
YL Doll 148 (WM #46) 2016

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YL Doll 148 (WM #46) 2016

Post by Synth »

Wow. Guys. (n gals)

After waking up from what I can only describe as a corn starch, liquid-based lube, energy drink and tpe fume haze of the past 2 days... I am completely blown away. There is SO much to say about her, and I thought some of my impressions could help other prospective doll admirers. I have had two extremely fun, yet frustrating nights with this gal. (More on that later) I don't usually spend my time writing a post this long for a forum, but the way I feel right now is like screaming pure exuberance from a mountaintop.


First, I have to give Jeff at Booty Call Dolls a mention because of his excellent customer service and professionalism. He was patient with answering my million questions, and made the entire process essentially painless. While he doesn't have the flashiest website, his attention to detail with my order was outstanding. He really eased my anxiety about the decision and helped me figure out what would suit me. Without his advice I'd probably still be on the fence, or purchasing something I'd be disappointed with. Thank you, Jeff.

Secondly, Eric and the team at YL have created a stunning work of art with these dolls. I have noticed a lot of things that don't necessarily come across in photos that truly add to the experience and take the immersion to a whole other level. Her skin feels so silky smooth with a little powder. It's almost supple enough to trick my brain, and I could powder massage her body all day every day If I had the chance, as she is an absolute treat in my hands. All of the interest points along her beautiful curves serve a function beyond exciting my eyes. Her collarbones, neck, pelvis, lower back and stomach all have thoughtfully placed indentations perfect for gripping or supporting her. Her breasts and thighs are soft enough to glide between, offering unbelievable teasing play. (as good as real)

Her weight is awesome. Ideally, maybe she would be just 5-10 pounds lighter, but I think this is a great balance between ease of moving her and using her pressure to my advantage. The learning curve with her doesn't really seem too bad, either. This forum is simply amazing for sharing experiences, and I must say so far I have definitely been blessed with all of your tips, tricks and suggestions.


Here are some things I thought were initially very awkward that killed the immersion for me. However, I'm quickly realizing that a lot of these are easily remedied just by experimenting and practicing with her.

I had a hell of a time penetrating her on the first night. I think it was partially that some of the lube I have wasn't the greatest, but also she is TIGHT. I mean crazy tight. I'm probably slightly above average size, nothing more. I have an insert doll and I'm so thankful I went that way due to ease of cleanup and also interchangeability. However, with the factory insert I found it nearly impossible to stay inside her even with her legs spread all the way apart. Knowing that her legs will wear more quickly that way, I wasn't too excited if that was the only way I could fit in there at all. However, being an industrious one, I'd planned on doing some trial and error with several fleshlight inserts just in case. Something about the texture and size of the stock insert was just too scratchy and rubbery for me. Even with it inserted per George's video, there was no way I could stay in there to actually build any momentum. Luckily for me, between her blowjobs, her ample breasts, and her silky smooth thigh gap, she certainly rewarded me many times for all of my efforts.

On the first night, I was so worried about damaging her as well. So anytime I bumped her neck, fingers, or feet on anything it really took me out of the moment. Her joints were so stiff from the factory that moving her around was a ton of work. I'm quite fit and in my early 30's, but I was sweating buckets. The dehydration the next morning was real, folks. She completely wore me out but somehow I woke up happy after a short nap...

This is no surprise on the forum, but her oral cavity has some practical issues. Her mouth and "throat" feel very nicely textured and of course I love the sounds that she makes trying to take me all the way in. It feels really good, which is why this is a bit of a choice to make whether to use it often. The design would ideally have a way to remove the end of the insert for cleaning. As it is now, the detailed texture in there will make it much more difficult to clean. Even flushing water, diluted soap and a small towel in there probably will not cut it. I know this because I have some fleshlight inserts that do not get completely clean without flipping them inside out and flushing every rib and cranny. Also, her face is very, very pretty. Stunningly pretty you guys. With a little bit of mood lighting her eyes really sparkle and her skin glows, and that really adds to the realism and the immersion. This immersion is ruined when you're about to pop her eyeballs out of her skull, so maybe I can get her a nice blindfold...

If I have her sit on me the feeling of her weight squishing me into her is amazing, but the design of her skeleton definitely creates two pressure points in her hips that really smash into my pelvis the wrong way most of the time. This feels a little unrealistic, but I don't see how it could be improved very much with the current generation of dolls. I think the first manufacturer to re-think and re-design this will REALLY be onto something. I don't have any experience with Ruby13 but I'd imagine that this is one of her best points? Perhaps?

Her initial smell. Wow. She absolutely reeked. I mean, I went to work the next day after a shower and I smelled so strongly of her for the next 6 hours at least. I don't think it's a smell anyone would really recognize but it was gross. When I came home for lunch I was pleasantly surprised that after airing out for a day she wasn't quite as bad. Then I started moving and playing with her again and BAM. Wow she is so stinky again. I think she's certainly getting better, though I've been spraying a light mist of diluted essential oils on her wig and that smells great. She did leave a small oily spot where her arm was touching my sheets, but as far as I can tell that's it and the color isn't staining her skin either.

Her fingernails were a bad design. I trimmed them about as short as I could and will probably just remove them after some very minor damage. She has a teeny cut/scratch on her left breast now from one of her nails. Of course there are also the other well known issues with her neck being rather creaky and not very poseable, and some inconsequential little birth marks and skin tags.


Lots of experimenting with different positions and inserts. Trying things for a little bit, making a little modification and trying again. My Jessica Drake Heavenly fleshlight volunteered in the name of science, and I think I will be able to trim it so it stays in place and that beautiful vulva barely pokes out to cover her built in one. Keeping both the outside of the insert and the inside of her cavity dry and well powdered seems to be the key to having it stay well put. I've been looking closely, and so far I haven't noticed any issues with her skin and the fleshlight material interacting. If I figure out the right shape to trim them, and I think I have a good idea based on the BoyToy insert, this will open up a ton of realistic options.

Tonight there were times when she truly came alive. This is close to what I imagined, and I haven't even F&@ked with my imagination yet. I found several positions where she is maneuverable and we can still maintain closeness and intimacy. It feels really nice to kinda "scissor" her. There are a lot of ways to get tangled up with her that would be next to impossible with a real woman. Because she's poseable she can hold in ways that would tire out anyone but a sexy russian spy from a bond movie. Even the parts of her that I thought were awkward or fragile at first ADD to the experience and invite love and attention. Her hands can touch your face, shoulders or chest. Her legs can swivel to grip your back so you can't fall out and you can just rock together. Putting a pillow under just one side of her lovely ass allows her to gyrate her hips back and forth. She can do a side plank and twist her ass so she can bounce off of you in a sideways cowgirl. If you're feeling lazy you can put her leg up and (gently) rest your face against her soft foot in missionary position. This whole cohesive experience is unlike anything else I've ever had with a myriad of sex toys. I do not see her as a replacement for a woman, but this is a whole new thing that's *unreal* She has infinite patience for all of the lovely experiments I'm going to perform on her supple little body, and that might be the hottest part about her.

There were still some frustrating things about the second night, but mainly because I'm still trying a lot of new things. Moving her actually feels great.

If I accept that I'm going to be responsible with her, I do not have any form of buyer's remorse over this purchase. Well, other than maybe not jumping on a 155 D Cup! Haha. There will be more time in my life for other dolls if I decide that's what I want, so there's no rush. Thank you all, collectively, for what you've done here.

Sorry for some of the graininess and poor color balance on these photos. I'll need to work on a lighting setup.


We are like pb&j. I gave her another shower and it was much easier and less scary this time. After some more careful powdering, I decided it was time to put on her nude body stocking, and HOLY SHIT. This thing is a game changer even though there is a minor trade off in not being able to feel all of her skin. She moves so effortlessly in it and there are less worries about scuffing up her back, shoulders, thighs, arms, hands or feet. Her joints are much more supple now and the play became very fluid and dynamic. This can be immersive as hell if you're able to plan a move or two in advance. My hands are really just swimming all over her entire body now, and she is accepting in pretty much any position I can think of. I see her lying on my bed from across the room and it's hard to tell she's not real sometimes. If she's positioned in an interesting way with her weight kind of asymmetrical (best way I can think of it) then she rocks and jiggles in very delicate ways that are kind of chilling.

The first two nights I didn't really care for snuggling with her at all and decided her cuddle game was weak. Too cold, too heavy. I think I'll stick to my cat's A1 cuddle game. The body stocking changes everything here. She is a relentless snuggle kitten in that thing because she picks up body heat much faster. The only problem is then I can't sleep because I end up doing her two more times. This is as ridiculous as being with an actual nymphomaniac and it's fun to role play that she's the one asking for it so much.

One happy customer indeed.
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Re: YL148 First Doll - First Impressions

Post by Synth »

Here's what I was able to come up with after a bit more pruning. I'll post a pic of the final shape of the insert and how I cut the fins once it's done. I think I may be able to make it even thinner. It looks like it would be even harder to fit in her this way but I promise that's not the case. The lips on the fleshlight girl series are super super soft.
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Re: YL148 First Doll - First Impressions

Post by Synth »

Oh! And as far as her size. 148 seems like a fairly realistic size. Some of her proportions are a big exaggerated in the TNA department. (Thank her maker. My god she has a crazy delicious apple bottom.) I was holding her up in front of a mirror and she doesn't look weirdly out of proportion compared to me, just petite with bodacious curves. I'm nearly 6 feet tall and a medium athletic build, for reference.

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Re: YL148 First Doll - First Impressions

Post by Synth »

I was considering a WM140 at first when I saw the general price point, but then i found the lovely lovely YL135 and nearly bought one. After talking to Jeff a few times on the phone though, I knew I wouldn't be disappointed paying just a bit more in the grand scheme of things for a bit taller doll. And then right after I bought her YL had this great sale on the delicious 155 D Cup. I'm not even pissed about that though, because I'm pretty sure I'd be just as happy with any of the YL line as my first doll.

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Re: YL148 First Doll - First Impressions

Post by Babel99 »

Hey very good review Synth! I am happy to see that she pleases you :) She is gorgeous!

Jael (my YL148) is as cute and strong as she was on her first day 3 months ago ... but yes, we need to be really careful. So far, the only issue I have with the TPE dolls is the fact that the skeleton sharp joint is eating the TPE from inside out, so we need to be extra careful with positions that would put too much weight on the knees, wrists and elbows. But I am pretty sure that those issues will be fixed in few years from now. We are here, on the forum, the pioneers of this world. This is a really young market ;)

Enjoy her and post more pictures! Taking pictures of her is another hobby that is worth trying out, this is very fun ... but also expensive since you always want to get new outfits and wigs :)
Jael - (YL 148) viewtopic.php?f=212&t=73333

Miriame - (SM 136) viewtopic.php?f=269&t=102115

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Brooke - (Starpery 148F) viewtopic.php?t=175783


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Re: YL148 First Doll - First Impressions

Post by Synth »

Mishka1965 wrote:I agree, the 148 is what made these dolls sales take off. I bought mine years ago, and still think her plump booty is incredibly hot.

Mishka your pictures of the lovely Tatiana definitely sealed the deal for me.

Just cuddling tonight and taking a few selfies during South Park.
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Re: YL148 First Doll - First Impressions

Post by Babel99 »

Synth wrote:
Mishka1965 wrote:I agree, the 148 is what made these dolls sales take off. I bought mine years ago, and still think her plump booty is incredibly hot.

Mishka your pictures of the lovely Tatiana definitely sealed the deal for me.

Just cuddling tonight and taking a few selfies during South Park.

another area to experiment is doing makeup, it changes your doll face in an instant. Mishka has few amazing tutorials on youtube about this. It is really worth the try. This thread is a sticky in the care/maintenance forum... It is worth every penny (even though its free lol)
Jael - (YL 148) viewtopic.php?f=212&t=73333

Miriame - (SM 136) viewtopic.php?f=269&t=102115

Beth - (SM 157G) viewtopic.php?f=269&t=149637

Brooke - (Starpery 148F) viewtopic.php?t=175783


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Re: YL148 First Doll - First Impressions

Post by Synth »

^^^^ This honeymoon information was invaluable. If I didn't have all that beforehand I surely would have made careless mistakes during my initial doll lust.

I'm interested in makeup for her but feel weird buying it? Maybe I'll get over that. One thing she definitely needs immediately is some lip gloss. I made out with her for the first time last night and I was completely surprised by how good that felt and how much of a turn on it was even though she doesn't kiss back. This experience is so interesting. Even though it's not real, it still hits certain buttons in our brains as far as our hormones and neurotransmitters. Cuddling up to her I just feel so content and relaxed, just as I do with a real girlfriend I'm comfortable with.
windave wrote:Yours is a very honest review both about the physical and the emotional.
Thank you, windave. That was the idea, to be as honest as possible about how it affected me to help others making a first purchase. I plan to update the thread to include any future expenses or issues too.

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Re: YL148 First Doll - First Impressions

Post by Booty Call Dolls »

Synth got a WM face 46.
The 148YL weighed in at 70lbs that was used in the photo shoot to compare to the 155YL.
Hopefully his will be the close to the same.
Jeff and the BCDGirls
I was a complete noob when I came to this subject. I found myself drowning in a sea of terms I did not understand. TPE, platinum silicone, tin silicone, inserts, fixed, standing options etc. I decided right away that I should not be left to my own devices to click an order from a website, because there was so much that could go wrong. One vendor name kept coming up as being great at helping customers walk through the process, Booty Call Dolls. So I decided I would work with them on this first purchase, and did.
I'm new here. I have recently purchased a lovely doll thru bcd and I'm so happy I did. Jeff has done a great deal in looking after my needs and answering a ton of questions for me. So I thought I would do a review of his great services. First of all, I would like to thank him for his honesty. We all know there are a lot of scammers out there and I'm glad Jeff is not one of them. This is my first doll so, I was totally worried about the purchase. Secondly I would like to apologize to him for changing my order last minute not once but twice. This guy is a very patience and understanding.
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I'm so glad that I can share the same smile that all of you that have shared when you decided to contact Jeff at BCD! I shall call this the "BCD quality control smile!" Literally an hour or so ago I told Jeff that I would share a picture of my beauty, I hesitated,( I wanted to cherish the excellent customer service and admire her sexiness)
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Re: YL148 First Doll - First Impressions

Post by Synth »

Booty Call Dolls wrote:SinsuaLuvr,
Synth got a WM face 46.
The 148YL weighed in at 70lbs that was used in the photo shoot to compare to the 155YL.
Yes face 46, which I believe was the "Shannon" face on the WM155 DD? As far as her weight, I haven't weighed her exactly but she does seem around 65-70 pounds. She is much easier to lift if you can get her as close to you as possible. Picking her up bridal style isn't too difficult this way. When I take her through a few doorways to the bathroom i have her sit with her arms and legs out straight and pick her up from behind, then carefully walk backwards. When she sits on me there's substantial pressure but I'm not sure it's enough to crush anything down there so long as I'm mindful. Stairs could be an interesting proposition...

Also, since I had some questions about it, here is some more info about oral and her boobs.
It's not exactly a full boob job. Even the 155WM with the DD's can't quite give a full boob job. However, her arms can be carefully positioned under them to press them together. So when you thrust in (gently is all it seems to take, wow) your pelvis can press against her arms and really glide you in between them. They feel so soft this way. So I guess I'm actually kinda sliding under a channel created by her forearm and then my head is massaged between her boobs. I got the basic idea from one of magicdoll's videos on pornhub if you want an idea. I don't really like smooshing her together too much with my hands because being careful with her body is still very important to me. ($$) I imagine the right kind of bra would basically allow this too. To be honest her boobs felt really rubbery and fake like a sports ball when she first arrived, but after a day or two of squeezing and powdering I can't stop touching them. I don't sleep at night LOL. I am NOT disappointed with her in that area. They are a perfect handful.

The oral is a bit different, but of course I was expecting the shortcomings there after reading as much as I could on the forum here and watching videos. It really does feel and sound good but her head does bug out a bit. There just isn't enough room in there to shove it all in without something giving. So a lot of times her eyes need to readjusted after ramming it in there for a while. The actual canal itself has thoughtful design with some ribs, some nice massaging bumps, and then this awesome bit at the end that really "squishes." That was all well thought out, it's just a shortcoming with the design of her head and neck that limits what can be done there. Without any way to dry out the full cavity for certain, I don't want any gross issues with mold. Also, I've heard beating up her face can lead to tearing around the lips, and I wouldn't want to do that to her gorgeous face. I have other ideas about how to make a differently designed head just for blowjobs. Hell, in the end it's just kind easier to have a fleshlight in a case handy to provide a little variety instead.
I discovered something else pretty cool about her. If I'm rubbing on her boobs I usually sit on her stomach with her lying flat, but I noticed if I bend her legs slightly then I can put my feet under her legs and she actually shifts back and forth a little bit.

I noticed a very small chip in the inside of her lip. I have a feeling this would turn into a crack with a lot of use. I've only used her for oral 3 times and not really for that long, so this is an issue for anyone that has a fantasy of just destroying her face. As cool as that would be, I want her to be as beautiful as possible. After touching the softness of her cheeks and lips just once there's no way I could do that right now unless I plan to buy a few heads. One of them could be just for blowjobs. I'm also curious if a ring gag would work for these dolls to keep their lips perfectly open, but again that might not be something I want to mess with on this face.

And while I'm at it, I should also mention anal. I haven't tried it and probably won't, because I've substantially torn every anal toy I've tried. The orifice could still be useful though, has anyone tried putting some bullet vibrators in there??

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Re: YL148 First Doll - First Impressions

Post by Synth »

Look at how juicy her pussy is now. This is V2 of the insert I've been working on. Still not a perfect fit but a nice improvement.
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Here is is a bit more open so you can see the slight issues.
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She has a squishy clit now. Perfect for pinching, rubbing and pulling. This is the look on her face when I tell her there's a new C.L.I.T. Commander in town.
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Re: YL148 First Doll - First Impressions

Post by Synth »

Quite a lot. I'm going to carefully remove a bit more to see how much is really needed to hold it in. Most of what's left is inside but the protruding lips help funnel you in. Pretty swell I must say. More pics and a crude "how to" when I figure it out.
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Re: YL148 First Doll - First Impressions

Post by Synth »

Haven't had much of a chance to post an update. Things have been really busy around here painting my living room. Bonus: when I'm done I'll have a nice sunny room for photos. Since someone has been helping me during the day, she's been spending more time away in her hiding spot. He is a good friend but I don't think I'm ready to reveal her yet. Lifting her in and out is pretty easy for me now, but difficult enough that no one is going to go looking.
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The Awesome Parts

I have snuggled with her every night for the past week and It's been great. So far no issues with either of us moving much during the night, and her whole body feels considerably more supple than before. The sex with her gets better too. I was FINALLY able to move her spine after about 5 days which fixed a lot of sex positioning issues. Her legs and arms are easily to move and pose which just makes everything with moving her around so so much better. I've also messed around with the factory insert by cutting the opening a bit larger, and it's growing on me. I probably had to force myself to completion at least 5 times before it started to feel less rubbery. I also discovered that the texture on her feet is oh so nice. Never thought I'd be into that but it's great. Being close to her pushes a lot of the right buttons for an oxytocin rush. It's killer.

More Frustrating Things

She is showing some signs of wear already. Some of them make sense and others are more perplexing due to multiple factors. I have had a few bad dolly moments that were very frustrating or mildly panic inducing despite the overall positive experience. I've attempted to make sense of these issues and their possible causes. Other than some small scratches I knew about from the first day or two, I noticed these issues after washing all of the corn starch off of her and making the switch to talcum powder.

Slight Flaking behind ears oil from old pair of glasses? fragrance on her wig?
Skin lightening/dimpling/flaking on left shoulder abrasion from baby wipe? fragrance from wig? I noticed this when braiding her wig
Skin lightening between breasts abrasion from not enough lube or cleaning?
Skin lightening on inner thighs possibly abrasion from sex or clothing
Rough between vag and anus probably just abrasion from sex, area seems ok just a little rougher and will need repair at some point
Small (bubbles?) forming at seams in arms and legs

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Re: YL148 First Doll - First Impressions

Post by Synth »

MoviePilot wrote:Which head did you pick?
That would be WM46!
