Review: WM 140A, BCD purchase

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Review: WM 140A, BCD purchase

Post by Maledictus »

First time buyer. I've taken some time to evaluate the doll, so it is time to write a review.

Doll selection process

I was browsing Amazon one day when I noticed that sex dolls were now for sale at prices that were much lower than the thousands of dollars I remembered a Real Doll costing. While I initially tried to convince myself that a 100CM doll could work (as it was the cheapest), I was pretty uncomfortable with the 3'3" height and decided the 140CM offering would be better, despite the increased cost. Around that time, I started searching for more information about the vendor, looking for product reviews, testimonials, more information.

In the course of that search I found TDF, and learned that the dolls for sale on Amazon were poor quality knockoffs. That was disappointing, but since I'd come around to the idea of buying a doll anyway, I decided to stay and look around for more information.

Although I looked at a range of dolls, the 140CM still stood out as practical for several reasons. For one thing, a lot of people warned first time buyers about the weight of the doll. I know I can lift 40 pounds in either hand, so I thought a 50 pound doll would be a safe bet to start with. Second, a 140CM doll is much easier to find a space for than a larger doll. I live alone, but I am not interested in discussing doll ownership with the people who visit me. Finally, the price of the 140CM dolls was lower than many of the other dolls. Having never seen a doll in real life, and with no guarantee that this hobby would actually be a good fit for me, minimizing my investment seemed prudent.

After looking around for a while, I decided that the WM 140A was more aesthetically pleasing than the 140D -- the larger breasts just seemed kind of off on the small frame, and there are some fantastic threads with pictures of 140As here on the forum. (To be fair, further research revealed that the 140D is actually fairly close to a real human -- that human just turns out to be Snooki.)

I decided to go with insert instead of fixed because it seemed as though it would be easier to clean thoroughly. I selected the standing foot option because it seemed like the benefits outweighed the decreased food mobility and holes in the soles.

So with a general concept of what I wanted, the next step was to pick a vendor.

Vendor Selection Process

This process was fairly straightforward. I looked at the prices and packages offered by the vendors for the model I was interested in, and then read the reviews. Jeff and BCD had recent stellar reviews, and I noticed that there were very happy first time buyers who had gone through a lot of questions.

Ordering Process

The ordering process turned out to be more complicated than I'd initially expected. It turned out I wasn't quite as sure about what I wanted as I thought I was -- I had a model picked out, but I was a little hazy on some of the details like skin color. Jeff was able to make a couple of suggestions, and then I found a picture or two as examples, and we were able to work out what it really was that I was aiming for. If I had just put in an order through a web form, I would definitely have made at least one wrong choice that would have seriously impacted the appearance of the doll.

Overall, I'd say the Ordering process was excellent. As a first time buyer, I made a good choice buying from Jeff and BCD.


The shipping process was similar to what other people have experienced. It took 10 days from when I ordered to when I received a passport picture. It was another four days to get a tracking number, and so it was 17 days total from final order to package delivered. I had concerns about the package not being delivered when I was at work, so after discussing with Jeff, I routed the package to a FedEx pickup location nearby where I could pick it up at my convenience.

I don't have pictures at this point, but the box arrived safely and with only superficial damage to the surface. The packaging was completely adequate to keep the doll safe in transit -- I didn't have any damaged feet, fingers, toes, etc. The doll made its intercontinental journey completely intact.

Doll in Real Life

Once the doll arrived, I took it out of the packaging and began the initial clean up process. Following the guides on the forum, I did multiple washes followed by oiling followed by powdering. I was doing sponge baths, so the process was faster and neater than if I'd gone for the shower. The nipple and lip coloring were early casualties in the oiling process.

There were some surprises for me here.

Despite what everyone had said, I was surprised by how heavy the doll is. It took a little while to figure out how to move it comfortably, but there are good suggestions here on the forum.

When I initially took the head out of the crate, I was immediately impressed by how lifelike the eyes were, and the details of the face. I felt like I'd really made the right choice, buying an authentic doll instead of a knockoff. The illusion broke pretty quickly when I tried to adjust one of the eyes -- one of the eyes was a bit lazy, and rearranging the gaze really made clear how different the doll head was from a human.

For some people, these dolls are amazing companions. In the space between ordering the doll and its arrival, I was fairly eager to get it in, so I passed the time by trying to find clothes and things for the doll when it arrived. For me, it turns out I don't get much of a kick out of dressing the doll up or trying to have it around the house with me. I sat and watched a television show with the doll, but it was kind of uncomfortable and I am generally happier watching without it. I'm OK with this.

In terms of functionality, playing with the doll is not the same as sex. The doll doesn't respond to anything you do (beyond the physics of action and reaction), it doesn't feel the same, etc. The doll is certainly the finest sex toy I've ever owned, but it only simulates parts of the human sex experience (in the same way that a fleshlight isn't a blowjob).

I can say now that I probably made a mistake in terms of letting pragmatism drive my purchase. I am 5'10", and a 4'7" doll is a bit too short for me. I am extremely glad I didn't go with a 100CM doll -- based on the 140CM, a 100CM would have been a creepy experience. While I still believe the A-cup is the right aesthetic for a doll with this frame, I think I would probably have more fun with a bustier doll. To be clear, I do not regret my purchase -- these are the sorts of things you can only really learn from experience, a 140 is a great beginner doll, and my 140A is a work of art.

Here is a picture that I received from the factory:


And here is my 140A today:



I made the right choice ordering from Jeff/BCD. The transaction was smooth, I got the help I needed to make good choices ordering the doll, and I got support afterward when I had questions.

The 140 is a great starter doll, and I've learned a lot in the short time I've had it about what a doll is and what it isn't. Although I may not get as much out of doll ownership as some people, I think this is a fun hobby.
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