
Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup REVIEW

Elsa Babe, established in 2017, is committed to research, development, design and production of adult toys and silicone love dolls. Our production team has 20 years of experience in 3D Animation/Game/Film productions and the product designs are led by the well-known Japanese 3D film director. Elsa Babe is the first adult toy manufacturer established by the 3D production team. We are good at concept design, sculpture, 3D modelling, skeleton design and BJD style makeup. You will find Elsa Babe products have a strong Japanese anime style, the product curve and proportion are different from the existing products in the industry. We are both variable and innovative in the product designs due to the 3D production DNA. Elsa Babe ads a refreshing look to the adult toy industry. Website: elsababe.com
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Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup REVIEW

Post by just a guy »

Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup review

So I start this review by thanking Elsa Babe for the free head I won from their topic although I had to ask many many times and it took over 2 months before I got my Elsa Babe winner head. Anyways price head finally lead me to purchase my second and ultimate hottie sexdoll Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup.

This is the Elsa Babe price head topic

I have had Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup on my want list pretty much early on my sexdoll adventure before my first doll arrived and propably would have gone with this model instead it if I would have found her earlier. No matter I got her now! :)

I'm going to use my FunWestDoll Lexie TPE sex doll and Tantaly TPE sex doll torso as comparison to Elsa Babes 160cm L-cup model. So here we go.

Box (1).jpg
Box (1).jpg (203.55 KiB) Viewed 10359 times
Box (2).jpg
Box (2).jpg (137.73 KiB) Viewed 10359 times

I bought my Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup from RealSexDoll.com
https://realsexdoll.com/product/160cm-5 ... rrency=EUR

At the time of ordering my doll from RealSexDoll they didn't have all the fields to inform what I wanted so I used their "Order notes" and fill my requests there. The Sakai Kanako wig they didn't have at the time so I used another vendors link to show what I wanted and eye color for extra eyes I also bough (red) was also missing so I wrote that too. There was also aerola size I had to ask separately. All worked perfectly so remember to use "order notes" and just state clearly what you want with reference photos if possible and they will deliver!

Since I won a head I most liked which is Ivanca head I decided to order the body as well. I ordered the body with Sakai Kanako head. I really like this head too because the face is so petite and beautifully sculpted also it closely remind of Ivanca so... :D

I ordered my Kanako head with this wig
https://realsexdoll.com/product/165cm-5 ... ai-kanako/

Reason I ordered my Elsa Babe from RealSexDoll.com was because they are only one that offer klarna to Finnish customers so it was easy choice to buy my second doll! I also have bought my TPE sex doll torso (Tantaly 72cm Best Hentai Sex Doll Torso) from them too and Lexie fro manother vendor.

Compaired to my first doll Lexie that took almost 2 months from ordering day to arrive my home. This time it also took 2 months (8 weeks exactly) from the day I put the order in to when the doll arrived. So it seems 2 months is pretty standard time for custom dolls to come in Finland. The time though felt faster this time, but that's propably because I already had a couple dolls so the first time buyer anticipation wasn't there anymore.

The box had taken few hits, but the inside padding had prevent them to hit the doll so the doll was perfectly fine! Neck was bent heavily forward and I had to put head in order to bent it straight, but after putting it straight no harm had come to the skeleton or material itself.

Elsa Babe don't use hyper realistic bodypaint so the body is just pure silicone and only nipples and labia are colored on the body. Head have lips and lower eye leashes and eye brows painted as well. Upper eye lashes are glued on not implanted.

I knew Elsa Babe don't use hyper realistic painting so that wasn't a factor for me since Elsa Babe modeling is more like mixture of anime and fairytale thus realism through body paint isn't needed.
Also the doll don't have hyper realistic skin pores or like fine detailed wrinkles. The body is pretty slick with only few wrinkles that are more like cartoonish so very plain and simple. Also few dimples like on the lower back are nice I like this little detail! Some very fine muscles can be felt on the tigh area and over all the arms also are not just like tubes and there is little bone dimples on the hand area as well.

Before going into more details I noticed the doll was very oily so I took her to shower and washed her gently with a soap. Skin went form oily to sticky so after baby powdering she was smooth. Also I highly suggest to wash the bottom of the feet as well so the oil don't go all over the the floors!
I would also like to mention the labia painting isn't the best and inside the vagina hole the paint is chipped so very poor job on that, but since I don't look at it / can't look at it when doing her it doesn't matter that much. Outside painting is ok, but not as goods as in pictures.

Now starting from the smell of the silicone.

Scent of the silicone is almost zero, but what ever small scent there is when putting your nose right to the material it's not chemical smell, it's pleasant smell kind of like very odorless flower if I would have to compare it to something. This is good since after I stopped smoking years ago I have grown very sensitive to strong smells. Since this doll don't have scent or is like super low it makes it very good to cuddle with and be close to it. My TPE FunWestDoll has kind of play doh smell that is also subtle, but more stronger than the smell of Elsa Babes silicone doll. My Tantaly has the most stronges smell that is like chemical parfyme very nice though compaired to play doh smell.
I would compaire the smells like this. Elsa Babe smell is 1 /10 the FWD Lexie is around 4/10 and Tantaly is around 7/10

I rate the smell of silicone 5/5

Compairing the feel of platinum silicone to TPE is sure different. TPE skin to me feels very human like when caressing the surface with your hand, but platinum silicone felt very plasticy at first. After powdering the skin has slight plastic feel, but after the most talc powder has gone and you feel the silicone without it yet being sticky then it starts to has skin like feeling like TPE.

It would be nice if the body don't have seams that can be felt when caressing it. Seams definetly elevate the plastic feel when touching the doll, but also after the talc powder has gone then the seams don't bother that much. It's the talc powder that makes the skin has plastic feeling and when the silicone is still kind of harder when you first get it.

This doll don't stain sheets with oil like TPE does so I can keep her in bed without a towel which is nice. The doll also felt very firm / hard in the first day, but now after couple of days in my house the silicone has got more softer and is now noticeably softer than in the first day. I quess since it has been on outdoor warehouse it makes the silicone more firm and room temperature makes it the default softness it should be.

Also after I first washed the doll and put powder onto it since after wash it became sticky like is mentioned on Elsa Babes website. I noticed that unlike TPE the powder don't stick to it sameway. It will stick, but less is needed per area compaired to TPE. Also talc brings the plastic feeling to it since unlike TPE you can make the silicone super slick with talc powder when TPE will have this fundamental friction to it because of the porous nature of it.

Then the heads

Like I mention in the start I won my favorite head on Elsa Babe's topic here and got my doll with another one so I have 2 heads for this body. Head I choose to buy wasn't on my top 5 which I named on the topic and I looked the heads like 2 days in order to decide what to take. I Finally decided with Sakai Kanako since the classic style beauty she is :)

Both though have issue that others have also complaint here too and that is the smell from inside the mouth. It's very chemical and not pleasent at all. I have tested to get rid of the smell on the Ivanca price head by using aquarium pump for 1 day and most of the bad smell was gone, but after a day or two the smell returned.

So I then washed the mouth with soap and left it dry with aquarium pump for couple of days. Again the smell didn't went off, but then returned. I have rinsed the mouth couple times after this and finally the smell has dissapated permanently! So give the mouth good rinse with lots of soap and use sponge to rub the soap in the mouth and eventually the mouth smell will dissapate for good!

Other than that the heads are awesome! They have glued upper eyelashes and painted lower eyelashes. Painted lower eyelashes looks pretty real and I few times tried to be careful with them too until remembering yeah they are painted :D

I took very close photo of Sakais eye and you can see how detaile painted the lower eyelash is it's hard to tell that it's paint and not real eyelashes :O
Sakai lower eyelash close up.jpg
Sakai lower eyelash close up.jpg (144.51 KiB) Viewed 10359 times

Eyes can be moved little bit better than on my TPE doll, but! They can easily move around too. Ivanca head has right eye that is very sloppy and I need to find some fix for it since it moves so easily by it self. Sakai head have both eyes very well in place and don't move around when the head is moved.

I know there is mechanism out there that has like spring that prevent eye movement until you push the eye down first. I think this is the best way to make the eyes. I don't remember who makes it, but somebody else. Definetly suggest that sort of mechanism for Elsa Babe too since it locks the eye automatically when now on the Ivanca head righ eye has small friction and thus it moves so easily.

Eyes on the Ivanca head (price head) are blue and bigger than on the Sakai head. I really like the Ivanca eyes because of this. It looks so beautiful! Sakai I ordered with green eyes since green is very special color in humans just like pure blue. I like the eyes too, but they are abit smaller though.

One thing that Elsa Babe has done properly and I didn't know this when I make the order is that both heads have fast connector built into the head so it's not replacable. I ordered extra fast connector because I though the heads come with screw on bolts, but nope. So that was money wasted :D Also they provide tool to adjust the ball bearings in the connector which is nice so you can make the head more tight fit so it don't fall of so easily.

Also something unique about the heads is like lower jaw bone structure. There's clearly some kind of jaw bones and also cheeks are hard too like real head. After inspection seems the whole lower jaw is like this separate plate inside the lowerjaw material section. Over all the head bone structure is similar to real skull unlike my FunWest TPE head which is soft all over and has gotten more soft over time. Paint job on the mouth is done very well which is nice. Teeth are evenly white and can be seen separately when looking close. Wierd how this small details are made so well, but labia isn't?

Also the wigs are very good and fit to the dolls head very nicely.These wigs wroks perfect from the get go! Also when looking the heads face close up when doing the deeds they look super real! This definetly adds to arousal alot! Also unlike on the photos where you see this ligh glare that is very annoying you don't see it in real life it's only artifact on the photos no matter if the flash is on or off. Flash on definetly makes it worst so don't use flash if you wan't good photos of silicone use ambient light instead!

I rate both heads and wigs 5/5

Body overall is nicely shaped and one thing why I wanted this model is because of the waist and hip ratio. Normally doll with this big breasts (102cm) comes with around 100cm and up hips, but this model has 89cm hip and waist also is 56cm. Now that I have seen this in real life I know that I don't want bigger hips or waist. My own hips are 96cm and 89cm hip on Elsa Babe seems like it's alot bigger than mine so this is definetly the most I will ever go since I like small ass and thin waist. She feels like fully grown woman because of this body ratio and weight and not fragile and petite at all.

I weighted the doll and she weight with head on 39.7 kg. That's about 1 kilo more than on the RealSexDoll website promises weight of this doll. My funwest lexie doll I tried to weight, but since she can't stand on her self, but the weight maxed at 30 kg. Website says 33 so that sounds about right. Elsa Babe is noticeably heavier even with only 7 kg difference.

Since this is the heaviest doll I have I now know that this is my personal upper weight limit and I won't be buying any doll that is beyond this weight. She is definetly more harder to handle in bed and takes more strenght to carry around. I even got little bit sore back when I had to twist my self when I lift her from bed into standing position. I know though just like with my Lexie that in time this will get more easier, but now 40 kg definetly is enough for me.

I now do understand the good advice people here give is that get lighter doll! I have dolls that are over 50kg heavy on my wantlist, but now when I have tested this I propably don't ever going to buy those it's just not worth the effort in my opinion unless the the weight reduction drops the weight way under 40kg then it's worth a thought again!

One thing that this body should have is to be seamless though. My Funwestdoll and Tantaly torso are both 100% seamless. This I think is something desirable since seamles surface brings more realism to the doll. If others can do it Elsa Babe should be able to do it as well. The seams can be felt and seen although they are very thin like maybe 1/20th of a millimeter they are still noticeable. It doesn't bother me too much, but thought to mention this since it is over 2k doll and cheaper ones has zero seams and I do mean 100% seamless.

This doll is my first full size doll that has factory tight limbs. My Lexie I ordered with loose limbs so that's why she can't stand when I tried to weight her. I must say that after testing Elsa Babe I had to put my thingking cap on since moving the doll to different positions wasn't as easy as it is with my Lexie. Also limbs are like extra tight so it really takes some strenght to bend them specially trying to arch the back is almost impossible, damn... :D This of course is good thing since they will loosen up in time. At least this is my understanding of sexdolls and their limbs.

With this type of tight limbs they last the longest. Perhaps in the future somebody will find new solution to keep limbs not so tight, but also not start to loose like to the point where they can't hold any position at all. This I think will be break through when some manufacturer acts on it! It then means you don't have to start to rip the doll apart and tighten the bolts your self anymore.

So now to the part why I did buy this doll, breasts... Holyyy shit!
Ivanca Elsa Babe lingerie set (1).jpg
Ivanca Elsa Babe lingerie set (1).jpg (120.6 KiB) Viewed 10359 times
Ivanca Elsa Babe lingerie set (2).jpg
Ivanca Elsa Babe lingerie set (2).jpg (125.42 KiB) Viewed 10359 times
Ivanca Elsa Babe lingerie set (3).jpg
Ivanca Elsa Babe lingerie set (3).jpg (120.4 KiB) Viewed 10359 times
Ivanca Elsa Babe lingerie set (4).jpg
Ivanca Elsa Babe lingerie set (4).jpg (114.2 KiB) Viewed 10359 times
Breasts on this doll feels just like real ones! When I first touched the breast they brough immediately memory back of real breasts just like I remember they feel. When I first put my hand on them I was like damn these are real breasts! They are very soft like real breasts and droop to the sides when she lays on her back which is nice and how real breasts behave! They also bounce very easily and the bouncing looks like real breasts and they accommodate to bra shape very naturally!

This means that the breasts can be shaped unlike TPE boobs that are very firm and hold shape and need very thight fitting bras so they change their shapes acording to the bras shape. These breasts have no issue of being reshaped by the bra they shape easily with zero resistance!

The feel also is like night and day compaired to my Lexie and Tantaly dolls. These breasts are way more softer and I mean wayy more softer which is making me wonder did Funwestdoll use gel like I ordered? My Funwestdoll breasts feel like Tantaly breasts which are solid TPE although they should be gel filled. My TPE girls breasts are nooothing like the Elsa Babes breasts.

I have to admit thought that I am used to ”harder” doll breasts now so there's 1 problem with the Elsa Babe ones and it is that when she lays on top of me or I on her the breast totally squish in. This is how real breasts behave too so in that way Elsa Babe sure did amazing job! I do like the more firm breast feel on my chest though, but since these feel like real ones I think I will get used to them. They are very fun to play with since they are so soft. Reminds like kneading the dough by hand so nothing like TPE breasts at all since TPE is way more sturdier and don't give up under pressure like these do.

I don't really know how to describe it better that except it is acting like dough that also bounce back. When I squeeze the breasts and let go they will go back to their original shape, but it feels like it takes time, but still it's immidiate after letting go. This behaviour is why they feels like real breasts since they bounce back kind of like ”laggy”, but still fast enough so there is no dimpels left when you let go of the breasts. Other than skin feel these breasts to me seems to be as good as real ones. Definetly for real breasts lovers I can highly recommend Elsa Babe gel breasts!

Also very nice feature is that the silicone gets softer starting from the labia area through stomach to under the breasts. The move from firmer silicone to more soft one is so fine that you can't feel like different parts that are and that arent it's all one dynamic silicone mass! This softness switching like this I have only noticed on this area it doesn't get softer on the back which is nice! Still over all the body is semi soft so don't worry about that.

Seems Elsa Babe mix softer and harder silicone by layers and this way it's all one seamless silicone mass that has softer and more firmer parts. Other than that and breasts the whole doll is pretty firm. More firm than TPE which is not bad since real humans aren't as soft as TPE except on breasts and ass areas. I have noticed that TPE gets more softer over time so if that happens with silicone too then I hope it don't go as soft as the TPE. I kind of like the more firm feel and don't mind it at all, but it is very noticable if you compaire it to TPE.

I now understand why they have ultra soft ass too, but I don't personally mind firm ass. I like firmness! :) If I would have to give estimate of the firmness compaired to TPE I would say maybe 10% so not much, but still noticeable.

Also I notice that when I slap the breasts there is just slap sound like it should, but on bottocks, thighs and back area there is this hollow bottom sound. I think the doll is filled with foam or something on some parts thus slap sounds like that. I also quess this is because it makes the doll lighter which is good, but if you are an ass man prepaire to hear that hollow sound when slappin' it! Perhaps the soft ass would fix that issue by dampening the sound since ass would have more softer materia that absorbs the sound.

All I really care is that the breasts don't have the hollow bottom sound. That is why I don't like hollow breasts though they should be even more softer than gel ones because they too make this same type of sound.

Ass is tight and ass cheeks fit hands nicely. Unlike my Lexie ass is not fully round, but shaped abit though it isn't shaped as nicely as the tantaly ass is which has like slight muscle tones per ass cheeks that flattens the ass roundness abit, but still good ass.

And LHP...

Compaired to my Funwest and Tantaly torso doll Elsa Babe have correct LHP. So anybody interested of correct LHP, Elsa Babe does it correctly! LHP stand for Love Hole Position and it means vagina and anus location compaired to real woman. To be honest though the ”incorrect” LHP on my other dolls haven't bothered me so much. Vagina sex on Elsa Babe at least is much easier from behind which is the point of correct LHP.

I noticed that when I was cleaning the vagina it was almost impossible to rinse with water since vagina is so deep and tight. I personally don't need this deep vagina it just makes the cleaning harder :(

Texture for the vagina I took is ”titty heaven”. I must say that silicone is more tough than TPE for sex so I now understand why some manufacturers offer soft vagina as well. No matter. After few uses vagina got softer and with good amount of lube it's very nice! Very stimulating compairing to TPE.

I rate body and breasts 5/5

Special mention I have to say that I really like the toes too since they aren't droopy at all like they are on my TPE Lexie! They are firm and hold their places so it's very easy to wear sock on them and they don't get under the foot when I move the doll from place to place and re stand it. Also I took my babe standing feet without bolts and I can feel there's thin layer of harder silicone that cover the whole foot. This is really well done since it fades into the softer silicone seamlessly right before the top of the foot! So the hard part is like few millimiters on the bottom of the foot only not like 15 cm of the whole foot. Toes and the whole foot area is also well made and looks nice and appealing. Ankle on right foot is very tight and reguires alot of force to move it. Left ankle is right tightness and easy to move and it stays it position. I hope the right ankle will loosen up in the future it's so damn tight! Also nice feature is that foot can be turned sideways unlike on my funwestdoll Lexie.

I rate toes 5/5

Fingers can be easily bent and I like how the finger bone is almost to the very end of the finger like it is in real life! Since this doll is silicone the fingers are slightly more firmer than on my TPE doll so this is nice too since it means more durability! I had to re glue 4 nails back though after testing positions when two fell off and two partially was hanging. I also needed to reshape 2 nails since they had this nasty edge as shown in the picture which is taken from the second trimmed nail before and after. I have same problem with my TPE doll and have to glue one nail back too. Why nobody don't use proper glue these days???
Nail fixed.jpg
Nail fixed.jpg (106.77 KiB) Viewed 10359 times

I noticed that on the right hand the fingers are little bit bent more inward than on the left hand so they arent 100% symmetrical. When I curl pinky finger inward it moves over ring finger which is abit annoying since they can't be side by side, either one has to be on top of another because the twist is so much on the pinky finger. Left hand had has all fingers staying nicely next to each other.

I know the positioning of the bones is made by human and not machine so these things happen the main thing is that the bones are in the middle of the fingers so they don't tear the silicone, but because of this and the nail things.

I rate fingers 4/5

Elsa Babe also sent me few extra things. I only ordered and paid 3 extra things which are

- Extra fast connector (useless you don't need it!)
- Extra eyes red
- TPE Glue and stain remover (for my lexie not Elsa Babe)

Here's a list of them from top left to bottom of all things that came with the doll.

- Extra fast connector (my order)
- Extra eyes red (my order)
- Elsa Babe adds
- I gues this is headstand bottom to which you connect the pipe, but it didn't come with a screw so If I want to use it I need to buy screw for it.
- Summer dress, one piece
- The wigh with red stripes
- Free extra wig
- Douche
- Some sort of ”invicible” hair nets
- Lingerie set, white
- on top of lingerie set is the hex key to adjusting the heads connector ballbearings
- 2 pair of extra eyes
- And Finally a bear masturbator heheee :D smells same as the doll with a hint of that good flower type of scent.
Other doll stuff.jpg
Other doll stuff.jpg (274.19 KiB) Viewed 10359 times
eyes.jpg (116.38 KiB) Viewed 10359 times

I dressed Sakai Kanako with the lovely summer one piece dress and Ivanca with the white lingerie I compiled. Both have their own wigs on too. Ivanca with blonde and Sakai with black and red stripes.
Sakai (1).jpg
Sakai (1).jpg (118.14 KiB) Viewed 10359 times
Ivanca My lingerie set.jpg
Ivanca My lingerie set.jpg (111 KiB) Viewed 10359 times
Other miscellaneous notes

I noticed that when I had the doll laying down on top of me all limbs straight she felt like piece of wood. My Lexie who has loose limbs feels guite natural when she is laying down on top of me since limbs fall naturaly down and don't stay straight because they are all loose. Also when being sideways with the doll Lexie feels natural when Elsa Babe no matter the position feels just stiff, but I quess this is the trade off. If anybody is interested with loose limbs I highly suggest max 30 kg doll since she is so hard to move and wash.

Also the Tantaly torso doll feels very natural too to cuddle when on top of me since it doesn't have arms and only half legs. Still I would not take this doll with loose limbs since then I couldn't do different positions. Stiff doll and make positions or loose that feels more natural, but can't make positions and washing also is alot harder. I think torso is kind of between these two since even with the stiff legs since they are so short it still feels natural to be under it or side by side without having the stiff feeling.

Also smaller doll that would be easier to move I can now imagine would feel more natural too. Perhaps I will buy 150 or under doll next that weight under 30kg to find out. I have couple of those on my favlist too :P.

One super annoying thing and this is also a thing with my lexie is that for some reason the hole where you put the head connector in is full of black grease that starts to get out more often you remove and put back the head. I already had to scrub it of the body from few spots and little by little the neck upper part that points up is starting to fill with the shit. Really super annoying since it's hard to remove and easily come out form the hole. I highly suggest that when you get a doll to use alot of paper and little by little put paer in the hole and scrub the black shit out! My Lexies head also has the black grease and I need to clean her someday when I have time.

If something I would have hoped for is some sort of small manual like FunWestDoll have that has basic instructions of how to use the doll and take care of it. That would have been nice and informative!

Last time I ordered a doll from another vendor I had to help the ups driver to carry the package into my home. This time I noticed UPS before hand via e-mail that I would not help them and they said that up to 70kg is the weight limit delivery driver will carry the package.

Time came and of course I had to help the guy again! I don't blame the guy though. I live high and my block of flats don't have elevator. It would need to be very strong guy that actually can lift super heavy weights to carry the package by them self.

I tell this because UPS should change their policy and clearly state that driver can't handle packages over 30 kg by themself if there's stairs involved and no elevator. Hopefully RealSexDoll and other vendors do something about this. It is unreasonable for UPS to sell their service and lie about it.

Other than that I will give RealSexDoll 5/5 of their service and response time to all my e-mails it is very likely I will buy more dolls from them in the future!

Also this time customs hadn't opened the package or it was then taped very good. Last time they had opened it and taped very poorly so there was opening on the box because of missing tape on some areas.

I am very pleased on my Elsa Babe overall and she gives great satisfactory! Also as a boob guy I think I'm good with the size of these ones for now.

Thank you Elsa Babe and RealSexDoll :)
Review of my Elsa Babe 148cm L-cup - viewtopic.php?t=183920
Review of my Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup - viewtopic.php?t=172708
Review of my Vanessa BBW Torso Doll - viewtopic.php?t=177349
Review of my Monica Hentai Torso Doll - viewtopic.php?t=169345


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Re: Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup REVIEW

Post by Hamilton »

Great review, much appreciated. She looks fantastic. Look forward to seeing more pictures.

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Re: Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup REVIEW

Post by foofighter12 »

Awesome review!

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Re: Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup REVIEW

Post by Shylon »

Thanks for the review!

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Re: Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup REVIEW

Post by RedPandamonium »

Much appreciated, planning to get her as my 2nd doll, also with the Sakai head.

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Re: Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup REVIEW

Post by andy1324 »

very through and enlightening review,,, thanks for taking the time to share...

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Re: Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup REVIEW

Post by Tschlop_Shop »

Damn she looks sexy as hell!

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Re: Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup REVIEW

Post by SimonSays7 »

Wow! She's fantastic. I love how you describe the breasts. Close to a perfect shape, for me.

But I couldn't handle the weight. Or rather, I'll choose a doll shaped like this under 30Kg, even if it has a hard foam core.
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Re: Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup REVIEW

Post by just a guy »

SimonSays7 wrote: Sat Oct 28, 2023 5:43 pm Wow! She's fantastic. I love how you describe the breasts. Close to a perfect shape, for me.

But I couldn't handle the weight. Or rather, I'll choose a doll shaped like this under 30Kg, even if it has a hard foam core.
I'm pretty sure this too has hard foam core like I mentioned about the hollow bottom sound. My TPE doll doesn't have that sound on anywhere the body I slap. I have gotten used to the weight now, but still definetly not going to buy heavier or even this heavy doll again. 30 kg sounds good. My TPE is about 33 and even lesser than that I defiently suggest so 30 kg sound good :)
Review of my Elsa Babe 148cm L-cup - viewtopic.php?t=183920
Review of my Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup - viewtopic.php?t=172708
Review of my Vanessa BBW Torso Doll - viewtopic.php?t=177349
Review of my Monica Hentai Torso Doll - viewtopic.php?t=169345


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Re: Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup REVIEW

Post by just a guy »

Here's Ivanca with Pink wig with nice bangs
Ivanca Pink wig with bangs.jpg
Ivanca Pink wig with bangs.jpg (131.45 KiB) Viewed 9595 times
Review of my Elsa Babe 148cm L-cup - viewtopic.php?t=183920
Review of my Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup - viewtopic.php?t=172708
Review of my Vanessa BBW Torso Doll - viewtopic.php?t=177349
Review of my Monica Hentai Torso Doll - viewtopic.php?t=169345


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Re: Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup REVIEW

Post by Elsa Babe_Young »

Thanks for sharing! We look forward to more photos of her.

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Re: Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup REVIEW

Post by RedPandamonium »

Yeah more pics are always welcome.
My Angelkiss Ak3-164H silicone LS64 & S23: viewtopic.php?p=2531780#p2531780
My LoveNestle Aubrey: viewtopic.php?t=182219
Waiting for my Zelex SLE 160J 206
Wishlist: SM 136 Elf | Jiusheng 152E Arisa | XT Doll 160H XT-2 | Piper 150cm Jennie | Zelex SLE 166K 201 | WM 173H (LHP update pls!)

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Re: Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup REVIEW

Post by just a guy »

Here's few photos I took earlier.
Ivanca Elsa Babe lingerie set 8.jpg
Ivanca Elsa Babe lingerie set 8.jpg (83.4 KiB) Viewed 9170 times
Ivanca My lingerie set 8.jpg
Ivanca My lingerie set 8.jpg (84.39 KiB) Viewed 9170 times
This last one the size of this bodysuit is L and it's still big and not tight which is very dissapointing.
Also breasts area has room so if You going to buy this bodysuit I suggest S size since even with 102cm breasts size L is just too big even though it says bust is only 82.5cm.
it's form Shein and called SHEIN X Doris Jocelyn SHEIN ICON Bikercore Cut Out Mock Neck PU Tank Bodysuit
Ivanca with silver suit.jpg
Ivanca with silver suit.jpg (82.88 KiB) Viewed 9170 times
Review of my Elsa Babe 148cm L-cup - viewtopic.php?t=183920
Review of my Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup - viewtopic.php?t=172708
Review of my Vanessa BBW Torso Doll - viewtopic.php?t=177349
Review of my Monica Hentai Torso Doll - viewtopic.php?t=169345


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Re: Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup REVIEW

Post by RedPandamonium »

Lovely pics and thanks for the tip!
My Angelkiss Ak3-164H silicone LS64 & S23: viewtopic.php?p=2531780#p2531780
My LoveNestle Aubrey: viewtopic.php?t=182219
Waiting for my Zelex SLE 160J 206
Wishlist: SM 136 Elf | Jiusheng 152E Arisa | XT Doll 160H XT-2 | Piper 150cm Jennie | Zelex SLE 166K 201 | WM 173H (LHP update pls!)

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Re: Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup REVIEW

Post by 4891d »

Great review! Thanks! :)
Your very precise and concrete comparisons between silicone and TPE are very interesting, as well as the comparisons between loose and tight skeleton. :thumbs_up:

If I remember correctly, the two heads you chose were also in my list. Very pretty.
I agree with you about the quality of ElsaBabe wigs; The one I received fits my doll (head) very well and adjusts easily.

Links to 4891d's dolls-stories. : viewtopic.php?t=156068
Saaskiya, my beautiful gift (Zelex GE04) : viewtopic.php?t=154462
Trixie came to me (Funwest Dolls Trixie) : viewtopic.php?t=155900
Eurydice, a nice surprise (Elsa Babe RHC019)

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