She's a BRICK HOUSE! Huge boobs Una Carha review (Pictures)

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She's a BRICK HOUSE! Huge boobs Una Carha review (Pictures)

Post by CF »

"That lady's stacked and that's a fact/Ain't holding nothing back . . . " Brick House by The Commodores

Having advocated for the production of super-busty TPE dolls for quite a while, I've been progressively impressed by the sculpts we've seen - and the breast sizes available - over the past few years. When I first joined TDF in 2004, the only truly buxom dolls available were Abyss' since-discontinued Body 9 and Cyborgasmatrix's life-cast of adult model Pandora Peaks. COM's product was within my budget, but the stories of unfulfilled orders and brokenhearted customers prevented me from ever taking the risk of buying one myself.

For my first doll, I chose an inflatable Zena Fulsom. Not the prettiest product ever released, but she sported the biggest knockers then available on a blow-up doll. Zena kept me sane and faithful to my girlfriend during a yearlong military deployment. Since then, my support has been from a philosophical standpoint: Doll manufacturing is enjoying a golden age, with improved sculpts, excellent manufacturing, and now the advent of Artificial Intelligence placing this hobby truly at the cutting edge of societal evolution. Dolls serve so many healthy purposes for men and women (and couples!). Over time, more and more people will see this, but all of us were here first.

I've loved curvy women as long as I can remember, so when WM's K-Cup hit the streets, it came as a thundercalp. I'd never seen anything like it: Big, pendulous, natural-looking breasts on a TPE doll? Talk about a gift from heaven! It's still one of my all-time favorites, and while the K-Cup has since given up its place as the big-boob queen, the sculpt remains so remarkable, I'd still love to own one some day.

Around the time of that doll's release, I started a thread to ask who else would like a doll with boobs bigger than K-Cup. Last I checked, it was hovering around 38,000 views. Clearly, MANY people felt the same way!

Then came YL's 150, a product which I've unofficially heard was inspired by my thread (If so, THANK YOU!). The boobs truly are enormous, and they once again look like gifts from God, not a plastic surgeon. tootsie's photo sets of his two 150s, Pandora and Skyy, rank among the high marks in doll photography: Classy, well staged, and full of personality. I encourage everyone to give them a look.

Living space being an issue for me, I drooled over both the K-Cup and 150 from afar, and hoped that properly sculpted torso versions with rounded stumps for legs would be released some day (I still do, like a great many forum members in the same boat as me).

Then along came Climax Doll's 105cm Una Kaine, and her black gal pal Una Carha.

The night when photos of Una Kaine debuted on I thought I would fall out of my chair. The homepage shot of her lying back, boobs towering over her, still wows me in memory. Once Una Carha and her thick, kissable lips debuted a few weeks later, I was hooked. At last, a doll with a top-heavy body straight out of a dream, and not so large as to need a storage closet all her own!

So, I got one. She just arrived home today.

Waiting for her, and getting her, has been special to me. For the benefit of future doll owners (of Una or otherwise), I'm going to describe the experience in-depth and then move on to share photos and hopefully videos of her in a variety of settings. Please post any questions or requests along the way, and I'll answer them/provide measurements/whatever as I'm able.

Climax Doll provided a FedEx tracking number for Una, who I followed across the Pacific Ocean over the next week. Here is her shipping information. It is listed in reverse order (as it appeared on the FedEx website), so you'll need to start from the bottom and work up to see how long Una stayed in each country/city. Thursday was Thanksgiving, which explains why she didn't travel that day.

11/24/2017 - Friday
11:54 am, Delivered, [Name redacted],
8:52 am, On FedEx vehicle for delivery, [Name redacted]
8:18 am, At local FedEx facility, [Name redacted]

11/22/2017 - Wednesday
9:40 pm, At local FedEx facility, [Name redacted]
3:58 pm, At destination sort facility, [Name redacted]
2:17 pm, Departed FedEx location, OAKLAND, CA
2:55 am, International shipment release - Import, OAKLAND, CA

11/21/2017 - Tuesday
11:21 pm, Arrived at FedEx location, OAKLAND, CA
4:46 pm, In transit, HONOLULU, HI
2:41 pm, In transit, NARITA-SHI JP
12:17 pm, In transit, SENNAN-SHI JP
6:35 am, Departed FedEx location, GUANGZHOU CN
1:56 am, In transit, GUANGZHOU CN

11/20/2017 - Monday
4:48 am, In transit, GUANGZHOU CN

11/19/2017 - Sunday
9:57 pm, International shipment release - Export, GUANGZHOU CN
9:57 pm, Arrived at FedEx location, GUANGZHOU CN
9:56 pm, In transit, GUANGZHOU CN

11/18/2017 - Saturday
7:05 pm, Left FedEx origin facility, SHENZHEN CN
4:24 pm, Picked up, SHENZHEN CN, Package received after FedEx cutoff
1:47 am, Shipment information sent to FedEx

Below is a screenshot of the shipping page, which notes the size and weight of the box.
2017-11-24_15-31-22.jpg (40.77 KiB) Viewed 35665 times
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Re: She's a BRICK HOUSE! Huge boobs Una Carha review (Pictur

Post by CF »

Like pretty much everyone who's ever ordered a doll, I checked the FedEx site several times each day to follow Una's progress. When I finally got the news that she was on a truck en route, I kept myself busy with chores or I'd have been watching the window for signs of a delivery truck!

The truck finally pulled along my street just before noon, and the driver spent a good five minutes inside before I saw him roll up toward my front door with a box on a handtruck. "It's heavy," he said as he put it down. I signed for it, popped back inside, and grabbed my own handtruck to bring her in.

At that moment, like so many other folks over the years, I realized that the "This Side Up" sign on the box was actually upside down. Bummer! Sure enough, the top of the box had been poked through by the neck bolt.

The package came wrapped in plastic, a good thing during autumn, when snow and rain are always possible. I cut off the plastic, removed the shipping label, and carefully rolled the box so that the lid was on the top. As you can see, the walls of the box are THICK, which prevented the contents from becoming damaged. The doll was reinforced inside by pre-formed pieces of heavy white padding and chunks of grey foam. Beneath all that, I could see the telltale beige Climax Doll packing bag, with an enormous bulge near the top. The bag's hot pink zipper arced around this bulge, and without even thinking, I knew what lay immediately below. Being patient in that moment was REALLY difficult!
Box damage.JPG
Box damage.JPG (1.89 MiB) Viewed 35679 times
Top of box.JPG
Top of box.JPG (883.54 KiB) Viewed 35679 times
Box thickness.JPG
Box thickness.JPG (1.91 MiB) Viewed 35679 times
Inside box.png
Inside box.png (842.88 KiB) Viewed 35679 times
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Re: She's a BRICK HOUSE! Huge boobs Una Carha review (Pictur

Post by CF »

Near the bottom of the box were bags of wigs, two heads each wrapped in white safety packing, and a bag of accessories. Once I removed all of those contents, I was faced at last with the doll inside its packing bag. Again, you can see by this photo the thickness and durability of the box. I laid down a clean white bath towel on the floor, gently placed the doll on top of it, and got ready to unzip her.

A word here about the weight. Even at 3/5th scale, Una is a heavy woman. This news will come as no surprise to longtime Forum members familiar with TPE dolls, but the words of so many others bear repeating: If you intend to own a doll, even if you are athletic, know that you will be lifting a hefty and fragile piece of art. Make sure your environment is free of dirt, obstructions, pets, and anything else that might be an issue. Work slowly and carefully. Think about what you're going to do before you do it. In this case, I had already planned to use the "lift the bride" motion by placing my arms underneath her and raising her out of the box. This accomplished, I finally got to unzip the bag and lay eyes on Una's body.

Holy. Shit.

More to come ...
Inside box detail.JPG
Inside box detail.JPG (955.91 KiB) Viewed 35677 times
Doll in zippered case.JPG
Doll in zippered case.JPG (759.07 KiB) Viewed 35677 times
Unveiled.JPG (1.09 MiB) Viewed 35677 times
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Re: She's a BRICK HOUSE! Huge boobs Una Carha review (Pictur

Post by ClimaxDoll »

thanks for your sharing ,the huge boot is really attractive!!

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Re: She's a BRICK HOUSE! Huge boobs Una Carha review (Pictur

Post by Buick225 »

Congrats, CF! Great presentation of your Una Kaine 105 cm. I clearly remember the old days of the Zena Fulsom dolls. I had 4 of them myself. I also had the Letha Weapons mega boob latex doll back in the late 90's. It is almost
a miracle on how time and technology have changed things. What a time to be alive in this stage of the doll world!
With so many realistic choices, I may never date a real women again!

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Re: She's a BRICK HOUSE! Huge boobs Una Carha review (Pictur

Post by LJ69 »

Congratulations on your first TPE doll CF.

I hope you have lots of fun playing with those amazing breasts!


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Re: She's a BRICK HOUSE! Huge boobs Una Carha review (Pictur

Post by Curveman »

Ayyyy! Finally found your doll CF. You made a great choice. Im having fun with mine, shes a fantastic doll
Bea's Introduction (105cm Uns Kaine (huge tits))
Bunny's Reintroduction(90cm milf doll (huge ass))
Bunny's bikini shots (90cm milf doll (huge ass))

Melonie's introduction (165 K cup)

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Re: She's a BRICK HOUSE! Huge boobs Una Carha review (Pictur

Post by Space Cowboy »

Congratulations CF! You've posted so many times about this doll, but had to wait for the new head to be developed. This may have been the most anticipated doll purchase in TDF history! Hope you've been having some fun, looking forward to your review of this lady.

I'm following the thread touting the "big booty" version of Una, which I think would tip me into the buyer's market. Of course that would make her heavier too! But perhaps more balanced :haha4:

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Re: She's a BRICK HOUSE! Huge boobs Una Carha review (Pictur

Post by pdkh2000 »

Hey you did it :D
Pics pics pics pics now now now and more :multi:

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Re: She's a BRICK HOUSE! Huge boobs Una Carha review (Pictur

Post by Anung Un Rama »

Great Choice CF, congrats, so...more pictures STAT :lol:



Lilith Un Rama - RD She Devil Custom Bod 10 (DOLLMILF and TDF Doll Queen)
Natasha-RD Classic - Bod 6
Lexi-BT 3 (C) Star Bod 3 Gel butt & boob implants
Lorelei-SANHUI 165R cup my custom elf head 007
Emerald-R13 custom
Tammy-PIB IG -Bella Head
Ayla-WM dolls - 155cm DD cup model
Jessica Jade-PD - 163cm, Penelope fitness version .
Mazzy M-JY/AS Doll 166cm fitness model
Pearl-JY150cm Fantasy Fitness my design
BaBs-PD 158cm Mega Boobs doll
Jessie-TB Deluxe-Jessica Model
Danny-YL Dolls-128cm Kylie model
Gypsy Kate-WM 140cm D cup head #36
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Re: She's a BRICK HOUSE! Huge boobs Una Carha review (Pictur

Post by CF »

Thank you Anung, LJ69, Curveman, pdkh2000, and Buick225! And of course, thanks to Climax Doll for manufacturing a boob-lover's fantasy body!

She's now been home for a full day. I daydream about her often, and have started jotting down ideas for photo shoots. JunkGuy's ingeniously staged sessions with Brie are beyond my own technical ability, but it sure is fun coming up with ideas to show off my gal's curves and personality!

Una's breasts are massive. Photos don't do her justice. They look natural yet full to a level of capacity that touches perfection. This photo of a CD resting on her breasts should convey a sense of their scale. Download the photo to your desktop, grab a CD or DVD, and then enlarge the picture until the disc and image are of equal size. You can understand why I've been feeling like this guy: :multi:
CD for scale.JPG
CD for scale.JPG (2.04 MiB) Viewed 35324 times
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Re: She's a BRICK HOUSE! Huge boobs Una Carha review (Pictur

Post by CF »

Once she came out of the plastic inner bag, Una was due for a cleaning. There was no TPE scent present. In fact, she carried no scent at all, nor was she tacky to the touch - a pleasant surprise!

I laid towels down on the shower floor and covered her neck with a plastic baggie that I tied down (gently!) with a rubber band. That in place, I used an adjustable shower head to slowly wash her down with Honest brand shampoo and body wash. I chose that type because it's advertised as being very healthy and non-irritating. As subcom117 and other Una owners will tell you, caressing those gorgeous juggs with soap is euphoric. I dried her by patting her down with large microfibre towels from the cleaning supply section of my local grocery store. As I discovered, the microfibre towels stocked in an automotive section are smaller.
Neck covered for cleaning.png
Neck covered for cleaning.png (769.35 KiB) Viewed 35322 times
Breast cleaning.JPG
Breast cleaning.JPG (1.55 MiB) Viewed 35322 times
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Re: She's a BRICK HOUSE! Huge boobs Una Carha review (Pictur

Post by CF »

After washing it came time for a mineral oil bath - again, a joy unto itself. After trying it with a sponge, I switched to applying oil by hand and caressing it into her skin. Amazing! I started on the front (can you blame me?), then turned her face-down to work on her back.

As EQ8t mentioned, there's a grassroots effort presently underway for a huge booty Una doll at viewtopic.php?f=382&t=91804, I made sure to get photos of her ass both uncovered and again with a CD for scale. In the uncovered shot you can see the difference between the shiny, slick spots that have been oiled and the flat matte of her regular skin tone.

The idea of a hyper-hourglass figure on Una - with a rump to match her chest - is exciting. My hope is that padding out her bottom would not make her heavy to the point of being unwieldy. Una's overall heft adds to her realism: The thick thighs and round tummy convey a deliciously plump look. If I had to guess her age by comparing her physique with that of women I've been with, I'd peg her as being in her early 30s: Some parts of her have filled out, but in the best of all possible ways.
Rear view.JPG
Rear view.JPG (1.17 MiB) Viewed 35316 times
Ass CD for scale.JPG
Ass CD for scale.JPG (907.63 KiB) Viewed 35316 times
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Re: She's a BRICK HOUSE! Huge boobs Una Carha review (Pictur

Post by CF »

While waiting for the mineral oil to absorb, I finally found time to look at Una's face. The head came sealed with clear packing tape. I carefully unsnipped the tape and slid away the outer padding. As you can see, the head came in a fabric bag with a drawstring. Opening this up, I reached in and gently removed her head, which wore a white foam pair of eye covers to protect her lashes: A smart touch! I've decided to replace this whenever she's in storage.

Slipping away the cover, I looked at last into her face and most especially her green eyes flecked with yellow and orange as you approach the iris. It's like staring into a sexy interstellar nebula. Truly a moment of awe.

The accessory bag contained two vaginal inserts, A bulb for flushing out these and the vagina, a hairbrush, a utilitarian white bra, a USB vaginal heater, and a purple USB egg-shaped vibrator (My old Zena Fulsom blow-up doll came with a battery-powered vibrating egg, which - when sunk inside her vagina prior to entry - made for a happily humming, mind-blowing experience). The box also contained a laminated, six-panel user's guide in English and Chinese.
Wrapped head.png
Wrapped head.png (624.84 KiB) Viewed 35313 times
Head package and cover.png
Head package and cover.png (920.97 KiB) Viewed 35313 times
Una Carha face with protector.JPG
Una Carha face with protector.JPG (1.9 MiB) Viewed 35313 times
Una Carha face.JPG
Una Carha face.JPG (2.06 MiB) Viewed 35313 times
Una Carha face profile.JPG
Una Carha face profile.JPG (2.11 MiB) Viewed 35313 times
Accessories.JPG (1.94 MiB) Viewed 35313 times
User guide outer.JPG
User guide outer.JPG (1.93 MiB) Viewed 35313 times
User guide interior.JPG
User guide interior.JPG (1.94 MiB) Viewed 35313 times
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Re: She's a BRICK HOUSE! Huge boobs Una Carha review (Pictur

Post by CF »

After giving Una's skin two hours to absorb the oil (she seemed to do it in 90 minutes, but I erred on the side of caution) I applied baby powder with a large makeup brush. I hate the scent of baby powder, so I'll likely look for an unscented version. If anyone has a recommended alternative, please let me know! Understanding that breast men, like baseball fans, are often keen on statistics, I took out a measuring tape and gauged the size of her nipples (about 5cm from one end of the areola to the other) and breast circumference (about 61.5cm at the widest part).

Again, it's hard to explain her size without a frame of reference so I laid a soda can between her cleavage to convey her enormity. At one point in this process my heart seemed to pound about 150 times per minute from sheer erotic excitement, and I'd drained three cans dry. Once more, I can only suggest that you download one of the can photos to your desktop and enlarge it to full-size ... and then hope to God that you've got a big enough monitor to take in the proportions of Una's magnificent chest.

More to come ...
Nipple measurement.JPG
Nipple measurement.JPG (1.42 MiB) Viewed 35307 times
Breast measurement.JPG
Breast measurement.JPG (1.47 MiB) Viewed 35307 times
Can close.JPG
Can close.JPG (1.87 MiB) Viewed 35307 times
Can.JPG (1.86 MiB) Viewed 35307 times
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