T9 and S30 heads so I could make-up my mind one last time.
Finally, I came up to my senses : T9 Miyin is very beautiful, more than what she looks like on her official pictures, which actually don't do her justice.
Yet, S30 Linyin was the girl (head) I fell in love with in back 2019, and the girl I have dreamt for ever since. So S30 it was !

On October 26th, 2021, my doll was ready and MyRobotDoll sent me a video and several factory pictures.
Here are two of them :
Sino-doll-Top-Sino-159cm-S30-4B.jpg (830.03 KiB) Viewed 6578 times
Sino-doll-Top-Sino-159cm-S30-1B.jpg (805.22 KiB) Viewed 6578 times
Nice, isn't she ?
Okay, factory pictures are everything but glamourous and the wig was awful, but I didn't care about the wig since it would be the first thing I'd replace upon arrival.
The package shipped two days later, on September 28th.

Then started the worst part : the wait ! :?
MyRobotDoll informed me shipping to Europe would take as long as two months. Yet, at the time my doll was completed, their Twitter account suggested dolls shipping during October might arrive for Christmas.
Would my girl arrive on time ? :|

UPS tracking status did not change until December 19th, when the parcel arrived at UPS facility in Kalisz, Poland.
Then on December 20th, UPs tracking showed this :
UPS_211220B.jpg (139.07 KiB) Viewed 6578 times
Wow ! Really ? I was overjoyed ! She would arrive in time for Christmas ! Maybe Santa Claus do exist, after all ? :)

But next day, tracking status was updated and now showed this :
UPS_211221A.JPG (118.77 KiB) Viewed 6578 times
I was a little bit disappointed, but I assumed Santa Claus could not use his sled due to congested airspace over Europe, and got caught in a traffic jam somewhere between France and Poland... :cry:

Then today at noon, December 23rd, UPS showed up at my doorstep to my utmost surprise !
OMG !!!! SHE'S THERE !!! OMG !!!!
20211223_124614.jpg (417.27 KiB) Viewed 6578 times
I was overly excited, but I didn't had lunch yet, and for a split second I was torn between my lunch and my new doll. Then I heard Erika's voice from the bedroom : "EMH ! If you dare having lunch while leaving my little sister in her box, you will sleep on the couch tonight !".
Okay... So unboxing it is !
I won't list nor detail the content of the package, which is standard, I'm sure you've seen that countless times.
However, considering the fact a few dolls arrived with damaged shoulders and feet, I asked for extra padding for shoulders and feet prior to shipping :
20211223_130029.jpg (807.73 KiB) Viewed 6578 times
She came with no damage of any kind.


My first impressions ?
  • Well, one word : softness. Compared to Erika, the T159 has soft belly, soft thighs, soft ass, very soft boobs. That's exactly what I was looking for. Erika seems made of wood in comparison ! :whistle:
  • And those articulated fingers ! Ohhhh myyyyy (with George Takei's voice) !!! They look so realistic, that alone justifies buying a Top-Sino : I'm gonna enjoy taking pictures !
  • I was very surprised by the textured skin. I thought it was a feature specific to RRS paint, but it is not. It just looks weird with a non-RRS paint, I think I would have preferred a non-textured skin, but I don't mind that much since she'll be wearing clothes most of the time.
  • On the downside, these movable eyes are just a pain in the ass. They are even more difficult to move than DS Doll's (which are, basically the same). Two tiny suction cups were provided but they're of little help, if none. Or maybe is it because they're brand new and they will (might ?) get easier to manipulate in time ? Only time will tell...
    By the way, Alice from MyRobotDoll told be 1st generation movable eyes (on standard Sino-Doll heads) were actually easier to move than 2nd generation eyes on Top-Sino heads. Seriously ???? 8O
  • The standing feet feature : I haven't tried it yet ! :whistle:
  • Love holes : I haven't tried them yet, too. Not sure I want to since this may not be her primary function. :oops:
  • Skeleton and articulations : so far, she's a little stiff, which is unsurprising since she's brand new. I'm a cautious guy, but shit happens, so we'll see how they'll look like in a year of two.
  • Parting lines : well... I was fully aware and fully prepared about that. Yet, it seems to me DS Doll parting lines are less discernable, but that might just an impression since it looks as the textured skin seems to bring out parting lines. Again, I don't care much since she'll be wearing clothes.
  • Blonde wig provided by Sino-Dolls : an abomination. It threw it away along with the useless hole warmer ! :lol:
    Mine (found on AliExpress, color 77-LACE0039-27613) looks so much better ! Yet, I consider buying her a high quality wig made of human hair.
  • S30 Linyin head : I've longed for this head for TWO DAMN LONG YEARS and it was worth the wait !! She's SOOOOOOOOOOO lovely ! I admit I could have chosen the S30b (open mouth) of the S30c (closed eyes) heads, but I decided to stick with the head that first caught my attention back in September 2019 : the basic S30 Linyin head.
In all aspects, she looks so much better than the DS 167 Evo-S, except maybe for the party lines and the movable eyes.
However, I have to see how she will evolve in time. My DS Doll is mostly in a very good shape after two years.

By the way, I was so excited unboxing her and taking pictures, I completely forgot about having lunch... :whistle:

I also forgot to take a few measurements often overlooked by brands and vendors, such as neck, arm and thigh circumference, shoulder length, back length, etc. so I would be able to order custom made clothes.


Last but not least, a few pictures of my new girl !
I decided to name her Kristana a few days ago, for actress Kristanna Loken (in Terminator 3).
As Erika's younger sister, her full name is Kristana Larsen and she's the best Christmas gift I've ever had !
20211223_133728.jpg (5.48 MiB) Viewed 6578 times
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Note : Erika is a brunette with blue eyes and C-cup breast while Kristana is a blonde with green eyes and G-cup breast. And they're supposed to be sisters ! The mysteries of DNA, I presume ? :lol: :whistle:
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Re: [Top Sino 159G+S30] Kristana Larsen, best Xmas gift ever

Post by Monoloco »

Really beautyfull doll. Im in the same situation as you a few months ago, dont know what to choose.
My favourite head is the T17, but also like the s30 and the T9. I can say those 3 are my favourite.
You have good taste for choosing.
There is no option for blonde eyebrows? I mean implanted, should be a nice combo the blonde hair with the blonde eyebrows and blonde hairy vagina.
Enjoy it pal.

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Re: [Top Sino 159G+S30] Kristana Larsen, best Xmas gift ever

Post by EMH »

Monoloco wrote:I'm in the same situation as you a few months ago, don't know what to choose.
My favorite head is the T17, but also like the s30 and the T9. I can say those 3 are my favorite.
You have good taste for choosing.
Thank you very much !
Yeah, Top-Sino really have beautiful heads. I don't know about T17, but I know this : S30 is beautiful from all angles, regardless of the make-up, wig, etc. T9 is not. She may look "just okay" or "stunningly beautiful", depending on make-up, camera angle and camera settings, lighting, wig color, etc. Sometimes she has a fair resemblance with S30, and sometimes she looks totally different. That's another reason why I decided to stick with S30 Linyin in the end.
Whatever you decide...
you-must-choose-wisely.jpg (93.63 KiB) Viewed 6487 times
Monoloco wrote:There is no option for blonde eyebrows? I mean implanted, should be a nice combo the blonde hair with the blonde eyebrows and blonde hairy vagina.
I don't know if there is an option for blonde (honey blonde, gold blonde, creamy blonde, champagne, etc.) implanted eyebrows. Maybe there is, you'll have to ask Sino-Doll (or a reseller), but I guess it might be possible, since they offer blonde implanted hair, but the choice might be limited to some kind of basic and bland yellow, while so many shades of blonde hair exist.

Actually, most naturally blonde women I've seen IRL have dark-colored eyebrows, such as brown, light brown, or whatever color matches their hairline, and it's rarely (light) blonde. I don't know about pubic hair, though, but I won't take the risk of asking, I don't want to end-up in jail. :lol:
As for Kristana, since her blonde wig hairline is actually dark brown, I think her black eyebrows are a decent match.
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Re: [Top Sino 159G+S30] Kristana Larsen, best Xmas gift ever

Post by Monoloco »

In that side pic matches the colors, but for what I know if the pubic hair doesnt match with the head hair is because is not natural blonde hehehe.
I asked sino pics of head T17 and T9 with blonde hair and light blue eye color, lets see if they can do that.
Sometimes I think the should make an app to preview how the doll will look with with the options chosen.
Anyway thank you so much for sharing your doll, it helped me a lot to preview new options I couldnt see in other sites. Probably it will make me go for blonde hair.
Almost forgot to ask wig number hehehe.

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Re: [Top Sino 159G+S30] Kristana Larsen, best Xmas gift ever

Post by CF »

Erika is stunning! You must be in shock at how pretty she is, and the sexy little outfit suits her personality!

I am glad she arrived home and hope we see more of her very soon! And cool trivia about her name - I never knew that.
Viva la megaboobs!
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Re: [Top Sino 159G+S30] Kristana Larsen, best Xmas gift ever

Post by PDutus »

Congratulations on Erika's safe arrival :) She looks lovely :)
My girls:
Sophie - JY 175 (JY Head #167)
Valentina - JY 175 (JY Head #101)
Kiania - Sino 161 (Heads S6 & S7)
Rashona - WM 172B (WM Head #64)
Helga - JY 166 (JY head #101)
Patsy - JY 166 (JY Head #102)
Ingrid - JY 166 (SM Head #76)
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Re: [Top Sino 159G+S30] Kristana Larsen, best Xmas gift ever

Post by EMH »

Monoloco wrote:I asked sino pics of head T17 and T9 with blonde hair and light blue eye color, lets see if they can do that.
Sometimes I think the should make an app to preview how the doll will look with with the options chosen.
Alternatively, you could pick any picture of T17 head and use a smartphone app such as FaceApp and apply blonde hair. Not perfect, but that should do the trick and give you an approximation.

As for T9 with blonde hair, Japanese doll photographer Saqitan (who just died last month) posted pictures on Twitter of a T9 head with short blonde wig, with green eyes, however.
That's probably the closest thing you could find at the moment. Here you go :
Monoloco wrote:Almost forgot to ask wig number hehehe.
Wig number was #12 on MyRobotDoll catalogue, and #20 on Sino-Doll online webstore. However, I do not recommend it : it's an abomination ! The quality is horrible, wig looses hair, tangles, etc. I threw it away. I used a different wig on my pictures :
EMH wrote:Mine (found on AliExpress, color 77-LACE0039-27613) looks so much better !
Yet, I consider buying her a high quality wig made of human hair.
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Re: [Top Sino 159G+S30] Kristana Larsen, best Xmas gift ever

Post by EMH »

CF wrote:Erika is stunning!
PDutus wrote:Congratulations on Erika's safe arrival :)
Thank you guys, but you picked the wrong name. Erika is the name of my DS Doll. :mrgreen:
My Top-Sino is named Kristana (same as name in topic title).
Thank you anyway. ;)
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Re: [Top Sino 159G+S30] Kristana Larsen, best Xmas gift ever

Post by wurd88 »

She looks great, my man! That wig is definitely doing wonders for her!

The S30 head is definitely one of a kind. I struggled with the same decision as well before I ordered my doll. I couldn't decide between the S30 or the T9 head and was going back and forth between the two until I settled on the T9 head. I figured I'd yolo it as I didn't see enough pictures or videos of it floating around and I was hoping/banking on myself liking it when I see it in person. If not, I could suck it up and order an S30 head later on.

Anyways, glad to see everything went good with your order! Enjoy your holidays!
Currently Deciding on:
Elsa Babe's 160cm Medium (Sakai) or 148cm Large (Takanashi)
Bezlya 2.1 155cm / Holly? Maybe?
Firefly Diary 159cm / Lian
Irontech's 153cm / S24 Miyuki

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Re: [Top Sino 159G+S30] Kristana Larsen, best Xmas gift ever

Post by EMH »

wurd88 wrote:I couldn't decide between the S30 or the T9 head and was going back and forth between the two until I settled on the T9 head.
I see there's quite a lot of people who had to go through the same dilemma. I suppose I would have taken the same path if I had not dreamt of S30 for the last two years. I had, and I still have, the distinct feeling T9 is way prettier than shown on her official pictures. You made a good choice, too ! I'd be curious to see your girl when you'll receive her (I presume you haven't, yet). I read what you wrote on a few other topics, and we agree on something : I didn't choose the RRS paint option either, for the same reason.

As for T9 head, Sino-Dolls and MyRobotDoll provided me with a few factory pictures :
T9-01A.jpg (713.82 KiB) Viewed 6290 times
T9-01B.jpg (409.46 KiB) Viewed 6290 times
And then here's one of the official photos (left) and another one taken by a professional photographer (aforementioned Saqitan, on the right) :
T9-1C.jpg (505.46 KiB) Viewed 6290 times
There's also a factory video published by MyRobotDoll on Twitter of a T90 torso with T9 head. Mmmh... Wait ! Could she be the torso you actually ordered ?

As one may notice, T9 Liyin looks slightly different on each photos, yet it's the same head. Even in the video, her face seems to change depending on camera angle ! To quote a pointed-eared science officer : "Fascinating..."
No, actually it's puzzling. IMHO, the video remains the best available source that shows what she really looks like.
wurd88 wrote:I figured I'd yolo it as I didn't see enough pictures or videos of it floating around and I was hoping/banking on myself liking it when I see it in person. If not, I could suck it up and order an S30 head later on.
That's exactly the kind of argument that went through my mind several times when I considered T9 over S30. But my long-sought love for S30 won in the end.
Yet, I still figure I could buy a T9 head one day, and pretend Kristina grew up...

No, wait ! I've got a better idea : in several years, as Erika's current DS Doll head and body will inevitably deteriorate beyond salvation, I could buy a second Top-Sino with a T9 head as replacement, so Erika and Kristina would look like real sisters this time ! Man, what a clever idea ! Thank you for giving me a hint ! :idea:

Enjoy your holidays, too !
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Re: [Top Sino 159G+S30] Kristana Larsen, best Xmas gift ever

Post by Monoloco »

Merry christmas guys and thanks for sharing the pics EMH. Im interested to see the dolls with light blue eye color (number 6 in siliconlovers) I guess I've never seen a single pic with those eyes. When I decide to buy I will ask you where to get a good wig hehehe.

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Re: [Top Sino 159G+S30] Kristana Larsen, best Xmas gift ever

Post by wurd88 »

MyRobotDoll is the vendor that I chose as well and they also did a great job providing me with any information that I inquired about. I'll be sure to showcase my doll when it arrives and do my best to provide a decent review for everyone.

Of the pictures you posted, this was one of the first factory pictures I have seen of the T9 head and it really turned me off from it.
T9 Brown Eyes.png
T9 Brown Eyes.png (148.56 KiB) Viewed 6158 times
Then I came across that comparison thread where I saw this image of her..
She just looked so amazing. I could see the resemblance and why they consider her a more mature version of the S30. I still thought the S30 was better but I no longer thought the T9 was hopeless and as bad as I thought after seeing this.
S30 RS and T9 RRS.jpg
S30 RS and T9 RRS.jpg (105.01 KiB) Viewed 6158 times
Then I found the video that you linked. (No, that's not my order. I don't expect to see mine until mid to late January) The difference in eyes and lips did wonders compared to the first picture that was a huge turn off for me. It's what gave me hope for the T9 head and why I finally pulled the trigger on it.
T9 Factory - Blue Eyes.png
T9 Factory - Blue Eyes.png (167.92 KiB) Viewed 6158 times
Definitely agree with you on how she can look so different in all these pictures. It was one of the things that had me worried. Like what if I'm coin flipping on whether or not she would come out how I would want her..lol
Thank god for these videos we got to see. They are way more helpful than the typical factory pictures. The more I look at your new doll, the more envious I am of that S30. lol By the way, how are things going with the fit of her clothing? Could definitely use some recommendation on sizes that work well with her.

By the way, this is one of the S30 pictures that made me fall in love with her. I was obsessed with and bugged MyRobotDoll to find me that wig but to no avail. Apparently the photographer is no longer active so there's no way to contact the person to figure out where to get it. :(
S30-THE ULTIMATE WAIFU.jpg (79.31 KiB) Viewed 6158 times
Currently Deciding on:
Elsa Babe's 160cm Medium (Sakai) or 148cm Large (Takanashi)
Bezlya 2.1 155cm / Holly? Maybe?
Firefly Diary 159cm / Lian
Irontech's 153cm / S24 Miyuki

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Re: [Top Sino 159G+S30] Kristana Larsen, best Xmas gift ever

Post by Monoloco »

Nicole from sino sent me the pics, looks like blue eyes option fits better on the T9 head (T17 head is asian face but still looks impressive), but the color is not that light blue as I spected.
T17 up and T9 down. T17 is very similar to my wife face but younger XD
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Re: [Top Sino 159G+S30] Kristana Larsen, best Xmas gift ever

Post by EMH »

wurd88 wrote:By the way, how are things going with the fit of her clothing? Could definitely use some recommendation on sizes that work well with her.
Ah, yeah ! I'm still working on that.
I decided to stop relying on size since they vary from one country to another, and even from one brand to another.
Instead, I choose to rely on body measurement and size charts only, and on buying from asian online shops (such as AliExpress), since easier to find XS and XXS size (European S and XS).

T159 body measurements in centimeters are as follows (as far as I could measure her accurately) :
T159_bodymeasurements.jpg (532.24 KiB) Viewed 5972 times
In some cases, numbers have been rounded up to the next centimeter in order to allow some room.
To this chart, I'll also add :
  • Hand palm circumference : 16 cm,
  • Thumb inseam (nail included) : 6 cm,
  • Middle finger inseam (nail included) : 8 cm,
  • Ring finger (ring size) : 0.55 cm or 55 mm
As I expected, the issue is her bust being bigger than her hip and waist. Generally speaking, it seems tops and bottoms will have to be purchased separately.
e.g. : for clothes that only mentions generic "S/M" or "M/L" size, S/M tops and bottoms fit well most of the time. Same goes for bikinis and one piece swimsuits, although stretchy or size-adjustable swimwear (with strings) are strongly advised.

However, depending on brands, S/M bottoms are sometimes too large. Caution is advised when smaller generic S/XS size are not be available.
Likewise, most of the time western S size tops seem to fit her well, but bottoms will probably have to be XS when, or if size is not adjustable.

Tight and close fit dresses will be challenging, since her bust measurement fits M (or S) while waist and hips fit S (or XS). And you just don't have any dress on the market with different top and bottom measurements. As a Qipao/cheongsam Chinese dress fan, I'm devastated... :cry:
I suppose loose dresses (with no hip size restrictions) such as party dress or evening gowns aren't easy as well, due to bust/waist size discrepancy, but at least, you don't have to worry about hip size.

Finding size-matching pants, trouser, jeans, etc. might be a little easier in comparison, thanks to stretchable material. Still, the T159's thin waist might still be an issue on tight fit or slim pair of (non-stretchable) jeans, since most pants with hip size over 87 cm I've seen so far, have an average waist size of 67 cm and over, while T159's waist is only 59 cm !
In all cases, body measurements are the only reliable reference.


Also, I once considered buying her a military uniform ("Oh, I love a woman in uniform!", to quote Quark in Star Trek Deep Space Nine's pilot episode) and according to my investigation, she would wear 8 Junior Petite tops (B/34.5" W/26.5" H/35") although bust will be a half-inch too tight. Bottoms would be 4 Misses Petite (W/24.5" - H/35").
Unfortunately, these are not sizes you can easily find on Ebay, so I guess "it's dead, Jim"... :mrgreen:
For the record, Erika (DS Doll 167) wears 6 Misses Regular on both tops and bottoms and yes, I managed to buy her two complete sets of military uniforms, but that's another story.


Last month, I bought Kristana a white AVA 1030 Underwired Half Padded Full Cup Bra, size : FR/80G, EU/65G, UK & US/30G on Amazon, to give her good breast support.
This bra is made in Poland and the upper half is slightly too big (underneath is a perfect fit, though), but its unnoticeable when she's wearing clothes. I might want to try one cup down, with this specific brand, one day...
However, that does not mean other brands FR80G/EUR65G/UK-US30G won't fit perfectly. I'll have to try. Or maybe it's just Polish women having bigger boobs. :whistle:

As for bottom underwear, I haven't investigated thoroughly yet. I just tried a few things I previously bought for Erika.

Kristana is currently wearing a white Iris & Lilly Women's Cotton and Lace Thong I found on Amazon and it's a perfect fit.
Obsessive Santalady set S/M size thong (picture in my first post) is also okay.
However, Beauty Night Diamond Set White S/M panties are way too large.
Casmir Keith lingerie Set 3 pcs panties and garters are also a bit too large while top is okay.
Neither have an S/XS size set, hence my previous advice about generic size.
"According to Starfleet medical research, intercourse with Borg love dolls can cause severe skin irritation. Perhaps you'd like an analgesic cream?"

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Re: [Top Sino 159G+S30] Kristana Larsen, best Xmas gift ever

Post by EMH »

I also took a few additional pictures of Kristana yesterday.

1/ Wearing a Valkyrie Tactical Multicam triangle bikini tops and bottoms (both S/M size) and holding a Kimber Desert Warrior airsoft gun replica (Ops-core FAST Base Jump Military Helmet and Safariland 6005 holster are genuine, though) :
1024_20211223_142527.jpg (370.46 KiB) Viewed 5965 times
2/ Wearing my Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force bombers jacket (replica) and the Casmir Keith lingerie 3 pcs Set I mentioned in my previous post :
1024_20211225_192135.jpg (403.95 KiB) Viewed 5965 times
"According to Starfleet medical research, intercourse with Borg love dolls can cause severe skin irritation. Perhaps you'd like an analgesic cream?"

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