
Vanessa 65.92LB BBW Silicone Sex Doll review

LoveNestle is a world-leading brand in the manufacturing of silicone torso dolls. As pioneers in this industry, we take immense pride in being the first company to utilize Ultra-Soft Silicone on sex doll torsos. The groundbreaking use of this innovative material sets us apart, revolutionizing the realism and tactile experience of our products. Your Orgasm is Our Mission! Website: www.lovenestle.com
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Vanessa 65.92LB BBW Silicone Sex Doll review

Post by just a guy »

Here's my review of LoveNestle Vanessa BBW torso doll.

Peaches club photo session 2 (1).jpg
Peaches club photo session 2 (1).jpg (230.4 KiB) Viewed 5346 times


Height: 85 cm / 38 inches
Upper bust: 97 cm / 38 inches
Under bust: 63 cm / 25 inches
Waist: 58 cm / 23 inches
Hips: 105 cm / 41 inches

Material: Silicone

Doll came with the following:

- Belly piercing (not free, I ordered separately)
- LoveNestle absorbent stick
- LoveNestle heating rod
- LoveNestle brochure
- Thank you card
- Bikinis (that were too small speacially the bra doesn't fit at all)

Mukana tulleet tavarat.jpg
Mukana tulleet tavarat.jpg (194.15 KiB) Viewed 5346 times

All these neatly packaged to 2 big zip bags and all LoveNestel branded except the bikinis. I also tried to take as hig res photos that I can so that I can show how detailed the painting and texturing(”goose bumps” / skin details) are. There's so much details that it really need to be shown! The promo video that is available in LoveNestles own website is as accurate as the torso really looks in real life! So the best video and high resolution images you find there https://www.lovenestle.com/product/vane ... big-boobs/

But let's get started.

I ordered Vanessa 1st of january and she arrived 2nd of february. If I have understood correctly she was made not sent from warehouse so when it took from manufacturing to shipped to my home only 4 weeks and 4 days I would sayt that is pretty fast :)

With my other dolls the waiting time has always been 8 weeks with manufacturing included. Only my hentai torso came from warehouse in 2 weeks time.

I personally don't use the absorbent rod since I have tested it on my Hentai torso because it also came with it, but it left the hole wet. Instead I use the best method to dry my dolls orfies which is aquariump pump read more about the best method to dry your doll here: viewtopic.php?t=169612

I tested to heat the heating rod and it heated pretty fast and pretty warm also. Took about 5 minutes to heat enough so that it would warm the doll orifice. Definetly better than the one FunWestDoll sent that warm up only few degrees in 20 minutes which is totally useless.

Brochure is very informative and well made. Every manufacturer should use the opportunity to sent brochures of their stuff to inform customer I mean why you miss the opportunity to advertise your merch???

I also ordered belly piercing which I have to instal my self, I thought it would be done for me, but seems not. I thought to add something little more to the doll. Here's little photo I took of the piercing separately after all other photos. It was pretty easy to install except I put it little bit sideways in the first time then had to re do it and now it's about right :)

Belly piercing.jpg
Belly piercing.jpg (157.17 KiB) Viewed 5346 times

LoveNestle also send by default some lingerie / bikinis which are huge dissapointmen. They said that the defualt photo bikini set was out of stock which looked sexy imo so they would send something ”sexy” instead. Unfortunately what they send was too small bikinis. I barely got the panties on and they tore little bit on the process. Bras was totally way too small and look stupid like you see on the photo at the end of this review. I have ton of hot lingeries so it doesn't matter that much, but would have been nice to get actual set that actually fit to the dolls big titties since it's their custom to sent a set :(


First of all neck was bent forward like they always are though, but it was easy to straighten. I don't understand though why torso needs adjustable neck since there is no head? My hentai torso don't have anykind of neck bone so the whole neck area is just TPE and the bone inside is just straight nothing coming up toward the neck. Not having useles neck bone would also save some weight too since metal is more dense than silicone.

Also box had taken big hit at the bottom, but the inside padding took the hit and torso was intackt :)
Torso was packed into 2 blankets and then blankets were taped so they don't move off from the torso. Less tape would have been enough guys :) Seems LoveNestle use the method where they spray liquid foam that then hardens since there were silver plastic wrap over the harden foam like I have seen used on other doll manufacturers. This means that they spray foam onto the silver plastic material and let it expand in a way that it perfectly molds into the torso which in this case was wrapped into blankets.

Silicone material on the torsos is broken little bit on top of the neck like you see on the photo. I have silicone glue so I can fix it no problem. Unlike on my TPE torso the neck bone goes very high and is probably the reason why the material is broken since it has been pushing against it. Top of the neck has very thin layer of silicone so also wondering why risk of break material on useless neck bone???

Broken neck top.jpg
Broken neck top.jpg (104.42 KiB) Viewed 5346 times


Skeleton is not super stiff which is nice. Seems you can also arch the back forward and backwards alot which is nice :) This way you can control how much boobs you want in your face when she lays on top of you. I can't do that on my hentai TPE torso at all it's one solid un flexible skeleton. You can also rotate the torso slightly either way and bent sideways. Only thing usefull is the arching back in my use, but perhaps in the future I can find some use for the others if not anyhting else at least variety :)


Silicone feels amazing it don't have plastic feel to it like my Elsa Babe L-cup. I think this is because Elsa Babe don't have texture or hyper realistic painting. Without powder both Elsa Babe and Vanessa feels sticky just like TPE. After powdering Elsa Babe becomes very slick and this creates the plastic feeling sense there is no frinction. TPE has friction even after powdering and that's why it feels like real skin. After powdering Vanessa also still has that skin feel and not getting all ”slippery” / ultra smooth, but the friction still stays there so it retains the feel of real skin even after powdering which is very very, very nice :)

I quess since Vanessa has texturing on the whole body and painting it makes the skin to have slightly more friction. This feeling is very nice very natural human skin feel similar to TPE, but not oily and abit smoother not as much friction as TPE. Also the silicone seems to be a little bit softer than silicone on my Elsa Babe. I would estimate perhaps 10-20%. Lovenestle advertise them self on the brochure that they use soft silicone so this seems to be so :)

Texture painting and texturing looks 100% like real human it's amazing! Texturing means that the whole budy is full of little skin grooves and pumbs so the the surface is not smooth just like real skin. There is also all kind of ”noise” on the body painting to make the skin not look smooth surface like real skin does. Also blue veins are made very nicely and lightly and look authentic since they don't poke too much out of the skin paininting.

You can also feel the texture on your fingers when you caress the surface. Really like how you can see the skin grooves and goosebumps. Also when you twist the body the silicone wrinkles looks like real skin wrinkles. LoveNestle definetly knows what they are doing!

High resolution makro photos (1).jpg
High resolution makro photos (1).jpg (124.67 KiB) Viewed 5346 times


Legs as the whole body skeleton are semi easy to move, but there are couple minuses on the legs specifically.

1. Legs could have few degrees more room to move sideways, but perhaps in time they will hopefully. This so the torso would be resting fully against me and the legs would be over my hip and not in the way that the torso is resting on its thighs against my hip.

2. Other things is they can't settle on the 90 degree or over sitting position, but start to move back to straight position by themself :( This has been reported by others too on their reviews about this torso. Legs only come few degrees back not like fully straight after you have folded them so no need to be too worried about that, but it makes sitting of the doll harder. I would estimate legs bending back toward straight position perhaps maybe 20 degrees before they stop so they stay on 70 degrees. This could also be because of the foam on the legs. Perhaps this can be fixed by taking the foam little bit down from the waist so it won't pack when leg is being put to 90 degrees or more position.

3. I suggest them to use harder silicone on the bottom of the legs because the metal there almost poked through when I was washing her and she was standing on floor. Since the silicone they use is slightly more softer than Elsa Babe I understand the metal can poke through in the future so I maybe have to find a solution for this. For now I have washed her on the sitting position like my old torso which works fine even though I'm afraid of the butt taking damage. So far butt has keep it shape though and no damage has come to it :)

Other perhaps easier thing would be to reshape the metal pole. My hentai torso has like metal balls on the end of each bone so the presusre is distirbuted more evenly than on Vanessa where there is just pure hollow metal pole without anykind of widening at the end distributing the pressure thus poking more easily through the silicone.

tore leg bottoms.jpg
tore leg bottoms.jpg (144.69 KiB) Viewed 5346 times


I bought this torso because doll with this big breasts weight over 40 kg and I'm not going to buy ever again another 40 kg doll or one that weight over that. In fact I will move into under 30 kg dolls. This torso weighs 30kg, but since it's not full doll it's easier to handle though it takes some arm strenght which I have so it was good compromise. I get huge knockers, but not the weight package that comes along with them :)

Close ups eka sessio (3).jpg
Close ups eka sessio (3).jpg (96.39 KiB) Viewed 5346 times

Breasts feels 100% like real breasts. They seems to be slightly bigger than on my Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup. Breasts are also more softer perhaps 5-10%. Very nice job I don't think these boobies can dissapoint any boob lover :) Nipples are also nice and natural size compaired to breast size. If I could choose I would take perhaps like 5 millimeter taller and wider nipples since I like them slighly bigger, but not too big. Still great nipples. Areola could be perhaps at least 2 centimeters wider, but it looks very natural too as it is now.


I took my Vanessa with all the goodies so it also has the love ass which is the softest ass LoveNestle offers. Definetly brings realism to it since but cheeks in general are mostly just fat so it gives that sensation as well I highly recommend it!

It's so nice to squeeze that ass while she is on top of me riding! Damn! Also when doing her behind but cheeks make waves just like real ass make which is visually pleasing and bring back memories :)


Anal and vagina are also very soft which is very very nice. Pussy lips also looks awesome really love it :P Anal is like open hole by default, but if you squeeze legs together the anal hole also forms into more like a slit like real anal does. When legs are open anal is a rounds hole which is nice since it's more easy to clean the cavity!

LHP is slightly off. I would estimate LHP being like 80-90% there. It's definetly easier to enter from behind into the vagina than on my TPE doll and TPE torso, but not as easy as on my Elsa Babe which I think have perfect LHP.

Here's how the anal looks when legs closed
Close ups eka sessio (10).jpg
Close ups eka sessio (10).jpg (79.86 KiB) Viewed 5346 times

Here's how it look legs open
Close ups eka sessio (4).jpg
Close ups eka sessio (4).jpg (127.07 KiB) Viewed 5346 times


One thing that is kind of wierd is that the torso don't have any smell. It's super duper neutral and I can't give any kind of example that the torso could resemble. This is how the dolls should be made with least amount of smell as possible seems LoveNestle can do it so if any kind of smell is an issue it isn't on this doll. The smell is even more neutral smell than Elsa Babe which is pretty neutral already. No matter how hard I try to sniff I can only smell my own room, but not the doll.

Weight is not bad it's easy to handle in bed. More easy than my 34kg full size TPE doll for sure. This is why I didn't mind the torso weight since without arms it's easy to move since you don't need to adjust other than stumpy legs :) You can easily roll the torso off from top of you no problem and back on top and what ever and you don't need to worry breaking fingers or arms / elbows. This is why torso is so handy that even with 30kg it's still easier to handle and carry than full size doll!

The hip on this doll is 105cm which is something that I would never buy full size doll with that big hips. It doesn't look that big actually in real life and the waist also is biggest from all my dolls. Still with the biggest waist and hip Vanessa is super sexy and the body shape is very nicely done. I also like how she actually have little pubic mound. That is really nice and as it would be on a real woman. The body shape is like athletic and not like fatty bbw. This because the size of hip and waist is more like on a real woman that is just thin since normally dolls have over narrow waist that normal humans don't have. I was afraid that bigger hip and waist would be little turn off even though the breasts are awesome, but fortunately they are not a problem at all :)

I also like how the back and chest sides are harder like in real woman. Not as hard, but definetly harder than on any of my dolls. It is nice feeling to feel harder back which to caress. Thigs are also harder which is not that realistic, but it doesn't matter that much. I quess the reason for this is the foam which you can feel through the silicone so the torso wouldn't weight more that it does now. I think the back and sides also had this foamcore. Stomach area has few centimeter more silicone making it softer area which is nice :)

If I can suggest I would suggest to take foam little bit off inside the thighs. Perhaps 2-4 centimeters so the thigh would be softer against owners thighs when Vanessa sits on top of you.

One thing that this silicone doll have managaed to hide is the mold seams. On my Elsa Babe seams go through the whole doll, but on Vanessa you can barely see the seam on only few places and most not. I don't know how they did it since all silicone dolls have seams. Only other brand I have seen that can hide seams is Fanreal doll.

Here's few photos of seams:

Right leg:
High resolution makro photos (11).jpg
High resolution makro photos (11).jpg (322.74 KiB) Viewed 5346 times
Right leg:
Saumoja (3).jpg
Saumoja (3).jpg (70.25 KiB) Viewed 5346 times

Definetly This torso has alot more to offer than my TPE torso. I paid 666€ from this and the TPE costed 490€ so what it is worth I highly recommend this over the TPE since it is better in every possible way. Most I like this one is that it's taller so when the torso is on top of me my head is around the chest area which is nice because boobies are there :D

Also because you can arch the body you can arch the torso forward makin it shorter and thus you can have your head resting on the shoulder instead of chest. If you arch the torso back you get the boobies more in your face :)

Also since it's silicone it don't have oil sweat issues like TPE have and since it has even more softer ass and breasts then on my TPE torso it's more realistic. The amount of detail texture on the silicone it self with realistic body painting the torso also looks 100% real and feels real like real human being skin. The amount of money I paid is a steal I tell you!

Normal price is around 760€ which I think is very reasonable price since the quality definetly is there to back the price! I got 114€ off because of sales going on so thanks for that LoveNestel!

Also I bought mine with klarna 1 year plan and payback is about 62€ per month. So the price is very doable for anybody. I could have take 3 years when the price is even lower, but interest is then too much for me so thought to take 1 year instead and I will pay it back even sooner just need to time to balance bank account first. With klarna the finals price is around 734€ if paying in 1 yeare, but even less when paying faster since each month also has handling fees added.

Anybody looking for quality torso this is it.

All in all this torso even with few minuses is 5/5 and I'm very happy to bought it :)
I can recommend this torso anybody who love big boobies and and ass just remember to take this doll with the all soft options so you get the ultimate feel! There's no reason to pay more on this type of torso since this torso has it all already.

Here's my exact specs I ordered this torso with:

Color: Fair
Softness: Ultra-soft
Breasts: LoveBoob
Ass: LoveAss
Ultra-Realistic Body Paint & Texture: Real Skin (Default)
More Customized Options: No, Thanks.

At the end I saved the ugly bikini shot just to show how small they are.
Mukana tulleet liian pienet bikinit.jpg
Mukana tulleet liian pienet bikinit.jpg (167.15 KiB) Viewed 5346 times

I will paste more photos and videos in the future so that's why I wanted to make this review open so people can ask questions and see the review been kept alive. Also one reply can only have 12 attachment so... :)
Review of my Elsa Babe 148cm L-cup - viewtopic.php?t=183920
Review of my Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup - viewtopic.php?t=172708
Review of my Vanessa BBW Torso Doll - viewtopic.php?t=177349
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Re: Vanessa 65.92LB BBW Silicone Sex Doll review

Post by goofy_dr_love »

Thanks for the review.
Mine had same damages on legs and neck which it was not bothering me. Overall the torso was not my cup of tea and i do like torsos.
Review - LoveNestle Vanesssa torso viewtopic.php?t=170013
starpery 148 F Wayne - silicone - review viewtopic.php?t=173241
Dolls i own:
Happy doll 168cm E Elf - fabric
Tayu 151 E+ Peach - silicone - review viewtopic.php?t=173737
Wish list:
Tayu torso 100cm
Tayu 161cm Katniss silicone

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Re: Vanessa 65.92LB BBW Silicone Sex Doll review

Post by just a guy »

thanks man
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Re: Vanessa 65.92LB BBW Silicone Sex Doll review

Post by just a guy »

I had Vanessa spending night at the delivery box last night. This morning when I opened the box I noticed wet marks on the feet and neck area. Wasn't silicone not supposed to sweat like TPE does ? Why box walls have wet marks from the parts?
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Review of my Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup - viewtopic.php?t=172708
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Re: Vanessa 65.92LB BBW Silicone Sex Doll review

Post by goofy_dr_love »

just a guy wrote: Wed Feb 07, 2024 2:39 pm I had Vanessa spending night at the delivery box last night. This morning when I opened the box I noticed wet marks on the feet and neck area. Wasn't silicone not supposed to sweat like TPE does ? Why box walls have wet marks from the parts?
I think this soft silicone does thst at the beginning, like when is fresh. Even my Tayu doll did "sweat". My guess is because of this soft silicone properties.
Review - LoveNestle Vanesssa torso viewtopic.php?t=170013
starpery 148 F Wayne - silicone - review viewtopic.php?t=173241
Dolls i own:
Happy doll 168cm E Elf - fabric
Tayu 151 E+ Peach - silicone - review viewtopic.php?t=173737
Wish list:
Tayu torso 100cm
Tayu 161cm Katniss silicone

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Re: Vanessa 65.92LB BBW Silicone Sex Doll review

Post by just a guy »

Nice to hear you too have similar issue confirming what I suspected. It's probably due to the manufacturing process to make silicone softer that it sweat for a while then stops, kind of "curing" still going on I guess :)

Would be nice to hear LoveNestles say about this since they probably know what's happening exactly :)
Review of my Elsa Babe 148cm L-cup - viewtopic.php?t=183920
Review of my Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup - viewtopic.php?t=172708
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Re: Vanessa 65.92LB BBW Silicone Sex Doll review

Post by LoveNestle »

just a guy wrote: Wed Feb 07, 2024 4:57 pm Nice to hear you too have similar issue confirming what I suspected. It's probably due to the manufacturing process to make silicone softer that it sweat for a while then stops, kind of "curing" still going on I guess :)

Would be nice to hear LoveNestles say about this since they probably know what's happening exactly :)
Thank you for such an amazing review. Would you mind Dm me your order number? I will talk to my team for something you mentioned in your post.

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Re: Vanessa 65.92LB BBW Silicone Sex Doll review

Post by LoveNestle »

goofy_dr_love wrote: Mon Feb 05, 2024 11:35 am Thanks for the review.
Mine had same damages on legs and neck which it was not bothering me. Overall the torso was not my cup of tea and i do like torsos.
Thank you for leaving a comment on this post. Would you mind DM me your order number? I will talk to my team about something you mentioned in your post.

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Re: Vanessa 65.92LB BBW Silicone Sex Doll review

Post by Babel99 »

Very interesting review. I was considering that torso for a while, but would like to order it with the M6 head adapter. I would really like to fit that torso and a good ROS head.

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Re: Vanessa 65.92LB BBW Silicone Sex Doll review

Post by just a guy »

Got reply back from LoveNestle and they said it's normal that the doll stains. Seems their production is then similar to TPE production since silicone don't sweat at all. Maybe becuase this is soft silicone it reguires something different like more oil when making so then it sweat. I don't know, don't really have a clue, but I have been believing that silicone don't swerat at all perhaps it's the normal silicone then and soft silicone will sweat? If anybody has experience on other dolls with soft silicone material would be nice to hear about it.

The doll skin feels like "sweaty", but it doesn't stain my hand or body like TPE does when TPE sweats. My TPE FunWestDoll also don't stain it's the Tantaly torso that has huge amount of oil, but it's has really slowed down recently which is nice :)

I have taken tons of photos and will add some here soon.
Review of my Elsa Babe 148cm L-cup - viewtopic.php?t=183920
Review of my Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup - viewtopic.php?t=172708
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Re: Vanessa 65.92LB BBW Silicone Sex Doll review

Post by foofighter12 »

Awesome review, I'm highly considering getting one of these. Could you do a video demonstrating the softness of the ass?

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Re: Vanessa 65.92LB BBW Silicone Sex Doll review

Post by just a guy »

yes I have sever al of those I will upload some of them and of titties as well :)
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Re: Vanessa 65.92LB BBW Silicone Sex Doll review

Post by just a guy »

Here's two but video. First one is showing the softness. I don't need to squeeze hard at all and the ass can be manipulated very easily.
Second one is slowmotion video since showing the left ass cheeck gettin slapped :)

Ass testing.mp4
(14.78 MiB) Downloaded 307 times
Butt slap slow left cheek.mp4
(26.69 MiB) Downloaded 200 times
Here's close up video of the ass and backside in which you see some of the texturing that the whole body is covered with. In ass area there are these little pimples like "goosebumps" alongise with skin texture. The back and other parts of the body is more focused on skintexture not that much pimples. So it's not like the whole body has these pimples like in the ass no no. The texturing is changing through out the body :)

I didn't have auto focus on on the close up video so pause the video in order to see the details. I have better more sharp photos I will upload later. You can take so good photos of the torso that it looks 100% real in photos. I will upload some of those later too.

Close up video (1).mp4
(26.31 MiB) Downloaded 218 times

Also the realism in real life when you focus like on the butt area only Vanessa will look 100% real woman because of the skin texturing and hyper realistic painting. This even though it's a torso is the most realistic looking doll I have. It will be very likely that when I buy new doll some day it will be like this. Also the silicone is softer than normal silicone which gives very lifelike touch too! The hyper realism definetly spice the sex session alot! Also the skin texture give the doll more realistic feeling when caressing it since you can feel the skin texture with you finger tips. This torso is a steal I tell you :)

Also the ass cheeks have this groove on the bottom which pops out the ass. None of my dolls have this which is a shame. This gives the ass more toned look since there is this little groove separating the ass from the thigh area. This is yet another very well thought out detail and I don't see this often, but this groove is how ass actually look like.

Here's an example of the ass grooves under each butt cheek from my previous photo.

Review of my Elsa Babe 148cm L-cup - viewtopic.php?t=183920
Review of my Elsa Babe 160cm L-cup - viewtopic.php?t=172708
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Re: Vanessa 65.92LB BBW Silicone Sex Doll review

Post by just a guy »

I would like to add that the arm part at the shoulder area the skeleton has like smooth rounded cubes there so it makes it so that you don't feel like metal pipe pokin on the sides. For some unknown reason these are not on the bottom of the legs and on top of the neck which makes these areas little vulnerable since the silicone is softer than regular silicone and I have had to use silicone glue already to repait top of the neck and bottom of right thight.

Here's photo how the metla pipe skeleton had poke the silicone thorugh. Now the neck has been fixed so the hole is sealed again and no water can go through there anymore.
Broken neck top.jpg
Broken neck top.jpg (104.42 KiB) Viewed 4425 times
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Re: Vanessa 65.92LB BBW Silicone Sex Doll review

Post by Vazian »

Pretty sure that hole was there on purpose so you could screw in this hook to hang the doll for storage:

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